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The Relationship Between Some Performance Components and Competition Ranking in Elite Badminton Players: Gender Comparison

Yıl 2018, , 27 - 38, 26.04.2018


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship
between some performance components and competition rankings and to make a
comparison between genders in elite badminton players. Eleven female (Age: 19.5
± 2.5 years, Height: 166.7 ± 8.2 cm, Body Weight: 58.2 ± 8.1 kg) and 9 male
(Age: 20.2 ± 2.2 years, Height: 177.3 ± 5.8 cm, Body Weight: 74.5 ± 6.2 kg) players
who competed at Turkish National Championship were participated in this study.
Anthropometric measurements, hand grip, speed, agility, vertical and squat
jumps, anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity and isokinetic strength were
measured. After a week from these measurements players competed at the
Championship. According to comparative results between genders there were
similarities at ectomorphy and mesomorphy in anthropometric measurements;
fatique index and elastic strength in motor skills (p>0.05). According to
the Spearman Correlation Analysis, Championship rankings were significantly
correlated with body weigtht (rs=-.721; p=0.019), lean body weight (rs=-.648;
p=0.43), 180 °/s dominant shoulder external rotation (rs=-.760;p=0.011),
60 and 180 °/s knee extension (rs=-.782; p=0.008; rs=-.879;
p=0.001 respectively), 180 °/s knee flexion sum of peak torque strength  (rs=-.709;p=0.022) in female
players. On the other hand in males, there was a significant correlation only
in between lean body mass and  anaerobic
capacity  and rankings, (rs=-.793;
p=0.033; rs=-.847; p=0.016 respectively). As a conclusion; it was
found that better position in ranking was related to upper and lower body
isokinetic strength, body weight and lean body mass in female players and
higher lean body mass and anaerobic capacity in male players.


