Globalization has become more widespread as a result of a number of changes and developments in recent years. As a result of globalization, the borders disappeared and countries started to trade goods and services intensively with each other. On the one hand, the increase in trade volume has made the countries dependent on each other while eliminating the need for goods and services and providing income to the treasury. Another inevitable consequence of countries' trade with each other is the trade deficit. In an environment of intense global competition, countries are taking measures to avoid trade deficit. The application of these measures in the form of retaliation between countries results in trade wars.
From the mercantilist era to the present day, the wars that have been increasing rapidly and intensively have become more effective and widespread with the developing technology and logistics networks. As a result of technological development, transportation and informatics have improved considerably. Goods produced in an environment where borders are abolished, with a large number of producers and consumers, must be delivered quickly to the importing country. At this point, the logistics sector is increasingly important. The aim of this study is to explain the effect of trade wars on logistics sector in recent years. In this context, previously prepared studies are compiled. As a result of the evaluation, it was determined that the trade wars experienced decreased the global trade volume and adversely affected the logistics sector.