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The Effects of Cold and Hot Applications on Knee Joint Laxity and Post-Jump Landing Biomechanics in Healthy Individuals

Yıl 2024, , 176 - 186, 06.01.2025


This study aims to determine the effects of thermal agents applied to the knee region on the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) score and knee laxity. Participants were included in the study using a crossover randomization method and participated over three days with a two-day interval between cold, hot, and control applications. After the application sequence group for the participant was determined, descriptive data were recorded by the researcher. The range of motion (ROM) values of the participant's lower extremity joints and knee Q angle were measured using a goniometer, and Beighton criteria scores were assessed by the researcher. Following the day's application, measurements of LESS and knee laxity using a rolimeter were performed. During the cold, hot, and control applications, the ambient temperature during the application, the temperature of the applied cold/hot material, and the joint temperature before and after the application were measured using a thermal camera to ensure optimal application of the thermal agent. A total of 41 participants, 28 women (68.3%) and 13 men (31.7%), were included in the study. A statistically significant difference was observed in knee temperatures before and after the applications and in joint temperatures after hot/cold applications (p<0.001). However, no statistically significant difference was observed in the LESS scores and dominant/non-dominant extremity laxity values measured during the control period and after the applications (p>0.05). The study concluded that thermal agents applied to the knee region did not result in a significant difference in LESS scores and knee laxity.


