Research Article
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Flow cytometry and its uses

Year 2016, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 33 - 38, 01.04.2016


Response of cells to be detected using biochemical and physical properties of the microscope for many years the primary specifications have been used for flow cytometry techniques. Flow cytometry is a technique and apparatus based on a single pass along the flow channel and the basis for classification based on cell size and granularity in this order as a suspension of various cells. The surface and internal proteins of cells with this equipment, organelles and other components analysis and separation, size using laser and electronic technology are performed by the granularity and fluorescence emission as basis. Flow cytometry is the basis of technical know well this technique will increase the diagnostic value of standardization and allowing us to use the results in many pathologies.


  • D. Demirel. (1995). Flow sitometrik DNA analizinin temel prensipleri. Türk Patoloji Dergisi. 11 (2). Available:
  • C.H. Dunphy. (2004). Applications of flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry to diagnostic hematopathology. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. 128 (9), pp. 1004-1022. Available:
  • P. Pozarowski, J. Grabarek, Z. Darzynkiewicz. (2004). Flow cytometry of apoptosis. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. 18 (18). Available:
  • F.E. Craig, K.A. Foon. (2008). Flow cytometric immunophenotyping for hematologic neoplasms. Blood. 111 (8), pp. 3941-67. Available:
  • U. Güner. (2012). Flow sitometrinin hidrobiyolojide kullanımı. Journal of 6 (1), pp. 9-17. Available:
  • F. Taneli. (2007). Flow sitometri tekniği ve klinik laboratuvarlarda kullanımı. Türk Klinik Biyokimya Dergisi. 5 (2), pp. 75-82. Available:
  • Z. Youli, M. Shahjahan, C.C. Chang. (2009). Basic principles of flow cytometry. basic concepts of molecular pathology. Molecular Pathology Library. 2, pp. 139-146. Available:
  • H. Daniel. A Review and Applications of Flow Cytometry. Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2004. Available:
  • M. Brown, C. Wittwer. (2000). Flow cytometry: principles and clinical applications in hematology. Clin. Chem. 46, pp.1221–1229. Available:
  • S.F. Ibrahim, G.V.D. Engh. (2007). Flow cytometry and cell sorting. Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol. 106, pp. 19–39. Available:
  • L.A. Herzenberg, D. Parks, B. Sahaf, O. Perez, M. Roederer. (2002). The history and future of the fluorescence activated cell sorter and flow cytometry: a view from stanford. Clin. Chem. 48, pp. 1819–1827. Available:
  • M. Rahman. Introduction to flow cytometry. Serotec Ltd. Oxford (UK). Published by Serotec Ltd. 2006. Available:
  • B.H. Villas. (1998). Flow cytometry: an overview. Cell Vis. 5, pp. 56-61. Available:
  • B. Wood. (2006). 9-color and 10-color flow cytometry in the clinical laboratory. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 130, pp. 680-690. Available:
  • A.S. Rose, K.S. Knox. (2007). Bronchoalveolar lavage as a research tool. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 28 (5), pp. 561-73. Available:
  • E. Matteucci, O. Giampietro. (2008). Flow cytometry study of leukocyte function: analytical comparison of methods and their applicability to clinical research. Curr Med Chem. 15 (6), pp. 596-603. Available:
  • R.A. Peterson, D.L. Krull, L. Butler. (2008). Applications of laser scanning cytometry in immunohistochemistry and routine histopathology. Toxicol Pathol. 36 (1), pp. 117-32. Available:
  • H.R. Hulett, W.A. Bonner, R.G. Sweet, L.A. Herzenberg. (1973). Development and application of a rapid cell sorter. Clin Chem. 19 (8), pp. 813-6. Available:
  • G. Yanıkkaya Demirel, G. Deniz, E. Ekşioğlu Demiralp. (2010). Lenfosit immünofenotiplemesi için kılavuz bilgiler. Türk İmmünoloji Derneği Akan Hücre Ölçer Alt Grubu. pp. 1-19. Available:
  • E.G. van Lochem, V.H.J. van der Velden, H.K. Wind, J.G. te Marvelde, N.A.C. Westerdaal, J.J.M. van Dongen. (2004). Immunophenotypic differentiation patterns of normal hematopoiesis in human bone marrow: reference patterns for age-related changesand disease-ınduced shifts cytometry. Clinical Cytometry, 60B, pp. 1–13. Available:
  • A.L. de Weck, M.L. Sanz, P.M. Gamboa, W. Aberer, J. Bienvenu, M. Blanca, P. Demoly, D.G. Ebo, L. Mayorga, G. Monneret, J. Sainte-Laudy. (2008). Diagnostic Tests Based on Human Basophils: More Potentials and Perspectives than Pitfalls. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 11 (146), pp. 177-89. Available:
  • A. Ocmant, Y. Peignois, S. Mulier, L. Hanssens, A. Michils, L. Schanden. (2007). Flow cytometry for basophil activation markers: the measurement of CD203c up-regulation is as reliable as CD63 expression in the diagnosis of cat allergy. J Immunol Methods. 30(320), pp. 40-8. Available:
  • D. Georgescu, S. Ferrari-Lacraz, J. Villard. (2007). Anti-HLA antibody detection and rejection in kidney transplantation: impact of the new Technologies. Rev Med Suisse. 25(3), pp. 1064-9. Available:
  • J.Z. Appel, M.G. Hartwig, E. Cantu, S.M. Palmer, N.L. Reinsmoen, R.D. Davis. (2006). Role of flow cytometry to define unacceptable HLA antigens in lung transplant recipients with HLA-specific antibodies. Transplantation. 81(7), pp. 1049-57. Available:
  • H. Walczak, T.L. Haas. (2008). Biochemical analysis of the native TRAIL death-inducing signaling complex. Methods Mol Biol. 414: pp. 221-39. Available:
  • J.E. Martinez, J.R. Beck, W.C. Allsbrook, C.G. Pantazis. (1990). Flow cytometric DNA analysis. Clinical Laboratory Science. 3, pp. 180-183. Available:
  • B. Barlogie, W. Godhe, D.A. Johnston, L. Smallwood, J. Schumann, B. Drewinko. (1978). Determinaton of ploidy and proliferative characteristics of human solid tumors by pulse cytophotometry. Cancer Res. 38, pp. 3333-3339. Available:
  • D. Diaz, A. Prieto, E. Reyes, H. Barcenilla, J. Monserrat, M. Alvarez-Mon. (2008). Flow cytometry enumeration of apoptotic cancer cells by apoptotic rate. Methods Mol Biol. 414, pp. 23-33. Available:
  • W. Knapp, H. Strobl, O. Mojdic. (1994). Flow cytometric analysis of the cell surface and intracellular antigens in leukemia diagnosis. Cytometry. 18, pp. 187. Available:
  • M. Shapiro. (1990). Flow cytometric approaches to clinical microbiology. Labmedica. 4(20). Available:
  • M. Macey. Flow cytometry clinical applications. Blackwell scientific publications, chapter 2, 1994. Available:
  • S. Langsrud, G. Sundheim. (2000). Flow cytometry for rapid assessment of bacterical viability. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 36(3), pp. 467-467. Available:
  • A.K. Azkur, M.E. Aslan. (2012). Akış sitometri ve veteriner hekimlikteki uygulamaları. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 7(1), pp. 59-66. Available:
  • K. Dalva, Z. Gülbaş. (2005). Akım sitometri uygulamaları. Türk Hematoloji Derneği Moleküler Hematoloji. pp. 44-52. Available:

