Araştırma Makalesi
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Creative artistic and musical activity of the child as a process of socialization

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 3043 - 3062, 31.12.2021


The article presents key results of the research project “Socialization of children in difficult life situations by means of art” under the State Assignment of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to the Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education for the year 2020. As a result of the conducted study based on the analysis of theoretical aspects of philosophical, psychological, sociological, pedagogical, and culturological conceptions concerning personality development through art, promising approaches to the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the productive socialization of children in difficult situations are identified. The Concept of pedagogical support for the productive socialization of children in difficult situations by means of art is developed and includes a theoretical model for the organization of children’s socialization and their integration into the sociocultural space through active artistic and creative activity. The potential of art and artistic activity in the socialization of children in difficult life situations is substantiated in the general cultural, social, and pedagogical aspects. The relationships between emotional and value self-identification of a person and their involvement in independent or collective artistic and creative activity are revealed.

Destekleyen Kurum

The article was written within the framework of the State assignment of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education” No. 073-00026-20-01 on the project “Socialization of children in difficult life situations by means of art” No. AAAA-A20-120030590088-6 for 2020.


  • Dewey, J. (1915). Froebel's educational principles. In: The school and society by J. Dewey (pp. 111-127). Chicago: University of Chicago.
  • Ionin, L.G. (2004). Sotsiologiia kultury: Uchebnoe posobie dlia vuzov [Sociology of culture: Textbook for universities]. Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publishing House.
  • Iusov, B.P. (2004). Vzaimosviaz kulturogennykh faktorov v formirovanii sovremennogo khudozhestvennogo myshleniia uchitelia obrazovatelnoi oblasti “Iskusstvo”: izbr. tr. po istorii, teorii i psikhologii khudozhestv. vospitaniia detei [The relationship of cultural factors in the formation of modern artistic thinking of teachers in the educational field “Art”: selected works on the history, theory, and psychology of artistic upbringing of children]. Moscow: Sputnik+, 252 p.
  • Kozhevnikova, V.V. (2018). Modelirovanie obrazovatelnoi sredy dlia detei rannego vozrasta na osnove amplifikatsii razvitiia [Designing the educational environment for young children based on developmental amplification]. Ph.D. dissertation in pedagogical sciences. Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia.
  • Krylova, N.B. (2007). Razvitie kulturologicheskogo podkhoda v sovremennoi pedagogike [Development of the culturological approach in modern pedagogy]. In: I.M. Bykhovskaya (Ed.), Lichnost v sotsiokulturnom izmerenii: istoriia i sovremennost: a collection of articles (pp. 132-138). Moscow: Indrik.
  • Kudriavtsev, V.T. (1999). Psikhologiia razvitiia cheloveka: osnovaniia kulturno-istoricheskogo podkhoda [Psychology of human development: the foundations of the cultural and historical approach]. Moscow: “Eksperiment” publishing house.
  • Slobodchikov, V.I. (2005). Ocherki psikhologii obrazovaniia [Essays on the psychology of education] (2nd ed., revised and enlarged). Birobidzhan: Birobidzhan State Pedagogical Institute Publishing House.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1983). Sobranie sochinenii v 6 t. [Collected Works in 6 volumes]. Vol. 3. Moscow: Pedagogics.
  • Zaporozhets, A.V. (1986). Izbrannye psikhologicheskie trudy: v 2 t. [Selected psychological works: in 2 volumes]. Moscow: Pedagogics.
  • Zinchenko, V.P. (2010). Soznanie i tvorcheskii akt: Monografiia [Consciousness and creative act: Monograph]. Moscow: Languages of Slavic cultures.
  • Zinchenko, V.P., Morgunov, E.B. (1994). Chelovek razvivaiushchiisia. Ocherki rossiiskoi psikhologii [Developing person. Essays on Russian psychology]. Moscow: Trivola.

