Mobile Media Exposure and Use in Children with and without Neurodevelopmental Disorder: A Comparative Analysis
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 199 - 211, 30.12.2024
Aylin Kurt
Fatma Dinç
Emine Güneş Şan
Objective: It was aimed in the study to evaluate and compare the purpose, frequency, and scope of mobile media use in children with neurodevelopmental disorder and those without neurodevelopmental disorder.
Method: This study planned with a comparative design was conducted with the participation of the mothers of 111 children with neurodevelopmental disorder and 237 children without neurodevelopmental disorder. The data were collected through a self-report questionnaire.
Results: Most of the children had their own personal mobile media devices (with neurodevelopmental disorder=96.4%, without neurodevelopmental disorder=90.7%), and the majority used their mobile media devices to watch videos (with neurodevelopmental disorder=100.0%, without neurodevelopmental disorder=77.6%). Children with neurodevelopmental disorder used mobile media devices at an earlier age, and their duration of use in the day was longer (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Education programs for mothers should be prepared in line with expert opinions which aim at reducing use of mobile media devices and screen exposure. Nurses should play a role in the development and evaluation of intervention programmes to prevent the negative consequences of mobile media use and screen exposure, especially in primary health care centres.
Etik Beyan
The study was approved by the Social Sciences and Humanities Ethics Committee of a university (Protocol No. 2022-SBB-0408, Date: 19.09.2022, Decision No. 22). Subsequently, authorization from the provincial health directorate was obtained for the study to be conducted at the relevant hospital. Following the provision of information to the mothers regarding the purpose and plan of the study, written consent was obtained from each participant. The 0-8 years mobile media information form was conducted in accordance with the principles of anonymity and confidentiality. No identifying data were collected. All participants were informed that their data would be kept confidential. All data were stored exclusively on a password-protected computer, accessible only to members of the research team. All procedures were conducted in accordance with the ethical standards and principles set forth in the Helsinki Declaration.
- Coutinho F, Saxena G, Shah A, Tilak S, Desai N, Udani V. Mobile media exposure and use in children aged zero to five years with diagnosed neurodevelopmental disability. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2022;17(6):645–51.
- Dy ABC, Dy ABC, Santos SK. Measuring effects of screen time on the development of children in the Philippines: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2023;23(1):1261.
- Sisson S, Broyles S, … BB. Screen time, physical activity, and overweight in US youth: National Survey of Children’s Health 2003. J Adolesc Heal. 2010;47(3):309–11.
- Pons M, Caner M, Rubies J, MC. A comparative study of recreational screen time in neurodevelopmental disorders. Rev Neurol. 2022;74(9):291–7.
- Nagata JM, Chu J, Ganson KT, Murray SB, Iyer P, Gabriel KP, et al. Contemporary screen time modalities and disruptive behavior disorders in children: A prospective cohort study. ournal Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2023 Jan;64(1):125–35.
- Hill D, Ameenuddin N, Chassiakos YR, Cross C, Radesky J, Hutchinson J, et al. Media and young minds. Pediatrics. 2016;138(5):e20162591.
- Ponti M. Screen time and preschool children: Promoting health and development in a digital world. Paediatr Child Health. 2023;28:184–92.
- Harle B. Intensive early screen exposure as a causal factor for symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder: The case for «Virtual autism». Trends Neurosci Educ. 2019;17:100119.
- Fang K, Mu M, Liu K, He Y. Screen time and childhood overweight/obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Child Care Health Dev. 2019 Sep;45(5):744–53.
- Mazurek M, Engelhardt C, Sohl K. Bedtime electronic media use and sleep in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2016;37(7):525–31.
- Alroqi H, Serratrice L, Cameron-Faulkner T. The association between screen media quantity, content, and context and language development. J Child Lang. 2022; 50(5):1155-1183.
- Lin J, Magiati I, Chiong SHR, Singhal S, Riard N, Ng IHX. The relationship among screen use, sleep, and emotional/behavioral difficulties in preschool children with neurodevelopmental disorders. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019;40(7):519–29.
- Hill MM, Gangi D, Miller M, Rafi SM, Ozonoff S. Screen time in 36-month-olds at increased likelihood for ASD and ADHD. Infant Behav Dev. 2020;61:101484.
