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Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 25 Issue: 6, 1366 - 1375, 31.12.2021



  • [1] B. Abdi, S. Azwan, M. R. Abdullah, A. Ayob, Y. Yahya, and L. Xin, "Flatwise compression and flexural behavior of foam core and polymer pin-reinforced foam core composite sandwich panels," (in English), Int J Mech Sci, vol. 88, pp. 138-144, Nov 2014. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000344428000015.
  • [2] A. Mostafa, "Numerical analysis on the effect of shear keys pitch on the shear performance of foamed sandwich panels," (in English), Eng Struct, vol. 101, pp. 216-232, Oct 15 2015. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000362142200018.
  • [3] A. Mostafa, K. Shankar, and E. V. Morozov, "Insight into the shear behaviour of composite sandwich panels with foam core," (in English), Mater Design, vol. 50, pp. 92-101, Sep 2013. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000320615300014.
  • [4] F. Y. Han, Y. Yan, and J. Ma, "Experimental study and progressive failure analysis of stitched foam-core sandwich composites subjected to low-velocity impact," (in English), Polymer Composites, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 624-635, Mar 2018. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000426747000004.
  • [5] J. L. Xu, J. Q. Liu, W. B. Gu, Z. X. Wang, X. Liu, and T. Cao, "Effect of cell size on the energy absorption of closed-cell aluminum foam," (in English), Mater Test, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 583-590, Jun 2018. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000451930900006.
  • [6] C. Liu, Y. X. Zhang, and R. Heslehurst, "Impact resistance and bonding capability of sandwich panels with fibre–metal laminate skins and aluminium foam core," Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, vol. 28, no. 24, pp. 2378-2392, 2014/12/17 2014, doi: 10.1080/01694243.2014.967744.
  • [7] D. Jebadurai and A. Rose, "Influence of core and matrix modifications on the mechanical characteristics of sandwich composites," IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 912, p. 052026, 09/12 2020, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/912/5/052026.
  • [8] Z. Wu, J. Xiao, J. Zeng, and J. Liu, "Compression performance of integrated 3D composite sandwich structures," J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 5-21, 2014/01/01 2013, doi: 10.1177/1099636213501927.
  • [9] A. C. Garay, J. A. Souza, and S. C. Amico, "Evaluation of mechanical properties of sandwich structures with polyethylene terephthalate and polyvinyl chloride core," (in English), J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 229-241, Mar 2016. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000371095700006.
  • [10] J. Tao, F. Li, D. D. Zhang, J. B. Liu, and Z. B. Zhao, "Manufacturing and mechanical performances of a novel foam core sandwich-walled hollow column reinforced by stiffeners," (in English), Thin Wall Struct, vol. 139, pp. 1-8, Jun 2019. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000466257000001.
  • [11] Z. Salleh, M. Islam, J. Epaarachchi, and H. Su, "Mechanical properties of sandwich composite made of syntactic foam core and GFRP skins," AIMS Materials Science, vol. 3, pp. 1704-1727, 12/01 2016, doi: 10.3934/matersci.2016.4.1704.
  • [12] A. Dogan, "Low-velocity impact, bending, and compression response of carbon fiber/epoxy-based sandwich composites with different types of core materials," J Sandw Struct Mater, p. 1099636220908862, 2020, doi: 10.1177/1099636220908862.
  • [13] S. Zangana, J. Epaarachchi, W. Ferdous, and J. Leng, "A novel hybridised composite sandwich core with Glass, Kevlar and Zylon fibres – Investigation under low-velocity impact," International Journal of Impact Engineering, vol. 137, p. 103430, 2020/03/01/ 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2019.103430.
  • [14] Ç. Uzay and N. Geren, "Effect of stainless-steel wire mesh embedded into fibre-reinforced polymer facings on flexural characteristics of sandwich structures," J Reinf Plast Comp, vol. 39, no. 15-16, pp. 613-633, 2020/08/01 2020, doi: 10.1177/0731684420921952.