  • Abian-vicen J, Castanedo A, Abian P, Javier, S. (2013) Temporal and notational comparison of badminton matches between men’s singles and women’s singles. Int J Perform Anal Sport. 13(2):310–20.
  • Arden NK, Spector TD. (1997) Genetic influences on muscle strength, lean body mass, and bone mineral density: a twin study. J Bone Miner Res. 12(12):2076-81.
  • Bosco C, Luhtanen P, and Komi P. A simple method for measurement of mechanical power in jumping. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 50: 273-282, 1983
  • Brown, LE, Whitehurst M. (2000) Isokinetics in Human Performance. The United States of America: Human Kinetics.
  • Cabello D, Padial P, Lees A, Rivas, F (2004) Temporal and physiological characteristics of elite women’s and men’s singles badminton. Int J Appl Sport Sci.16(2):1–26.
  • Campos, Daros, L.B., Mastrascusa, V. Dourado, A.C., Stanganelli, L.C.R. (2009) Anthropometric profile and motor performance of junior badminton players. Brazilian Journal Biomotricity 3(2), 146-151.
  • Chin, MK, Wong, ASK, So, A. Siu, OT, Steininger, K, Lo, D. (1995) Sport spesific fitness testing of elite badminton players. Br. J. Sports Med. 29 (3),153-157.
  • Cosgrove MJ, Wilson J, Watt D, Grant SF. (1999) The relationship between selected physiological variables of rowers and rowing performance as determined by a 2000 m ergometer test. J Sports Sci. 17(11):845-52.
  • Dotan, R. (2006) The Wingate anaerobic test's past and future and the compatibility of mechanically versus electro-magnetically braked cycle-ergometers. Eur J Appl Physiol, 98 (1), 113-116.
  • Durnin, J.V.G.A. and Womersley, J. (1974) Body fat assessed from the total body density and its estimation from skinfold thickness: measurements on 481 men and women aged from 16 to 72 years. British Journal of Nutrition, 32, 77-97.
  • Faccini P, Dal Monte A. (1996) Physiologic demands of badminton match play. Am J Sports Med. 24(6 Suppl):64S–6S.
  • Faude O, Meyer T, Rosenberger F, Fries, M, Huber, G., Kindermann, W. (2007) Physiological characteristics of badminton match play. Eur J Appl Physiol. 100(4):479–485.
  • Hopkins, WG, Marshall, SW, Batterham, AM, Hanin, J. (2009). Progressive statistics for studies in sports medicine and exercise science. Medincine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41, 3–13.
  • Milić, M, Grgantov, Z, Chamari, K, Ardigò, LP, Bianco, A, Padulo, J. (2016) Anthropometric and physical characteristics allow differentiation of young female volleyball players according to playing position and level of expertise. Biol. Sport. 33, 3-10.
  • Hallis, F.F., A manuel of physical education activities. Philadelphia: M.B. Sounders Company, 1969.
  • Harrison, G.G., Buskirk, E.R., Carter, J.E.L., Johnson, F.E., Pollock, M.L and et al. (1988) Skinfold Thicknesses and Measurement Technique. Anthropometric Standartization Referance Manuel, Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • Heath, B.H.,Carter, J.E. (1967) A modified somatotype method. Am J Phys Anthropol, 27 (1), 57-74.
  • Jaworski, J., Zak, M. (2016) Identification of determinants of sports skill level in badminton players using the multiple regression model. Human Movement. 17 (1), 21-28.
  • Jeyaraman R, District E, Nadu T. (2012) Prediction of playing ability in badminton from selected anthropometrical physical and physiological characteristics among inter collegiate players. Int J Adv Innov Res. 2(3), 11.
  • Laubach, LL, McConville, JT, (1969) The relationship of strength to body size and typology. Medicine and Science in Sports. 1 (4), 189-194.
  • Lee RC, Wang Z, Heo M, Ross, Z, Janssen, I, Heymsfield, SB. (2000) Total-body skeletal muscle mass: development and cross-validation of anthropometric prediction models. Am J Clin Nutr. 72(3):796–803.
  • Majumdar P, Khanna GL, Malik V, Sachdeva, S, Arif, M, Mandal M. (1997) Physiological analysis to quantify training load in badminton. Br J Sports Med. 31(4):342–5.
  • Mathur DN, Toriola AL, Igbokwe NU. (1985) Somatotypes of Nigerian athletes of several sports. Br J Sports Med. 19(4):219–20.
  • Maughan RJ, Watson JS, Weir J. (1983) Relationships between muscle strength and muscle cross-sectional area in male sprinters and endurance runners. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 50(3):309-318.
  • Mikkelsen F. (1979) Physical demands and muscle adaptation in elite badminton players. In: Terauds J, editor. Science in racket sport.Del Mar: Academic Publishers; 55–67.
  • Phomsoupha, M., Laffaye, G. (2015) The science of Badminton: Game characteristics, anthropometry, physiology, visual fitness and biomechanics. Sports Med. 45, 473-495.
  • Poyraz, A., Baş, O, Ocak, Y, Yıldırım,İ,Tortop, Y. (2015) Avrupa badminton takım şampiyonasına katılan sporcuların bazı fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi. 6 (2),121-133.
  • Raman, D, Nageswaran, AS. (2013) Effect of game-specific strength training on selected physiological variables among badminton players. Int J Sci Res. 2(10):1–2.
  • Revan S, Aydogmus M, Balci SS, Eroğlu, H. (2007) The evaluation of some physical and physiological characteristics of Turkish and foreign national badminton team players. J Phys Educ Sport Sci. 1(2):63– 70.
  • Semenick, D. (1990) Tests and measurements: The T-test. Strength Cond J 12: 36–37.
  • Siri, W. (1956) The gross composition of the body. In: Advances in biological and medical physics. Ed: Lawrence, J. New York: Academic Press. 239- 280.
  • Tsai CL, Chang SS, Huang C. (1998) Biomechanical analysis of differences in the badminton smash and jump smash between Taiwan elite and collegiate players. In: Riehle HJ, Vieten MM,editors. 16th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. Konstanz. 259–62.

Elit Badmintoncularda Bazı Performans Bileşenleri ve Şampiyona Sıralaması Arasındaki İlişki: Cinsiyetler Arası Karşılaştırma

