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Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 138 - 154, 26.12.2024


Although there has been progress in achieving gender equality, working mothers continue to encounter significant challenges balancing work and family roles, leading to work-family conflict (WFC) and subsequent feelings of guilt regarding WFC. Work-family guilt (WFG) is an emotional response to imbalances that arise from the demands of both work and family responsibilities. This study aims to develop a conceptual framework for the antecedents and outcomes of WFG among working mothers, addressing the gap in research regarding their guilt experiences. Drawing on the prior studies, this paper proposes that societal, organizational, and individual factors will interact, leading to WFC and subsequently causing WFG, which in turn results in some undesirable consequences in societal, organizational, and individual domains. Among the existing research on WFC, this study stands out for its comprehensive review of the determiners and consequences of WFG from a gender role perspective. The suggested framework seeks to provide guidance to working mothers, policymakers, managers, and human resource experts on reducing WFG among working mothers, thus enhancing their overall well-being and productivity. This study explores WFG from a gender standpoint, highlighting the significance of employing gender-sensitive strategies for addressing challenges at both individual, organizational, and societal levels.


  • Aarntzen, L., Derks, B., van Steenbergen, E., & van der Lippe, T. (2023). When work–family guilt becomes a women's issue: Internalized gender stereotypes predict high guilt in working mothers but low guilt in working fathers. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(1), 12-29.
  • Aarntzen, L., Derks, B., van Steenbergen, E., Ryan, M., & van der Lippe, T. (2019). Work-family guilt as a straightjacket. An interview and diary study on consequences of mothers' work-family guilt. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115, 103336.
  • Aarntzen, L., van der Lippe, T., van Steenbergen, E., & Derks, B. (2021). How individual gender role beliefs, organizational gender norms, and national gender norms predict parents’ work-Family guilt in Europe. Community, Work & Family, 24(2), 120-142.
  • Aoyagi, C., & Munro, A. (2024). Guilt, gender, and work-life balance: A choice experiment. Journal of choice modelling, 50, 100464.
  • Ataca, B. (2009). Turkish family structure and functioning. In S. Bekman & A. Aksu-Koc (Eds.), Perspectives on human development, family, and culture (pp. 108–125). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Aycan, Z., & Eskin, M. (2005). Relative contributions of childcare, spousal support, and organizational support in reducing work–family conflict for men and women: The case of Turkey. Sex Roles, 53, 453-471.
  • Barnett, R. C., & Gareis, K. C. (2002). Full-time and reduced-hours work schedules and marital quality: A study of female physicians with young children. Work and Occupations, 29(3), 364-379.
  • Boer, C. (1977). The Polls: Women at Work. Public Opinion Quarterly, 41, 268-277. Bölingen, F., Hermida Carrillo, A., & Weller, I. (2023). Opening the doors for spillovers: A contingency view of the effects of work from home on the work–home interface. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1191657.
  • Borelli, J. L., Nelson, S. K., River, L. M., Birken, S. A., & Moss-Racusin, C. (2017a). Gender differences in work-family guilt in parents of young children. Sex Roles, 76, 356-368.
  • Borelli, J. L., Nelson-Coffey, S. K., River, L. M., Birken, S. A., & Moss-Racusin, C. (2017b). Bringing work home: Gender and parenting correlates of work-family guilt among parents of toddlers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26, 1734-1745.
  • Budig, M. (2004). Feminism and the family. The Blackwell companion to the sociology of families, 416-434.
  • Chen, L., Chen, N., Qu, Y., Hussain, M. A., & Qin, Y. (2024). The cost of guilt: Unpacking the emotional mechanism between work-to-family conflict and unethical pro-family behavior. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35(2), 220-255.
  • Chen, S., & Cheng, M. I. (2023). Exploring the reciprocal nature of work-family guilt and its effects on work/family-related performance. Community, Work & Family, 1-16.
  • Clark, M. E., & Bower, J. D. (2016). Career experiences of women with major financial barriers. The Career Development Quarterly, 64(4), 373-386.
  • Cleveland, J. N., Fisher, G. G., & Sawyer, K. B. (2015). Work–life equality: The importance of a level playing field at home. In Ed. Mills, M. J. Gender and the work-family experience: An intersection of two domains (pp. 177-199), Springer.
  • Boer, C. (1977). The polls: Women at work. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 41(2), 268-277.
  • Eagly, A. H., & Wood, W. (2012). Social role theory. In P. A. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins (Eds.), Handbook of theories of social psychology (pp. 458–476). Sage Publications.
  • Eagly, A. H., Wood, W., & Diekman, A. B. (2000). Social role theory of sex differences and similarities: A current appraisal. The Developmental Social Psychology of Gender, 12(174), 9781410605245-12.
  • Elmas-Atay, S., & Gerçek, M. (2021). İş-yaşam çatışmasının Koronavirüs (COVID-19) pandemisi sürecinde yeniden değerlendirilmesi: Kadın akademisyenler açısından nitel bir araştırma. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24(45), 203-241.
  • Federici, S. (2020). Revolution at point zero: Housework, reproduction, and feminist struggle. PM Press.
  • Foucreault, A., Ménard, J., Houlfort, N., Trépanier, S. G., & Lavigne, G. L. (2023). How work-family guilt, involvement with children and spouse’s support influence parents’ life satisfaction in a context of work-family conflict. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32(4), 1065-1077.
  • Gibbons, J. L., Hamby, B. A., & Dennis, W. D. (1997). Researching gender‐role ideologies internationally and cross‐culturally. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21(1), 151-170.
  • Glavin, P., & Schieman, S. (2012). Work–family role blurring and work–family conflict: The moderating influence of job resources and job demands. Work and Occupations, 39(1), 71-98.
  • Góis, A. C., Caiado, B., & Moreira, H. (2023). Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal: The Mediating Role of Work-Family Guilt in the Relationship Between Self-Compassion and Mindful Parenting in a Sample of Working Mothers. Mindfulness, 14(5), 1183-1191.
  • Golding, J. M. (1990). Division of household labor, strain, and depressive symptoms among Mexican Americans and Non‐Hispanic Whites. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 14(1), 103-117.
  • Gómez-Ortiz, O., & Roldán-Barrios, A. (2021). Work–family guilt in Spanish parents: Analysis of the measurement, antecedents and outcomes from a gender perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 8229.
  • Grant, M. J., & Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: An analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies. Health information & libraries journal, 26(2), 91-108.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., & Beutell, N. J. (1985). Sources of conflict between work and family roles. Academy of management review, 10(1), 76-88.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., & Powell, G. N. (2003). When work and family collide: Deciding between competing role demands. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 90(2), 291-303.
  • Hartmann, H. I. (1979). The unhappy marriage of Marxism and feminism: Towards a more progressive union. Capital & Class, 3(2), 1-33.
  • Hays, S. (1996). The cultural contradictions of motherhood. Yale University Press.
  • Hochwarter, W. A., Perrewé, P. L., Meurs, J. A., & Kacmar, C. (2007). The interactive effects of work-induced guilt and ability to manage resources on job and life satisfaction. Journal of occupational health psychology, 12(2), 125-135.
  • Hongbo, L., Waqas, M., Tariq, H., & Yahya, F. (2020). Bringing home the bacon: Testing a moderated mediation model of job insecurity, work–family conflict, and parent–child attachment. Social Science Information, 59(4), 704-729.
  • Ilies, R., Schwind, K. M., Wagner, D. T., Johnson, M. D., DeRue, D. S., & Ilgen, D. R. (2007). When can employees have a family life? The effects of daily workload and affect on work-family conflict and social behaviors at home. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(5), 1368.
  • Jacobs, J. A., & Gerson, K. (2004). Understanding changes in American working time: A synthesis. In Eds. Epsrein C. F. & Kalleberg, A. L., Fighting for time: Shifting boundaries of work and social life (pp. 25-45), Russel Sage Foundation.
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Arada Kalmış: Cinsiyet Rolleri Perspektifinden Çalışan Annelerde İş-Aile Suçluluğunun Öncülleri ve Sonuçlarına İlişkin Bir Kavramsal Çerçeve

