Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 455 - 459, 01.06.2020


Supporting Institution

Van YYÜ Arama Sonuçları Web sonuçları Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number



Bu çalışmada hammadde temininde bize Talk tozu veren Işık Madencilik San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. teşekkür ederim.


  • [1] A. R. Mirhabibi, “Ceramic Coatings for Pigments,” Ceramic Coatings - Applications in Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 1-286, 2012.
  • [2] B. B. Topuz, G. Gündüz, B. Mavis, and Ü. Çolak, “The effect of tin dioxide (SnO2) on the anatase-rutile phase transformation of titania (TiO2) in mica-titania pigments and their use in paint,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 90 (2), pp. 123-128, 2011.
  • [3] Q. Gao, X. Wu, Y. Fan, and X. Zhou, “Low temperature synthesis and characterization of rutile TiO2-coated mica–titania pigments,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 95(3), pp. 534-539, 2012.
  • [4] L. Xiaojuan, X. Haiquan, C. Jing, C. Juncai, Y. Yuxiang, and L. Xiangnong, “Research of Mica/Fe3O4 Pearlescent Pigment by Co-Precipitation,” Glass Physics and Chemistry, vol. 37, pp. 330–342, 2011.
  • [5] Q. Gaoa, X. Wua, Y. Fana and X. Zhoua, “Low temperature synthesis and characterization of rutile TiO2-coated micaetitania pigments,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 95, pp. 534-539, 2012.
  • [6] W. Chen, Q. Zhou, F. Wan and T. Gao, “Gas sensing properties and mechanism of nano-SnO2-based sensor for hydrogen and carbon monoxide,” Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2012, pp. 1, 2012.
  • [7] F. Jin and A. Al-Tabbaa, “Strength and hydration products of reactive MgO–silica pastes,” Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 52, pp. 27-33, 2014.
  • [8] H. M. Tran and A. Scott, “Strength and workability of magnesium silicate hydrate binder systems,” Construction and Building Materials, vol. 131, pp. 526-535, 2017.
  • [9] B. Kaur and S. N. Bhattachary, “Automotive dyes and pigments. In: Handbook of Textile and Industrial Dyeing,” Woodhead Publishing, p. 231-251, 2011.
  • [10] G. Lefebvre, L. Galet, and A. Chamayou, “Dry coating of talc particles with fumed silica: Influence of the silica concentration on the wettability and dispersibility of the composite particles,” Powder Technology, vol. 208(2), pp. 372-377, 2011.
  • [11] J. Du, X. Li, S. Wang, Y. Wu, X. Hao, C. Xu, C. and X. Zhao, “Microwave-assisted synthesis of highly luminescent glutathione-capped Zn1−xCdxTe alloyed quantum dots with excellent biocompatibility,” Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, pp. 11390–11395, 2012.
  • [12] T. Junru, H. Yunfang, H. Wenxiang, C. Xiuzeng and F. Xiansong, “The preparation and characteristics of cobalt blue mica coated titania pearlescent pigment,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 52(3), pp. 215-222, 2002.
  • [13] J. Tan, L. Shen, X. Fu, W. Hou and X. Chen, “Preparation and conductive mechanism of mica titania conductive pigment,” Dyes and pigments, vol. 62(2), pp. 107-114, 2004.
  • [14] Q. Gao, X. Wu, Y. Fan, and Q. Meng, “Color performance and near infrared reflectance property of novel yellow pigment based on Fe2TiO5 nanorods decorated mica composites,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 146, pp. 537-542, 2017.
  • [15] D. Nied, K. Enemark-Rasmussen, E. L'Hopital, J. Skibsted, and B. Lothenbach, “Properties of magnesium silicate hydrates (MSH),” Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 79, pp. 323-332, 2016.
  • [16] W. Qin, T. Xia, Y. Ye, and P. P. Zhang, “Fabrication and electromagnetic performance of talc/NiTiO3 composite,” Royal Society open science, vol. 5(2), 171083, 2018.
  • [17] T. Xia, C. Zhang, N. A. Oyler, and X. Chen, “ Hydrogenated TiO2 nanocrystals: a novel microwave absorbing material,” Advanced Materials, vol. 25(47), pp. 6905-6910, 2012.
  • [18] Q. Liu, Q. Cao, H. Bi, C. Liang, K. Yuan, W. She and R. Che, “CoNi@ SiO2@ TiO2 and CoNi@ Air@ TiO2 microspheres with strong wideband microwave absorption,” Advanced Materials, vol. 28(3), pp. 486-490, 2016.
  • [19] Y. Akinay, F. Hayat and B. Çolak, “Absorbing properties and structural design of PVB/Fe3O4 nanocomposite,” Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 229, pp. 460-466, 2019.
  • [20] C. L. Zhu, M. L. Zhang, Y. J. Qiao, G. Xiao, F. Zhang, and Y. J. Chen, “Fe3O4/TiO2 core/shell nanotubes: synthesis and magnetic and electromagnetic wave absorption characteristics,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 114(39), pp. 16229-16235, 2010.

Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2

Year 2020, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 455 - 459, 01.06.2020


In this study, the dielectric properties of SnO2 coated Magnesium Silicate Hydrate (MSH) pigments were evaluated. The SnO2 coated MSH pigments were obtained by chemical reduction method with the 3:7 SnO2/MSH ratio by weight. The structural and dielectric properties of this pigment and MSH were investigated. The surface morphology and phase types were determined by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). The bond types were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FT-IR). The surface of MSH was uniformly coated with SnO2 as accepted in the SEM images. The existence of XRD peaks for SnO2 nanoparticles proves the presence of SnO2 coating. The dielectric properties of prepared pigments were measured via vector network analyzer (VNA) in the frequency range of 8.2–12.4 GHz (X-Band). The dielectric properties of SnO2 deposited MSH pigments were obtained to be about almost 3-4 times than MSH in the 8-12 GHz frequency range. This study is the first report for the dielectric properties of SnO2 deposited MSH pigments.

Project Number



  • [1] A. R. Mirhabibi, “Ceramic Coatings for Pigments,” Ceramic Coatings - Applications in Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 1-286, 2012.
  • [2] B. B. Topuz, G. Gündüz, B. Mavis, and Ü. Çolak, “The effect of tin dioxide (SnO2) on the anatase-rutile phase transformation of titania (TiO2) in mica-titania pigments and their use in paint,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 90 (2), pp. 123-128, 2011.
  • [3] Q. Gao, X. Wu, Y. Fan, and X. Zhou, “Low temperature synthesis and characterization of rutile TiO2-coated mica–titania pigments,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 95(3), pp. 534-539, 2012.
  • [4] L. Xiaojuan, X. Haiquan, C. Jing, C. Juncai, Y. Yuxiang, and L. Xiangnong, “Research of Mica/Fe3O4 Pearlescent Pigment by Co-Precipitation,” Glass Physics and Chemistry, vol. 37, pp. 330–342, 2011.
  • [5] Q. Gaoa, X. Wua, Y. Fana and X. Zhoua, “Low temperature synthesis and characterization of rutile TiO2-coated micaetitania pigments,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 95, pp. 534-539, 2012.
  • [6] W. Chen, Q. Zhou, F. Wan and T. Gao, “Gas sensing properties and mechanism of nano-SnO2-based sensor for hydrogen and carbon monoxide,” Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2012, pp. 1, 2012.
  • [7] F. Jin and A. Al-Tabbaa, “Strength and hydration products of reactive MgO–silica pastes,” Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 52, pp. 27-33, 2014.
  • [8] H. M. Tran and A. Scott, “Strength and workability of magnesium silicate hydrate binder systems,” Construction and Building Materials, vol. 131, pp. 526-535, 2017.
  • [9] B. Kaur and S. N. Bhattachary, “Automotive dyes and pigments. In: Handbook of Textile and Industrial Dyeing,” Woodhead Publishing, p. 231-251, 2011.
  • [10] G. Lefebvre, L. Galet, and A. Chamayou, “Dry coating of talc particles with fumed silica: Influence of the silica concentration on the wettability and dispersibility of the composite particles,” Powder Technology, vol. 208(2), pp. 372-377, 2011.
  • [11] J. Du, X. Li, S. Wang, Y. Wu, X. Hao, C. Xu, C. and X. Zhao, “Microwave-assisted synthesis of highly luminescent glutathione-capped Zn1−xCdxTe alloyed quantum dots with excellent biocompatibility,” Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 22, pp. 11390–11395, 2012.
