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Afetler Karşısında Toplum Dirençliliği

Yıl 2017, , 1 - 9, 31.12.2017


Afetler günlük yaşamı alt
üst eden, can ve mal kayıplarına yol açabilen, insan çevre arasındaki dengenin
bozulmasına neden olan olaylardır. Doğal ya da teknolojik tehlike, risk ve
kırılganlık ile birleştiğinde yıkıcı afetler meydana gelebilir. Son yıllarda,
ekonomik, sosyolojik, çevresel ve fiziksel kırılganlıkların artmasıyla
özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerde, afetler daha sık yaşanmaya başlamıştır.
ISDR 2015 raporuna göre; dünyada afetlerden kaynaklanan maddi hasarın yıllık
ortalama 314 milyar ABD dolarına ulaştığı tahmin edilmektedir. Son 10 yılda
sadece meteorolojik kökenli afetlerin sayısı % 14 oranında artmıştır .
Afetlerin olası etkilerini azaltmak; ancak başarılı bir afet risk yönetimi ve
toplumun afetlere karşı direncinin artırılması ile mümkün olabilecektir.
Toplumda afetlere karsı direnç az, zarar görebilirlilik /kırılganlık fazla ise,
afet oluşumu ve afetlerin olası etkilerine maruz kalmak kaçınılmaz olur. Bu
makalede afet dirençliliği kavramı irdelenmiş ve UNISDR tarafından gündeme
getirilmiş olan HFA ve Sendai Eylem planları çerçevesinde, toplumda afetlere
karşı direncin artırılması için yapılabilecek çalışmalar değerlendirilmiştir.


  • AFAD Başkanlığı, (2013). Türkiye’deki Suriyeli Sığınmacılar, Saha Araştırması Sonuçları, Ankara.
  • Aitsi-Selmi A, Murray V, Heymann D, McCloskey B, Azhar EI, Petersen E, Zumla A, Dar O, (2016), Reducing risks to health and wellbeing at mass gatherings: the role of the Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Infectious Diseases
  • Asharose, Saizen, I. and Praveen, K. C. S., (2015), “Awareness Workshop as an Effective Tool and Approach for Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study from Tamil Nadu, India, Sustainability, 7, 8965-8984; doi:10.3390/su7078965.
  • Aytaç, T., (2000), “Gelecegin Öğrenme Biçimi: E-Öğrenme”, Bilim ve Aklın Aydınlığında Eğtim Dergisi,
  • Brooks, C., Greer, J., Melis, E. and Ullrich, C. (2006). Combining ITS and eLearning technologies: Opportunities and challenges. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4053. download March, 20, 2012.
  • Colin G., Harrison, C.G., and Williams, P., R. (2016), A systems approach to natural disaster resilience. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 65 11–31.
  • Cutter, S. L., Barnes,L., MelissaBerry, M., Burton, C., Evans E., Eric, Webb, J., (2008). A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters. Global Environmental Change18, 598–606.
  • Gerdan, S. and Buluş Kırıkkaya, E. (2016) University students assess the achievement of the e-learning outcomes of disasters and mitigation and disaster management courses. AJIT-e: Online Academic Journal of Information Technology.7(25), 1309-1581. http://www.ajit‐
  • Kitagawa, K., (2015), Continuity and change in disaster education in Japan, History of Education, 44:3, 371-390, DOI: 10.1080/0046760X.2014.979255.
  • Karancı, N., Akşit, B., Dirik, G., (2005). Impact of a Community Disaster Awareness Training Program in Turkey: Dos It Influence Hazard-Releted Cognitions and Preparedness Behaviors. Social Behavior and Personality, 33(3), 243-258.
  • Liu, J.W.W., Reed, M., (2017). Advancing resilience: An integrative, multi-system model of resilience. Girard Personality and Individual Differences 111, 111–118.
  • Manyena, B., (2009). Disaster resilience in development and humanitarian interventions. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
  • Sanduvac, Z., M. & Petal, M., (2010) “History of School Seismic Safety in Turkey.” Seminar Series on Disaster Education in the UK. Tainter, J.A. & Taylor, T.G., (2014). Complexity, problem-solving, sustainability and resilience Building Research & Information.Vol. 42 , Iss. 2.
  • Uekusa, S. and Matthewman, S., (2017). Vulnerable and resilient? Immigrants and refugees in the 2010–2011Canterbury and Tohoku disasters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 22 355–361
  • UNISDR, (2005, March). Hyogo framework for action 2005-2015: building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters. In Extract from the final report of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (A/CONF. 206/6) (Vol. 380).
  • UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2009. Terminology. Geneva: UNISDR.
  • UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2015. Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015–2030. Geneva: UNISDR.
  •’inden 15.09. 2017 de alınmıştır.
  •’den 15.09. 2017 de alınmıştır.
  • download October, 10, 2011
  •’den 15.08. 2017 de alınmıştır.

