A Participatory Approach to Improve Local Resilience in Düzce
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 131 - 143, 31.12.2018
İpek Güler
Nilgün Okay
Pınar Köylü
Elif Kutay Karaçor
Bilge Aydın
Azime Tezer
Osman Uzun
Fatih Terzi
Zeynep Türkay
Ebru Satılmış
Didem Kara
this study, we examine and evaluate local knowledge to develop an integrated participatory
model for spatial planning. We used participatory
approaches in Düzce province to enhance risk communication, and to obtain the local
point of view related to natural hazards and vulnerabilities through
collaborative workshop techniques. We integrated
multi-knowledge sources including geoecological research data and local expert knowledge,
and including the results of questionnaire surveys’ analyses from workshops and
town-watch exercise. This paper presents integrated information that can be useful
in risk communication, and valuable analyses in terms of stakeholders’
responsibilities and sources in disaster risk reduction towards resilience.
- Alexander D.E. (2013). Resilience and disaster risk reduction: an etymological journey, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 13 (11): 2707–2716, http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/nhess-13-2707-2013.
- Aydın B., Tezer A., Türkay Z., Yılmaz M., Karaçor E., Güler İ., Uzun O., Okay N., Terzi F., Köylü P., Satılmış E., Kara D. (2018). Resilience through participatory planning for integrated ecological risks in Düzce. Resilience (in this issue).
- Berkes F., Colding J., Folke C. (2000). Rediscovery of traditional ecological knowledge as adaptive management. Ecological Applications 10(5):1251-1262.
- Holling C.S. (2011). Understanding the complexity of economic, ecological, and social systems, Ecosystems 4 (5) (2001) 390–405, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10021-001-0101-5.
- Huntington H.P. 2002. Observations on the workshop as a means of improving communication between holders of traditional and scientific knowledge. Environmental Management, 30:778-792.
- Kachergis E. J., Knapp C.N., Fernandez-Gimenez M.E., Ritten J.P., Pritchett J.G., Parsons J., Hibbs W., Roath R. (2013). Tools for resilience management: multidisciplinary development of state-and-transition models for northwest Colorado. Ecology and Society 18(4): 39.
- Knapp C. N., Fernandez-Gimenez M., Kachergis E., Rudeen A. (2011). Using participatory workshops to integrate state-and-transition models created with local knowledge and ecological data. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 64 (2):158-170.
- Na J., Okada N., Fang, L. (2009). A collaborative action development approach to improving community disaster reduction using the Yonmenkaigi system. J Nat Disaster Sci, 30 (2): 57-69.
- Ogawa Y., Fernandez A.L., Yoshimura T. (2005). Town Watching A Tool For Citizen Participation In Developing Countries: Applications In Disaster Training. Int’l J. Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 23 (2): 5-36.
- Okay N. (2018). Afete Dirençli Kentler için Risk Azaltma (Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilient Cities). Şehir & Toplum, (10): 117-127.
- Okay N., Tezer A., Terzi, F., Pek A.N. (2014). Afete Duyarlı Yerleşim Planlama Süreçleri ile Yerbilimleri Verilerinin Bütünleştirilmesi ve Tuzla İlçesi İçin Bir Afet Risk Yönetimi Modeli. Tuzla Belediyesi, s. 293.
- Patela M., Kok K., Rothman D.S. (2007). Participatory scenario construction in land use analysis: an insight into the experiences created by stakeholder involvement in the Northern Mediterranean. Land Use Policy, 24:546-561.
- Samaddar S., Okada N., Choi J., Tatano H. (2017). What constitutes successful participatory disaster risk management? Insights from post-earthquake reconstruction work in rural Gujarat, India. Nat Hazards, 85:111–138.
- Shaw R. (ed.) (2014). Community Practices for Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan, In: Disaster Risk Reduction, Springer Japan.
- Takeuchi Y., Xu W., Kajitani Y., Okada N. (2012). Investigating risk communication process for community’s disaster reduction with a Framework of communicative survey method”. J Nat Disaster Sci., 33(1): 49-58.
- Tezer A., Uzun O., Okay N., Terzi F., Köylü P., Karaçor E., Türkay Z., Kaya M., Güler İ., Aydın B., Kara D. (2018a). Ekosistem Servislerine Dayalı “Havza Koruma Alanları” Tanımlamasının Önemi ve Kapsamı: Düzce – Melen Havzası. Kentli: 58-62.
- Tezer A., Türkay Z., Uzun O., Terzi F., Köylu P., Karaçor E., Okay N., Kaya M. (2018b). Ecosystem services-based multi-criteria Assessment for ecologically sensitive watershed management. Environment, Development and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-018-00300-5.
- UNISDR (2015). Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030. In: Proceedings of the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Sendai, Japan, 14–18 March 2015., no. March: 1–25. https://doi.org/A/CONF.224/CRP.1
- Ural A., Kılıç I. (2005). Scientific research process and data analysis with SPSS. SPSS 12.0 for Windows. Detay Publ., Ankara.
