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Teaching pop vocal performance to students: A comparison of methods used in Russia

Yıl 2021, , 2769 - 2782, 30.12.2021


The present study aims to compare modern Russian and foreign methods of teaching pop vocal
to college and university students from the point of their effectiveness and educational results
based on the analysis of the theoretical background and experimental studies. Globalization,
internationalization of cultures, the active introduction of electronic educational environments,
and distance and online learning now allow mastering many vocal techniques and teaching
methods and putting them into practice in a short amount of time. In this regard, the need
to compare and evaluate modern Russian and foreign methods of teaching pop vocals, as well
as identify the advantages and determine the prospects for their further use in pedagogical
practice become relevant. The study summarizes the experience of teaching pop vocals and a
comparative analysis of three modern methods of teaching – one foreign (Joe Estill) and two
Russian (M.L. Kats and O. Donskaia). The results of the experiment show that the effectiveness of
these techniques is due to the emphasis placed on the active and comprehensive development of
the vocal apparatus, singing support, rhythmic coordination, singing vibrato, vocal techniques,
melismatics, and the development of the vocal range and voicing resonators. The control stage
of the experiment reveals the expressiveness of singing, the integrity of vocal pieces, the density
of sound in all registers, and the improvement of the quality of timbral coloration of the voice
in the tested group of students. These results were undoubtedly promoted by the previously
studied and newly implemented methods of teaching pop vocals.


  • Budnitskaia, T.A. (2012). Istoriia stanovleniia professionalnogo dzhazovogo obrazovaniia v Rossii i SShA: sravnitelnyi analiz [The history of the development of professional jazz education in Russia and the USA: a comparative analysis]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Oblastnogo Universiteta. Seriya: Pedagogika, 2, 5-10.
  • Chernova, O.S. (2014). Podgotovka nachinaiushchego estradnogo vokalista k kontsertno-ispolnitelskoi deiatelnosti [Preparation of a novice pop vocalist for concert performance]. Pedagogicheskoye obrazovaniye v Rossii, 12, 227-231.
  • Donskaia-Anisimova, O.A. (2019). Svoboda i volia. Russkaia shkola estradnogo vokala: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [Freedom and will. Russian school of pop vocal: teaching aid]. Moscow: n.p., 190 p.
  • Emelianov, V.V. (2000). Razvitie vokalnoi metodiki [Development of vocal techniques]. Saint Petersburg: Lan, 190 p.
  • Estill Voice International. (n.d.). (date of access: December 11, 2020).
  • Howard, E. (2007). Tekhnika peniia. Vokal dlia vsekh [Singing technique. Vocals for everyone]. Moscow: Smolin K.O., 62 p.
  • Isaeva, I.O. (2017). Estradnoe penie. Ekspress-kurs razvitiia vokalnykh sposobnostei [Pop vocals. An express course of the development of vocal abilities]. Moscow: Astrel, 318 p.
  • Kats, M.L. (2018). Vash golos: sekrety vokalnogo masterstva [Your voice: secrets of vocal mastery]. Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 192 p.
  • Korobka, V.I. (1989). Vokal v populiarnoi muzyke: metodicheskoe posobie [Vocals in popular music: a methodical guide]. Moscow: Studiia Rekord, 46 p.
  • Kuznetsova, E.P. (2017). Metodologicheskie razlichiia trebovanii k podgotovke akademicheskikh i estradnykh vokalistov [Methodological differences in the requirements for the training of academic and pop vocalists]. Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie nauki, kulturologiia i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki, 9(83), 188–121.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V. (2017). Traditsionnaia muzyka SShA: istoricheskaia i zhanrovaia panorama [Traditional music in USA: historical and genre panorama]. Muzykalnaia akademiia, 2(758), 89–95.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V. (2019). Angloamerikanskii folklor: ot kovboiskoi ballady k stiliu kantri [Anglo-American folklore: from cowboy ballad to country style]. In: I.A. Korsakova (Ed.), Artistic space of culture of the third millennium: problems of science and education. Collection of scientific works of the Schnittke Higher School of Music (Institute) of the Russian State Social University (pp. 179-209). Moscow: Russian State Social University.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V., Smirnov, A.V. (2017). Sovremennoe solfedzhio kak uslovie formirovaniia professionalnykh kompetentsii uchitelei muzyki [Modern solfeggio as a condition for the formation of professional competencies in music teachers]. Scientific Notes of the Russian State Social University, 16(5(144)), 159–167.
  • Pereverzeva, M., Anufrieva, N., Shcherbakova, A., Anufriev, E. (2018). USA music as a reflection of the national sociocultural values. In: A. Maloletko, N. Rupcic, Z. Baracskai (Eds.), Economic and Social Development. Book of Proceedings (pp. 840-846). Varazhdin: Varazdin development and entrepreneurship agency.
  • Pivnitskaia, O.V. (2014). Osobennosti intonirovaniia v sovremennom estradnom vokale: istoricheskii i pedagogicheskii aspekty [Features of intonation in modern pop vocal: historical and pedagogical aspects]. Muzykalnoe iskusstvo i obrazovanie, 3, 127–133.
  • Polotskaia, F.L. (2016). Nekotorye aspekty vokalno-pedagogicheskogo vospitaniia pevtsov v estradnom vokalnom ansamble [Some aspects of vocal pedagogical upbringing of singers in a pop vocal ensemble]. Aktualnye problemy prava, ekonomiki i upravleniia, 12, 430–434.
  • Pronin, A.M. (2012). Metodika razvitiia proprioritseptsii dykhatelnogo apparata v protsesse obucheniia estradnomu vokalu [Method for the development of proprioception of the respiratory apparatus in the process of teaching pop vocal]. Vestnik TGU, 10(114), 241-246.
  • Shafazhinskaya, N.E., Shcherbinina, V.M., Ivanova, E.Y., Belyakova, T.E., Pereverzeva, M.V. (2019). Learning about world art culture as a method of forming a universal cross-cultural communication competence. Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 7(6), 1225–1229.
  • Sibirenko, E.A. (2019). Razvitie vokalnykh navykov po metodike “COMPLETE VOCAL TECHNIQUE” [Development of vocal skills according to the “COMPLETE VOCAL TECHNIQUE” method]. Iskusstvo i obrazovanie, 4, 61–69.
  • Solianinova, L.K., Demidova, V.I. (2019). Ispolzovanie metodiki Seta Riggsa v protsesse obucheniia estradnomu vokalu [Using Seth Riggs’ method in teaching pop vocal]. In: O.V. Gribkova (Ed.), Muzykal'noye obrazovaniye i nauka v sovremennom mire (pp. 302-307). Moscow: Pero.

