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Yere İniş Hareketinin Kinetik Analizi: Voleybol Oyuncuları ve Sedanter Katılımcıların Karşılaştırması

Yıl 2018, , 1 - 14, 26.04.2018


Bu çalışmada yere iniş ve sıçrama
hareketlerine yatkın olan ve olmayan kişilerin, yere iniş kinetiği ve postüral
stabilite performansları incelenmiştir. Araştırmaya voleybol oyuncuları (n=6)
ve sedanter üniversite öğrencilerinden (n=6) oluşan 12 sağlıklı, genç
kadın gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Yüksekten kuvvet platformu üzerine çift ayak
ile iniş sonrası 20 s sakin duruş denemelerine ait yer tepki kuvvetleri
büyüklük ve zamansal yapısı analiz edilmiş, dinamik ve statik postüral
stabilite performansları belirlenmiştir. Yere temas anı, yer tepki kuvveti
dikey bileşeni (DYTK) pik değeri (DYTKpik) ve bu değere ulaşılan
süre (tpik) yükleme hızının (YH) hesaplanmasında kullanılmıştır.
Yere temas anı ile DYTK’nın 1 vücut ağırlığına eşit olduğu ana kadar geçen süre
(tDS:dinamik postüral stabilite süresi) belirlenmiş, sakin duruş
safhasında (tSS:statik postüral stabilite periyodu) basınç merkezi
(COP) değişimlerinden COP Hızı (COPHız), COP Elips Alanı (EA) ve COP
Değişim Aralığı (DA) hesaplanmıştır. DYTKpik, dinamik ve statik
postüral stabilite değişkenlerinin gruplar arası karşılaştırmasında
Mann-Whitney U testi kullanılmıştır. Voleybolcu grupta DYTKpik (p=0.015)
ve YH (p=0.004) değerleri daha düşük, tDS (p=0.001)
süresi ise daha uzun ve iki grup arasındaki farklılıklar istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı bulunmuştur. DYTKpik ve YH değerleri arttıkça tDS’nin
artış eğiliminde olduğu gözlenmiştir. Spearman sıra korelasyon analizi
sonuçlarına göre tDS ile DYTKpik (rs=-0.461,
p<0.001) ve YH
(rs=-0.276, p<0.001) arasında sırasıyla orta ve
zayıf düzeyde negatif ilişki bulunmuştur. Sakin duruşta COP değişimleri ile
ilişkili parametrelerde ise gruplar arasında anlamlı farklılık gözlenmemiştir.
Sedanter grupta EA ve DA değerleri bir miktar yüksek, COPHız
değerleri ise düşük bulunmuştur. Araştırmanın bulguları, kas-iskelet sistemi
yaralanmaları ve gruplar arasındaki postüral stabilite performanslarındaki
farklılıklar ile ilişkili olabilecek, harekete yatkınlığa bağlı postüral
kontrol stratejilerine dair bilgi sunmaktadır. 


