Purpose- The
purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between psychological
hardiness and demographic factors and management characteristics on hospitality
management employees.
Methodology- Quantitative methodology was adopted to achieve the aim
of this study and data were collected via questionnaire through hospitality
management employees in four and five stars hotels. 450 questionnaires were distributed and 390 were collected for analysis. A four-item scale
is benefited in the study, which is developed by Personal View Survey-PVS III–R of Maddi and Khoshaba adopted into
Turkish culture by Durak (2002) in order to evaluate the pyshological hardiness
of the participants. The data obtained were analyzed by statistical programs
IBM SPSS 20.0.
Findings- The study shows that there is a positive relationship between psychological hardiness
and position in management, working shift, occupational commitment, advancement
opportunity, self-development opportunity, job safety, attending to social
activity off the job, being appreciated/rewarding and satisfaction of physical
working environment of employee. On the other hand there is no relationship between psychological hardiness and gender, age, marital
status, educational level, department, tourism education, sector experience,
accommodation condition, using off day, monthly income and being contact with
supervisor off the job of employees.
Conclusion- As a result, the psychological hardiness level
depends on more about the management characteristics than the demographical features. Therefore
deciding on how to choose an employee, the person-job fit should be considered
as an important fact and managing the companies with new and modern methods
become an important role.
Primary Language | English |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 30, 2018 |
Published in Issue | Year 2018 Volume: 5 Issue: 1 |
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