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 138 - 154, 26.12.2024


Cinsiyet eşitliğinin sağlanmasında ilerleme kaydedilmesine rağmen, çalışan anneler iş ve aile rollerini dengelemede önemli zorluklarla karşılaşmaya devam etmektedirler. Bu durum, iş-aile çatışmasına ve bu çatışmalara yönelik suçluluk duygularına yol açmaktadır. İş-aile suçluluğu, hem iş hem de aile sorumluluklarından kaynaklanan dengesizliklere verilen duygusal bir tepkidir. Bu çalışma, yazında görece sınırlı düzeyde ele alınan çalışan annelerde iş-aile suçluluğunun öncülleri ve sonuçları için kavramsal bir çerçeve geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Önceki çalışmalara dayanarak bu çalışma, toplumsal, örgütsel ve bireysel etmenlerin etkileşime girerek iş-aile çatışmasına ve iş-aile suçluluğuna neden olacağını ve bunun da toplumsal, örgütsel ve bireysel alanlarda bazı istenmeyen sonuçlara yol açacağını öne sürmektedir. İş-aile çatışması ile ilgili mevcut araştırmalar arasında bu çalışmada önerilen kavramsal çerçeve, iş-aile suçluluğunun belirleyicilerini ve sonuçlarını toplumsal cinsiyet rolü perspektifinden kapsamlı bir şekilde incelemesiyle farklılaşmaktadır. Önerilen kavramsal çerçeve, çalışan annelere, politika yapıcılara, yöneticilere ve insan kaynakları uzmanlarına çalışan annelerde iş-aile suçluluğunu azaltarak genel refah ve üretkenliklerini artırma konusunda rehberlik sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışma, iş-aile suçluluğunu cinsiyet perspektifinden inceleyerek bireysel, örgütsel ve toplumsal düzeylerdeki zorlukları ele almak için cinsiyete duyarlı stratejilerin önemini vurgulamaktadır.