  • Agostini V, Chiaramello E, Canavese L, Bredariol C, Knaflitz M. (2013). Postural sway in volleyball players. Human Movement Science, 32(3), 445-456.
  • Alpini D, Mattei V, Schlecht H, Kohen-Raz R. (2008). Postural control modifications induced by synchronized ice skating. Sport Sciences for Health, 3(1), 11-17.
  • Bahr MA, Bahr R. (2014). Jump frequency may contribute to risk of jumper's knee: a study of interindividual and sex differences in a total of 11 943 jumps video recorded during training and matches in young elite volleyball players. Br J Sports Med, bjsports-2014.
  • Boden BP, Dean GS, Feagin JA, Garrett, WE. (2000). Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury. Orthopedics, 23(6), 573-578.
  • Colby S, Francisco A, Yu B, Kirkendall D, Finch M, Garrett W. (2000). Electromyographic and kinematic analysis of cutting maneuvers. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 28(2), 234-240.
  • Cowley HR, Ford KR, Myer GD, Kernozek TW, Hewett TE. (2006). Differences in neuromuscular strategies between landing and cutting tasks in female basketball and soccer athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 41(1), 67.
  • Decker MJ, Torry MR, Wyland DJ, Sterett WI, Steadman JR. (2003). Gender differences in lower extremity kinematics, kinetics and energy absorption during landing. Clinical Biomechanics, 18(7), 662-669.
  • Dufek JS, Bates BT. (1990). The evaluation and prediction of impact forces during landings. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 22(3), 370-377.
  • Dufek JS, Bates BT. (1991). Biomechanical factors associated with injury during landing in jump sports. Sports Medicine, 12(5), 326-337.
  • Fagenbaum R, Darling WG. (2003). Jump landing strategies in male and female college athletes and the implications of such strategies for anterior cruciate ligament injury. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 31(2), 233-240.
  • Ferretti A, Papandrea P, Conteduca F, Mariani PP. (1992). Knee ligament injuries in volleyball players. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 20(2), 203-207.
  • Fransz DP, Huurnink A, Kingma I, Verhagen EA, van Dieën JH. (2013). A systematic review and meta-analysis of dynamic tests and related force plate parameters used to evaluate neuromusculoskeletal function in foot and ankle pathology. Clinical Biomechanics, 28(6), 591-601.
  • Fransz DP, Huurnink A, Kingma I, van Dieën JH. (2014). How does postural stability following a single leg drop jump landing task relate to postural stability during a single leg stance balance task?. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(12), 3248-3253.
  • Gokeler A, Hof AL, Arnold MP, Dijkstra PU, Postema K, Otten E. (2010). Abnormal landing strategies after ACL reconstruction. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 20(1).
  • Gribble PA, Robinson RH. (2009). Alterations in knee kinematics and dynamic stability associated with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Athletic Training, 44(4), 350-355.
  • Hargrave MD, Carcia CR, Gansneder BM, Shultz SJ. (2003). Subtalar pronation does not influence impact forces or rate of loading during a single-leg landing. Journal of Athletic Training, 38(1), 18.
  • Hewett TE, Stroupe AL, Nance TA, Noyes FR. (1996). Plyometric training in female athletes: decreased impact forces and increased hamstring torques. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 24(6), 765-773.
  • Hewett TE, Myer GD, Ford KR, Heidt RS, Colosimo AJ, McLean SG, ve diğ. (2005). Biomechanical measures of neuromuscular control and valgus loading of the knee predict anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in female athletes. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 33(4), 492-501.
  • Hupperets MD, Verhagen EA, van Mechelen W. (2009). Effect of sensorimotor training on morphological, neurophysiological and functional characteristics of the ankle. Sports Medicine, 39(7), 591-605.
  • Keller TS, Weisberger AM, Ray JL, Hasan SS, Shiavi RG, Spengler DM. (1996). Relationship between vertical ground reaction force and speed during walking, slow jogging, and running. Clinical Biomechanics, 11(5), 253-259.
  • Kuczyński M, Rektor Z, Borzucka D. (2009). Postural control in quiet stance in the second league male volleyball players. Human Movement, 10(1), 12-15.
  • Lees A. (1981). Methods of impact absorption when landing from a jump. Engineering in Medicine, 10(4), 207-211.
  • McKinley P, Pedotti A. (1992). Motor strategies in landing from a jump: the role of skill in task execution. Experimental Brain Research, 90(2), 427-440.
  • McLean SG, Felin RE, Suedekum N, Calabrese G, Passerallo A, Joy S. (2007). Impact of fatigue on gender-based high-risk landing strategies. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39(3), 502-514.
  • McNair PJ, Prapavessis H. (1999). Normative data of vertical ground reaction forces during landing from a jump. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2(1), 86-88.
  • McNitt-Gray JL. (1993). Kinetics of the lower extremities during drop landings from three heights. Journal of Biomechanics, 26(9), 1037-1046.
  • Nigg BM. (1985). Biomechanics, Load Analysis and Sports Injuries. Sports Medicine, 2, 367-379.
  • Noyes FR, Mooar PA, Matthews DS, Butler DL. (1983). The symptomatic anterior cruciate-deficient knee. Part I: the long-term functional disability in athletically active individuals. JBJS, 65(2), 154-162.
  • Noyes FR, Matthews DS, Mooar PA, Grood ES. (1983). The symptomatic anterior cruciate-deficient knee. Part II: the results of rehabilitation, activity modification, and counseling on functional disability. JBJS, 65(2), 163-174.
  • Oliveira LF, Simpson DM, Nadal J. (1996). Calculation of area of stabilometric signals using principal component analysis. Physiological Measurement, 17(4), 305.
  • Özgüven HN, Berme N. (1988). An experimental and analytical study of impact forces during human jumping. Journal of Biomechanics, 21(12), 1061-1066.
  • Panzer VP, Wood GA, Bates BT, Mason BR. (1988). Lower extremity loads in landings of elite gymnasts. Biomechanics XI-B, 727-735.
  • Puddle DL, Maulder PS. (2013). Ground reaction forces and loading rates associated with parkour and traditional drop landing techniques. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 12(1), 122.
  • Ross SE, Guskiewicz KM, Yu B. (2002). Time to stabilization differences in functionally unstable and stable ankles. J Athl Train, 37(suppl), S-22.
  • Ross SE, Guskiewicz KM. (2003). Time to stabilization: a method for analyzing dynamic postural stability. Athletic Therapy Today, 8(3), 37-39.
  • Salci Y, Kentel BB, Heycan C, Akin S, Korkusuz F. (2004). Comparison of landing maneuvers between male and female college volleyball players. Clinical Biomechanics, 19(6), 622-628.
  • Santello M, McDONAGH MJ. (1998). The control of timing and amplitude of EMG activity in landing movements in humans. Experimental Physiology, 83(6), 857-874.
  • Self BP, Paine D. (2001). Ankle biomechanics during four landing techniques. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(8), 1338-1344.
  • Stambolieva K, Diafas V, Bachev V, Christova L, Gatev P. (2012). Postural stability of canoeing and kayaking young male athletes during quiet stance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(5), 1807-1815.
  • Tillman MD, Criss RM, Brunt D, Hass CJ. (2004). Landing constraints influence ground reaction forces and lower extremity EMG in female volleyball players. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 20(1), 38-50.
  • Wikstrom EA, Tillman MD, Schenker S, Borsa PA. (2008). Failed jump landing trials: deficits in neuromuscular control. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 18(1), 55-61.
  • Winter DA. (1995). Human balance and posture control during standing and walking. Gait & Posture, 3(4), 193-214.
  • van Dieën JH, Spanjaard M, Könemann R, Bron L, Pijnappels M. (2008). Mechanics of toe and heel landing in stepping down in ongoing gait. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(11), 2417-2421.
  • Yu B, Kirkendall DT, Garrett Jr WE. (2002). Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes: anatomy, physiology, and motor control. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review, 10(1), 58-68.
  • Zadpoor AA, Nikooyan AA. (2011). The relationship between lower-extremity stress fractures and the ground reaction force: a systematic review. Clinical Biomechanics, 26(1), 23-28.
  • Zatsiorsky VM (2000). Biomechanics in sport: performance improvement and injury prevention. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Science.