  • [15] T. S. Lim, C. S. Lee, and D. G. Lee, "Failure Modes of Foam Core Sandwich Beams under Static and Impact Loads," J Compos Mater, vol. 38, no. 18, pp. 1639-1662, 2004/09/01 2004, doi: 10.1177/0021998304044760.
  • [16] H. E. Yalkin, B. M. Icten, and T. Alpyildiz, "Tensile and compressive performances of foam core sandwich composites with various core modifications," (in English), J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 49-65, Jan 2017. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000391784000003.
  • [17] I. M. Daniel, E. E. Gdoutos, K. A. Wang, and J. L. Abot, "Failure modes of composite sandwich beams," (in English), Int J Damage Mech, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 309-334, Oct 2002. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000179031500001.
  • [18] Ç. Uzay, Geren, N, "Failure Analysis of Low-density Polymer Foam Core Sandwich Structures under Three-point Bending Loading," Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 49-58, 2020.
  • [19] N. Geren, D. C. Acer, C. Uzay, and M. Bayramoglu, "The effect of boron carbide additive on the low-velocity impact properties of low-density foam core composite sandwich structures," Polymer Composites, https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.25957 vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 2037-2049, 2021/04/01 2021, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.25957.
  • [20] N. Mitra, "A methodology for improving shear performance of marine grade sandwich composites: Sandwich composite panel with shear key," Compos Struct, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 1065-1072, 2010/04/01/ 2010, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2009.10.005.
  • [21] A. T. Martins, Z. Aboura, W. Harizi, A. Laksimi, and K. Khellil, "Analysis of the impact and compression after impact behavior of tufted laminated composites," Compos Struct, vol. 184, pp. 352-361, 2018/01/15/ 2018, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.09.096.
  • [22] A. J. Malcom, M. T. Aronson, V. S. Deshpande, and H. N. G. Wadley, "Compressive response of glass fiber composite sandwich structures," Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 54, pp. 88-97, 2013/11/01/ 2013, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesa.2013.07.007.
  • [23] H. E. Yalkin, B. M. Icten, and T. Alpyildiz, "Enhanced mechanical performance of foam core sandwich composites with through the thickness reinforced core," (in English), Compos Part B-Eng, vol. 79, pp. 383-391, Sep 15 2015. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000358808300040.
  • [24] ASTM-C365, Standard Test Method for Flatwise Compressive Properties of Sandwich Cores. USA: Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 2003.
  • [25] J. Wang, B. X. Chen, H. Wang, and A. M. Waas, "Experimental study on the compression-after-impact behavior of foam-core sandwich panels," (in English), J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 446-465, Jul 2015. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000355329600006.
  • [26] A. K. J. Al-Shamary, R. Karakuzu, and O. Ozdemir, "Low-velocity impact response of sandwich composites with different foam core configurations," (in English), J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 754-768, Nov 2016. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000390061800005.
  • [27] P. Priyanka, A. Dixit, and H. S. Mali, "High-Strength Hybrid Textile Composites with Carbon, Kevlar, and E-Glass Fibers for Impact-Resistant Structures. A Review.," (in English), Mech Compos Mater, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 685-704, Nov 2017. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000416259200010.
  • [28] A. Dixit, H. Mali, and R. Misra, "A Micromechanical Unit Cell Model of 2 × 2 Twill Woven Fabric Textile Composite for Multi Scale Analysis," Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E, vol. 95, 03/31 2014, doi: 10.1007/s40034-014-0028-y.
  • [29] Airex_C70.48-TDS, Universal Structural Foam: Airex C70. . Composites A, 2011.
  • [30] Dost_Kimya-TDS, Carbon Fabric – 200gr/sqm 3K Plain. Turkey: Dost Kimya Inc., 2014.
  • [31] Hexion-TDS, Laminating Resin MGSTM L160 and Hardener H160. The Netherlands: Hexion Inc., 2009.

Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches

Year 2021, Volume: 25 Issue: 6, 1366 - 1375, 31.12.2021


This study investigates the flatwise compressive performance of the developed sandwiches with core stitching modification. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) foam cores with a density of 0.048 g/cm3 were stitched with 600-tex glass fiber yarns. Then the core materials were sandwiched with carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy face sheets, respectively. The composite sandwich structures were produced by applying the vacuum bag method, and the composite layers were co-cured. The non-stitched foam core sandwiches were also manufactured as the benchmark. The developed sandwich panels were subjected to flatwise compression tests per the ASTM C365 Standard to obtain compressive properties. The mechanical testing showed that the stitched foam core sandwiches carried dramatically higher compressive loads and presented additional load peaks. The increments in the compressive strength of the developed sandwich panels were found above 80% without a significant weight penalty. Core stitching, providing the sandwich panels to have better out-of-plane strength, is a simple and less time-consuming through-thickness reinforcement process among the other core modification methods.


  • [1] B. Abdi, S. Azwan, M. R. Abdullah, A. Ayob, Y. Yahya, and L. Xin, "Flatwise compression and flexural behavior of foam core and polymer pin-reinforced foam core composite sandwich panels," (in English), Int J Mech Sci, vol. 88, pp. 138-144, Nov 2014. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000344428000015.
  • [2] A. Mostafa, "Numerical analysis on the effect of shear keys pitch on the shear performance of foamed sandwich panels," (in English), Eng Struct, vol. 101, pp. 216-232, Oct 15 2015. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000362142200018.
  • [3] A. Mostafa, K. Shankar, and E. V. Morozov, "Insight into the shear behaviour of composite sandwich panels with foam core," (in English), Mater Design, vol. 50, pp. 92-101, Sep 2013. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000320615300014.
  • [4] F. Y. Han, Y. Yan, and J. Ma, "Experimental study and progressive failure analysis of stitched foam-core sandwich composites subjected to low-velocity impact," (in English), Polymer Composites, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 624-635, Mar 2018. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000426747000004.
  • [5] J. L. Xu, J. Q. Liu, W. B. Gu, Z. X. Wang, X. Liu, and T. Cao, "Effect of cell size on the energy absorption of closed-cell aluminum foam," (in English), Mater Test, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 583-590, Jun 2018. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000451930900006.
  • [6] C. Liu, Y. X. Zhang, and R. Heslehurst, "Impact resistance and bonding capability of sandwich panels with fibre–metal laminate skins and aluminium foam core," Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, vol. 28, no. 24, pp. 2378-2392, 2014/12/17 2014, doi: 10.1080/01694243.2014.967744.
  • [7] D. Jebadurai and A. Rose, "Influence of core and matrix modifications on the mechanical characteristics of sandwich composites," IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 912, p. 052026, 09/12 2020, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/912/5/052026.
  • [8] Z. Wu, J. Xiao, J. Zeng, and J. Liu, "Compression performance of integrated 3D composite sandwich structures," J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 5-21, 2014/01/01 2013, doi: 10.1177/1099636213501927.
  • [9] A. C. Garay, J. A. Souza, and S. C. Amico, "Evaluation of mechanical properties of sandwich structures with polyethylene terephthalate and polyvinyl chloride core," (in English), J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 229-241, Mar 2016. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000371095700006.
  • [10] J. Tao, F. Li, D. D. Zhang, J. B. Liu, and Z. B. Zhao, "Manufacturing and mechanical performances of a novel foam core sandwich-walled hollow column reinforced by stiffeners," (in English), Thin Wall Struct, vol. 139, pp. 1-8, Jun 2019. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000466257000001.
  • [11] Z. Salleh, M. Islam, J. Epaarachchi, and H. Su, "Mechanical properties of sandwich composite made of syntactic foam core and GFRP skins," AIMS Materials Science, vol. 3, pp. 1704-1727, 12/01 2016, doi: 10.3934/matersci.2016.4.1704.
  • [12] A. Dogan, "Low-velocity impact, bending, and compression response of carbon fiber/epoxy-based sandwich composites with different types of core materials," J Sandw Struct Mater, p. 1099636220908862, 2020, doi: 10.1177/1099636220908862.
  • [13] S. Zangana, J. Epaarachchi, W. Ferdous, and J. Leng, "A novel hybridised composite sandwich core with Glass, Kevlar and Zylon fibres – Investigation under low-velocity impact," International Journal of Impact Engineering, vol. 137, p. 103430, 2020/03/01/ 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2019.103430.
  • [14] Ç. Uzay and N. Geren, "Effect of stainless-steel wire mesh embedded into fibre-reinforced polymer facings on flexural characteristics of sandwich structures," J Reinf Plast Comp, vol. 39, no. 15-16, pp. 613-633, 2020/08/01 2020, doi: 10.1177/0731684420921952.
  • [15] T. S. Lim, C. S. Lee, and D. G. Lee, "Failure Modes of Foam Core Sandwich Beams under Static and Impact Loads," J Compos Mater, vol. 38, no. 18, pp. 1639-1662, 2004/09/01 2004, doi: 10.1177/0021998304044760.