Çocuğun sosyalleşme süreci olarak yaratıcı sanatsal ve müzikal etkinliği

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 3043 - 3062, 31.12.2021


Makale, Rusya Federasyonu Eğitim Bakanlığı'nın Rusya Eğitim Akademisi Sanat Eğitimi ve Kültürel Çalışmalar Enstitüsü'ne Devlet Ataması kapsamında “Zor yaşam durumlarında çocukların sanat yoluyla sosyalleştirilmesi” araştırma projesinin önemli sonuçlarını sunmaktadır. Sanat yoluyla kişilik gelişimi ile ilgili felsefi, psikolojik, sosyolojik, pedagojik ve kültürel kavramların teorik yönlerinin analizine dayanan yürütülen çalışma sonucunda, üretkenlik için psikolojik ve pedagojik koşulların yaratılmasına yönelik umut verici yaklaşımlar çocukların zor durumlarda sosyalleşmesi belirlenir. Zor durumlarda çocukların sanat yoluyla üretken sosyalleşmeleri için pedagojik destek kavramı geliştirilmiştir ve çocukların sosyalleşmesinin organizasyonu ve aktif sanatsal ve yaratıcı aktivite yoluyla sosyokültürel alana entegrasyonu için teorik bir model içerir. Zor yaşam koşullarında çocukların sosyalleşmesinde sanat ve sanatsal aktivitenin potansiyeli, genel kültürel, sosyal ve pedagojik açılardan doğrulanmaktadır. Bir kişinin duygusal ve değerli kendini tanımlaması ile bağımsız veya kolektif sanatsal ve yaratıcı faaliyetlere katılımları arasındaki ilişkiler ortaya çıkar.


  • Dewey, J. (1915). Froebel's educational principles. In: The school and society by J. Dewey (pp. 111-127). Chicago: University of Chicago.
  • Ionin, L.G. (2004). Sotsiologiia kultury: Uchebnoe posobie dlia vuzov [Sociology of culture: Textbook for universities]. Moscow: Higher School of Economics Publishing House.
  • Iusov, B.P. (2004). Vzaimosviaz kulturogennykh faktorov v formirovanii sovremennogo khudozhestvennogo myshleniia uchitelia obrazovatelnoi oblasti “Iskusstvo”: izbr. tr. po istorii, teorii i psikhologii khudozhestv. vospitaniia detei [The relationship of cultural factors in the formation of modern artistic thinking of teachers in the educational field “Art”: selected works on the history, theory, and psychology of artistic upbringing of children]. Moscow: Sputnik+, 252 p.
  • Kozhevnikova, V.V. (2018). Modelirovanie obrazovatelnoi sredy dlia detei rannego vozrasta na osnove amplifikatsii razvitiia [Designing the educational environment for young children based on developmental amplification]. Ph.D. dissertation in pedagogical sciences. Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia.
  • Krylova, N.B. (2007). Razvitie kulturologicheskogo podkhoda v sovremennoi pedagogike [Development of the culturological approach in modern pedagogy]. In: I.M. Bykhovskaya (Ed.), Lichnost v sotsiokulturnom izmerenii: istoriia i sovremennost: a collection of articles (pp. 132-138). Moscow: Indrik.
  • Kudriavtsev, V.T. (1999). Psikhologiia razvitiia cheloveka: osnovaniia kulturno-istoricheskogo podkhoda [Psychology of human development: the foundations of the cultural and historical approach]. Moscow: “Eksperiment” publishing house.
  • Slobodchikov, V.I. (2005). Ocherki psikhologii obrazovaniia [Essays on the psychology of education] (2nd ed., revised and enlarged). Birobidzhan: Birobidzhan State Pedagogical Institute Publishing House.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1983). Sobranie sochinenii v 6 t. [Collected Works in 6 volumes]. Vol. 3. Moscow: Pedagogics.
  • Zaporozhets, A.V. (1986). Izbrannye psikhologicheskie trudy: v 2 t. [Selected psychological works: in 2 volumes]. Moscow: Pedagogics.
  • Zinchenko, V.P. (2010). Soznanie i tvorcheskii akt: Monografiia [Consciousness and creative act: Monograph]. Moscow: Languages of Slavic cultures.
  • Zinchenko, V.P., Morgunov, E.B. (1994). Chelovek razvivaiushchiisia. Ocherki rossiiskoi psikhologii [Developing person. Essays on Russian psychology]. Moscow: Trivola.
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Müzik
Bölüm İnterdisipliner Müzik Araştırmaları

Irina Vladimirovna Wagner 0000-0002-0396-867X

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Akishina 0000-0002-1345-5202

Elena Petrovna Olesina Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3703-0356

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Wagner, I. V., Akishina, E. M., & Olesina, E. P. (2021). Creative artistic and musical activity of the child as a process of socialization. Rast Musicology Journal, 9(3), 3043-3062.

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