Research Article
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Autonomous flight performance improvement of the morphing aerial robot by aerodynamic shape redesign

Year 2019, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 51 - 65, 01.02.2019


In this article, autonomous flight performance of an
unmanned aerial robot is advanced by benefiting aerodynamic nose and tail cone
shapes redesign both experimentally and computationally. For this intention,
aerodynamic performance criteria (i.e. maximum fineness) of a scaled model of
our autonomous aerial robot called as Zanka-II produced in Erciyes University
Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics Model Aircraft Laboratory is first
observed in sub-sonic Wind Tunnel. Results obtained in this wind tunnel are
validated using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software (i.e. Ansys).
Therefore, nose and tail cone of fuselage are improved in order to maximize
maximum fineness of the autonomous aerial robot. A novel scaled model using
optimum data is then produced and placed in Wind Tunnel in order to validate
Ansys results with experimental results. By using geometrical data of ultimate
aerodynamically optimized aerial robot, better autonomous flight performance is
achieved in both simulation environment (i.e. Matlab and Simulink) and real
time flights.


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  • H. Celik, T. Oktay and I. Turkmen, “Model Predictive Control and Robustness Test of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Zanka-I) in Various Turbulence”, Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 31-42, 2016.
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  • S. Barbarino, F. Gandhi and S. Webster, “Design of Extendable Chord Sections for Morphing Helicopter Rotor Blades,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 891–905, 2011.
  • T. Yue and L. Wang, “Longitudinal Linear Parameter Varying Modeling and Simulation of Morphing Aircraft”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1673-1681, 2013.
  • P. Neittaanmäki, T. Rossi, S. Korotov, E. Oñate, J. Périaux and D. Knörzer, “Overview on drag reduction technologies for civil transport aircraft,” European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 24-28, July 2004.
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  • D. D. Sanders, W. F. O’Brien, R. Sondergaard, M. D. Polanka and D. C. Rabe, “Predicting Separation and Transitional Flow in Turbine Blades at Low Reynolds Numbers-Part I: Development of Prediction Methodology,” J Turbomach, vol. 133, pp. 1-10, 2010.
  • P. Catalano and R. Tognaccini, “Turbulence modeling for low Reynolds number flows,” AIAA Journal, vol. 48, pp. 1673-1685, 2010.
  • F. R. Menter, R. B. Langtry, S.R. Likki, Y. B. Suzen, P. G. Huang and S. Völker, “A correlation based transition model using local variables: part I-model formulation,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 57–67, 2004.
  • T. Misaka and S. Obayashi, “A correlation-based transition models to flows around wings,” AIAA Paper 2006–918, 2006.
  • H. Chao, Y. Cao and Y. Q. Chen, Autopilots for Small Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Survey. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Harbin, China, 2007.
  • J. S. Jang and D. Liccardo, “Automation of small UAVs using a low cost MEMS sensor and embedded computing platform,” IEEE/AIAA 25th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Portland, OR, USA, October 15-19, 2006.
  • J. C. Spall, “Multivariate stochastic approximation using a simultaneousperturbation gradient approximation,” IEEE transactions on automatic control, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 332-341, 1992.
  • T. Oktay, H. Çelik and M. Uzun, “A novel learning algorithm to estimate the optimum fuselage drag coefficient,” Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 63-68, 2017.
  • U.S. Military Handbook MIL-HDBK-1797, 19 December 1997.
Year 2019, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 51 - 65, 01.02.2019



