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Yıl 2017, , 167 - 175, 16.03.2018


çalışmanın amacı Vierimaa, Erickson, Côté ve Gilbert (2012) tarafından geliştirilmiş
olan Sporda Yetkinlik Envanteri’nin (Sport Competence Inventory; Vierimaa ve
diğ., 2012) Türkçe’ye uyarlanmış formunu sporcunun kendi, antrenörü ve takım/antrenman
grubu arkadaşı görüşlerine göre güvenirlik açısından sınamaktır. Envanter
sporcunun kendisinin, takım arkadaşının ve antrenörünün ayrı ayrı sporda
yetkinliğini 5’li Likert ölçeği ile değerlendirdiği tek boyut ve üç maddeden oluşmaktadır.
Katılımcılar artistik cimnastik, atletizm, basketbol, boks, futbol, güreş,
ritmik cimnastik, tenis, voleybol ve yüzme branşlarından 36 ayrı
takım/antrenman grubu (36 antrenör) ve 12 – 18 yaş aralığında 186 kadın ve 206
erkek toplam 392 yarışmacı sporcudur (

yaş = 14.01; SS = 1.86).
Envanterin güvenirliği için öncelikle her bir puanlayıcının derecelendirmelerinin
(sporcu, antrenör ve takım arkadaşı) iç tutarlık güvenirliği (Cronbach alpha) hesaplanmıştır.
Ayrıca, puanlayıcılar arası güvenirliği değerlendirmek amacıyla envanterin her
bir maddesi için Sınıf içi Korelasyon Katsayısı (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
; ICC, Field, 2009) değerleri hesaplanmıştır.
bulguları Sporda Yetkinlik Envanteri’nin 12 yaş ve üzerindeki sporcular için sporda
yetkinliği ölçmede
güvenirlik açısından uygun bir ölçüm
aracı olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Allan, V, Côté, J. (2016). A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Coaches' Observed Emotion-Behavior Profiles and Adolescent Athletes' Self-Reported Developmental Outcomes. Journal Of Applied Sport Psychology, (3), 321. doi:10.1080/10413200.2016.1162220
  • Baker J, Côté, J, Abernethy, B. (2003). Learning from the experts: practice activities of expert decision makers in sport. Research Quarterly For Exercise And Sport, (3), 342.
  • Brislin, Richard W. (1980). Translation and content analysis of oral and written material. In
  • Triandis, H.C. & Berry, J.W., (Ed), Handbook of cross-cultural psychology (1, 389-444), Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Causgrove Dunn, J, Dunn, JGH, Bayduza, A. (2007). Perceived Athletic Competence, Sociometric Status, and Loneliness in Elementary School Children, Journal of Sport Behavior, 30(3)y 249-269.
  • Chelladurai, P, and Saleh, SD. (1980). Dimensions of Leader Behavior in Sports: Development of a Leadership Scale, Journal of Sport Psychology, 2, 34-45.
  • Collins, D. (2001). “Pretesting survey instruments: An overview of cognitive methods”. Quality of Life Research. 12. pp.229-238.
  • Côté, J, Gilbert, W. (2009). An Integrative Definition of Coaching Effectiveness and Expertise, International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 4(3), 307-323.
  • Côté, J, Fraser-Thomas, J. (2007). Youth involvement in sport. In: P. Crocker, ed. Sport psychology: a Canadian perspective. Toronto: Pearson, 270-298.
  • Douge, B, Hastie, P. (1993). Coach Effectiveness, Sport Science Review, 2(2), 14-29.
  • Erickson, K, Côté, J. (2016). An Exploratory Examination of Interpersonal Interactions between Peers in Informal Sport Play Contexts. Plos One, 11(5), e0154275. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154275
