Research Article
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Investigation of surface properties of nano Tio2 filled polymer based hydrophobic coating

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 77 - 81, 01.04.2017


In this study ETIAL 171 to aluminum alloy surfaces were coated using the sol-gel process the molar ratio of Trimethoxymethylsilane (MTMS), TetraethylorthoSilicate (TEOS), acetic acid and pure water 1: 0.04: 0.34: 1.59. Coatings are manufactured using nano-additive powders titanium dioxide (TiO2). Optical microscope, contact angle, thickness measurement, cross cut test kit devices were used for tests. Coatings produced with hydrophobic properties.


  • BRINKER, C. Jeffrey; SCHERER, George W, Sol-gel science: the physics and chemistry of sol-gel processing, United Kingdon, MA: Academic press, 2013.
  • Rao, A. V., Latthe, S. S., Nadargi, D. Y., Hirashima, H., & Ganesan, V, «"Preparation of MTMS based transparent superhydrophobic silica films by sol–gel method,» Journal of colloid and interface science, cilt 2, no. 332, pp. 484-490, 2009.
  • N. Rivier, «Non-stick quasicrystalline coatings,» Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, no. 153, pp. 458-462, 1993.
  • A. FRANK ve W. SCHOLZ, «Defoamers in the coatings industry,» CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, cilt 5, no. 56, pp. 177-183, 2002.
  • Neri, G., Bonavita, A., Micali, G., Rizzo, G., Callone, E., "Resistive CO gas sensors based on In 2 O 3 and InSnO x nanopowders synthesized via starch-aided sol–gel process for automotive applications," Sensors and Actuators B, vol. 1, no. 132, pp. 224-233, 2008.
  • Piveteau, L. D., Girona, M. I., Schlapbach, L., Barboux, P., Boilot, J. P., & Gasser, B., «Thin films of calcium phosphate and titanium dioxide by a sol-gel route: a new method for coating medical implants,» Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, cilt 3, no. 10, pp. 161-167, 1999.
  • Kiyoharu T., Junichi M., Atsunori M., Tsutomu M., «Superhydrophobic−Superhydrophilic Micropatterning on Flowerlike Alumina Coating Film by the Sol−Gel Method,» Chemistry of materials, cilt 3, no. 12, pp. 590-592, 2000.

Nano TiO2 dolgulu polimer esaslı hidrofobik kaplamanın yüzey özelliklerinin incelenmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 77 - 81, 01.04.2017


Bu çalışmada ETİAL 171 numaralı alüminyum alaşımlı yüzeylere Trimethoxymethylsilane (MTMS), TetraethylorthoSilicate (TEOS), asetik asit ve saf suyun mol oranları sırasıyla 1:0,04:0,34:1,59 olacak şekilde sol-gel yöntemi kullanılarak kaplanmıştır. Kaplamalar titanyumdioksit (TiO2) nano toz katkısı kullanılarak üretilmiştir. Üretilen kaplamaların yüzey analizleri optik mikroskop, ıslatma açısı, kalınlık ölçümü cihazları kullanılarak ve cross-cut test kiti ile yapışma adezyonu belirlenmiştir. Islatma açısı 145,5° olan hidrofobik özelliklere sahip kaplama üretilmiştir. 


  • BRINKER, C. Jeffrey; SCHERER, George W, Sol-gel science: the physics and chemistry of sol-gel processing, United Kingdon, MA: Academic press, 2013.
  • Rao, A. V., Latthe, S. S., Nadargi, D. Y., Hirashima, H., & Ganesan, V, «"Preparation of MTMS based transparent superhydrophobic silica films by sol–gel method,» Journal of colloid and interface science, cilt 2, no. 332, pp. 484-490, 2009.
  • N. Rivier, «Non-stick quasicrystalline coatings,» Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, no. 153, pp. 458-462, 1993.
  • A. FRANK ve W. SCHOLZ, «Defoamers in the coatings industry,» CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry, cilt 5, no. 56, pp. 177-183, 2002.
  • Neri, G., Bonavita, A., Micali, G., Rizzo, G., Callone, E., "Resistive CO gas sensors based on In 2 O 3 and InSnO x nanopowders synthesized via starch-aided sol–gel process for automotive applications," Sensors and Actuators B, vol. 1, no. 132, pp. 224-233, 2008.
  • Piveteau, L. D., Girona, M. I., Schlapbach, L., Barboux, P., Boilot, J. P., & Gasser, B., «Thin films of calcium phosphate and titanium dioxide by a sol-gel route: a new method for coating medical implants,» Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, cilt 3, no. 10, pp. 161-167, 1999.
  • Kiyoharu T., Junichi M., Atsunori M., Tsutomu M., «Superhydrophobic−Superhydrophilic Micropatterning on Flowerlike Alumina Coating Film by the Sol−Gel Method,» Chemistry of materials, cilt 3, no. 12, pp. 590-592, 2000.
There are 7 citations in total.


Subjects Material Production Technologies
Journal Section Research Articles

Cem Mehmetalioğlu

Uğursoy Olgun

Şaduman Şen

Uğur Şen

Akın Akıncı

Ebru Akcan

Arzu Özüyağlı This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Submission Date June 21, 2015
Acceptance Date February 8, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 21 Issue: 2


APA Mehmetalioğlu, C., Olgun, U., Şen, Ş., Şen, U., et al. (2017). Investigation of surface properties of nano Tio2 filled polymer based hydrophobic coating. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 21(2), 77-81.
AMA Mehmetalioğlu C, Olgun U, Şen Ş, Şen U, Akıncı A, Akcan E, Özüyağlı A. Investigation of surface properties of nano Tio2 filled polymer based hydrophobic coating. SAUJS. April 2017;21(2):77-81. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.296793
Chicago Mehmetalioğlu, Cem, Uğursoy Olgun, Şaduman Şen, Uğur Şen, Akın Akıncı, Ebru Akcan, and Arzu Özüyağlı. “Investigation of Surface Properties of Nano Tio2 Filled Polymer Based Hydrophobic Coating”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21, no. 2 (April 2017): 77-81.
EndNote Mehmetalioğlu C, Olgun U, Şen Ş, Şen U, Akıncı A, Akcan E, Özüyağlı A (April 1, 2017) Investigation of surface properties of nano Tio2 filled polymer based hydrophobic coating. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21 2 77–81.
IEEE C. Mehmetalioğlu, U. Olgun, Ş. Şen, U. Şen, A. Akıncı, E. Akcan, and A. Özüyağlı, “Investigation of surface properties of nano Tio2 filled polymer based hydrophobic coating”, SAUJS, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 77–81, 2017, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.296793.
ISNAD Mehmetalioğlu, Cem et al. “Investigation of Surface Properties of Nano Tio2 Filled Polymer Based Hydrophobic Coating”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 21/2 (April 2017), 77-81.
JAMA Mehmetalioğlu C, Olgun U, Şen Ş, Şen U, Akıncı A, Akcan E, Özüyağlı A. Investigation of surface properties of nano Tio2 filled polymer based hydrophobic coating. SAUJS. 2017;21:77–81.
MLA Mehmetalioğlu, Cem et al. “Investigation of Surface Properties of Nano Tio2 Filled Polymer Based Hydrophobic Coating”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 21, no. 2, 2017, pp. 77-81, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.296793.
Vancouver Mehmetalioğlu C, Olgun U, Şen Ş, Şen U, Akıncı A, Akcan E, Özüyağlı A. Investigation of surface properties of nano Tio2 filled polymer based hydrophobic coating. SAUJS. 2017;21(2):77-81.


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