Teaching pop vocal performance to students: A comparison of methods used in Russia

Yıl 2021, , 2769 - 2782, 30.12.2021


The present study aims to compare modern Russian and foreign methods of teaching pop vocal to college and university students from the point of their effectiveness and educational results based on the analysis of the theoretical background and experimental work. Globalization, internationalization of cultures, the active introduction of electronic educational environments, and distance and online learning now allow mastering many vocal techniques and teaching methods and putting them into practice in a short amount of time. In this regard, the need to compare and evaluate modern Russian and foreign methods of teaching pop vocals, as well as identify the advantages and determine the prospects for their further use in pedagogical practice become relevant. The study summarizes the experience of teaching pop vocals and a comparative analysis of three modern methods of teaching – one foreign (Joe Estill) and two Russian (M.L. Kats and O. Donskaia). The results of the experiment show that the effectiveness of these techniques is due to the emphasis placed on the active and comprehensive development of the vocal apparatus, singing support, rhythmic coordination, singing vibrato, vocal techniques, melismatics, and the development of the vocal range and voicing resonators. The control stage of the experiment reveals the expressiveness of singing, the integrity of vocal pieces, the density of sound in all registers, and the improvement of the quality of timbral coloration of the voice in the tested group of students. These results were undoubtedly promoted by the previously studied and newly implemented methods of teaching pop vocals.