  • [16] H. E. Yalkin, B. M. Icten, and T. Alpyildiz, "Tensile and compressive performances of foam core sandwich composites with various core modifications," (in English), J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 49-65, Jan 2017. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000391784000003.
  • [17] I. M. Daniel, E. E. Gdoutos, K. A. Wang, and J. L. Abot, "Failure modes of composite sandwich beams," (in English), Int J Damage Mech, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 309-334, Oct 2002. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000179031500001.
  • [18] Ç. Uzay, Geren, N, "Failure Analysis of Low-density Polymer Foam Core Sandwich Structures under Three-point Bending Loading," Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 49-58, 2020.
  • [19] N. Geren, D. C. Acer, C. Uzay, and M. Bayramoglu, "The effect of boron carbide additive on the low-velocity impact properties of low-density foam core composite sandwich structures," Polymer Composites, https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.25957 vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 2037-2049, 2021/04/01 2021, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.25957.
  • [20] N. Mitra, "A methodology for improving shear performance of marine grade sandwich composites: Sandwich composite panel with shear key," Compos Struct, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 1065-1072, 2010/04/01/ 2010, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2009.10.005.
  • [21] A. T. Martins, Z. Aboura, W. Harizi, A. Laksimi, and K. Khellil, "Analysis of the impact and compression after impact behavior of tufted laminated composites," Compos Struct, vol. 184, pp. 352-361, 2018/01/15/ 2018, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.09.096.
  • [22] A. J. Malcom, M. T. Aronson, V. S. Deshpande, and H. N. G. Wadley, "Compressive response of glass fiber composite sandwich structures," Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 54, pp. 88-97, 2013/11/01/ 2013, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesa.2013.07.007.
  • [23] H. E. Yalkin, B. M. Icten, and T. Alpyildiz, "Enhanced mechanical performance of foam core sandwich composites with through the thickness reinforced core," (in English), Compos Part B-Eng, vol. 79, pp. 383-391, Sep 15 2015. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000358808300040.
  • [24] ASTM-C365, Standard Test Method for Flatwise Compressive Properties of Sandwich Cores. USA: Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 2003.
  • [25] J. Wang, B. X. Chen, H. Wang, and A. M. Waas, "Experimental study on the compression-after-impact behavior of foam-core sandwich panels," (in English), J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 446-465, Jul 2015. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000355329600006.
  • [26] A. K. J. Al-Shamary, R. Karakuzu, and O. Ozdemir, "Low-velocity impact response of sandwich composites with different foam core configurations," (in English), J Sandw Struct Mater, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 754-768, Nov 2016. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000390061800005.
  • [27] P. Priyanka, A. Dixit, and H. S. Mali, "High-Strength Hybrid Textile Composites with Carbon, Kevlar, and E-Glass Fibers for Impact-Resistant Structures. A Review.," (in English), Mech Compos Mater, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 685-704, Nov 2017. [Online]. Available: <Go to ISI>://WOS:000416259200010.
  • [28] A. Dixit, H. Mali, and R. Misra, "A Micromechanical Unit Cell Model of 2 × 2 Twill Woven Fabric Textile Composite for Multi Scale Analysis," Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E, vol. 95, 03/31 2014, doi: 10.1007/s40034-014-0028-y.
  • [29] Airex_C70.48-TDS, Universal Structural Foam: Airex C70. . Composites A, 2011.
  • [30] Dost_Kimya-TDS, Carbon Fabric – 200gr/sqm 3K Plain. Turkey: Dost Kimya Inc., 2014.
  • [31] Hexion-TDS, Laminating Resin MGSTM L160 and Hardener H160. The Netherlands: Hexion Inc., 2009.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Çağrı Uzay 0000-0002-7713-8951

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date June 23, 2021
Acceptance Date October 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 25 Issue: 6


APA Uzay, Ç. (2021). Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 25(6), 1366-1375. https://doi.org/10.16984/saufenbilder.956676
AMA Uzay Ç. Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches. SAUJS. December 2021;25(6):1366-1375. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.956676
Chicago Uzay, Çağrı. “Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 25, no. 6 (December 2021): 1366-75. https://doi.org/10.16984/saufenbilder.956676.
EndNote Uzay Ç (December 1, 2021) Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches. Sakarya University Journal of Science 25 6 1366–1375.
IEEE Ç. Uzay, “Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches”, SAUJS, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1366–1375, 2021, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.956676.
ISNAD Uzay, Çağrı. “Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 25/6 (December 2021), 1366-1375. https://doi.org/10.16984/saufenbilder.956676.
JAMA Uzay Ç. Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches. SAUJS. 2021;25:1366–1375.
MLA Uzay, Çağrı. “Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 25, no. 6, 2021, pp. 1366-75, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.956676.
Vancouver Uzay Ç. Enhancing the Out-of-Plane Compressive Performance of Lightweight Polymer Foam Core Sandwiches. SAUJS. 2021;25(6):1366-75.


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