Düzce’de Yerel Dirençliliğin Geliştirilmesinde Katılımcı Bir Yaklaşım
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 131 - 143, 31.12.2018
İpek Güler
Nilgün Okay
Pınar Köylü
Elif Kutay Karaçor
Bilge Aydın
Azime Tezer
Osman Uzun
Fatih Terzi
Zeynep Türkay
Ebru Satılmış
Didem Kara
Bu çalışma kapsamında katılımcı mekânsal planlama
için, Düzce İli’nin doğal yapı hassasiyetleri, tehlike ve risklerine ilişkin
farkındalığını sağlamak, afet risk azaltma ve risk iletişiminin sürdürülebilirliğini
arttırmak üzere odak grup çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Odak gruplarına, doğal yapı hassasiyetleri ve
tehlike verilerine dayalı bütünleşik değerlendirme sonuçları paylaşılmış ve
farkındalıkları hakkında geri bildirim alınmıştır. Masabaşı anket ve mahalle risk tespit saha
çalışmaları ile katılımcıların riskleri İl ve yerel düzeyde derecelendirilmeleri
istenmiştir. Bu makalede yerel bilgi ve
jeoekolojik verilerin bütünleştirilmesinin yanısıra afet risk azaltmadaki
sorumluluklar ve kaynaklar bakımından katılımcıların değerlendirmeleri ile
ilgili dikkat çekici bulgular sunulmaktadır.
- Alexander D.E. (2013). Resilience and disaster risk reduction: an etymological journey, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 13 (11): 2707–2716, http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/nhess-13-2707-2013.
- Aydın B., Tezer A., Türkay Z., Yılmaz M., Karaçor E., Güler İ., Uzun O., Okay N., Terzi F., Köylü P., Satılmış E., Kara D. (2018). Resilience through participatory planning for integrated ecological risks in Düzce. Resilience (in this issue).
- Berkes F., Colding J., Folke C. (2000). Rediscovery of traditional ecological knowledge as adaptive management. Ecological Applications 10(5):1251-1262.
- Holling C.S. (2011). Understanding the complexity of economic, ecological, and social systems, Ecosystems 4 (5) (2001) 390–405, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10021-001-0101-5.
- Huntington H.P. 2002. Observations on the workshop as a means of improving communication between holders of traditional and scientific knowledge. Environmental Management, 30:778-792.
- Kachergis E. J., Knapp C.N., Fernandez-Gimenez M.E., Ritten J.P., Pritchett J.G., Parsons J., Hibbs W., Roath R. (2013). Tools for resilience management: multidisciplinary development of state-and-transition models for northwest Colorado. Ecology and Society 18(4): 39.
- Knapp C. N., Fernandez-Gimenez M., Kachergis E., Rudeen A. (2011). Using participatory workshops to integrate state-and-transition models created with local knowledge and ecological data. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 64 (2):158-170.
- Na J., Okada N., Fang, L. (2009). A collaborative action development approach to improving community disaster reduction using the Yonmenkaigi system. J Nat Disaster Sci, 30 (2): 57-69.
- Ogawa Y., Fernandez A.L., Yoshimura T. (2005). Town Watching A Tool For Citizen Participation In Developing Countries: Applications In Disaster Training. Int’l J. Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 23 (2): 5-36.
- Okay N. (2018). Afete Dirençli Kentler için Risk Azaltma (Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilient Cities). Şehir & Toplum, (10): 117-127.
- Okay N., Tezer A., Terzi, F., Pek A.N. (2014). Afete Duyarlı Yerleşim Planlama Süreçleri ile Yerbilimleri Verilerinin Bütünleştirilmesi ve Tuzla İlçesi İçin Bir Afet Risk Yönetimi Modeli. Tuzla Belediyesi, s. 293.
- Patela M., Kok K., Rothman D.S. (2007). Participatory scenario construction in land use analysis: an insight into the experiences created by stakeholder involvement in the Northern Mediterranean. Land Use Policy, 24:546-561.
- Samaddar S., Okada N., Choi J., Tatano H. (2017). What constitutes successful participatory disaster risk management? Insights from post-earthquake reconstruction work in rural Gujarat, India. Nat Hazards, 85:111–138.
- Shaw R. (ed.) (2014). Community Practices for Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan, In: Disaster Risk Reduction, Springer Japan.
- Takeuchi Y., Xu W., Kajitani Y., Okada N. (2012). Investigating risk communication process for community’s disaster reduction with a Framework of communicative survey method”. J Nat Disaster Sci., 33(1): 49-58.
- Tezer A., Uzun O., Okay N., Terzi F., Köylü P., Karaçor E., Türkay Z., Kaya M., Güler İ., Aydın B., Kara D. (2018a). Ekosistem Servislerine Dayalı “Havza Koruma Alanları” Tanımlamasının Önemi ve Kapsamı: Düzce – Melen Havzası. Kentli: 58-62.
- Tezer A., Türkay Z., Uzun O., Terzi F., Köylu P., Karaçor E., Okay N., Kaya M. (2018b). Ecosystem services-based multi-criteria Assessment for ecologically sensitive watershed management. Environment, Development and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-018-00300-5.
- UNISDR (2015). Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030. In: Proceedings of the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Sendai, Japan, 14–18 March 2015., no. March: 1–25. https://doi.org/A/CONF.224/CRP.1
- Ural A., Kılıç I. (2005). Scientific research process and data analysis with SPSS. SPSS 12.0 for Windows. Detay Publ., Ankara.