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The Relationship between Inspiratory Muscle Strength and Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance Variables

Yıl 2024, , 212 - 223, 06.01.2025


Although it is known that respiratory muscle strength training has positive effects on aerobic and anaerobic power, very few studies examine the correlation with potential variables related to respiratory muscle strength. This study aims to test the relationship between respiratory muscle strength and aerobic and anaerobic power. The secondary objective is to evaluate its relationship with body composition and respiratory function test results. Twenty-three physically active male volunteers (age=21.13±2.46years, height=177.39±6.08cm, weight=74.83±12.52kg) from Erciyes University Faculty of Sports Sciences participated in this study. The test of inspiratory muscle strength by a Powerbreathe K5-device, maximal oxygen consumption (maxVO2) by a 20-m shuttle-run test, respiratory function tests by a spirometer, and 30-second Wingate anaerobic power tests were performed. The correlation between variables was examined by Pearson and Spearman correlation analyses. No significant correlation was found between S-index and body fat-mass(r=-0.049), body fat-percentage(r=-0.038), fat-free mass(r=0.251), and body mass index (r=0.118)(p>0.05). While S-index was found to have a moderately significant relationship with maxVO2 (46.63±6.14 ml/kg/min)(p=0.027, r=460), it has no significant relationship with HRrest (85.5±10.5 beats/min)(r=0.281), Lactaterest (1.32±0.51 mmol/L)(r=0.186), and HRtest-end (184.6±17.57 beats/min)(r=0.096) and Lactatetest-end (11.4±2.58 mmol/L)(r=0.155) values measured immediately end of the shuttle-run test. S-index value showed a strong significant correlation (p<0.05) with peak power(p=0.005, r=0.565), minimum power(p=0.001, r=0.668), mean power(p=0.001, r=0.681), minimum relative power(p=0.006, r=0.551) and mean relative power(p=0.005, r=0.567) values, and also, with FVC(p=0.015, r=0.522), FEV1(p=0.002, r=635), VC(p=0.001, r=0.694) and MVV(p=0.001, r=745) values. It was concluded inspiratory muscle strength had a significant-moderate correlation with aerobic power and a significant-strong correlation with anaerobic power.