  • R. Austin, Unmanned aircraft systems. Wiley, 2010.
  • Y. Ding, Y. C. Liu and F. B. Hsiao, “The application of extended Kalman filtering to autonomous formation flight of small UAV system,” Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 154-186, 2013.
  • A. Drak, M. Hejase, M. ElShorbagy, A. Wahyudie and H. Noura, “Autonomous Formation Flight Algorithm and Platform for Quadrotor UAVs,” International Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 124-132, 2014.
  • L. De Filippis, G. Guglieri and F. B. Quagliotti, “A novel approach for trajectory tracking of UAVs,” Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 198 – 206, 2014.
  • T. Oktay, M. Uzun, H. Celik and M. Konar, “PID Based Hierarchical Autonomous System Performance Maximization of a Hybrid Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (HUAV)", Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology – A Applied Sciences and Engineering, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 554-562, 2017.
  • H. Celik, T. Oktay and I. Turkmen, “Model Predictive Control and Robustness Test of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Zanka-I) in Various Turbulence”, Journal of Aeronautics and Space Technologies, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 31-42, 2016.
  • Z. Xuetao, UAV Design and Manufacture, BS Thesis, 2010.
  • Z. Lyu, K. W. Kenway and J. R. Martins, “Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Investigations of the Common Research Model Wing Benchmar,” AIAA Journal, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 968-985, 2015.
  • P. Gamboa, J. Vale, F. J. P. Lau and A. Suleman, “Optimization of a morphing wing based on coupled aerodynamic and structural constraints,” AIAA journal, vol. 47, no. 9, 2009.
  • E. Feyzioglu, “Roll characteristics and shape optimization of the free to-rotate tail-fins on a canard-controlled missile,” MS Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 2014.
  • R. P. Liem, J. R. Martins and G. K. Kenway, ”Expected drag minimization for aerodynamic design optimization based on aircraft operational data,” Aerospace Science and Technolog, vol. 63, pp. 344-362, 2017.
  • J. E. Hicken and D. W. Zingg, “Induced-Drag Minimization of Nonplanar Geometries Based on the Euler Equations,” AIAA journal, vol. 48, no. 11, 2010.
  • A. Khalid and P. Kumar, “Aerodynamic Optimization of Box Wing – A Case Study,” International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, vol. 1, no. 4, 2014.
  • T. Oktay, M. Uzun, I Yılmaz and M. Konar, “Aerodynamic nose shape optimization for performance maximization of morphing autonomous aerial robot,” International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 24-28 May 2016.
  • S. Barbarino, F. Gandhi and S. Webster, “Design of Extendable Chord Sections for Morphing Helicopter Rotor Blades,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 891–905, 2011.
  • T. Yue and L. Wang, “Longitudinal Linear Parameter Varying Modeling and Simulation of Morphing Aircraft”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1673-1681, 2013.
  • P. Neittaanmäki, T. Rossi, S. Korotov, E. Oñate, J. Périaux and D. Knörzer, “Overview on drag reduction technologies for civil transport aircraft,” European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 24-28, July 2004.
  • M. K. Chan, “Supersonic Aircraft Optimization for Minimizing Drag and Sonic Boom,” PhD Thesis, 2003.
  • S. Fu and L. Wang, “Modelling the flow transition in supersonic boundary layer with a new k–ω −γ transition/turbulence model,” 7th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements-ETMM7, Limassol, Cyprus, 4–6 June, 2008.
  • F. Menter, “Two-equation eddy viscosity turbulence models for engineering applications,” AIAA Journal, vol. 32, pp. 1598–1605, 1994.
  • R. E. Mayle and A. Schulz, “The path to predicting bypass transition,” ASME J. Turbomach, vol. 119, pp. 405–411, 1997.
  • D. Choudhury, “Introduction to the renormalization group method and turbulence modeling,” Fluent Inc. Technical Memorandum, TM-107, 1993.
  • D. D. Sanders, W. F. O’Brien, R. Sondergaard, M. D. Polanka and D. C. Rabe, “Predicting Separation and Transitional Flow in Turbine Blades at Low Reynolds Numbers-Part I: Development of Prediction Methodology,” J Turbomach, vol. 133, pp. 1-10, 2010.
  • P. Catalano and R. Tognaccini, “Turbulence modeling for low Reynolds number flows,” AIAA Journal, vol. 48, pp. 1673-1685, 2010.
  • F. R. Menter, R. B. Langtry, S.R. Likki, Y. B. Suzen, P. G. Huang and S. Völker, “A correlation based transition model using local variables: part I-model formulation,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 57–67, 2004.
  • T. Misaka and S. Obayashi, “A correlation-based transition models to flows around wings,” AIAA Paper 2006–918, 2006.
  • H. Chao, Y. Cao and Y. Q. Chen, Autopilots for Small Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Survey. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Harbin, China, 2007.
  • J. S. Jang and D. Liccardo, “Automation of small UAVs using a low cost MEMS sensor and embedded computing platform,” IEEE/AIAA 25th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Portland, OR, USA, October 15-19, 2006.
  • J. C. Spall, “Multivariate stochastic approximation using a simultaneousperturbation gradient approximation,” IEEE transactions on automatic control, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 332-341, 1992.
  • T. Oktay, H. Çelik and M. Uzun, “A novel learning algorithm to estimate the optimum fuselage drag coefficient,” Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 63-68, 2017.
  • U.S. Military Handbook MIL-HDBK-1797, 19 December 1997.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics, Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Harun Çelik 0000-0001-5352-3428

Tuğrul Oktay 0000-0003-4860-2230

Metin Uzun This is me 0000-0002-2911-4031

Publication Date February 1, 2019
Submission Date December 5, 2017
Acceptance Date October 6, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Çelik, H., Oktay, T., & Uzun, M. (2019). Autonomous flight performance improvement of the morphing aerial robot by aerodynamic shape redesign. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 23(1), 51-65.
AMA Çelik H, Oktay T, Uzun M. Autonomous flight performance improvement of the morphing aerial robot by aerodynamic shape redesign. SAUJS. February 2019;23(1):51-65. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.362588
Chicago Çelik, Harun, Tuğrul Oktay, and Metin Uzun. “Autonomous Flight Performance Improvement of the Morphing Aerial Robot by Aerodynamic Shape Redesign”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 23, no. 1 (February 2019): 51-65.
EndNote Çelik H, Oktay T, Uzun M (February 1, 2019) Autonomous flight performance improvement of the morphing aerial robot by aerodynamic shape redesign. Sakarya University Journal of Science 23 1 51–65.
IEEE H. Çelik, T. Oktay, and M. Uzun, “Autonomous flight performance improvement of the morphing aerial robot by aerodynamic shape redesign”, SAUJS, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 51–65, 2019, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.362588.
ISNAD Çelik, Harun et al. “Autonomous Flight Performance Improvement of the Morphing Aerial Robot by Aerodynamic Shape Redesign”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 23/1 (February 2019), 51-65.
JAMA Çelik H, Oktay T, Uzun M. Autonomous flight performance improvement of the morphing aerial robot by aerodynamic shape redesign. SAUJS. 2019;23:51–65.
MLA Çelik, Harun et al. “Autonomous Flight Performance Improvement of the Morphing Aerial Robot by Aerodynamic Shape Redesign”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 23, no. 1, 2019, pp. 51-65, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.362588.
Vancouver Çelik H, Oktay T, Uzun M. Autonomous flight performance improvement of the morphing aerial robot by aerodynamic shape redesign. SAUJS. 2019;23(1):51-65.


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