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CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle

Year 2022, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 333 - 341, 30.04.2022


Three different geometries have been used in this study, which investigated the effect of inclination angle on convective heat transfer in corrugated channels. The corrugated channel geometries used have inclination angles of 30°, 45°, and 60°. The finite volume method has been used in the study with numerical methods. k-ω, SST, and transition SST have been used as turbulence models. The mesh file used in the analysis consists of 192000 cells. The results obtained from the calculations using a corrugated channel with a 30° inclination angle have been compared with the experimental data. As a result of this comparison, the turbulence model to be used for this study has been determined as SST. SST turbulence model has been used in the analyzes made using a corrugated channel with 45° and 60° inclination angles and the results have been compared with each other. The Reynolds number ranges from 2225 to 7380. The Nusselt number and friction factor have been calculated using the data obtained as a result of the analysis. Based on the calculated values, it has been determined that the heat transfer increases as the angle of inclination increases in the corrugated channels. It has been also observed that the Nusselt number increased as the Reynolds number increased. It has been also seen that the analyzes for high Reynolds number gave results closer to the experimental data.


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  • [18] H. Kepekci, E. Kosa, and C. Ezgi, “Modeling Study and Performance Investigation of a Thermoelectric Refrigerator”, Engineer and Machinery, vol. 62, no. 705, pp. 715-730, 2021.
  • [19] H. Kepekci, B. Zafer, H. Guven, “Aeroacoustics Investigations of Unsteady 3D Airfoil for Different Turbulence Models Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Software”, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 7564-7573, 2019.
  • [20] E. Aslan, and H. Kepekci, “Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer and Friction Factor in Corrugated Channels with Different Inclination Angles Using Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research, vol.8, pp. 21-29, 2021.
  • [21] H. Kepekci, and A. Asma, “Comparative Analysis Of Heat Sink Performance Using Different Materials”, American Journal of Engineering Research”, vol. 9, no. 4, pp-204-210, 2020.
  • [22] H. Kepekci, “Comparative Numerical Aerodynamics Performance Analysis of NACA0015 and NACA4415 Airfoils”, International Journal of Engineering,Science&Information Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 144-151, 2022.
Year 2022, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 333 - 341, 30.04.2022



