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Cancer and Social Isolation in the Shadow of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yıl 2022, , 177 - 185, 15.08.2022


The new type of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which emerged at the end of 2019 and spread all over the world in a short time, affected not only physical health but also mental health. There are some risky groups where the disease can progress faster than other people and cause more severe consequences. One of these risky groups is cancer patients with suppressed immunity. In this process, isolation measures are vital for cancer patients to protect themselves from coronavirus. Although the isolation measures implemented rapidly in the fight against the coronavirus seriously prevent the spread of the virus, the mental problems it creates can negatively affect cancer patients for a long time.
The purpose of this review is to examine the social isolation of cancer patients and their relatives/caregivers during the pandemic, its effects on mental health and healthy coping ways.


  • 1. Goyal AK, Bakshi J, Panda NK, Kapoor R, Vir D, Kumar K, et al. Stigmatic impact of COVID-19 pandemic on head & neck cancers survivors. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021;22:1–5.
  • 2. Paterson C, Gobel B, Gosselin T, Haylock PJ, Papadopoulou C, Slusser K, et al. Oncology nursing during a pandemic: Critical reflections in the context of COVID-19. Semin Oncol Nurs. 2020;36(3):151028.
  • 3. Banerjee D, Rai M. Social isolation in Covid-19: The impact of loneliness. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2020;66(6):525–527.
  • 4. Bartels MMTJ, Gal R, van der Velden JM, Verhoeff JJC, Verlaan JJ, Verkooijen HM. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on quality of life and emotional wellbeing in patients with bone metastases treated with radiotherapy: A prospective cohort study. Clin Exp Metastasis. 2021;38(2):209–217.
  • 5. Biagioli V, Albanesi B, Belloni S, Piredda A, Caruso R. Living with cancer in the COVID-19 pandemic: An Italian survey on self-isolation at home. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2021;30(2):1–11.
  • 6. Pahl DA, Wieder MS, Steinberg DM. Social isolation and connection in adolescents with cancer and survivors of childhood cancer: A systematic review. J Adolesc. 2021;87:15–27.
  • 7. Valtorta NK, Kanaan M, Gilbody S, Hanratty B. Loneliness, social isolation and social relationships: What are we measuring? A novel framework for classifying and comparing tools. BMJ Open. 2016;6(4).
  • 8. Dhont J, Di Tella M, Dubois L, Aznar M, Petit S, Spałek M, et al. Conducting research in radiation oncology remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic: Coping with isolation. Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2020;24:53–59.
  • 9. Sannes TS, Yeh IM, Gray TF. Caring for loved ones with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic: A double hit risk for social isolation and need for action. Psycho-Oncology. 2020;29(9):1418–1420.
  • 10. Leigh-Hunt N, Bagguley D, Bash K, Turner V, Turnbull S, Valtorta N, et al. An overview of systematic reviews on the public health consequences of social isolation and loneliness. Public Health. 2017;152:157–171.
  • 11. Biagioli V, Piredda M, Alvaro R, de Marinis MG. The experiences of protective isolation in patients undergoing bone marrow or haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Systematic review and metasynthesis. Eur J Cancer Care. 2017;26(5):1-13.
  • 12. Edge R, Mazariego C, Li Z, Canfell K, Miller A, Koczwara B, et al. Psychosocial impact of COVID-19 on cancer patients, survivors, and carers in Australia: A real-time assessment of cancer support services. Support Care Cancer. 2021;29(9):5463–5473.
  • 13. Rentscher KE, Zhou X, Small BJ, Cohen HJ, Dilawari AA, Patel SK, et al. Loneliness and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in older breast cancer survivors and noncancer controls. Cancer. 2021;127(19):3671–3679.
  • 14. Sarkadi (Măguran) B, Vintila M. The Relationship among life satisfaction, happiness and parental acceptance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Work Review/Revista de Asistenta Sociala. 2021;(1):111–122.
  • 15. Savard J, Jobin-Théberge A, Massicotte V, Banville C. How did women with breast cancer experience the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative study. Support Care Cancer. 2021;29(10):5721–5727.
  • 16. Amaniera I, Bach C, Vachani C, Hampshire M, Arnold-Korzeniowski K, Healy M, et al. Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. J Psychosoc Oncol. 2021;39(3):485–492.
  • 17. Dülger Z, Dönmez E. COVID -19 ve kanser bakımı. Sağlık Akad Derg. 2021;8(3):227–232.
  • 18. Romito F, Dellino M, Loseto G, Opinto G, Silvestris E, Cormio C, et al. Psychological distress in outpatients with lymphoma during the COVID-19 pandemic. Front Oncol. 2020;10:1–6.
  • 19. Gundavda MK, Gundavda KK. Cancer or COVID-19? A Review of guidelines for safe cancer care in the wake of the pandemic. SN Compr Clin Med. 2020;2(12):2691–2701.
  • 20. Sağlık Kurumlarında Çalışma Rehberi ve Enfeksiyon Kontrol Önlemleri. TC Sağlık Bakanlığı. 2020.
  • 21. Miaskowski C, Paul SM, Snowberg K, Abbott M, Borno H, Chang S, et al. Stress and symptom burden in oncology patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2020;60(5):e25–e34.
  • 22. Jaremka LM, Fagundes CP, Peng J, Bennett JM, Glaser R, Malarkey WB, et al. Loneliness promotes inflammation during acute stress. Psychol Sci. 2013;24(7):1089–1097.
  • 23. Direk Tecirli N, Ucuz G, Özel F. İzolasyon, karantina, sosyal mesafe ve ruh sağlığı. Bull Leg Med. 2020;25(1):33–39.
  • 24. Nkire N, Mrklas K, Hrabok M, Gusnowski A, Vuong W, Surood S, et al. COVID-19 Pandemic: Demographic predictors of self-isolation or self-quarantine and impact of isolation and quarantine on perceived stress, anxiety, and depression. Front Psychiatry. 2021;12(February):1–8.

Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser ve Sosyal İzolasyon

Yıl 2022, , 177 - 185, 15.08.2022


İki bin on dokuz yılı sonunda ortaya çıkan ve kısa süre içinde tüm dünyaya yayılan yeni tip koronavirüs hastalığı (COVID-19) yalnızca fiziksel sağlığı değil ruh sağlığını da etkilemiştir. Hastalığın diğer kişilere göre daha hızlı ilerleyebildiği ve daha ağır sonuçlara sebep olabildiği bazı riskli gruplar vardır. Bu riskli gruplardan biri de bağışıklığı baskılanan kanser hastalarıdır. Bu süreçte kanser hastaları için koronavirüsten korunmada izolasyon önlemleri hayati önem taşımaktadır. Koronavirüs ile mücadelede hızla uygulamaya geçirilen izolasyon önlemleri virüsün yayılmasını ciddi biçimde engellese de, yarattığı ruhsal sorunlar kanser hastalarını uzun süre olumsuz biçimde etkileyebilmektedir.
Bu derlemenin amacı, pandemi sürecinde kanser hastalarının ve yakınlarının/bakıcılarının yaşadıkları sosyal izolasyonu, ruh sağlığı üzerindeki etkilerini ve sağlıklı baş etme yollarını incelemektir. 


  • 1. Goyal AK, Bakshi J, Panda NK, Kapoor R, Vir D, Kumar K, et al. Stigmatic impact of COVID-19 pandemic on head & neck cancers survivors. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021;22:1–5.
  • 2. Paterson C, Gobel B, Gosselin T, Haylock PJ, Papadopoulou C, Slusser K, et al. Oncology nursing during a pandemic: Critical reflections in the context of COVID-19. Semin Oncol Nurs. 2020;36(3):151028.
  • 3. Banerjee D, Rai M. Social isolation in Covid-19: The impact of loneliness. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2020;66(6):525–527.
  • 4. Bartels MMTJ, Gal R, van der Velden JM, Verhoeff JJC, Verlaan JJ, Verkooijen HM. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on quality of life and emotional wellbeing in patients with bone metastases treated with radiotherapy: A prospective cohort study. Clin Exp Metastasis. 2021;38(2):209–217.
  • 5. Biagioli V, Albanesi B, Belloni S, Piredda A, Caruso R. Living with cancer in the COVID-19 pandemic: An Italian survey on self-isolation at home. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2021;30(2):1–11.
  • 6. Pahl DA, Wieder MS, Steinberg DM. Social isolation and connection in adolescents with cancer and survivors of childhood cancer: A systematic review. J Adolesc. 2021;87:15–27.
  • 7. Valtorta NK, Kanaan M, Gilbody S, Hanratty B. Loneliness, social isolation and social relationships: What are we measuring? A novel framework for classifying and comparing tools. BMJ Open. 2016;6(4).
  • 8. Dhont J, Di Tella M, Dubois L, Aznar M, Petit S, Spałek M, et al. Conducting research in radiation oncology remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic: Coping with isolation. Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2020;24:53–59.
  • 9. Sannes TS, Yeh IM, Gray TF. Caring for loved ones with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic: A double hit risk for social isolation and need for action. Psycho-Oncology. 2020;29(9):1418–1420.
  • 10. Leigh-Hunt N, Bagguley D, Bash K, Turner V, Turnbull S, Valtorta N, et al. An overview of systematic reviews on the public health consequences of social isolation and loneliness. Public Health. 2017;152:157–171.
  • 11. Biagioli V, Piredda M, Alvaro R, de Marinis MG. The experiences of protective isolation in patients undergoing bone marrow or haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Systematic review and metasynthesis. Eur J Cancer Care. 2017;26(5):1-13.
  • 12. Edge R, Mazariego C, Li Z, Canfell K, Miller A, Koczwara B, et al. Psychosocial impact of COVID-19 on cancer patients, survivors, and carers in Australia: A real-time assessment of cancer support services. Support Care Cancer. 2021;29(9):5463–5473.
  • 13. Rentscher KE, Zhou X, Small BJ, Cohen HJ, Dilawari AA, Patel SK, et al. Loneliness and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in older breast cancer survivors and noncancer controls. Cancer. 2021;127(19):3671–3679.