  • Aarntzen, L., Derks, B., van Steenbergen, E., & van der Lippe, T. (2023). When work–family guilt becomes a women's issue: Internalized gender stereotypes predict high guilt in working mothers but low guilt in working fathers. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(1), 12-29.
  • Aarntzen, L., Derks, B., van Steenbergen, E., Ryan, M., & van der Lippe, T. (2019). Work-family guilt as a straightjacket. An interview and diary study on consequences of mothers' work-family guilt. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115, 103336.
  • Aarntzen, L., van der Lippe, T., van Steenbergen, E., & Derks, B. (2021). How individual gender role beliefs, organizational gender norms, and national gender norms predict parents’ work-Family guilt in Europe. Community, Work & Family, 24(2), 120-142.
  • Aoyagi, C., & Munro, A. (2024). Guilt, gender, and work-life balance: A choice experiment. Journal of choice modelling, 50, 100464.
  • Ataca, B. (2009). Turkish family structure and functioning. In S. Bekman & A. Aksu-Koc (Eds.), Perspectives on human development, family, and culture (pp. 108–125). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Aycan, Z., & Eskin, M. (2005). Relative contributions of childcare, spousal support, and organizational support in reducing work–family conflict for men and women: The case of Turkey. Sex Roles, 53, 453-471.
  • Barnett, R. C., & Gareis, K. C. (2002). Full-time and reduced-hours work schedules and marital quality: A study of female physicians with young children. Work and Occupations, 29(3), 364-379.
  • Boer, C. (1977). The Polls: Women at Work. Public Opinion Quarterly, 41, 268-277. Bölingen, F., Hermida Carrillo, A., & Weller, I. (2023). Opening the doors for spillovers: A contingency view of the effects of work from home on the work–home interface. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1191657.
  • Borelli, J. L., Nelson, S. K., River, L. M., Birken, S. A., & Moss-Racusin, C. (2017a). Gender differences in work-family guilt in parents of young children. Sex Roles, 76, 356-368.
  • Borelli, J. L., Nelson-Coffey, S. K., River, L. M., Birken, S. A., & Moss-Racusin, C. (2017b). Bringing work home: Gender and parenting correlates of work-family guilt among parents of toddlers. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26, 1734-1745.
  • Budig, M. (2004). Feminism and the family. The Blackwell companion to the sociology of families, 416-434.
  • Chen, L., Chen, N., Qu, Y., Hussain, M. A., & Qin, Y. (2024). The cost of guilt: Unpacking the emotional mechanism between work-to-family conflict and unethical pro-family behavior. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35(2), 220-255.
  • Chen, S., & Cheng, M. I. (2023). Exploring the reciprocal nature of work-family guilt and its effects on work/family-related performance. Community, Work & Family, 1-16.
  • Clark, M. E., & Bower, J. D. (2016). Career experiences of women with major financial barriers. The Career Development Quarterly, 64(4), 373-386.
  • Cleveland, J. N., Fisher, G. G., & Sawyer, K. B. (2015). Work–life equality: The importance of a level playing field at home. In Ed. Mills, M. J. Gender and the work-family experience: An intersection of two domains (pp. 177-199), Springer.
  • Boer, C. (1977). The polls: Women at work. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 41(2), 268-277.
  • Eagly, A. H., & Wood, W. (2012). Social role theory. In P. A. M. Van Lange, A. W. Kruglanski, & E. T. Higgins (Eds.), Handbook of theories of social psychology (pp. 458–476). Sage Publications.
  • Eagly, A. H., Wood, W., & Diekman, A. B. (2000). Social role theory of sex differences and similarities: A current appraisal. The Developmental Social Psychology of Gender, 12(174), 9781410605245-12.
  • Elmas-Atay, S., & Gerçek, M. (2021). İş-yaşam çatışmasının Koronavirüs (COVID-19) pandemisi sürecinde yeniden değerlendirilmesi: Kadın akademisyenler açısından nitel bir araştırma. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24(45), 203-241.
  • Federici, S. (2020). Revolution at point zero: Housework, reproduction, and feminist struggle. PM Press.
  • Foucreault, A., Ménard, J., Houlfort, N., Trépanier, S. G., & Lavigne, G. L. (2023). How work-family guilt, involvement with children and spouse’s support influence parents’ life satisfaction in a context of work-family conflict. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32(4), 1065-1077.
  • Gibbons, J. L., Hamby, B. A., & Dennis, W. D. (1997). Researching gender‐role ideologies internationally and cross‐culturally. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21(1), 151-170.
  • Glavin, P., & Schieman, S. (2012). Work–family role blurring and work–family conflict: The moderating influence of job resources and job demands. Work and Occupations, 39(1), 71-98.