Flow sitometri ve kullanım alanları

Year 2016, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 33 - 38, 01.04.2016


Hücrelerin biyokimyasal ve fiziksel özelliklerinin senelerdir primer mikroskop özellikleri kullanılarak saptanmasına karşılık, günümüzde flow sitometri tekniği kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Flow sitometri, çeşitli hücrelerin bir süspansiyon halinde bir akış kanalı boyunca tek tek geçmesi ve bu sırada hücre büyüklüğü ve granülaritesine göre sınıflandırılması esasına dayanan bir teknik ve cihazdır. Bu cihaz ile hücrenin yüzey ve iç proteinleri, organelleri ve diğer bileşenleri analiz ve ayrımı, lazer ve elektronik teknolojisi kullanılarak büyüklük, granülarite ve floresans emisyonu esasına göre gerçekleştirilmektedir. Flow sitometri tekniğinin temelini iyi bilmemiz bu tekniği birçok patolojide kullanmamızı sağlayarak sonuçlarının standardizasyonunu ve tanı koydurucu değerini de arttıracaktır.


  • D. Demirel. (1995). Flow sitometrik DNA analizinin temel prensipleri. Türk Patoloji Dergisi. 11 (2). Available:
  • C.H. Dunphy. (2004). Applications of flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry to diagnostic hematopathology. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. 128 (9), pp. 1004-1022. Available:
  • P. Pozarowski, J. Grabarek, Z. Darzynkiewicz. (2004). Flow cytometry of apoptosis. Curr Protoc Cell Biol. 18 (18). Available:
  • F.E. Craig, K.A. Foon. (2008). Flow cytometric immunophenotyping for hematologic neoplasms. Blood. 111 (8), pp. 3941-67. Available:
  • U. Güner. (2012). Flow sitometrinin hidrobiyolojide kullanımı. Journal of 6 (1), pp. 9-17. Available:
  • F. Taneli. (2007). Flow sitometri tekniği ve klinik laboratuvarlarda kullanımı. Türk Klinik Biyokimya Dergisi. 5 (2), pp. 75-82. Available:
  • Z. Youli, M. Shahjahan, C.C. Chang. (2009). Basic principles of flow cytometry. basic concepts of molecular pathology. Molecular Pathology Library. 2, pp. 139-146. Available:
  • H. Daniel. A Review and Applications of Flow Cytometry. Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2004. Available:
  • M. Brown, C. Wittwer. (2000). Flow cytometry: principles and clinical applications in hematology. Clin. Chem. 46, pp.1221–1229. Available:
  • S.F. Ibrahim, G.V.D. Engh. (2007). Flow cytometry and cell sorting. Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol. 106, pp. 19–39. Available:
  • L.A. Herzenberg, D. Parks, B. Sahaf, O. Perez, M. Roederer. (2002). The history and future of the fluorescence activated cell sorter and flow cytometry: a view from stanford. Clin. Chem. 48, pp. 1819–1827. Available:
  • M. Rahman. Introduction to flow cytometry. Serotec Ltd. Oxford (UK). Published by Serotec Ltd. 2006. Available:
  • B.H. Villas. (1998). Flow cytometry: an overview. Cell Vis. 5, pp. 56-61. Available:
  • B. Wood. (2006). 9-color and 10-color flow cytometry in the clinical laboratory. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 130, pp. 680-690. Available:
  • A.S. Rose, K.S. Knox. (2007). Bronchoalveolar lavage as a research tool. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 28 (5), pp. 561-73. Available:
  • E. Matteucci, O. Giampietro. (2008). Flow cytometry study of leukocyte function: analytical comparison of methods and their applicability to clinical research. Curr Med Chem. 15 (6), pp. 596-603. Available:
  • R.A. Peterson, D.L. Krull, L. Butler. (2008). Applications of laser scanning cytometry in immunohistochemistry and routine histopathology. Toxicol Pathol. 36 (1), pp. 117-32. Available:
  • H.R. Hulett, W.A. Bonner, R.G. Sweet, L.A. Herzenberg. (1973). Development and application of a rapid cell sorter. Clin Chem. 19 (8), pp. 813-6. Available:
  • G. Yanıkkaya Demirel, G. Deniz, E. Ekşioğlu Demiralp. (2010). Lenfosit immünofenotiplemesi için kılavuz bilgiler. Türk İmmünoloji Derneği Akan Hücre Ölçer Alt Grubu. pp. 1-19. Available:
  • E.G. van Lochem, V.H.J. van der Velden, H.K. Wind, J.G. te Marvelde, N.A.C. Westerdaal, J.J.M. van Dongen. (2004). Immunophenotypic differentiation patterns of normal hematopoiesis in human bone marrow: reference patterns for age-related changesand disease-ınduced shifts cytometry. Clinical Cytometry, 60B, pp. 1–13. Available:
  • A.L. de Weck, M.L. Sanz, P.M. Gamboa, W. Aberer, J. Bienvenu, M. Blanca, P. Demoly, D.G. Ebo, L. Mayorga, G. Monneret, J. Sainte-Laudy. (2008). Diagnostic Tests Based on Human Basophils: More Potentials and Perspectives than Pitfalls. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 11 (146), pp. 177-89. Available:
  • A. Ocmant, Y. Peignois, S. Mulier, L. Hanssens, A. Michils, L. Schanden. (2007). Flow cytometry for basophil activation markers: the measurement of CD203c up-regulation is as reliable as CD63 expression in the diagnosis of cat allergy. J Immunol Methods. 30(320), pp. 40-8. Available:
  • D. Georgescu, S. Ferrari-Lacraz, J. Villard. (2007). Anti-HLA antibody detection and rejection in kidney transplantation: impact of the new Technologies. Rev Med Suisse. 25(3), pp. 1064-9. Available:
  • J.Z. Appel, M.G. Hartwig, E. Cantu, S.M. Palmer, N.L. Reinsmoen, R.D. Davis. (2006). Role of flow cytometry to define unacceptable HLA antigens in lung transplant recipients with HLA-specific antibodies. Transplantation. 81(7), pp. 1049-57. Available:
  • H. Walczak, T.L. Haas. (2008). Biochemical analysis of the native TRAIL death-inducing signaling complex. Methods Mol Biol. 414: pp. 221-39. Available:
  • J.E. Martinez, J.R. Beck, W.C. Allsbrook, C.G. Pantazis. (1990). Flow cytometric DNA analysis. Clinical Laboratory Science. 3, pp. 180-183. Available:
  • B. Barlogie, W. Godhe, D.A. Johnston, L. Smallwood, J. Schumann, B. Drewinko. (1978). Determinaton of ploidy and proliferative characteristics of human solid tumors by pulse cytophotometry. Cancer Res. 38, pp. 3333-3339. Available:
  • D. Diaz, A. Prieto, E. Reyes, H. Barcenilla, J. Monserrat, M. Alvarez-Mon. (2008). Flow cytometry enumeration of apoptotic cancer cells by apoptotic rate. Methods Mol Biol. 414, pp. 23-33. Available:
  • W. Knapp, H. Strobl, O. Mojdic. (1994). Flow cytometric analysis of the cell surface and intracellular antigens in leukemia diagnosis. Cytometry. 18, pp. 187. Available:
  • M. Shapiro. (1990). Flow cytometric approaches to clinical microbiology. Labmedica. 4(20). Available:
  • M. Macey. Flow cytometry clinical applications. Blackwell scientific publications, chapter 2, 1994. Available:
  • S. Langsrud, G. Sundheim. (2000). Flow cytometry for rapid assessment of bacterical viability. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 36(3), pp. 467-467. Available:
  • A.K. Azkur, M.E. Aslan. (2012). Akış sitometri ve veteriner hekimlikteki uygulamaları. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 7(1), pp. 59-66. Available:
  • K. Dalva, Z. Gülbaş. (2005). Akım sitometri uygulamaları. Türk Hematoloji Derneği Moleküler Hematoloji. pp. 44-52. Available:
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Martin Kanev