Kinetic Analysis of Drop Landing: Comparison of Volleyball Players and Novice Subjects

Yıl 2018, , 1 - 14, 26.04.2018


study investigates landing kinetics and postural stability of skilled
volleyball players (n=6) and novice subjects (n=6). 12 healthy
young females voluntarily participated in the study. The amplitude and temporal
profile of the ground reaction forces (GRFs) which correspond to double-leg
landing from a drop and subsequent 20-s quiet stance were analyzed. Dynamic and
static postural stability performances were determined. Contact time (t0),
maximal vertical GRF (VGRFmax), time to VGRFmax (tmax)
and Loading Rate (LR) were calculated. The time that elapsed from t0
until the VGRF reaches to one body weight was determined (tDS:dynamic
postural stability duration). Center of Pressure (COP) Velocity (COPV),
Ellipse Area (EA), and Range were calculated from the COP trajectory during the
quiet stance phase (tSS:static postural stability period). Mann
Whitney U test was used to compare VGRFmax, dynamic and static
postural stability between groups. Whereas, VGRFmax (p=0.015)
and LR (p=0.004) were found to be lower, tDS (p=0.001)
took longer in volleyball players. The differences between groups were
statistically significant. There was a tendency to increase in tDS
with the increase in VGRFmax and LR. Spearman rank correlation analysis
revealed a moderate and a weak negative correlation between tDS with
both VGRFmax (
rs=-0.461, p<0.001) and LR (rs=-0.276, p<0.001)
respectively. COP parameters for quiet stance were not significantly different
between groups. Contrary to COPV, COP EA and Range were slightly
higher in the novice group. The results of this study provide further insight
into postural control strategies in skilled and novice subjects which might be
related with vulnerability to potential musculoskeletal injuries and differences
in postural stability performances.


