Evaluation of Tractor-Trailer Combination Braking Performance in Different Operating Conditions
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 2, 219 - 225, 25.08.2023
Hakan Aykan
Kazım Çarman
Eyüb Canlı
Şerafettin Ekinci
In the trials of the present work, a double-axle trailer with a carrying
capacity of 6 tons and a hydraulically effective mechanical brake were used as a
tractor towed car. There is a hydraulic brake system on each axle of the agricultural
trailer. In order to separate the brake system on the axles from each other, a
hydraulic mechanically controlled 2/2 directional control valve was mounted on
both hydraulic brake system inlets. The study was carried out at constant speed (25
km h-1), on stabilized road conditions, with 4 different braking modes and 4 different
trailer loads. On stabilized ground, the braking acceleration (deceleration) of the
tractor (without trailer) is 5.51 m s-2. The braking acceleration of the combination is
2.15 m s-2 under the condition that the trailer's carrying capacity was 30% more
loaded and without brakes, and the braking acceleration of the combination was
3.26 m s-2 when braking on both axles (4 wheels). The deceleration of the
combination was above 3.5 m s-2 under the condition of braking on both axles at the
rated load of the agricultural trailer, while it was below the standard value in other
braking approaches.
- [1] Altintas, N. 2015. Economic analysis of agricultural tractor usage in Eskisehir city agriculture businesses. Ankara University, Ph.D., Ankara, Turkiye. (in Turkish – Original Title: Eskisehir ili tarim isletmelerinde traktor kullaniminin ekonomik analizi)
- [2] Aykan, H. 2021. Evaluation of braking effectiveness in combination of tractor and two axle trailer, Selcuk University. Selcuk University, M.Sc., 75 pages, Konya, Turkiye. (in Turkish – Original Title: Iki dingilli tarim arabasinin traktorle kombinasyonunda frenleme etkinliginin degerlendirilmesi)
- [3] Aykan, H., Ekinci, S., Carman, K. 2021. A test scheme for braking performance assessment of tractor trailer combination regarding current regulations. International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'21), November 18-20, Konya, Turkiye, 432-436. https://icente.selcuk.edu.tr/past-conferences
- [4] Anonymous, 2015. Agricultural Trailers. TSE 585 (Standard), Ankara, Türkiye. (in Turkish – Original Title: Tarim romorklari)
- [5] Dwyer, M. 1970. The braking performance of tractor-trailer combinations. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 15(2), 148-162. https://doi.org/10.1016/0021-8634(70)90086-7
- [6] Bayrak, E., Karabulut, A. 2001. An investigation on increasing single axle agricultural trailer brake effectiveness. Afyon Kocatepe University Natural and Engineering Sciences Journal, 1(2), 109-118. (in Turkish – Original Title: Bir dingilli tarim arabalari fren etkinlik derecesinin artirilmasi üzerine bir arastirma)
- [7] Hoffmann, H. 1986. Über die bremssicherheit landwirtschaftlicher züge auf der strasse und im gelände: Bericht aus dem Fachgebiet Fahrzeugtechnik der TH Darmstadt, VDI-Verlag.
- [8] Ahokas, J., Kosonen, S. 2003. Dynamic behaviour of a tractor–trailer combination during braking. Biosystems Engineering, 85(1), 29-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1537-110(03)00035-7
- [9] Bayrakceken, H., Düzgün, M. 2005. Analysis of braking efficiency and braking distance for vehicles. Polytechnic Journal, 8(2), 153-160. (in Turkish – Original Title: Tasitlarda fren verimi ve frenleme mesafesi analizi)
- [10] Ornek, M. N., Demir, F. 2011. Determination of static and dynamic braking effectiveness of double axel agricultural trailer. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 25(3), 104-109. (in Turkish – Original Title: Iki dingilli tarim arabasinin statik ve dinamik durumda frenleme etkinliginin belirlenmesi)
- [11] Demir, F., Carman, K. 1996. Calculation of braking effectiveness of domestically manufactured double axel agricultural trailers for static state. Selcuk University Faculty of Agriculture Journal, 10(12), 106-113. (in Turkish – Original Title: Yerli yapim cift dingilli tarim arabalarinin statik durumda frenleme etkinliginin saptanmasi)
- [12] Nastasoiu, M., Ispas, N. 2014. Comparative analysis into the tractor-trailer braking dynamics: tractor with single axle brakes, tractor with all wheel brakes. Central European Journal of Engineering, 4(2), 142-147. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13531-013-0155-0
- [13] Koyuncu, T. 1992. An investigation on increasing effectiveness of impact brakes in single axle agricultural trailers. Ankara University, M.Sc., Ankara, Turkiye. (in Turkish – Original Title: Bir dingilli tarim arabalarinda carpma fren etkinliginin artirilmasi üzerinde bir arastirma)
Traktör-Römork Kombinasyonunun Farklı Çalışma Koşullarında Frenleme Performansının Değerlendirmesi
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 2, 219 - 225, 25.08.2023
Hakan Aykan
Kazım Çarman
Eyüb Canlı
Şerafettin Ekinci
Bu çalışmadaki denemelerde 6 ton taşıma kapasiteli çift dingilli, hidrolik etkili
mekanik frenli ve traktörle çekilir römork kullanılmıştır. Tarım römorkunun her iki
dingiline de hidrolik fren sistemi bağlanmıştır. Dingillerdeki fren sistemini
birbirinden ayırmak amacıyla, her iki hidrolik fren sistemi girişine birer adet
hidrolik mekanik kumandalı 2/2 yön kontrol valfi monte edilmiştir. Çalışma sabit
hızda (25 kmh-1), stabilize yol koşullarında, 4 farklı frenleme şekli ve 4 farklı römork
yükünde yürütülmüştür. Stabilize zeminde sadece traktörün (römorksuz) frenleme
ivmesi 5.51 ms-2 olarak bulunmuştur. Römorkun taşıma kapasitesinin %30 daha
fazla yüklü olduğu ve frensiz olduğu koşulda kombinasyonun frenleme ivmesi 2.15
ms-2, her iki dingilde (4 tekerlekte) frenlenme yapıldığı koşulda ise kombinasyonun
frenleme ivmesi 3.26 ms-2 olmuştur. Kombinasyonun frenleme ivmesi, tarım
römorkunun anma yükünde her iki dingilde frenleme yapılması koşulunda 3.5 ms-2
üzerinde iken diğer frenleme uygulamalarında standartlardaki referans değerin
altında kalmıştır.