  • 1. ACSM. (2010). ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer. Thompson. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • 2. ACSM. (2013). ACSM's health-related physical fitness assessment manual. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • 3. Aktuğ, Z. B., Yavuz, G., Pişkin, N. E., Aka, H., ve İbiş, S. (2022). Acute effect of different respiratory muscle exercises on maximal oxygen consumption and lung functions. Spor Hekimligi Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, 57(2), 079-085.
  • 4. Alnuman, N., ve Alshamasneh, A. (2022). The effect of inspiratory muscle training on the pulmonary function in mixed martial arts and kickboxing athletes. Journal of human kinetics, 81(1), 53-63.
  • 5. Atan, T., Akyol, P., ve Çebi, M. (2012). Comparison of respiratory functions of athletes engaged in different sports branches. Turkish journal of sport and exercise, 14(3), 76-81.
  • 6. Bahcecioğlu, H., ve Yapıcıoğlu, B. (2023). Milli Bocce Sporcularında Dört Haftalık Solunum Kası Antrenmanının Solunum Kas Kuvveti, Fonksiyonları ve Performansa Etkisi. Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(1), 34-49.
  • 7. Beaumont, M., Mialon, P., Ber-Moy, C. L., Lochon, C., Péran, L., Pichon, R., Gut-Gobert, C., Leroyer, C., Morelot-Panzini, C., ve Couturaud, F. (2015). Inspiratory muscle training during pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized trial. Chronic respiratory disease, 12(4), 305-312.
  • 8. Beyaz, N., İri, R., ve Pişkin, N. E. (2024). 14-16 Yaş Futbolculara Uygulanan Aletli Solunum Kasi Egzersizlerinin Aerobik Kapasite Anaerobik Güç Ve Bazi Solunum Parametreleri Üzerine Olan Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(1), 23-37.
  • 9. Caruso, P., Albuquerque, A. L. P. d., Santana, P. V., Cardenas, L. Z., Ferreira, J. G., Prina, E., Trevizan, P. F., Pereira, M. C., Iamonti, V., ve Pletsch, R. (2015). Diagnostic methods to assess inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength. Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 41(2), 110-123.
  • 10. Castañeda-Babarro, A. (2021). The wingate anaerobic test, a narrative review of the protocol variables that affect the results obtained. Applied Sciences, 11(16), 7417.
  • 11. Çevik, A., ve Bostancı, Ö. (2024). Erkek Basketbolcularda Dört Haftalık Solunum Kas Antrenmanının Pulmoner Fonksiyonlar ile Aerobik ve Anaerobik Performansa Etkisi: Deneysel Araştırma. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 16(2).
  • 12. de Lima, V. C., Marquezi, M. L., Alcantara, P. R., Lopes, N. B., Frientes, C. S., da Silva Santos, T. M., Miedes, L. R., Fornel, M. S., Oliveira, D. C., ve Rogeri, P. S. (2023). Respiratory Muscle Strength in Brazilian Adolescents: Impact of Body Composition. Obesities, 3(2), 155-164.
  • 13. Deliceoğlu, G., Kabak, B., Çakır, V. O., Ceylan, H. İ., Raul-Ioan, M., Alexe, D. I., ve Stefanica, V. (2024). Respiratory Muscle Strength as a Predictor of VO2max and Aerobic Endurance in Competitive Athletes. Applied Sciences, 14(19), 8976.
  • 14. Elbouhy, M. S., AbdelHalim, H. A., ve Hashem, A. M. (2014). Effect of respiratory muscles training in weaning of mechanically ventilated COPD patients. Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis, 63(3), 679-687.
  • 15. Ergezen, G., Yılmaz Menek, M., ve Demir, R. (2023). Respiratory muscle strengths and its association with body composition and functional exercise capacity in non-obese young adults. Family Medicine and Primary Care Review, 25(2), 146-149. 10.5114/fmpcr.2023.127671
  • 16. Fernández-Lázaro, D., Gallego-Gallego, D., Corchete, L. A., Fernandez Zoppino, D., González-Bernal, J. J., García Gómez, B., ve Mielgo-Ayuso, J. (2021). Inspiratory muscle training program using the powerbreath®: Does it have ergogenic potential for respiratory and/or athletic performance? a systematic review with meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6703.
  • 17. Graham, B. L., Steenbruggen, I., Miller, M. R., Barjaktarevic, I. Z., Cooper, B. G., Hall, G. L., Hallstrand, T. S., Kaminsky, D. A., McCarthy, K., ve McCormack, M. C. (2019). Standardization of spirometry 2019 update. An official American thoracic society and European respiratory society technical statement. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 200(8), e70-e88.