Fulya Gökalp Muranlı This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2016
Submission Date June 27, 2015
Acceptance Date September 11, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 20 Issue: 1


APA Kanev, M., & Gökalp Muranlı, F. (2016). Flow sitometri ve kullanım alanları. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 20(1), 33-38.
AMA Kanev M, Gökalp Muranlı F. Flow sitometri ve kullanım alanları. SAUJS. March 2016;20(1):33-38. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.45424
Chicago Kanev, Martin, and Fulya Gökalp Muranlı. “Flow Sitometri Ve kullanım Alanları”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20, no. 1 (March 2016): 33-38.
EndNote Kanev M, Gökalp Muranlı F (March 1, 2016) Flow sitometri ve kullanım alanları. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20 1 33–38.
IEEE M. Kanev and F. Gökalp Muranlı, “Flow sitometri ve kullanım alanları”, SAUJS, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 33–38, 2016, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.45424.
ISNAD Kanev, Martin - Gökalp Muranlı, Fulya. “Flow Sitometri Ve kullanım Alanları”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 20/1 (March 2016), 33-38.
JAMA Kanev M, Gökalp Muranlı F. Flow sitometri ve kullanım alanları. SAUJS. 2016;20:33–38.
MLA Kanev, Martin and Fulya Gökalp Muranlı. “Flow Sitometri Ve kullanım Alanları”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 20, no. 1, 2016, pp. 33-38, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.45424.
Vancouver Kanev M, Gökalp Muranlı F. Flow sitometri ve kullanım alanları. SAUJS. 2016;20(1):33-8.


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