Yıl 2018, , 27 - 38, 26.04.2018


Bu araştırmanın amacı, elit
badmintoncularda bazı performans bileşenleri ile şampiyona sıralaması
arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek ve cinsiyetler arası karşılaştırma
yapmaktır.  Araştırmaya, büyükler
kategorisinde Türkiye Şampiyonasına katılan 11 kadın (Yaş: 19.5 ± 2.5 yıl, Boy:
166.7 ± 8.2 cm, Vücut Ağırlığı: 58.2 ± 8.1 kg), 9 erkek (Yaş: 20.2 ± 2,2 yıl,
Boy: 177.3 ± 5.8 cm, Vücut Ağırlığı: 74.5 ± 6.2 kg) toplam 20 elit badmintoncu katılmıştır.
Sporculara antropometrik ölçümler, el kavrama kuvveti, sürat, sıçrama ve çeviklik,
anaerobik güç ve kapasite ile omuz ve diz eklemine ait izokinetik kuvvet testleri
uygulanmış, bu ölçümlerin tamamlanmasından bir hafta sonra sporcular Türkiye
Büyükler Badminton Şampiyonasına katılmışlardır. Cinsiyetler arasında yapılan
karşılaştırma sonuçlarına göre; endomorfi ve ektomorfi özellikleri ile yorgunluk
indeksi ve elastik kuvvet özelliklerinde cinsiyetler birbirine benzer bulunmuştur
(p>0.05). Türkiye şampiyonasında elde edilen sıralama ile ölçülen değişkenler
arasındaki korelasyon analizi sonuçlarına göre; kadın sporcularda vücut
ağırlığı (rs= -.721;p=0.019),
yağsız vücut kitlesi (rs= -.648;p=0.43),
180°/sn baskın kol omuz dış rotator kuvveti (rs= -.760;p=0.011), 60 ve 180 °/sn diz ekstansiyon zirve
tork kuvveti sağ ve sol bacak toplamları (sırasıyla: rs= -.782;p=0.008; rs=
-.879;p=0.001), 180 °/sn diz fleksiyon zirve tork kuvveti sağ ve sol bacak
toplamları (rs= -.709;p=0.022)
ile şampiyona sıralaması arasındaki ilişki anlamlı bulunmuştur. Erkek
sporcularda ise bu ilişki sadece yağsız vücut kitlesi  (rs=
-.793;p=0.033) ve anaerobik kapasite  (rs= -.847;p=0.016) özelliğinde
anlamlıdır. Sonuç olarak kadın badmintoncularda elde edilen iyi yarışma derecelerinin
vücut ağırlığı, yağsız vücut kitlesi ile alt ve üst gövdeye ait izokinetik kas
kuvvetinin yüksek olmasıyla; erkek badmintoncularda ise yağsız vücut kitlesi ve
anaerobik kapasitenin yüksekliği ile ilişkili olduğu bulunmuştur.