  • 18. Hackett, D. A. (2020). Lung function and respiratory muscle adaptations of endurance-and strength-trained males. Sports, 8(12), 160.
  • 19. Hackett, D. A., ve Sabag, A. (2021). Lung function and respiratory muscle strength and their relationship with weightlifting strength and body composition in non-athletic males. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 286, 103616.
  • 20. Hartz, C. S., Sindorf, M. A., Lopes, C. R., Batista, J., ve Moreno, M. A. (2018). Effect of inspiratory muscle training on performance of handball athletes. Journal of human kinetics, 63, 43-51.
  • 21. Illi, S. K., Held, U., Frank, I., ve Spengler, C. M. (2012). Effect of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance in healthy individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports medicine, 42(8), 707-724.
  • 22. Johnson, M. A., Sharpe, G. R., ve Brown, P. I. (2007). Inspiratory muscle training improves cycling time-trial performance and anaerobic work capacity but not critical power. European journal of applied physiology, 101(6), 761-770.
  • 23. Júnior, B. R. V. N., Gómez, T. B., ve Neto, M. G. (2015). Use Of Powerbreathe® In Inspiratory Muscle Training For Athletes: Systematic Review. Revista Fisioterapia em Movimento 12.
  • 24. Jurić, I., Labor, S., Plavec, D., ve Labor, M. (2019). Inspiratory muscle strength affects anaerobic endurance in professional athletes. Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 70(1), 42-48.
  • 25. Karsten, M., Ribeiro, G. S., Esquivel, M. S., ve Matte, D. L. (2018). The effects of inspiratory muscle training with linear workload devices on the sports performance and cardiopulmonary function of athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physical Therapy in Sport, 34, 92-104.
  • 26. Klasnja, A. V., Jakovljevic, D. G., Barak, O. F., Popadic Gacesa, J. Z., Lukac, D. D., ve Grujic, N. G. (2013). Cardiac power output and its response to exercise in athletes and non‐athletes. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, 33(3), 201-205.
  • 27. Klusiewicz, A., Długołęcka, B., ve Charmas, M. (2014). Characteristics of the respiratory muscle strength of women and men at different training levels. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism, 21(2), 82-86.
  • 28. Koç, M., ve Saritas, N. (2019). The Effect of Respiratory Muscle Training on Aerobic and Anaerobic Strength in Adolescent Taekwondo Athletes. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 7(2), 103-110.
  • 29. Koç, M., Sarıtaş, N., Coşkun, B., ve Akkurt, S. (2025). Effects of Threshold Pressure Loading Exercises Applied to Inspiratory Muscles in Taekwondo Athletes on the Concentration and Utilization of Lactate. Journal of human kinetics, 95.
  • 30. Koşar, Ş. N., ve Hazır, T. (1994). Wingate anaerobik güç testinin güvenirliği. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(4), 21-30.
  • 31. Koulouris, N., ve Dimitroulis, I. (2001). Structure and function of the respiratory muscles. Pneumon, 14(2), 91-108.
  • 32. Kowalski, T., ve Klusiewicz, A. (2023). POWERbreathe® S-Index Test–guidelines and recommendations for practitioners. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 15(1), 225-228.
  • 33. Larribaut, J., Gruet, M., McNarry, M., Mackintosh, K., ve Verges, S. (2020). Methodology and reliability of respiratory muscle assessment. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 273, 103321.
  • 34. Leger, L. A., Mercier, D., Gadoury, C., ve Lambert, J. (1988). The multistage 20 metre shuttle run test for aerobic fitness. Journal of sports sciences, 6(2), 93-101.
  • 35. Lorca-Santiago, J., Jiménez, S. L., Pareja-Galeano, H., ve Lorenzo, A. (2020). Inspiratory muscle training in intermittent sports modalities: a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4448.
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İnspiratuar Kas Kuvvetinin Aerobik ve Anaerobik Performans Değişkenleri ile İlişkisi