  • 1. Adams, W. M., Scarneo-Miller, S. E., Vandermark, L. W., Belval, L. N., DiStefano, L. J., Lee, E. C., and Casa, D. J. (2021). Movement technique and standing balance after graded exercise-induced dehydration. Journal of Athletic Training, 56(2), 203-210.
  • 2. Addie, C. D., Arnett, J. E., Neltner, T. J., Straughn, M. K., Greska, E. K., Cosio-Lima, L., and Brown, L. E. (2019). Effects of drop height on drop jump performance. International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science, 7(4), 28-32
  • 3. Alaca, N., and Kablan, N. (2022). Acute effects of cold spray application on mechanical properties of the rectus femoris muscle in athletes. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 30, 100-104.
  • 4. Atalay, Y. B., Ünal, A. M., Oğul, A., Ercan, S., and Çetin, C. (2018). The Effect of Hot+ Cold Applications on Patellar Tendon to Torque+ Time Parameters. Spor Hekimligi Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(4).
  • 5. Benoit, T. G., Martin, D. E., and Perrin, D. H. (1996). Hot and cold whirlpool treatments and knee joint laxity. Journal of Athletic Training, 31(3), 242.
  • 6. Bjordal, J. M., Johnson, M. I., Lopes-Martins, R. A., Bogen, B., Chow, R., and Ljunggren, A. E. (2007). Short-term efficacy of physical interventions in osteoarthritic knee pain. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo-controlled trials. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 8, 51.
  • 7. Bleakley, C. M., and Costello, J. T. (2013). Do thermal agents affect range of movement and mechanical properties in soft tissues? A systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94(1), 149-163.
  • 8. Brinlee, A. W., Dickenson, S. B., Hunter-Giordano, A., and Snyder-Mackler, L. (2022). ACL reconstruction rehabilitation: clinical data, biologic healing, and criterion-based milestones to inform a return-to-sport guideline. Sports Health, 14(5), 770-779.
  • 9. Cameron, M. H. (2017). Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice (4th ed.). Elsevier.
  • 10. Colosio, A., Scaini, A., Motta, M., Paderno, M., Saccomanno, M. F., Bettinsoli, P., Bonaspetti, G., and Milano, G. (2023). BLU-DAT: a new reliable and accurate arthrometer for measuring anterior knee laxity. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy: official journal of the ESSKA, 31(11), 4782–4790.
  • 11. Costello, J. T., and Donnelly, A. E. (2010). Cryotherapy and joint position sense in healthy participants: a systematic review. Journal of athletic training, 45(3), 306-316.
  • 12. Distefano, L. J., Casa, D. J., Vansumeren, M. M., Karslo, R. M., Huggins, R. A., Demartini, J. K., and Maresh, C. M. (2013). Hypohydration and hyperthermia impair neuromuscular control after exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(6), 1166-1173.
  • 13. Ercan, S., Arslan, E., Çetin, C., Başkurt, F., Başkurt, Z., Baser Kolcu, M. İ., and Kolcu, G. (2021). Turkish adaptation study of the landing error scoring system. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 10(2), 174-178.
  • 14. Finch, C. F., Kemp, J. L., and Clapperton, A. J. (2015). The incidence and burden of hospital-treated sports-related injury in people aged 15+ years in Victoria, Australia, 2004–2010: a future epidemic of osteoarthritis?. Osteoarthritis and cartilage, 23(7), 1138-1143.
  • 15. Ganko, A., Engebretsen, L., and Ozer, H. (2000). The rolimeter: a new arthrometer compared with the KT-1000. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 8(1), 36-39.
  • 16. Gokeler, A., Eppinga, P., Dijkstra, P. U., Welling, W., Padua, D. A., Otten, E., and Benjaminse, A. (2014). Effect of fatigue on landing performance assessed with the landing error scoring system (less) in patients after ACL reconstruction. A pilot study. International journal of sports physical therapy, 9(3), 302.
  • 17. Hanzlíková, I., and Hébert-Losier, K. (2020a). Landing Error Scoring System scores change with knowledge of scoring criteria and prior performance. Physical Therapy in Sport, 46, 155-161.
  • 18. Hanzlíková, I., and Hébert-Losier, K. (2020b). Clinical Implications of Jump Distance on Landing Error Scoring System Scores. Journal of athletic training.
  • 19. Hanzlíková, I., Athens, J., and Hébert-Losier, K. (2021). Factors influencing the Landing Error Scoring System: Systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 24(3), 269-280.
  • 20. Hanzlíková, I., and Hébert-Losier, K. (2021). Clinical implications of landing distance on Landing Error Scoring System scores. Journal of Athletic Training, 56(6), 572-577.
  • 21. Hébert-Losier, K., Boswell-Smith, C., and Hanzlíková, I. (2023). Effect of footwear versus barefoot on double-leg jump-landing and jump height measures: a randomized cross-over study. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 18(4), 845.
  • 22. Hueber, G. A., Hall, E. A., Sage, B. W., and Docherty, C. L. (2017). Prophylactic bracing has no effect on lower extremity alignment or functional performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 38(08), 637-643.
  • 23. Jacobs, K., Riveros, D., Vincent, H. K., and Herman, D. C. (2021). The effect of landing surface on landing error scoring system grades. Sports biomechanics.
  • 24. Liveris, N. I., Tsarbou, C., Tsimeas, P. D., Papageorgiou, G., Xergia, S. A., and Tsiokanos, A. (2021). Evaluating the effects of match-induced fatigue on landing ability; the case of the basketball game. International journal of exercise science, 14(6), 768.
  • 25. Lu, D., McCall, A., Jones, M., Steinweg, J., Gelis, L., Fransen, J., and Duffield, R. (2021). The financial and performance cost of injuries to teams in Australian professional soccer. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 24(5), 463-467.
  • 26. Miniello, S., Dover, G., Powers, M., Tillman, M., and Wikstrom, E. (2005). Lower leg cold immersion does not impair dynamic stability in healthy women. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 14(3), 235-247.
  • 27. Myer, G.D., Ford, K.R., Paterno, M.V., Nick, T.G., Hewett, T.E. (2008). The effects of generalized joint laxity on risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury in young female athletes. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 36(6):1073-1080. doi:10.1177/0363546507313572
  • 28. Padua, D. A., Marshall, S. W., Boling, M. C., Thigpen, C. A., Garrett Jr, W. E., and Beutler, A. I. (2009). The Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) is a valid and reliable clinical assessment tool of jump-landing biomechanics: the JUMP-ACL study. The American journal of sports medicine, 37(10), 1996-2002.
  • 29. Point, M., Guilhem, G., Hug, F., Nordez, A., Frey, A., and Lacourpaille, L. (2018). Cryotherapy induces an increase in muscle stiffness. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 28(1), 260-266.
  • 30. Uchio, Y., Ochi, M., Fujihara, A., Adachi, N., Iwasa, J., and Sakai, Y. (2003). Cryotherapy influences joint laxity and position sense of the healthy knee joint. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 84(1), 131-135.
  • 31. Van Gent, R. N., Siem, D., van Middelkoop, M., Van Os, A. G., Bierma-Zeinstra, S. M. A., and Koes, B. W. (2007). Incidence and determinants of lower extremity running injuries in long distance runners: a systematic review. British journal of sports medicine, 41(8), 469-480.
  • 32. Van Melick, N., Van Rijn, L., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G., Hoogeboom, T. J., and Van Cingel, R. E. H. (2019). Fatigue affects quality of movement more in ACL-reconstructed soccer players than in healthy soccer players. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 27, 549-555.
  • 33. Wu, C. K., Lin, Y. C., Lai, C. P., Wang, H. P., and Hsieh, T. H. (2022). Dynamic taping improves landing biomechanics in young volleyball athletes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20), 13716.