  • [1] M. Miranda, P. Romero, V. Valero-Amora, J. Arranz, and I. Montero, “Ventilation conditions and their influence on thermal comfort in examination classrooms in times of COVID-19. A case study in a Spanish area with Mediterranean climate”, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, vol.240, 113910, 2022.
  • [2] M. Astina, and M. Nugrah, “Numerical simulation of earth-air heat exchanger application for Indonesian simple house air conditioning system”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol.28, 101371, 2021.
  • [3] A. C. Benim, H. Chattapadhyay, and A. Nahavandi, “Computational Analysis of Turbulent Forced Convection in a Channel with a Triangular Prism”, International Journal Thermal Sciences, vol. 50, no.10, pp. 1973-1983, 2011.
  • [4] I. Taymaz, E. Aslan, and A. C. Benim, “Numerical Investigation of Incompressible Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer across a Bluff Body in a Channel Flow”, Thermal Sicences, vol.19, no.2, pp.537-547, 2015.
  • [5] H. Chattopadhyay, and A. C. Benim, “Turbulent Heat Transfer Over a Moving Surface Due to Impinging Slot Jets”, Journal Heat Transfer – Transactions of the ASME, vol.133, no. 10, 104502, 2011.
  • [6] N. Tokgoz, T. Tunay, and B. Sahin, “Effect of corrugated channel phase shifts on flow structures and heat transfer rate”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 99, pp.374-391, 2018..
  • [7] M. Aliabadi, and A. Feizabadi, “Compound heat transfer enhancement of helical channel with corrugated wall structure”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 146, 118858, 2020.
  • [8] R.K. Ajeel, W. Salim, and K. Hasnan, “Numerical investigations of heat transfer enhancement in a house shaped- corrugated channel: Combination of nanofluid and geometrical parameters”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, vol. 17, 100376, 2019.
  • [9] A. Nayak, and B. Weigand, “Mixing and heat transfer in micro/nano-channel due to charged corrugated surfaces”, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 170, 114979, 2020.
  • [10] V. Ionescu, and A. Neagu, “Modelling of fluid flow and heat transfer in a corrugated channel for heat exchanger applications”, 11th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, 5-6 October 2017, Tirgu-Mures, Romania.
  • [11] M. Ahmed, M. Yusoff, K. Ching and N. Shuaib, “Numerical and experimental investigations on the heat transfer enhancement in corrugated channels using SiO2-water nanofluid”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 6, pp. 77-92, 2015.
  • [12] H. Pehlivan, I. Taymaz, Y. Islamoğlu, “Experimental study of forced convective heat transfer in a different arranged corrugated channel”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 46, pp. 106-111, 2013.
  • [13] J. Yin, G. Yang, and Y. Li, “The Effects of Wavy Plate Phase Shift on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Corrugated Channel”, Energy Procedia, vol. 14, pp. 1566 – 1573, 2012.
  • [14] E. Elshafei, M. Awad, E. El-Negiry, and A. Ali, “Heat transfer and pressure drop in corrugated channels”, Energy, vol. 35, pp. 101–110, 2010.
  • [15] M. Ahmed, M. Yusoff, and N. Shuaib, “Effects of geometrical parameters on the flow and heat transfer characteristics in a trapezoidal-corrugated channel using nanofluid”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 42, pp. 69–74, 2013.
  • [16] P. Naphon, “Laminar convective heat transfer and pressure drop in the corrugated channels”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 34, pp. 62–71, 2007.
  • [17] E. Aslan, I. Taymaz, and Y. Islamoglu, “Finite volume simulation for convective heat transfer in wavy channels”, Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 483-497, 2016.
  • [18] H. Kepekci, E. Kosa, and C. Ezgi, “Modeling Study and Performance Investigation of a Thermoelectric Refrigerator”, Engineer and Machinery, vol. 62, no. 705, pp. 715-730, 2021.
  • [19] H. Kepekci, B. Zafer, H. Guven, “Aeroacoustics Investigations of Unsteady 3D Airfoil for Different Turbulence Models Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Software”, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 7564-7573, 2019.
  • [20] E. Aslan, and H. Kepekci, “Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer and Friction Factor in Corrugated Channels with Different Inclination Angles Using Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research, vol.8, pp. 21-29, 2021.
  • [21] H. Kepekci, and A. Asma, “Comparative Analysis Of Heat Sink Performance Using Different Materials”, American Journal of Engineering Research”, vol. 9, no. 4, pp-204-210, 2020.
  • [22] H. Kepekci, “Comparative Numerical Aerodynamics Performance Analysis of NACA0015 and NACA4415 Airfoils”, International Journal of Engineering,Science&Information Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 144-151, 2022.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Haydar Kepekçi 0000-0002-0037-8332

Erman Aslan 0000-0001-8595-6092

Publication Date April 30, 2022
Submission Date February 7, 2022
Acceptance Date March 8, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 26 Issue: 2


APA Kepekçi, H., & Aslan, E. (2022). CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle. Sakarya University Journal of Science, 26(2), 333-341.
AMA Kepekçi H, Aslan E. CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle. SAUJS. April 2022;26(2):333-341. doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.1069682
Chicago Kepekçi, Haydar, and Erman Aslan. “CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 26, no. 2 (April 2022): 333-41.
EndNote Kepekçi H, Aslan E (April 1, 2022) CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle. Sakarya University Journal of Science 26 2 333–341.
IEEE H. Kepekçi and E. Aslan, “CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle”, SAUJS, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 333–341, 2022, doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder.1069682.
ISNAD Kepekçi, Haydar - Aslan, Erman. “CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle”. Sakarya University Journal of Science 26/2 (April 2022), 333-341.
JAMA Kepekçi H, Aslan E. CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle. SAUJS. 2022;26:333–341.
MLA Kepekçi, Haydar and Erman Aslan. “CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle”. Sakarya University Journal of Science, vol. 26, no. 2, 2022, pp. 333-41, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.1069682.
Vancouver Kepekçi H, Aslan E. CFD Analysis of Convection Heat Transfer in Corrugated Channels for Different Inclination Angle. SAUJS. 2022;26(2):333-41.


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