Yıl 2024, , 212 - 223, 06.01.2025


Solunum kas kuvveti antrenmanlarının, aerobik ve anaerobik güç üzerinde olumlu etkileri olduğu bilinmesine karşılık, solunum kas kuvveti ile alakalı potansiyel değişkenlerle ilişkiyi inceleyen çalışmalar yok denecek kadar azdır. Çalışmamızın amacı solunum kas kuvveti ile aerobik güç ve anaerobik güç arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. İkincil olarak da solunum kas kuvvetinin, vücut kompozisyonu ve solunum fonksiyon testi sonuçları ile ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmaya, Erciyes Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesinde öğrenim gören fiziksel aktif 23 gönüllü erkek (yaş=21.13±2.46yıl, boy=177.39±6.08cm, kilo=74.83±12.52kg) öğrenci katılmıştır. Powerbreathe K5 cihazı ile inspiratuar solunum kas kuvveti, 20m mekik koşusu ile maksimal oksijen tüketimi (maksVO2), 30 saniye Wingate anaerobik güç testi ve spirometre ile solunum fonksiyon test sonuçları elde edilmiştir. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişki, Pearson ve Spearman korelasyon analizleriyle incelenmiştir. S-index ile vücut yağ kütlesi (r=-0.049), yağ yüzdesi (r=-0.038), yağsız kütle (r=0.251) ve vücut kütle indeksi (r=0.118) değerleri arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunamamıştır (p>0.05). S-indeks ile maksVO2 (46.63±6.14 ml/kg/dk) (p=0.027, r=460) arasında orta düzeyde anlamlı ilişki bulunurken; KAHdin (85.5±10.5 atım/dk )(r=0.281), Laktatdin (1.32±0.51mmol/L)(r=0.186), mekik testi bitiminde ölçülen KAHtest-sonu (184.6±17.57atım/dk) (r=0.096) ve Laktattest-sonu (11.4±2.58mmol/L)(r=0.155) değerleri ile anlamlı ilişki bulunamamıştır. S-index değeri, maksimum güç (p=0.005, r=0.565), minimum güç (p=0.001, r=0.668), ortalama güç (p=0.001, r=0.681), minimum relatif güç (p=0.006, r=0.551) ve ortalama relatif güç (p=0.005, r=0.567) değerleriyle ve FVC (p=0.015, r=0.522), FEV1 (p=0.002, r=635), VC (p=0.001, r=0.694) ve MVV (p=0.001, r=745) değerleri ile güçlü düzeyde anlamlı ilişki göstermiştir (p<0.05). İnspiratuar kas kuvvetinin, aerobik güç ile orta düzeyde, anaerobik güç ile kuvvetli düzeyde pozitif anlamlı ilişkili olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • 1. ACSM. (2010). ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer. Thompson. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • 2. ACSM. (2013). ACSM's health-related physical fitness assessment manual. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • 3. Aktuğ, Z. B., Yavuz, G., Pişkin, N. E., Aka, H., ve İbiş, S. (2022). Acute effect of different respiratory muscle exercises on maximal oxygen consumption and lung functions. Spor Hekimligi Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, 57(2), 079-085.
  • 4. Alnuman, N., ve Alshamasneh, A. (2022). The effect of inspiratory muscle training on the pulmonary function in mixed martial arts and kickboxing athletes. Journal of human kinetics, 81(1), 53-63.
  • 5. Atan, T., Akyol, P., ve Çebi, M. (2012). Comparison of respiratory functions of athletes engaged in different sports branches. Turkish journal of sport and exercise, 14(3), 76-81.
  • 6. Bahcecioğlu, H., ve Yapıcıoğlu, B. (2023). Milli Bocce Sporcularında Dört Haftalık Solunum Kası Antrenmanının Solunum Kas Kuvveti, Fonksiyonları ve Performansa Etkisi. Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(1), 34-49.
  • 7. Beaumont, M., Mialon, P., Ber-Moy, C. L., Lochon, C., Péran, L., Pichon, R., Gut-Gobert, C., Leroyer, C., Morelot-Panzini, C., ve Couturaud, F. (2015). Inspiratory muscle training during pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized trial. Chronic respiratory disease, 12(4), 305-312.
  • 8. Beyaz, N., İri, R., ve Pişkin, N. E. (2024). 14-16 Yaş Futbolculara Uygulanan Aletli Solunum Kasi Egzersizlerinin Aerobik Kapasite Anaerobik Güç Ve Bazi Solunum Parametreleri Üzerine Olan Etkisinin İncelenmesi. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(1), 23-37.
  • 9. Caruso, P., Albuquerque, A. L. P. d., Santana, P. V., Cardenas, L. Z., Ferreira, J. G., Prina, E., Trevizan, P. F., Pereira, M. C., Iamonti, V., ve Pletsch, R. (2015). Diagnostic methods to assess inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength. Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 41(2), 110-123.
  • 10. Castañeda-Babarro, A. (2021). The wingate anaerobic test, a narrative review of the protocol variables that affect the results obtained. Applied Sciences, 11(16), 7417.
  • 11. Çevik, A., ve Bostancı, Ö. (2024). Erkek Basketbolcularda Dört Haftalık Solunum Kas Antrenmanının Pulmoner Fonksiyonlar ile Aerobik ve Anaerobik Performansa Etkisi: Deneysel Araştırma. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Sciences, 16(2).
  • 12. de Lima, V. C., Marquezi, M. L., Alcantara, P. R., Lopes, N. B., Frientes, C. S., da Silva Santos, T. M., Miedes, L. R., Fornel, M. S., Oliveira, D. C., ve Rogeri, P. S. (2023). Respiratory Muscle Strength in Brazilian Adolescents: Impact of Body Composition. Obesities, 3(2), 155-164.
  • 13. Deliceoğlu, G., Kabak, B., Çakır, V. O., Ceylan, H. İ., Raul-Ioan, M., Alexe, D. I., ve Stefanica, V. (2024). Respiratory Muscle Strength as a Predictor of VO2max and Aerobic Endurance in Competitive Athletes. Applied Sciences, 14(19), 8976.