Sağlıklı Bireylerde Diz Eklemi Üzerine Soğuk ve Sıcak Uygulamanın Diz Laksitesine ve Sıçramadan Sonra Yere İniş Biyomekaniğine Etkisi

Yıl 2024, , 176 - 186, 06.01.2025


Çalışmamızın amacı, diz bölgesine uygulanan termal ajanların Sıçramadan Sonra Yere İniş Hata Puanlama Sistemi (İng. Landing Error Scoring System, LESS) puanı ve diz laksitesi üzerine etkilerini saptamaktır. Çalışmaya dahil edilen katılımcılar, çapraz randomizasyon yöntemi kullanılarak soğuk, sıcak ve kontrol uygulama olmak üzere ikişer gün arayla toplam üç gün çalışmaya katılmıştır. Katılımcının alt ekstremite eklem hareket açıklığı değerleri ve diz Q açısı değeri gonyometre ile ölçülmüş, daha sonrasında da Beighton kriterleri puanlaması araştırmacı tarafından değerlendirilmiştir. Katılımcıya o günkü uygulaması uygulandıktan sonra LESS ve rolimetre ile diz laksitesi ölçümleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Soğuk, sıcak ve kontrol uygulama sırasında tüm katılımcılara optimal şekilde termal ajanın verildiğinin tespiti için termal kamera ile uygulama sırasındaki ortam sıcaklığı, uygulanan soğuk/sıcak materyalin sıcaklığı ve uygulama öncesi/sonrası eklem sıcaklığı ölçülmüştür. Çalışmaya 28 kadın (%68,3), 13 erkek (%31,7) toplam 41 katılımcı dahil edilmiştir. Katılımcıların uygulamalar öncesi ve sonrası diz sıcaklıklarında, sıcak/soğuk uygulamalar sonrası diz eklem sıcaklıklarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark gözlemlenmiştir (p<0,001). Ancak, kontrol sırasında ve uygulamalar sonrasında ölçülen Sıçramadan Sonra Hata Puanlama Sistemi Puanı ve dominant/nondominant ekstremite laksitesi değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark gözlenememiştir (p>0,05). Araştırmanın sonucunda diz bölgesine uygulanan termal ajanların LESS puanı ve diz laksitesi üzerinde anlamlı fark oluşturmadığı saptanmıştır.