  • Abian-vicen J, Castanedo A, Abian P, Javier, S. (2013) Temporal and notational comparison of badminton matches between men’s singles and women’s singles. Int J Perform Anal Sport. 13(2):310–20.
  • Arden NK, Spector TD. (1997) Genetic influences on muscle strength, lean body mass, and bone mineral density: a twin study. J Bone Miner Res. 12(12):2076-81.
  • Bosco C, Luhtanen P, and Komi P. A simple method for measurement of mechanical power in jumping. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 50: 273-282, 1983
  • Brown, LE, Whitehurst M. (2000) Isokinetics in Human Performance. The United States of America: Human Kinetics.
  • Cabello D, Padial P, Lees A, Rivas, F (2004) Temporal and physiological characteristics of elite women’s and men’s singles badminton. Int J Appl Sport Sci.16(2):1–26.
  • Campos, Daros, L.B., Mastrascusa, V. Dourado, A.C., Stanganelli, L.C.R. (2009) Anthropometric profile and motor performance of junior badminton players. Brazilian Journal Biomotricity 3(2), 146-151.
  • Chin, MK, Wong, ASK, So, A. Siu, OT, Steininger, K, Lo, D. (1995) Sport spesific fitness testing of elite badminton players. Br. J. Sports Med. 29 (3),153-157.
  • Cosgrove MJ, Wilson J, Watt D, Grant SF. (1999) The relationship between selected physiological variables of rowers and rowing performance as determined by a 2000 m ergometer test. J Sports Sci. 17(11):845-52.
  • Dotan, R. (2006) The Wingate anaerobic test's past and future and the compatibility of mechanically versus electro-magnetically braked cycle-ergometers. Eur J Appl Physiol, 98 (1), 113-116.
  • Durnin, J.V.G.A. and Womersley, J. (1974) Body fat assessed from the total body density and its estimation from skinfold thickness: measurements on 481 men and women aged from 16 to 72 years. British Journal of Nutrition, 32, 77-97.
  • Faccini P, Dal Monte A. (1996) Physiologic demands of badminton match play. Am J Sports Med. 24(6 Suppl):64S–6S.
  • Faude O, Meyer T, Rosenberger F, Fries, M, Huber, G., Kindermann, W. (2007) Physiological characteristics of badminton match play. Eur J Appl Physiol. 100(4):479–485.
  • Hopkins, WG, Marshall, SW, Batterham, AM, Hanin, J. (2009). Progressive statistics for studies in sports medicine and exercise science. Medincine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41, 3–13.
  • Milić, M, Grgantov, Z, Chamari, K, Ardigò, LP, Bianco, A, Padulo, J. (2016) Anthropometric and physical characteristics allow differentiation of young female volleyball players according to playing position and level of expertise. Biol. Sport. 33, 3-10.
  • Hallis, F.F., A manuel of physical education activities. Philadelphia: M.B. Sounders Company, 1969.
  • Harrison, G.G., Buskirk, E.R., Carter, J.E.L., Johnson, F.E., Pollock, M.L and et al. (1988) Skinfold Thicknesses and Measurement Technique. Anthropometric Standartization Referance Manuel, Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • Heath, B.H.,Carter, J.E. (1967) A modified somatotype method. Am J Phys Anthropol, 27 (1), 57-74.
  • Jaworski, J., Zak, M. (2016) Identification of determinants of sports skill level in badminton players using the multiple regression model. Human Movement. 17 (1), 21-28.
  • Jeyaraman R, District E, Nadu T. (2012) Prediction of playing ability in badminton from selected anthropometrical physical and physiological characteristics among inter collegiate players. Int J Adv Innov Res. 2(3), 11.
  • Laubach, LL, McConville, JT, (1969) The relationship of strength to body size and typology. Medicine and Science in Sports. 1 (4), 189-194.
  • Lee RC, Wang Z, Heo M, Ross, Z, Janssen, I, Heymsfield, SB. (2000) Total-body skeletal muscle mass: development and cross-validation of anthropometric prediction models. Am J Clin Nutr. 72(3):796–803.
  • Majumdar P, Khanna GL, Malik V, Sachdeva, S, Arif, M, Mandal M. (1997) Physiological analysis to quantify training load in badminton. Br J Sports Med. 31(4):342–5.
  • Mathur DN, Toriola AL, Igbokwe NU. (1985) Somatotypes of Nigerian athletes of several sports. Br J Sports Med. 19(4):219–20.
  • Maughan RJ, Watson JS, Weir J. (1983) Relationships between muscle strength and muscle cross-sectional area in male sprinters and endurance runners. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 50(3):309-318.
  • Mikkelsen F. (1979) Physical demands and muscle adaptation in elite badminton players. In: Terauds J, editor. Science in racket sport.Del Mar: Academic Publishers; 55–67.
  • Phomsoupha, M., Laffaye, G. (2015) The science of Badminton: Game characteristics, anthropometry, physiology, visual fitness and biomechanics. Sports Med. 45, 473-495.
  • Poyraz, A., Baş, O, Ocak, Y, Yıldırım,İ,Tortop, Y. (2015) Avrupa badminton takım şampiyonasına katılan sporcuların bazı fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi. 6 (2),121-133.
  • Raman, D, Nageswaran, AS. (2013) Effect of game-specific strength training on selected physiological variables among badminton players. Int J Sci Res. 2(10):1–2.
  • Revan S, Aydogmus M, Balci SS, Eroğlu, H. (2007) The evaluation of some physical and physiological characteristics of Turkish and foreign national badminton team players. J Phys Educ Sport Sci. 1(2):63– 70.
  • Semenick, D. (1990) Tests and measurements: The T-test. Strength Cond J 12: 36–37.
  • Siri, W. (1956) The gross composition of the body. In: Advances in biological and medical physics. Ed: Lawrence, J. New York: Academic Press. 239- 280.
  • Tsai CL, Chang SS, Huang C. (1998) Biomechanical analysis of differences in the badminton smash and jump smash between Taiwan elite and collegiate players. In: Riehle HJ, Vieten MM,editors. 16th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. Konstanz. 259–62.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Sinem Hazır

Melih Salman Bu kişi benim

Erhan Devrilmez

Sadık Şatıroğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Mayıs 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Hazır, S., Salman, M., Devrilmez, E., Şatıroğlu, S. (2018). Elit Badmintoncularda Bazı Performans Bileşenleri ve Şampiyona Sıralaması Arasındaki İlişki: Cinsiyetler Arası Karşılaştırma. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(1), 27-38.



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