  • Feltz, DL, Brown, EW. (1984). Perceived Competence in Soccer Skills Among Young Soccer Players, Journal of Sport Psychology, 6, 385-394.
  • Fraser-Thomas, JL, Côté, J, Deakin, J. (2005). Youth sport programs: an avenue to foster positive youth development. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 10(1), 19. doi:10.1080/1740898042000334890
  • Frick, PJ, Kamphaus, RW. (2001). Behavior Rating Scales in the Assessment of Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Problems, in: Walker, C. E., and Roberts, M. C., eds., Handbook of Clinical Child Psychology, Wiley, New York.
  • Harter, S. (1982). The Perceived Competence Scale for Children, Child Development, 53(1), 87-97.
  • Horn, T. (1985). Coaches’ Feedback and Changes in Children’s Perceptions of their Physical Competence, Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 174-186.
  • Horn, T. (2008). Coaching Effectiveness in the Sport Domain, in: Horn, T., ed., Advances in Sport Psychology, 3rd edn., Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL; 239-267.
  • Kılıç, K, & İnce, ML. (2016). Sporda Pozitif Gençlik Gelişimi Ölçeklerinin 8-14 Yaş Grubu Çocuk ve Genç Sporcular Tarafından Anlaşılırlığının İncelenmesi. / Examination of Comprehensibility of Positive Youth Development Scales for Sport by 8-14 Years Old Children and Youth Athletes. Journal Of Physical Education & Sports Science / Beden Egitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2), 213-225.
  • Koo, TK, Li, MY. (2016). A Guideline of Selecting and Reporting Intraclass Correlation Coefficients for Reliability Research. Journal Of Chiropractic Medicine, 15(2), 155-163. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2016.02.012
  • Lacy, AC. (2011). Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 6th edn., Benjamin Cummings, Boston, MA, 2011.
  • Martens, R. (2004). Successful Coaching, Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
  • Nunnally, JC (1978): Psychometric Theory (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Rodrigues, D, Wigfield, A, Eccles, JS. (2003). Changing Competence Perceptions, Changing Values: Implications for Youth Sport, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 15(1), 56-81.
  • Tabachnick, BG, Fidell, LS (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Tourangeau, R. (1984). Cognitive sciences and survey methods. In:Jabine T, Straf M, Tanur J,
  • Tourangeau R (eds). Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology: Building a Bridge Between the Disciplines. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. pp.73–100.
  • Trudel, P, Gilbert, W. (1995). Research on Coaches’ Behaviors: Looking Beyond the Refereed Journals, Avante, 2, 94-106.
  • Vierimaa, M, Erickson, K, Côté, J, Gilbert, W. (2012). Positive Youth Development: A Measurement Framework for Sport. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 7(3), 601-614.
  • Weiss, MR, McAuley, E, Ebbeck, V, Wiese, DM. (1990). Self-Esteem and Causal Attributions for Children’s Physical and Social Competence in Sport, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1990, 12, 12-36.
  • Willis, GB. (2014). Analysis of the Cognitive Interview in Questionnaire Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2015]