  • 1. Adams, W. M., Scarneo-Miller, S. E., Vandermark, L. W., Belval, L. N., DiStefano, L. J., Lee, E. C., and Casa, D. J. (2021). Movement technique and standing balance after graded exercise-induced dehydration. Journal of Athletic Training, 56(2), 203-210.
  • 2. Addie, C. D., Arnett, J. E., Neltner, T. J., Straughn, M. K., Greska, E. K., Cosio-Lima, L., and Brown, L. E. (2019). Effects of drop height on drop jump performance. International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science, 7(4), 28-32
  • 3. Alaca, N., and Kablan, N. (2022). Acute effects of cold spray application on mechanical properties of the rectus femoris muscle in athletes. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 30, 100-104.
  • 4. Atalay, Y. B., Ünal, A. M., Oğul, A., Ercan, S., and Çetin, C. (2018). The Effect of Hot+ Cold Applications on Patellar Tendon to Torque+ Time Parameters. Spor Hekimligi Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, 53(4).
  • 5. Benoit, T. G., Martin, D. E., and Perrin, D. H. (1996). Hot and cold whirlpool treatments and knee joint laxity. Journal of Athletic Training, 31(3), 242.
  • 6. Bjordal, J. M., Johnson, M. I., Lopes-Martins, R. A., Bogen, B., Chow, R., and Ljunggren, A. E. (2007). Short-term efficacy of physical interventions in osteoarthritic knee pain. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo-controlled trials. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 8, 51.
  • 7. Bleakley, C. M., and Costello, J. T. (2013). Do thermal agents affect range of movement and mechanical properties in soft tissues? A systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94(1), 149-163.
  • 8. Brinlee, A. W., Dickenson, S. B., Hunter-Giordano, A., and Snyder-Mackler, L. (2022). ACL reconstruction rehabilitation: clinical data, biologic healing, and criterion-based milestones to inform a return-to-sport guideline. Sports Health, 14(5), 770-779.
  • 9. Cameron, M. H. (2017). Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice (4th ed.). Elsevier.
  • 10. Colosio, A., Scaini, A., Motta, M., Paderno, M., Saccomanno, M. F., Bettinsoli, P., Bonaspetti, G., and Milano, G. (2023). BLU-DAT: a new reliable and accurate arthrometer for measuring anterior knee laxity. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy: official journal of the ESSKA, 31(11), 4782–4790.
  • 11. Costello, J. T., and Donnelly, A. E. (2010). Cryotherapy and joint position sense in healthy participants: a systematic review. Journal of athletic training, 45(3), 306-316.
  • 12. Distefano, L. J., Casa, D. J., Vansumeren, M. M., Karslo, R. M., Huggins, R. A., Demartini, J. K., and Maresh, C. M. (2013). Hypohydration and hyperthermia impair neuromuscular control after exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 45(6), 1166-1173.
  • 13. Ercan, S., Arslan, E., Çetin, C., Başkurt, F., Başkurt, Z., Baser Kolcu, M. İ., and Kolcu, G. (2021). Turkish adaptation study of the landing error scoring system. Kocaeli Medical Journal, 10(2), 174-178.
  • 14. Finch, C. F., Kemp, J. L., and Clapperton, A. J. (2015). The incidence and burden of hospital-treated sports-related injury in people aged 15+ years in Victoria, Australia, 2004–2010: a future epidemic of osteoarthritis?. Osteoarthritis and cartilage, 23(7), 1138-1143.
  • 15. Ganko, A., Engebretsen, L., and Ozer, H. (2000). The rolimeter: a new arthrometer compared with the KT-1000. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 8(1), 36-39.
  • 16. Gokeler, A., Eppinga, P., Dijkstra, P. U., Welling, W., Padua, D. A., Otten, E., and Benjaminse, A. (2014). Effect of fatigue on landing performance assessed with the landing error scoring system (less) in patients after ACL reconstruction. A pilot study. International journal of sports physical therapy, 9(3), 302.
  • 17. Hanzlíková, I., and Hébert-Losier, K. (2020a). Landing Error Scoring System scores change with knowledge of scoring criteria and prior performance. Physical Therapy in Sport, 46, 155-161.
  • 18. Hanzlíková, I., and Hébert-Losier, K. (2020b). Clinical Implications of Jump Distance on Landing Error Scoring System Scores. Journal of athletic training.