Community Resilience Against Disasters

Yıl 2017, , 1 - 9, 31.12.2017


Disasters effects daily
life and can lead loss of life and property, and destabilize the human
environment. When combined with natural or technological hazard, risk and
vulnerability, destructive disasters may occur. In recent years, with
increasing economic, sociological, environmental and physical vulnerabilities,
disasters have begun to occur more frequently, especially in developing
countries. According to ISDR 2015 report; it is estimated that the property
damage caused by disasters in the world reaches an average of 314 billion US
dollars annually. In the last 10 years, only the number of meteorological
disasters has increased by 14%. Reducing the possible effects of disasters can
be possible with a successful disaster risk management and with increasing
disaster resilience. If the disaster resilience is low in the society and the
vulnerability is high, it is inevitable to be exposed to the disasters and its
destructive effects. This article examines the concept of disaster resilience
and assesses the work that can be done to increase disaster resilience in
society in the framework of the HFA and Sendai Action Plans, which have been
brought to the agenda by UNISDR.


  • AFAD Başkanlığı, (2013). Türkiye’deki Suriyeli Sığınmacılar, Saha Araştırması Sonuçları, Ankara.
  • Aitsi-Selmi A, Murray V, Heymann D, McCloskey B, Azhar EI, Petersen E, Zumla A, Dar O, (2016), Reducing risks to health and wellbeing at mass gatherings: the role of the Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Infectious Diseases
  • Asharose, Saizen, I. and Praveen, K. C. S., (2015), “Awareness Workshop as an Effective Tool and Approach for Education in Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study from Tamil Nadu, India, Sustainability, 7, 8965-8984; doi:10.3390/su7078965.
  • Aytaç, T., (2000), “Gelecegin Öğrenme Biçimi: E-Öğrenme”, Bilim ve Aklın Aydınlığında Eğtim Dergisi,
  • Brooks, C., Greer, J., Melis, E. and Ullrich, C. (2006). Combining ITS and eLearning technologies: Opportunities and challenges. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4053. download March, 20, 2012.
  • Colin G., Harrison, C.G., and Williams, P., R. (2016), A systems approach to natural disaster resilience. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 65 11–31.
  • Cutter, S. L., Barnes,L., MelissaBerry, M., Burton, C., Evans E., Eric, Webb, J., (2008). A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters. Global Environmental Change18, 598–606.
  • Gerdan, S. and Buluş Kırıkkaya, E. (2016) University students assess the achievement of the e-learning outcomes of disasters and mitigation and disaster management courses. AJIT-e: Online Academic Journal of Information Technology.7(25), 1309-1581. http://www.ajit‐
  • Kitagawa, K., (2015), Continuity and change in disaster education in Japan, History of Education, 44:3, 371-390, DOI: 10.1080/0046760X.2014.979255.
  • Karancı, N., Akşit, B., Dirik, G., (2005). Impact of a Community Disaster Awareness Training Program in Turkey: Dos It Influence Hazard-Releted Cognitions and Preparedness Behaviors. Social Behavior and Personality, 33(3), 243-258.
  • Liu, J.W.W., Reed, M., (2017). Advancing resilience: An integrative, multi-system model of resilience. Girard Personality and Individual Differences 111, 111–118.
  • Manyena, B., (2009). Disaster resilience in development and humanitarian interventions. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
  • Sanduvac, Z., M. & Petal, M., (2010) “History of School Seismic Safety in Turkey.” Seminar Series on Disaster Education in the UK. Tainter, J.A. & Taylor, T.G., (2014). Complexity, problem-solving, sustainability and resilience Building Research & Information.Vol. 42 , Iss. 2.
  • Uekusa, S. and Matthewman, S., (2017). Vulnerable and resilient? Immigrants and refugees in the 2010–2011Canterbury and Tohoku disasters. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 22 355–361
  • UNISDR, (2005, March). Hyogo framework for action 2005-2015: building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters. In Extract from the final report of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (A/CONF. 206/6) (Vol. 380).
  • UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2009. Terminology. Geneva: UNISDR.
  • UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction). 2015. Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015–2030. Geneva: UNISDR.
  •’inden 15.09. 2017 de alınmıştır.
  •’den 15.09. 2017 de alınmıştır.
  • download October, 10, 2011
  •’den 15.08. 2017 de alınmıştır.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Yer Bilimleri ve Jeoloji Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Nehir Varol

Esma Buluş Kırıkkaya

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2017
Kabul Tarihi 21 Kasım 1899
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Varol, N., & Buluş Kırıkkaya, E. (2017). Afetler Karşısında Toplum Dirençliliği. Resilience, 1(1), 1-9.

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