- Vaidyanathan S, Manohar H, Chandrasekaran V, Kandasamy P. Screen time exposure in preschool children with adhd: A cross-sectional exploratory study from south india. Indian J Psychol Med. 2021;43(2):125–9.
- Görmez V, Örengül AC. Assessment of electronic media use in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Anatol Psych. 2017;18(5):495–502.
- Uzun Ö, Yıldırım V, Uzun E. D. Habit of using social media and correlation of social media addiction, self esteem, perceived social support in adolescent with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Turkish J Fam Med Prim Care. 2016;10(3):142-147.
- Chonchaiya W, Nuntnarumit P, Pruksananonda C. Comparison of television viewing between children with autism spectrum disorder and controls. Acta Paediatr Int J Paediatr. 2011;100(7):1033–7.
- Engelhardt CR, Mazurek MO, Sohl K. Media use and sleep among boys with autism spectrum disorder, adhd, or typical development. Pediatrics. 2013;132(6):1081–9.
- Sarfraz S, Shlaghya G, Narayana SH, Mushtaq U, Shaman Ameen B, Nie C. Early screen-time exposure and its association with risk of developing autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review. Cureus. 2023;15(7):e42292.
- Field A. Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. 5th ed. Vol. 58, Statistics. Thousand Oaks: CA: SAGE; 2013.
- Goldfarb G, Krynski L. Exposure and use of mobile media devices by young children. Arch Argent Pediatr. 2016;114(2):e126–7.
- Kılıç AO, Sari E, Yucel H, Oğuz MM, Polat E, Acoglu EA, et al. Exposure to and use of mobile devices in children aged 1–60 months. Eur J Pediatr. 2019;178(2):221–7.
- Picherot G, Cheymol J, Assathiany R, Barthet-Derrien MS, Bidet-Emeriau M, Blocquaux S, et al. Children and screens: Groupe de Pédiatrie Générale (Société française de pédiatrie) guidelines for pediatricians and families. Arch Pediatr. 2018;25(2):170–4.
- Ng KW, Augustine L, Inchley J. Comparisons in screen-time behaviours among adolescents with and without long-term illnesses or disabilities: Results from 2013/14 HBSC study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018;15(10):2276.
- Durgungoz FC, Durgungoz A. Exploring the use of touchscreen devices for children with special educational needs and disabilities: Digital vs traditional. Eur J Spec Educ Res. 2021;7(1):92–109.
- Dehiol RK, Dawood LJ, Alrubaee RJ. Autism spectrum disorders and electronic screen devices exposure in Al- Nasiriya city 2019-2020. 2022;26(4):1308–16.
- Slobodin O, Heffler KF, Davidovitch M. Screen media and autism spectrum disorder: A systematic literature review. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019;40(4):303–11.
- Matthes J, Thomas MF, Stevic A, Schmuck D. Fighting over smartphones? Parents’ excessive smartphone use, lack of control over children’s use, and conflict. Comput Human Behav. 2021;116:106618.
- Gentile DA, Reimer RA, Nathanson AI, Walsh DA, Eisenmann JC. Protective effects of parental monitoring of children’s media use a prospective study. JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(5):479–84.
- Varghese AD, Mathew G, Xson C. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and use of mobile phones among children- need for concern? J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2023; 7(6): SC01-SC04
- Jourdren M, Bucaille A, Ropars J. The impact of screen exposure on attention abilities in young children: A systematic review. Pediatr Neurol. 2023;142:76–88.
- Chonchaiya W, Nuntnarumit P, Pruksananonda C, Chandhita Pruksananonda C. Comparison of television viewing between children with autism spectrum disorder and controls. Acta Paediatr. 2011;100(7):1033–7.
- Heffler K, Sienko D, Subedi K. Association of early-life social and digital media experiences with development of autism spectrum disorder–like symptoms. JAMA Pediatr. 2020;174(7):690–6.
- Takahashi N, Tsuchiya K, Okumura A. The association between screen time and genetic risks for neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Psychiatry Res. 2023; 327:115395.
- Mazurek MO, Engelhardt CR. Video game use in boys with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, or typical development. Pediatrics. 2013;132(2):260–6.