  • 19. Hanzlíková, I., Athens, J., and Hébert-Losier, K. (2021). Factors influencing the Landing Error Scoring System: Systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 24(3), 269-280.
  • 20. Hanzlíková, I., and Hébert-Losier, K. (2021). Clinical implications of landing distance on Landing Error Scoring System scores. Journal of Athletic Training, 56(6), 572-577.
  • 21. Hébert-Losier, K., Boswell-Smith, C., and Hanzlíková, I. (2023). Effect of footwear versus barefoot on double-leg jump-landing and jump height measures: a randomized cross-over study. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 18(4), 845.
  • 22. Hueber, G. A., Hall, E. A., Sage, B. W., and Docherty, C. L. (2017). Prophylactic bracing has no effect on lower extremity alignment or functional performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 38(08), 637-643.
  • 23. Jacobs, K., Riveros, D., Vincent, H. K., and Herman, D. C. (2021). The effect of landing surface on landing error scoring system grades. Sports biomechanics.
  • 24. Liveris, N. I., Tsarbou, C., Tsimeas, P. D., Papageorgiou, G., Xergia, S. A., and Tsiokanos, A. (2021). Evaluating the effects of match-induced fatigue on landing ability; the case of the basketball game. International journal of exercise science, 14(6), 768.
  • 25. Lu, D., McCall, A., Jones, M., Steinweg, J., Gelis, L., Fransen, J., and Duffield, R. (2021). The financial and performance cost of injuries to teams in Australian professional soccer. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 24(5), 463-467.
  • 26. Miniello, S., Dover, G., Powers, M., Tillman, M., and Wikstrom, E. (2005). Lower leg cold immersion does not impair dynamic stability in healthy women. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 14(3), 235-247.
  • 27. Myer, G.D., Ford, K.R., Paterno, M.V., Nick, T.G., Hewett, T.E. (2008). The effects of generalized joint laxity on risk of anterior cruciate ligament injury in young female athletes. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 36(6):1073-1080. doi:10.1177/0363546507313572
  • 28. Padua, D. A., Marshall, S. W., Boling, M. C., Thigpen, C. A., Garrett Jr, W. E., and Beutler, A. I. (2009). The Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) is a valid and reliable clinical assessment tool of jump-landing biomechanics: the JUMP-ACL study. The American journal of sports medicine, 37(10), 1996-2002.
  • 29. Point, M., Guilhem, G., Hug, F., Nordez, A., Frey, A., and Lacourpaille, L. (2018). Cryotherapy induces an increase in muscle stiffness. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 28(1), 260-266.
  • 30. Uchio, Y., Ochi, M., Fujihara, A., Adachi, N., Iwasa, J., and Sakai, Y. (2003). Cryotherapy influences joint laxity and position sense of the healthy knee joint. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 84(1), 131-135.
  • 31. Van Gent, R. N., Siem, D., van Middelkoop, M., Van Os, A. G., Bierma-Zeinstra, S. M. A., and Koes, B. W. (2007). Incidence and determinants of lower extremity running injuries in long distance runners: a systematic review. British journal of sports medicine, 41(8), 469-480.
  • 32. Van Melick, N., Van Rijn, L., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G., Hoogeboom, T. J., and Van Cingel, R. E. H. (2019). Fatigue affects quality of movement more in ACL-reconstructed soccer players than in healthy soccer players. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 27, 549-555.
  • 33. Wu, C. K., Lin, Y. C., Lai, C. P., Wang, H. P., and Hsieh, T. H. (2022). Dynamic taping improves landing biomechanics in young volleyball athletes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20), 13716.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Görkem Kıyak 0000-0003-4780-8480

Mert Usta 0000-0002-4143-1267

Esma Arslan 0000-0001-7097-8619

Sabriye Ercan 0000-0001-9500-698X

Selçuk Çömlekçi 0000-0003-1389-6435

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Kıyak, G., Usta, M., Arslan, E., Ercan, S., vd. (2025). The Effects of Cold and Hot Applications on Knee Joint Laxity and Post-Jump Landing Biomechanics in Healthy Individuals. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 35(4), 176-186.



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