  • [12] T. Junru, H. Yunfang, H. Wenxiang, C. Xiuzeng and F. Xiansong, “The preparation and characteristics of cobalt blue mica coated titania pearlescent pigment,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 52(3), pp. 215-222, 2002.
  • [13] J. Tan, L. Shen, X. Fu, W. Hou and X. Chen, “Preparation and conductive mechanism of mica titania conductive pigment,” Dyes and pigments, vol. 62(2), pp. 107-114, 2004.
  • [14] Q. Gao, X. Wu, Y. Fan, and Q. Meng, “Color performance and near infrared reflectance property of novel yellow pigment based on Fe2TiO5 nanorods decorated mica composites,” Dyes and Pigments, vol. 146, pp. 537-542, 2017.
  • [15] D. Nied, K. Enemark-Rasmussen, E. L'Hopital, J. Skibsted, and B. Lothenbach, “Properties of magnesium silicate hydrates (MSH),” Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 79, pp. 323-332, 2016.
  • [16] W. Qin, T. Xia, Y. Ye, and P. P. Zhang, “Fabrication and electromagnetic performance of talc/NiTiO3 composite,” Royal Society open science, vol. 5(2), 171083, 2018.
  • [17] T. Xia, C. Zhang, N. A. Oyler, and X. Chen, “ Hydrogenated TiO2 nanocrystals: a novel microwave absorbing material,” Advanced Materials, vol. 25(47), pp. 6905-6910, 2012.
  • [18] Q. Liu, Q. Cao, H. Bi, C. Liang, K. Yuan, W. She and R. Che, “CoNi@ SiO2@ TiO2 and CoNi@ Air@ TiO2 microspheres with strong wideband microwave absorption,” Advanced Materials, vol. 28(3), pp. 486-490, 2016.
  • [19] Y. Akinay, F. Hayat and B. Çolak, “Absorbing properties and structural design of PVB/Fe3O4 nanocomposite,” Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 229, pp. 460-466, 2019.
  • [20] C. L. Zhu, M. L. Zhang, Y. J. Qiao, G. Xiao, F. Zhang, and Y. J. Chen, “Fe3O4/TiO2 core/shell nanotubes: synthesis and magnetic and electromagnetic wave absorption characteristics,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 114(39), pp. 16229-16235, 2010.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Material Production Technologies
Journal Section Research Articles

Yüksel Akınay 0000-0002-6171-6307

Project Number FBA-2019-7959
Publication Date June 1, 2020
Submission Date December 16, 2019
Acceptance Date February 22, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 24 Issue: 3


APA Akınay, Y. (2020). Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 24(3), 455-459.
AMA Akınay Y. Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2. SAUJS. June 2020;24(3):455-459. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.659958
Chicago Akınay, Yüksel. “Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24, no. 3 (June 2020): 455-59.
EndNote Akınay Y (June 1, 2020) Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24 3 455–459.
IEEE Y. Akınay, “Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2”, SAUJS, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 455–459, 2020, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.659958.
ISNAD Akınay, Yüksel. “Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 24/3 (June 2020), 455-459.
JAMA Akınay Y. Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2. SAUJS. 2020;24:455–459.
MLA Akınay, Yüksel. “Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 24, no. 3, 2020, pp. 455-9, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.659958.
Vancouver Akınay Y. Synthesis and Dielectric Properties of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate Deposited With SnO2. SAUJS. 2020;24(3):455-9.


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