Mobile Media Exposure and Use in Children with and without Neurodevelopmental Disorder: A Comparative Analysis
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 199 - 211, 30.12.2024
Aylin Kurt
Fatma Dinç
Emine Güneş Şan
Objective: It was aimed in the study to evaluate and compare the purpose, frequency, and scope of mobile media use in children with neurodevelopmental disorder and those without neurodevelopmental disorder.
Method: This study planned with a comparative design was conducted with the participation of the mothers of 111 children with neurodevelopmental disorder and 237 children without neurodevelopmental disorder. The data were collected through a self-report questionnaire.
Results: Most of the children had their own personal mobile media devices (with neurodevelopmental disorder=96.4%, without neurodevelopmental disorder=90.7%), and the majority used their mobile media devices to watch videos (with neurodevelopmental disorder=100.0%, without neurodevelopmental disorder=77.6%). Children with neurodevelopmental disorder used mobile media devices at an earlier age, and their duration of use in the day was longer (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Education programs for mothers should be prepared in line with expert opinions which aim at reducing use of mobile media devices and screen exposure. Nurses should play a role in the development and evaluation of intervention programmes to prevent the negative consequences of mobile media use and screen exposure, especially in primary health care centres.
Etik Beyan
The study was approved by the Social Sciences and Humanities Ethics Committee of a university (Protocol No. 2022-SBB-0408, Date: 19.09.2022, Decision No. 22). Subsequently, authorization from the provincial health directorate was obtained for the study to be conducted at the relevant hospital. Following the provision of information to the mothers regarding the purpose and plan of the study, written consent was obtained from each participant. The 0-8 years mobile media information form was conducted in accordance with the principles of anonymity and confidentiality. No identifying data were collected. All participants were informed that their data would be kept confidential. All data were stored exclusively on a password-protected computer, accessible only to members of the research team. All procedures were conducted in accordance with the ethical standards and principles set forth in the Helsinki Declaration.
- Coutinho F, Saxena G, Shah A, Tilak S, Desai N, Udani V. Mobile media exposure and use in children aged zero to five years with diagnosed neurodevelopmental disability. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2022;17(6):645–51.
- Dy ABC, Dy ABC, Santos SK. Measuring effects of screen time on the development of children in the Philippines: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2023;23(1):1261.
- Sisson S, Broyles S, … BB. Screen time, physical activity, and overweight in US youth: National Survey of Children’s Health 2003. J Adolesc Heal. 2010;47(3):309–11.
- Pons M, Caner M, Rubies J, MC. A comparative study of recreational screen time in neurodevelopmental disorders. Rev Neurol. 2022;74(9):291–7.
- Nagata JM, Chu J, Ganson KT, Murray SB, Iyer P, Gabriel KP, et al. Contemporary screen time modalities and disruptive behavior disorders in children: A prospective cohort study. ournal Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2023 Jan;64(1):125–35.
- Hill D, Ameenuddin N, Chassiakos YR, Cross C, Radesky J, Hutchinson J, et al. Media and young minds. Pediatrics. 2016;138(5):e20162591.
- Ponti M. Screen time and preschool children: Promoting health and development in a digital world. Paediatr Child Health. 2023;28:184–92.
- Harle B. Intensive early screen exposure as a causal factor for symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder: The case for «Virtual autism». Trends Neurosci Educ. 2019;17:100119.
- Fang K, Mu M, Liu K, He Y. Screen time and childhood overweight/obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Child Care Health Dev. 2019 Sep;45(5):744–53.
- Mazurek M, Engelhardt C, Sohl K. Bedtime electronic media use and sleep in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2016;37(7):525–31.
- Alroqi H, Serratrice L, Cameron-Faulkner T. The association between screen media quantity, content, and context and language development. J Child Lang. 2022; 50(5):1155-1183.
- Lin J, Magiati I, Chiong SHR, Singhal S, Riard N, Ng IHX. The relationship among screen use, sleep, and emotional/behavioral difficulties in preschool children with neurodevelopmental disorders. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019;40(7):519–29.
- Hill MM, Gangi D, Miller M, Rafi SM, Ozonoff S. Screen time in 36-month-olds at increased likelihood for ASD and ADHD. Infant Behav Dev. 2020;61:101484.