  • Góis, A. C., Caiado, B., & Moreira, H. (2023). Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal: The Mediating Role of Work-Family Guilt in the Relationship Between Self-Compassion and Mindful Parenting in a Sample of Working Mothers. Mindfulness, 14(5), 1183-1191.
  • Golding, J. M. (1990). Division of household labor, strain, and depressive symptoms among Mexican Americans and Non‐Hispanic Whites. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 14(1), 103-117.
  • Gómez-Ortiz, O., & Roldán-Barrios, A. (2021). Work–family guilt in Spanish parents: Analysis of the measurement, antecedents and outcomes from a gender perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 8229.
  • Grant, M. J., & Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: An analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies. Health information & libraries journal, 26(2), 91-108.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., & Beutell, N. J. (1985). Sources of conflict between work and family roles. Academy of management review, 10(1), 76-88.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., & Powell, G. N. (2003). When work and family collide: Deciding between competing role demands. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 90(2), 291-303.
  • Hartmann, H. I. (1979). The unhappy marriage of Marxism and feminism: Towards a more progressive union. Capital & Class, 3(2), 1-33.
  • Hays, S. (1996). The cultural contradictions of motherhood. Yale University Press.
  • Hochwarter, W. A., Perrewé, P. L., Meurs, J. A., & Kacmar, C. (2007). The interactive effects of work-induced guilt and ability to manage resources on job and life satisfaction. Journal of occupational health psychology, 12(2), 125-135.
  • Hongbo, L., Waqas, M., Tariq, H., & Yahya, F. (2020). Bringing home the bacon: Testing a moderated mediation model of job insecurity, work–family conflict, and parent–child attachment. Social Science Information, 59(4), 704-729.
  • Ilies, R., Schwind, K. M., Wagner, D. T., Johnson, M. D., DeRue, D. S., & Ilgen, D. R. (2007). When can employees have a family life? The effects of daily workload and affect on work-family conflict and social behaviors at home. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(5), 1368.
  • Jacobs, J. A., & Gerson, K. (2004). Understanding changes in American working time: A synthesis. In Eds. Epsrein C. F. & Kalleberg, A. L., Fighting for time: Shifting boundaries of work and social life (pp. 25-45), Russel Sage Foundation.
  • Kahn, R. L., Wolfe, D. M., Quinn, R. P., Snoek, J. D., & Rosenthal, R. A. (1964). Organizational stress: Studies in role conflict and ambiguity. Wiley.
  • Kelly, E. L., Ammons, S. K., Chermack, K., & Moen, P. (2010). Gendered challenge, gendered response: Confronting the ideal worker norm in a white-collar organization. Gender & Society, 24(3), 281-303.
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Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Aile Sosyolojisi, Kadın Araştırmaları
Bölüm Derlemeler

Merve Gerçek 0000-0002-7076-8192

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 9 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 9 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Gerçek, M. (2024). Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles. Sakarya Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 138-154.
AMA Gerçek M. Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles. SAÜKAD. Aralık 2024;3(2):138-154. doi:10.61158/saukad.1495548
Chicago Gerçek, Merve. “Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles”. Sakarya Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi 3, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 138-54.
EndNote Gerçek M (01 Aralık 2024) Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles. Sakarya Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi 3 2 138–154.
IEEE M. Gerçek, “Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles”, SAÜKAD, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 138–154, 2024, doi: 10.61158/saukad.1495548.
ISNAD Gerçek, Merve. “Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles”. Sakarya Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi 3/2 (Aralık 2024), 138-154.
JAMA Gerçek M. Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles. SAÜKAD. 2024;3:138–154.
MLA Gerçek, Merve. “Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles”. Sakarya Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 138-54, doi:10.61158/saukad.1495548.
Vancouver Gerçek M. Caught in the Middle: A Conceptual Framework for the Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Guilt in Working Mothers from the Perspective of Gender Roles. SAÜKAD. 2024;3(2):138-54.