  • Agostini V, Chiaramello E, Canavese L, Bredariol C, Knaflitz M. (2013). Postural sway in volleyball players. Human Movement Science, 32(3), 445-456.
  • Alpini D, Mattei V, Schlecht H, Kohen-Raz R. (2008). Postural control modifications induced by synchronized ice skating. Sport Sciences for Health, 3(1), 11-17.
  • Bahr MA, Bahr R. (2014). Jump frequency may contribute to risk of jumper's knee: a study of interindividual and sex differences in a total of 11 943 jumps video recorded during training and matches in young elite volleyball players. Br J Sports Med, bjsports-2014.
  • Boden BP, Dean GS, Feagin JA, Garrett, WE. (2000). Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury. Orthopedics, 23(6), 573-578.
  • Colby S, Francisco A, Yu B, Kirkendall D, Finch M, Garrett W. (2000). Electromyographic and kinematic analysis of cutting maneuvers. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 28(2), 234-240.
  • Cowley HR, Ford KR, Myer GD, Kernozek TW, Hewett TE. (2006). Differences in neuromuscular strategies between landing and cutting tasks in female basketball and soccer athletes. Journal of Athletic Training, 41(1), 67.
  • Decker MJ, Torry MR, Wyland DJ, Sterett WI, Steadman JR. (2003). Gender differences in lower extremity kinematics, kinetics and energy absorption during landing. Clinical Biomechanics, 18(7), 662-669.
  • Dufek JS, Bates BT. (1990). The evaluation and prediction of impact forces during landings. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 22(3), 370-377.
  • Dufek JS, Bates BT. (1991). Biomechanical factors associated with injury during landing in jump sports. Sports Medicine, 12(5), 326-337.
  • Fagenbaum R, Darling WG. (2003). Jump landing strategies in male and female college athletes and the implications of such strategies for anterior cruciate ligament injury. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 31(2), 233-240.
  • Ferretti A, Papandrea P, Conteduca F, Mariani PP. (1992). Knee ligament injuries in volleyball players. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 20(2), 203-207.
  • Fransz DP, Huurnink A, Kingma I, Verhagen EA, van Dieën JH. (2013). A systematic review and meta-analysis of dynamic tests and related force plate parameters used to evaluate neuromusculoskeletal function in foot and ankle pathology. Clinical Biomechanics, 28(6), 591-601.
  • Fransz DP, Huurnink A, Kingma I, van Dieën JH. (2014). How does postural stability following a single leg drop jump landing task relate to postural stability during a single leg stance balance task?. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(12), 3248-3253.
  • Gokeler A, Hof AL, Arnold MP, Dijkstra PU, Postema K, Otten E. (2010). Abnormal landing strategies after ACL reconstruction. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 20(1).
  • Gribble PA, Robinson RH. (2009). Alterations in knee kinematics and dynamic stability associated with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Athletic Training, 44(4), 350-355.
  • Hargrave MD, Carcia CR, Gansneder BM, Shultz SJ. (2003). Subtalar pronation does not influence impact forces or rate of loading during a single-leg landing. Journal of Athletic Training, 38(1), 18.
  • Hewett TE, Stroupe AL, Nance TA, Noyes FR. (1996). Plyometric training in female athletes: decreased impact forces and increased hamstring torques. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 24(6), 765-773.
  • Hewett TE, Myer GD, Ford KR, Heidt RS, Colosimo AJ, McLean SG, ve diğ. (2005). Biomechanical measures of neuromuscular control and valgus loading of the knee predict anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in female athletes. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 33(4), 492-501.
  • Hupperets MD, Verhagen EA, van Mechelen W. (2009). Effect of sensorimotor training on morphological, neurophysiological and functional characteristics of the ankle. Sports Medicine, 39(7), 591-605.
  • Keller TS, Weisberger AM, Ray JL, Hasan SS, Shiavi RG, Spengler DM. (1996). Relationship between vertical ground reaction force and speed during walking, slow jogging, and running. Clinical Biomechanics, 11(5), 253-259.
  • Kuczyński M, Rektor Z, Borzucka D. (2009). Postural control in quiet stance in the second league male volleyball players. Human Movement, 10(1), 12-15.
  • Lees A. (1981). Methods of impact absorption when landing from a jump. Engineering in Medicine, 10(4), 207-211.
  • McKinley P, Pedotti A. (1992). Motor strategies in landing from a jump: the role of skill in task execution. Experimental Brain Research, 90(2), 427-440.