  • 14. Sarkadi (Măguran) B, Vintila M. The Relationship among life satisfaction, happiness and parental acceptance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Work Review/Revista de Asistenta Sociala. 2021;(1):111–122.
  • 15. Savard J, Jobin-Théberge A, Massicotte V, Banville C. How did women with breast cancer experience the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic? A qualitative study. Support Care Cancer. 2021;29(10):5721–5727.
  • 16. Amaniera I, Bach C, Vachani C, Hampshire M, Arnold-Korzeniowski K, Healy M, et al. Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. J Psychosoc Oncol. 2021;39(3):485–492.
  • 17. Dülger Z, Dönmez E. COVID -19 ve kanser bakımı. Sağlık Akad Derg. 2021;8(3):227–232.
  • 18. Romito F, Dellino M, Loseto G, Opinto G, Silvestris E, Cormio C, et al. Psychological distress in outpatients with lymphoma during the COVID-19 pandemic. Front Oncol. 2020;10:1–6.
  • 19. Gundavda MK, Gundavda KK. Cancer or COVID-19? A Review of guidelines for safe cancer care in the wake of the pandemic. SN Compr Clin Med. 2020;2(12):2691–2701.
  • 20. Sağlık Kurumlarında Çalışma Rehberi ve Enfeksiyon Kontrol Önlemleri. TC Sağlık Bakanlığı. 2020.
  • 21. Miaskowski C, Paul SM, Snowberg K, Abbott M, Borno H, Chang S, et al. Stress and symptom burden in oncology patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2020;60(5):e25–e34.
  • 22. Jaremka LM, Fagundes CP, Peng J, Bennett JM, Glaser R, Malarkey WB, et al. Loneliness promotes inflammation during acute stress. Psychol Sci. 2013;24(7):1089–1097.
  • 23. Direk Tecirli N, Ucuz G, Özel F. İzolasyon, karantina, sosyal mesafe ve ruh sağlığı. Bull Leg Med. 2020;25(1):33–39.
  • 24. Nkire N, Mrklas K, Hrabok M, Gusnowski A, Vuong W, Surood S, et al. COVID-19 Pandemic: Demographic predictors of self-isolation or self-quarantine and impact of isolation and quarantine on perceived stress, anxiety, and depression. Front Psychiatry. 2021;12(February):1–8.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hemşirelik, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Reyhan Doğan 0000-0002-5392-1175

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Doğan, R. (2022). Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser ve Sosyal İzolasyon. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health, 5(2), 177-185.
AMA Doğan R. Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser ve Sosyal İzolasyon. SAUHSD. Ağustos 2022;5(2):177-185. doi:10.54803/sauhsd.1053983
Chicago Doğan, Reyhan. “Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser Ve Sosyal İzolasyon”. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health 5, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2022): 177-85.
EndNote Doğan R (01 Ağustos 2022) Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser ve Sosyal İzolasyon. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health 5 2 177–185.
IEEE R. Doğan, “Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser ve Sosyal İzolasyon”, SAUHSD, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 177–185, 2022, doi: 10.54803/sauhsd.1053983.
ISNAD Doğan, Reyhan. “Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser Ve Sosyal İzolasyon”. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health 5/2 (Ağustos 2022), 177-185.
JAMA Doğan R. Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser ve Sosyal İzolasyon. SAUHSD. 2022;5:177–185.
MLA Doğan, Reyhan. “Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser Ve Sosyal İzolasyon”. Sakarya University Journal of Holistic Health, c. 5, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 177-85, doi:10.54803/sauhsd.1053983.
Vancouver Doğan R. Covid-19 Pandemisinin Gölgesinde Kanser ve Sosyal İzolasyon. SAUHSD. 2022;5(2):177-85.