- [1] Altintas, N. 2015. Economic analysis of agricultural tractor usage in Eskisehir city agriculture businesses. Ankara University, Ph.D., Ankara, Turkiye. (in Turkish – Original Title: Eskisehir ili tarim isletmelerinde traktor kullaniminin ekonomik analizi)
- [2] Aykan, H. 2021. Evaluation of braking effectiveness in combination of tractor and two axle trailer, Selcuk University. Selcuk University, M.Sc., 75 pages, Konya, Turkiye. (in Turkish – Original Title: Iki dingilli tarim arabasinin traktorle kombinasyonunda frenleme etkinliginin degerlendirilmesi)
- [3] Aykan, H., Ekinci, S., Carman, K. 2021. A test scheme for braking performance assessment of tractor trailer combination regarding current regulations. International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'21), November 18-20, Konya, Turkiye, 432-436. https://icente.selcuk.edu.tr/past-conferences
- [4] Anonymous, 2015. Agricultural Trailers. TSE 585 (Standard), Ankara, Türkiye. (in Turkish – Original Title: Tarim romorklari)
- [5] Dwyer, M. 1970. The braking performance of tractor-trailer combinations. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 15(2), 148-162. https://doi.org/10.1016/0021-8634(70)90086-7
- [6] Bayrak, E., Karabulut, A. 2001. An investigation on increasing single axle agricultural trailer brake effectiveness. Afyon Kocatepe University Natural and Engineering Sciences Journal, 1(2), 109-118. (in Turkish – Original Title: Bir dingilli tarim arabalari fren etkinlik derecesinin artirilmasi üzerine bir arastirma)
- [7] Hoffmann, H. 1986. Über die bremssicherheit landwirtschaftlicher züge auf der strasse und im gelände: Bericht aus dem Fachgebiet Fahrzeugtechnik der TH Darmstadt, VDI-Verlag.
- [8] Ahokas, J., Kosonen, S. 2003. Dynamic behaviour of a tractor–trailer combination during braking. Biosystems Engineering, 85(1), 29-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1537-110(03)00035-7
- [9] Bayrakceken, H., Düzgün, M. 2005. Analysis of braking efficiency and braking distance for vehicles. Polytechnic Journal, 8(2), 153-160. (in Turkish – Original Title: Tasitlarda fren verimi ve frenleme mesafesi analizi)
- [10] Ornek, M. N., Demir, F. 2011. Determination of static and dynamic braking effectiveness of double axel agricultural trailer. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 25(3), 104-109. (in Turkish – Original Title: Iki dingilli tarim arabasinin statik ve dinamik durumda frenleme etkinliginin belirlenmesi)
- [11] Demir, F., Carman, K. 1996. Calculation of braking effectiveness of domestically manufactured double axel agricultural trailers for static state. Selcuk University Faculty of Agriculture Journal, 10(12), 106-113. (in Turkish – Original Title: Yerli yapim cift dingilli tarim arabalarinin statik durumda frenleme etkinliginin saptanmasi)
- [12] Nastasoiu, M., Ispas, N. 2014. Comparative analysis into the tractor-trailer braking dynamics: tractor with single axle brakes, tractor with all wheel brakes. Central European Journal of Engineering, 4(2), 142-147. https://doi.org/10.2478/s13531-013-0155-0
- [13] Koyuncu, T. 1992. An investigation on increasing effectiveness of impact brakes in single axle agricultural trailers. Ankara University, M.Sc., Ankara, Turkiye. (in Turkish – Original Title: Bir dingilli tarim arabalarinda carpma fren etkinliginin artirilmasi üzerinde bir arastirma)