  • McLean SG, Felin RE, Suedekum N, Calabrese G, Passerallo A, Joy S. (2007). Impact of fatigue on gender-based high-risk landing strategies. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39(3), 502-514.
  • McNair PJ, Prapavessis H. (1999). Normative data of vertical ground reaction forces during landing from a jump. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2(1), 86-88.
  • McNitt-Gray JL. (1993). Kinetics of the lower extremities during drop landings from three heights. Journal of Biomechanics, 26(9), 1037-1046.
  • Nigg BM. (1985). Biomechanics, Load Analysis and Sports Injuries. Sports Medicine, 2, 367-379.
  • Noyes FR, Mooar PA, Matthews DS, Butler DL. (1983). The symptomatic anterior cruciate-deficient knee. Part I: the long-term functional disability in athletically active individuals. JBJS, 65(2), 154-162.
  • Noyes FR, Matthews DS, Mooar PA, Grood ES. (1983). The symptomatic anterior cruciate-deficient knee. Part II: the results of rehabilitation, activity modification, and counseling on functional disability. JBJS, 65(2), 163-174.
  • Oliveira LF, Simpson DM, Nadal J. (1996). Calculation of area of stabilometric signals using principal component analysis. Physiological Measurement, 17(4), 305.
  • Özgüven HN, Berme N. (1988). An experimental and analytical study of impact forces during human jumping. Journal of Biomechanics, 21(12), 1061-1066.
  • Panzer VP, Wood GA, Bates BT, Mason BR. (1988). Lower extremity loads in landings of elite gymnasts. Biomechanics XI-B, 727-735.
  • Puddle DL, Maulder PS. (2013). Ground reaction forces and loading rates associated with parkour and traditional drop landing techniques. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 12(1), 122.
  • Ross SE, Guskiewicz KM, Yu B. (2002). Time to stabilization differences in functionally unstable and stable ankles. J Athl Train, 37(suppl), S-22.
  • Ross SE, Guskiewicz KM. (2003). Time to stabilization: a method for analyzing dynamic postural stability. Athletic Therapy Today, 8(3), 37-39.
  • Salci Y, Kentel BB, Heycan C, Akin S, Korkusuz F. (2004). Comparison of landing maneuvers between male and female college volleyball players. Clinical Biomechanics, 19(6), 622-628.
  • Santello M, McDONAGH MJ. (1998). The control of timing and amplitude of EMG activity in landing movements in humans. Experimental Physiology, 83(6), 857-874.
  • Self BP, Paine D. (2001). Ankle biomechanics during four landing techniques. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(8), 1338-1344.
  • Stambolieva K, Diafas V, Bachev V, Christova L, Gatev P. (2012). Postural stability of canoeing and kayaking young male athletes during quiet stance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(5), 1807-1815.
  • Tillman MD, Criss RM, Brunt D, Hass CJ. (2004). Landing constraints influence ground reaction forces and lower extremity EMG in female volleyball players. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 20(1), 38-50.
  • Wikstrom EA, Tillman MD, Schenker S, Borsa PA. (2008). Failed jump landing trials: deficits in neuromuscular control. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 18(1), 55-61.
  • Winter DA. (1995). Human balance and posture control during standing and walking. Gait & Posture, 3(4), 193-214.
  • van Dieën JH, Spanjaard M, Könemann R, Bron L, Pijnappels M. (2008). Mechanics of toe and heel landing in stepping down in ongoing gait. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(11), 2417-2421.
  • Yu B, Kirkendall DT, Garrett Jr WE. (2002). Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes: anatomy, physiology, and motor control. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review, 10(1), 58-68.
  • Zadpoor AA, Nikooyan AA. (2011). The relationship between lower-extremity stress fractures and the ground reaction force: a systematic review. Clinical Biomechanics, 26(1), 23-28.
  • Zatsiorsky VM (2000). Biomechanics in sport: performance improvement and injury prevention. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Science.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Spor Hekimliği, Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
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Ugur Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Hüseyin Çelik Çelik Bu kişi benim

Pinar Arpınar Avşar

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Eylül 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, U., Çelik, H. Ç., & Arpınar Avşar, P. (2018). Yere İniş Hareketinin Kinetik Analizi: Voleybol Oyuncuları ve Sedanter Katılımcıların Karşılaştırması. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(1), 1-14.



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