- Vaidyanathan S, Manohar H, Chandrasekaran V, Kandasamy P. Screen time exposure in preschool children with adhd: A cross-sectional exploratory study from south india. Indian J Psychol Med. 2021;43(2):125–9.
- Görmez V, Örengül AC. Assessment of electronic media use in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Anatol Psych. 2017;18(5):495–502.
- Uzun Ö, Yıldırım V, Uzun E. D. Habit of using social media and correlation of social media addiction, self esteem, perceived social support in adolescent with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Turkish J Fam Med Prim Care. 2016;10(3):142-147.
- Chonchaiya W, Nuntnarumit P, Pruksananonda C. Comparison of television viewing between children with autism spectrum disorder and controls. Acta Paediatr Int J Paediatr. 2011;100(7):1033–7.
- Engelhardt CR, Mazurek MO, Sohl K. Media use and sleep among boys with autism spectrum disorder, adhd, or typical development. Pediatrics. 2013;132(6):1081–9.
- Sarfraz S, Shlaghya G, Narayana SH, Mushtaq U, Shaman Ameen B, Nie C. Early screen-time exposure and its association with risk of developing autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review. Cureus. 2023;15(7):e42292.
- Field A. Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics. 5th ed. Vol. 58, Statistics. Thousand Oaks: CA: SAGE; 2013.
- Goldfarb G, Krynski L. Exposure and use of mobile media devices by young children. Arch Argent Pediatr. 2016;114(2):e126–7.
- Kılıç AO, Sari E, Yucel H, Oğuz MM, Polat E, Acoglu EA, et al. Exposure to and use of mobile devices in children aged 1–60 months. Eur J Pediatr. 2019;178(2):221–7.
- Picherot G, Cheymol J, Assathiany R, Barthet-Derrien MS, Bidet-Emeriau M, Blocquaux S, et al. Children and screens: Groupe de Pédiatrie Générale (Société française de pédiatrie) guidelines for pediatricians and families. Arch Pediatr. 2018;25(2):170–4.
- Ng KW, Augustine L, Inchley J. Comparisons in screen-time behaviours among adolescents with and without long-term illnesses or disabilities: Results from 2013/14 HBSC study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018;15(10):2276.
- Durgungoz FC, Durgungoz A. Exploring the use of touchscreen devices for children with special educational needs and disabilities: Digital vs traditional. Eur J Spec Educ Res. 2021;7(1):92–109.
- Dehiol RK, Dawood LJ, Alrubaee RJ. Autism spectrum disorders and electronic screen devices exposure in Al- Nasiriya city 2019-2020. 2022;26(4):1308–16.
- Slobodin O, Heffler KF, Davidovitch M. Screen media and autism spectrum disorder: A systematic literature review. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019;40(4):303–11.
- Matthes J, Thomas MF, Stevic A, Schmuck D. Fighting over smartphones? Parents’ excessive smartphone use, lack of control over children’s use, and conflict. Comput Human Behav. 2021;116:106618.
- Gentile DA, Reimer RA, Nathanson AI, Walsh DA, Eisenmann JC. Protective effects of parental monitoring of children’s media use a prospective study. JAMA Pediatr. 2014;168(5):479–84.
- Varghese AD, Mathew G, Xson C. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and use of mobile phones among children- need for concern? J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2023; 7(6): SC01-SC04
- Jourdren M, Bucaille A, Ropars J. The impact of screen exposure on attention abilities in young children: A systematic review. Pediatr Neurol. 2023;142:76–88.
- Chonchaiya W, Nuntnarumit P, Pruksananonda C, Chandhita Pruksananonda C. Comparison of television viewing between children with autism spectrum disorder and controls. Acta Paediatr. 2011;100(7):1033–7.
- Heffler K, Sienko D, Subedi K. Association of early-life social and digital media experiences with development of autism spectrum disorder–like symptoms. JAMA Pediatr. 2020;174(7):690–6.
- Takahashi N, Tsuchiya K, Okumura A. The association between screen time and genetic risks for neurodevelopmental disorders in children. Psychiatry Res. 2023; 327:115395.
- Mazurek MO, Engelhardt CR. Video game use in boys with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, or typical development. Pediatrics. 2013;132(2):260–6.