Hz. Peygamber’in ashâbı, bir takım şahsî özellikleri açısından hadis rivayetine farklı şekillerde katkı sunmuşlardır. Bu çalışmada da Yahudilikten ihtidâ etmiş bir sahâbî olması özelliğiyle dikkatleri çeken Abdullah b. Selâm ve hadis rivayeti ele alınmıştır. Müslüman olmadan önce Medine Yahudilerinin önemli ilim adamlarından biri olan Abdullah b. Selâm, Müslümanlar arasında da ilmî açıdan önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur. Sahâbîlerin ona sorular yönelterek onun eski dinine dair ilminden istifade ettikleri görülmektedir. Hatta Hz. Peygamber dahi bazı hususlarda onun Tevrat bilgisinden yararlanmıştır. Abdullah b. Selâm, hakkında birtakım ayetler nazil olan, aynı zamanda pek çok ayetin tefsirinde de kendisinden bahsedilen bir sahâbîdir Kur’an’ın Yahudi kökenli oldu-ğuna dair iddialarda adının zikredilmesi de Abdullah b. Selâm’ı önemli bir isim kılmaktadır. Hadis rivayeti açısından bakıldığında Abdullah b. Selâm’ın yetmiş beş rivayeti tespit edilmiştir. Bu yetmiş beş rivayet içerik olarak incelendiğinde ise aslında bunların toplamda elli rivayetin farklı versiyonları olduğu görülmektedir. Bu rivayetler çerçevesinde Abdullah b. Selâm’dan rivayette bulunan elli râvî tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar içerisinde sahâbî, muhadram ve tâbînden olanlar bulunmaktadır. İsrâiliyat üzerinden eleştiriye maruz kalan Abdullah b. Selâm’ın mevkuf rivayetleri içerikleri itibariyle incelendiğinde İsrâiliyat konularıyla alakalı olabilecek yirmi iki tane mevkuf rivayeti olduğu görülmüştür. Bu rivayetlerin içeriği genel itibariyle yaratılış, peygamberler tarihi, ahiret ahvâli, kıyamet alametleri, fiten ve melâhîm ile alakalıdır. Bu tür rivayetlerinin miktarı göz önünde bulundurulduğunda aslında onun İsrâiliyat konusunda çok abartılacak bir etkisinin bulunmadığını söylemek mümkündür.
The companions of the Prophet contributed to ḥadīth narration in different ways in terms of some of their personal characteristics. In this study, Abdallah ibn Salam, a companion who converted from Judaism, and his ḥadīth narration are discussed. Abdallah ibn Salam, one of the leading scholars of the Jews, confirmed the Prophet and became a Muslim based on his knowledge of the characteristics of the last prophet, who was reported to come in the Torah. At the time of the Prophet, he was given a number of duties. It is noteworthy that these tasks were especially for his former co-religionists. He demonstrated the sincerity of his Muslim faith by performing these duties. After the Prophet's death, he generally had good relations with the caliphs. He took an active part in some events during the reign of Khalif Umar. He supported Khalif Uthman in his most difficult moment, when the rebels wanted to kill him, and advised Khalif Ali by giving him his predictions about the future. He was one of the most important scholars of the Jews of Medina before he became a Muslim, and after his conversion to Islam, he had an important place among the Muslims in terms of knowledge. From time to time, the companions asked him questions and benefited from his knowledge of his old religion. It was found that Hazrat Umar, Abû Hurayra and Abdallah ibn Abbas asked him questions in this context. It is seen that even the Prophet benefited from his knowledge of the Torah when necessary.
Abdallah ibn Salam was one of the companions who were heralded with the good news of Paradise by the Prophet. It is also seen that a number of verses were revealed about him, and he is mentioned in the exegesis of many verses. In particular, in the exegesis of the verses that mention the believers, the followers of the covenant, those who were given knowledge, the pious, the distinguished, and those who were praised from among the Ahl al-Kitāb in general, these people are explained as Abdallah ibn Salam and his friends. However, there are some verses in the commentaries that are reported to have been revealed as a warning to Abdallah ibn Salam and his friends.
It is seen that there are some unfounded allegations about Abdallah ibn Salam. His name is mentioned in the claims that the Qur'ān is of Jewish origin, which have been voiced by Jews and some Orientalists since the Middle Ages. There are also claims that he was a mentor to the Prophet. However, when the narrative sources are scanned, it is seen that the Prophet benefited from Abdallah ibn Salam's knowledge in only two matters. These two issues are the punishment of stoning Jews for adultery and the reason why the people of Quba were praised by Allah. There are also some unfounded claims about his historical personality. There are orientalists who want to make the date of his conversion to Islam later and even claim that he had actually converted to save the Jewish people by sacrificing himself. However, when historical and narrative sources are examined, it is seen that these claims do not have any solid basis. Abu Reyya, on the other hand, criticized Abdallah ibn Salam on the basis of Israiliyat. According to him, Abdallah ibn Salam pretended to be a sincere Muslim and fabricated lies in the name of the Prophet as a trap to wear down Islam, even though he did not actually accept Islam. However, Abdallah ibn Salam, who converted to Islam at a time when the Muslims were still weak, showed his sincerity by performing the duties assigned to him against his former co-religionists, the Jews. Moreover, there is no insinuation from the companions or the successors that his Islam was a deception; on the contrary, there are narrations praising him.
Seventy-five narrations of Abdallah ibn Salam, who was one of the Muqillun and had the highest number of narrations among the Companions who converted from Judaism, were identified.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | Hadis |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 15 Haziran 2024 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 1 Şubat 2024 |
Kabul Tarihi | 5 Haziran 2024 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2024 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 49 |
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