  • 14. Elbouhy, M. S., AbdelHalim, H. A., ve Hashem, A. M. (2014). Effect of respiratory muscles training in weaning of mechanically ventilated COPD patients. Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis, 63(3), 679-687.
  • 15. Ergezen, G., Yılmaz Menek, M., ve Demir, R. (2023). Respiratory muscle strengths and its association with body composition and functional exercise capacity in non-obese young adults. Family Medicine and Primary Care Review, 25(2), 146-149. 10.5114/fmpcr.2023.127671
  • 16. Fernández-Lázaro, D., Gallego-Gallego, D., Corchete, L. A., Fernandez Zoppino, D., González-Bernal, J. J., García Gómez, B., ve Mielgo-Ayuso, J. (2021). Inspiratory muscle training program using the powerbreath®: Does it have ergogenic potential for respiratory and/or athletic performance? a systematic review with meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6703.
  • 17. Graham, B. L., Steenbruggen, I., Miller, M. R., Barjaktarevic, I. Z., Cooper, B. G., Hall, G. L., Hallstrand, T. S., Kaminsky, D. A., McCarthy, K., ve McCormack, M. C. (2019). Standardization of spirometry 2019 update. An official American thoracic society and European respiratory society technical statement. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 200(8), e70-e88.
  • 18. Hackett, D. A. (2020). Lung function and respiratory muscle adaptations of endurance-and strength-trained males. Sports, 8(12), 160.
  • 19. Hackett, D. A., ve Sabag, A. (2021). Lung function and respiratory muscle strength and their relationship with weightlifting strength and body composition in non-athletic males. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 286, 103616.
  • 20. Hartz, C. S., Sindorf, M. A., Lopes, C. R., Batista, J., ve Moreno, M. A. (2018). Effect of inspiratory muscle training on performance of handball athletes. Journal of human kinetics, 63, 43-51.
  • 21. Illi, S. K., Held, U., Frank, I., ve Spengler, C. M. (2012). Effect of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance in healthy individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports medicine, 42(8), 707-724.
  • 22. Johnson, M. A., Sharpe, G. R., ve Brown, P. I. (2007). Inspiratory muscle training improves cycling time-trial performance and anaerobic work capacity but not critical power. European journal of applied physiology, 101(6), 761-770.
  • 23. Júnior, B. R. V. N., Gómez, T. B., ve Neto, M. G. (2015). Use Of Powerbreathe® In Inspiratory Muscle Training For Athletes: Systematic Review. Revista Fisioterapia em Movimento 12.
  • 24. Jurić, I., Labor, S., Plavec, D., ve Labor, M. (2019). Inspiratory muscle strength affects anaerobic endurance in professional athletes. Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 70(1), 42-48.
  • 25. Karsten, M., Ribeiro, G. S., Esquivel, M. S., ve Matte, D. L. (2018). The effects of inspiratory muscle training with linear workload devices on the sports performance and cardiopulmonary function of athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Physical Therapy in Sport, 34, 92-104.
  • 26. Klasnja, A. V., Jakovljevic, D. G., Barak, O. F., Popadic Gacesa, J. Z., Lukac, D. D., ve Grujic, N. G. (2013). Cardiac power output and its response to exercise in athletes and non‐athletes. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, 33(3), 201-205.
  • 27. Klusiewicz, A., Długołęcka, B., ve Charmas, M. (2014). Characteristics of the respiratory muscle strength of women and men at different training levels. Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism, 21(2), 82-86.
  • 28. Koç, M., ve Saritas, N. (2019). The Effect of Respiratory Muscle Training on Aerobic and Anaerobic Strength in Adolescent Taekwondo Athletes. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 7(2), 103-110.
  • 29. Koç, M., Sarıtaş, N., Coşkun, B., ve Akkurt, S. (2025). Effects of Threshold Pressure Loading Exercises Applied to Inspiratory Muscles in Taekwondo Athletes on the Concentration and Utilization of Lactate. Journal of human kinetics, 95.
  • 30. Koşar, Ş. N., ve Hazır, T. (1994). Wingate anaerobik güç testinin güvenirliği. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(4), 21-30.
  • 31. Koulouris, N., ve Dimitroulis, I. (2001). Structure and function of the respiratory muscles. Pneumon, 14(2), 91-108.
  • 32. Kowalski, T., ve Klusiewicz, A. (2023). POWERbreathe® S-Index Test–guidelines and recommendations for practitioners. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 15(1), 225-228.
  • 33. Larribaut, J., Gruet, M., McNarry, M., Mackintosh, K., ve Verges, S. (2020). Methodology and reliability of respiratory muscle assessment. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 273, 103321.
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Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Antrenman
Bölüm Makaleler

Ufuk Can Gök 0009-0002-7135-6066

Murat Koç 0000-0001-9103-8554

Özge Macit 0000-0003-1153-6890

Gülsüm Arslantürk 0009-0002-2063-9795

Betül Coşkun 0000-0002-0349-5593

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Gök, U. C., Koç, M., Macit, Ö., Arslantürk, G., vd. (2025). İnspiratuar Kas Kuvvetinin Aerobik ve Anaerobik Performans Değişkenleri ile İlişkisi. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 35(4), 212-223.



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