  • Budnitskaia, T.A. (2012). Istoriia stanovleniia professionalnogo dzhazovogo obrazovaniia v Rossii i SShA: sravnitelnyi analiz [The history of the development of professional jazz education in Russia and the USA: a comparative analysis]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Oblastnogo Universiteta. Seriya: Pedagogika, 2, 5-10.
  • Chernova, O.S. (2014). Podgotovka nachinaiushchego estradnogo vokalista k kontsertno-ispolnitelskoi deiatelnosti [Preparation of a novice pop vocalist for concert performance]. Pedagogicheskoye obrazovaniye v Rossii, 12, 227-231.
  • Donskaia-Anisimova, O.A. (2019). Svoboda i volia. Russkaia shkola estradnogo vokala: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [Freedom and will. Russian school of pop vocal: teaching aid]. Moscow: n.p., 190 p.
  • Emelianov, V.V. (2000). Razvitie vokalnoi metodiki [Development of vocal techniques]. Saint Petersburg: Lan, 190 p.
  • Estill Voice International. (n.d.). (date of access: December 11, 2020).
  • Howard, E. (2007). Tekhnika peniia. Vokal dlia vsekh [Singing technique. Vocals for everyone]. Moscow: Smolin K.O., 62 p.
  • Isaeva, I.O. (2017). Estradnoe penie. Ekspress-kurs razvitiia vokalnykh sposobnostei [Pop vocals. An express course of the development of vocal abilities]. Moscow: Astrel, 318 p.
  • Kats, M.L. (2018). Vash golos: sekrety vokalnogo masterstva [Your voice: secrets of vocal mastery]. Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 192 p.
  • Korobka, V.I. (1989). Vokal v populiarnoi muzyke: metodicheskoe posobie [Vocals in popular music: a methodical guide]. Moscow: Studiia Rekord, 46 p.
  • Kuznetsova, E.P. (2017). Metodologicheskie razlichiia trebovanii k podgotovke akademicheskikh i estradnykh vokalistov [Methodological differences in the requirements for the training of academic and pop vocalists]. Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie nauki, kulturologiia i iskusstvovedenie. Voprosy teorii i praktiki, 9(83), 188–121.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V. (2017). Traditsionnaia muzyka SShA: istoricheskaia i zhanrovaia panorama [Traditional music in USA: historical and genre panorama]. Muzykalnaia akademiia, 2(758), 89–95.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V. (2019). Angloamerikanskii folklor: ot kovboiskoi ballady k stiliu kantri [Anglo-American folklore: from cowboy ballad to country style]. In: I.A. Korsakova (Ed.), Artistic space of culture of the third millennium: problems of science and education. Collection of scientific works of the Schnittke Higher School of Music (Institute) of the Russian State Social University (pp. 179-209). Moscow: Russian State Social University.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V., Smirnov, A.V. (2017). Sovremennoe solfedzhio kak uslovie formirovaniia professionalnykh kompetentsii uchitelei muzyki [Modern solfeggio as a condition for the formation of professional competencies in music teachers]. Scientific Notes of the Russian State Social University, 16(5(144)), 159–167.
  • Pereverzeva, M., Anufrieva, N., Shcherbakova, A., Anufriev, E. (2018). USA music as a reflection of the national sociocultural values. In: A. Maloletko, N. Rupcic, Z. Baracskai (Eds.), Economic and Social Development. Book of Proceedings (pp. 840-846). Varazhdin: Varazdin development and entrepreneurship agency.
  • Pivnitskaia, O.V. (2014). Osobennosti intonirovaniia v sovremennom estradnom vokale: istoricheskii i pedagogicheskii aspekty [Features of intonation in modern pop vocal: historical and pedagogical aspects]. Muzykalnoe iskusstvo i obrazovanie, 3, 127–133.
  • Polotskaia, F.L. (2016). Nekotorye aspekty vokalno-pedagogicheskogo vospitaniia pevtsov v estradnom vokalnom ansamble [Some aspects of vocal pedagogical upbringing of singers in a pop vocal ensemble]. Aktualnye problemy prava, ekonomiki i upravleniia, 12, 430–434.
  • Pronin, A.M. (2012). Metodika razvitiia proprioritseptsii dykhatelnogo apparata v protsesse obucheniia estradnomu vokalu [Method for the development of proprioception of the respiratory apparatus in the process of teaching pop vocal]. Vestnik TGU, 10(114), 241-246.
  • Shafazhinskaya, N.E., Shcherbinina, V.M., Ivanova, E.Y., Belyakova, T.E., Pereverzeva, M.V. (2019). Learning about world art culture as a method of forming a universal cross-cultural communication competence. Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 7(6), 1225–1229.
  • Sibirenko, E.A. (2019). Razvitie vokalnykh navykov po metodike “COMPLETE VOCAL TECHNIQUE” [Development of vocal skills according to the “COMPLETE VOCAL TECHNIQUE” method]. Iskusstvo i obrazovanie, 4, 61–69.
  • Solianinova, L.K., Demidova, V.I. (2019). Ispolzovanie metodiki Seta Riggsa v protsesse obucheniia estradnomu vokalu [Using Seth Riggs’ method in teaching pop vocal]. In: O.V. Gribkova (Ed.), Muzykal'noye obrazovaniye i nauka v sovremennom mire (pp. 302-307). Moscow: Pero.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Müzik
Bölüm Müzik Eğitimi

Natalia Anufrieva 0000-0003-4119-9805

Semyon Limanov Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6005-6976

Yana Mamonova Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8064-767X

Natalia Anchutina Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4041-1659

Maria Kats Kats Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1556-6942

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Anufrieva, N., Limanov, S., Mamonova, Y., Anchutina, N., vd. (2021). Teaching pop vocal performance to students: A comparison of methods used in Russia. Rast Musicology Journal, 9(2), 2769-2782.

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