Reliability of Turkish Adapted Form of Sport Competence Inventory

Yıl 2017, , 167 - 175, 16.03.2018


The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability

of Turkish adapted form of Sport Competence

Inventory, developed by Vierimaa, Erickson,

Côté, and Gilbert (2012) based on the views of athletes,

coaches, and teammates. Sport Competence

Inventory is composed of one dimension and three

items, by which athlete, coach, and teammates separately

evaluate athlete’s sport competence on a

five-point Likert scale. The participants were from

36 distinct teams/groups (36 coaches) of 392 competitive

youth athletes between 12 – 18 years of age

(186 females and 206 males). The athletes were from

artistic gymnastics, track and field, basketball, box,

soccer, wrestling, rhythmic gymnastics, tennis, volleyball

and swimming (Mage = 14.01; Sd = 1.86). To

examine the reliability of the inventory, firstly, raters’

(athlete, coach, and teammate) internal consistency

values (Cronbach’s Alpha) were calculated. In addition,

inter-rater reliability was evaluated by calculating

Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC, Field, 2009)

values for each item of the inventory. The findings indicated

that Sport Competence Inventory is a reliable

instrument in measuring youth sport athletes’ sport

competence from 12 years of age.


  • Allan, V, Côté, J. (2016). A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Coaches' Observed Emotion-Behavior Profiles and Adolescent Athletes' Self-Reported Developmental Outcomes. Journal Of Applied Sport Psychology, (3), 321. doi:10.1080/10413200.2016.1162220
  • Baker J, Côté, J, Abernethy, B. (2003). Learning from the experts: practice activities of expert decision makers in sport. Research Quarterly For Exercise And Sport, (3), 342.
  • Brislin, Richard W. (1980). Translation and content analysis of oral and written material. In
  • Triandis, H.C. & Berry, J.W., (Ed), Handbook of cross-cultural psychology (1, 389-444), Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Causgrove Dunn, J, Dunn, JGH, Bayduza, A. (2007). Perceived Athletic Competence, Sociometric Status, and Loneliness in Elementary School Children, Journal of Sport Behavior, 30(3)y 249-269.
  • Chelladurai, P, and Saleh, SD. (1980). Dimensions of Leader Behavior in Sports: Development of a Leadership Scale, Journal of Sport Psychology, 2, 34-45.
  • Collins, D. (2001). “Pretesting survey instruments: An overview of cognitive methods”. Quality of Life Research. 12. pp.229-238.
  • Côté, J, Gilbert, W. (2009). An Integrative Definition of Coaching Effectiveness and Expertise, International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 4(3), 307-323.
  • Côté, J, Fraser-Thomas, J. (2007). Youth involvement in sport. In: P. Crocker, ed. Sport psychology: a Canadian perspective. Toronto: Pearson, 270-298.
  • Douge, B, Hastie, P. (1993). Coach Effectiveness, Sport Science Review, 2(2), 14-29.
  • Erickson, K, Côté, J. (2016). An Exploratory Examination of Interpersonal Interactions between Peers in Informal Sport Play Contexts. Plos One, 11(5), e0154275. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154275
  • Feltz, DL, Brown, EW. (1984). Perceived Competence in Soccer Skills Among Young Soccer Players, Journal of Sport Psychology, 6, 385-394.
  • Fraser-Thomas, JL, Côté, J, Deakin, J. (2005). Youth sport programs: an avenue to foster positive youth development. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 10(1), 19. doi:10.1080/1740898042000334890
  • Frick, PJ, Kamphaus, RW. (2001). Behavior Rating Scales in the Assessment of Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Problems, in: Walker, C. E., and Roberts, M. C., eds., Handbook of Clinical Child Psychology, Wiley, New York.
  • Harter, S. (1982). The Perceived Competence Scale for Children, Child Development, 53(1), 87-97.
  • Horn, T. (1985). Coaches’ Feedback and Changes in Children’s Perceptions of their Physical Competence, Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 174-186.
  • Horn, T. (2008). Coaching Effectiveness in the Sport Domain, in: Horn, T., ed., Advances in Sport Psychology, 3rd edn., Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL; 239-267.
  • Kılıç, K, & İnce, ML. (2016). Sporda Pozitif Gençlik Gelişimi Ölçeklerinin 8-14 Yaş Grubu Çocuk ve Genç Sporcular Tarafından Anlaşılırlığının İncelenmesi. / Examination of Comprehensibility of Positive Youth Development Scales for Sport by 8-14 Years Old Children and Youth Athletes. Journal Of Physical Education & Sports Science / Beden Egitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2), 213-225.
  • Koo, TK, Li, MY. (2016). A Guideline of Selecting and Reporting Intraclass Correlation Coefficients for Reliability Research. Journal Of Chiropractic Medicine, 15(2), 155-163. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2016.02.012
  • Lacy, AC. (2011). Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 6th edn., Benjamin Cummings, Boston, MA, 2011.
  • Martens, R. (2004). Successful Coaching, Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
  • Nunnally, JC (1978): Psychometric Theory (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Rodrigues, D, Wigfield, A, Eccles, JS. (2003). Changing Competence Perceptions, Changing Values: Implications for Youth Sport, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 15(1), 56-81.
  • Tabachnick, BG, Fidell, LS (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Tourangeau, R. (1984). Cognitive sciences and survey methods. In:Jabine T, Straf M, Tanur J,
  • Tourangeau R (eds). Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology: Building a Bridge Between the Disciplines. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. pp.73–100.
  • Trudel, P, Gilbert, W. (1995). Research on Coaches’ Behaviors: Looking Beyond the Refereed Journals, Avante, 2, 94-106.
  • Vierimaa, M, Erickson, K, Côté, J, Gilbert, W. (2012). Positive Youth Development: A Measurement Framework for Sport. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 7(3), 601-614.
  • Weiss, MR, McAuley, E, Ebbeck, V, Wiese, DM. (1990). Self-Esteem and Causal Attributions for Children’s Physical and Social Competence in Sport, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1990, 12, 12-36.
  • Willis, GB. (2014). Analysis of the Cognitive Interview in Questionnaire Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2015]
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Koray Kılıç

Mustafa Levent İnce

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Mart 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

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