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The effect of applying rigid taping to quadriceps muscles on knee extension strength and jumping distance

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 4 - 9, 27.04.2015


The scientific literature is insufficient to support the use of elastic or rigid taping for the prevention or treatment of musculoskeletal injury or performance enhancement. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of applying rigid taping on the knee extension strength and lower limb function in healthy subjects.

Twenty eight healty volunteers (age: 20.9 ± 1.1 years) were randomly assigned to two groups of 14 subjects each: Placebo/sham tape and rigid tape (Rigid tape application over the same muscles). All individuals were assessed for single and double leg hops and peak isometric and concentric isokinetic torque before and after interventions.

Application of rigid tape to quadriceps muscles did not significantly change lower limb functions, jump distance and knee extensor peak torque in healthy sedentary subjects.


  • Constantinou M, Brown M. Therapeutic taping for muscu- loskeletal conditions, 1 st , Elsevier; 2010
  • Morrissey D. Proprioceptive shoulder taping. Juornal body- work and movement therapies 2000; 4(3): 189-190.
  • Macdonald R. Pocketbook of taping techniques, 1st, Else- vier; 2012.
  • Alexander CM, Stynes S, Thomas A, Lewis J, Harrison PJ. Does tape facilitate or inhibit the lower fibres of trapezius?. Manual Therapy 2003; 8: 37–41.
  • Alexander CM, Harrison PJ. The bilateral reflex control of the trapezius muscle in humans. Experimental Brain Re- search 2002; 142(3): 418–424.
  • Cools AM, Witvrouw EE, Dannieels LA, Cambier DC. Does taping influence EMG muscle activity in the scapular rotators in healty shoulders?. Manual therapy 2002; 7(3): 154- 162.
  • Tobin S, Robinson G. The effect of vastus lateralis inhibi- tion taping technique on vastus lateralis and vastus medialis obliquus activity. Physiotherapy 2000; 86: (4): 173-183.
  • Morin GE, Tiberio D, Austin G. The effect of upper trape- ziustaping on EMG activity in the upper and middle trapezius region. Journal Of Sport Rehabilitation 1997; 6: 309-318.
  • McNair PJ, Heine PJ. Trunk proprioception: enhancement through lumbar bracing. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1999; 80: 96–99.
  • Alexander CM, McMullan M, Harrison PJ. What is the effect of taping along or across a muscle on motoneurone excitability? A study using Triceps Surae. Manual Therapy 2008; 13: 57–62.
  • Mulligan B. Manual Therapy: NAGS, SNAGS, MWMS, etc, 5 th. Plane View Services: New Zealand; 2006.
  • Bicici S, Karatas N, Baltaci G. Effect of athletic taping and kinesiotaping® on measurements of functional perfor- mance in basketball players with chronic inversion ankle sprains. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2012; 7: 154-166.
  • Vithoulkaa I, Benekab A, Mallioub P, Aggelousisb N, Kar- atsolisa K, Diamantopoulos K. The effects of Kinesio-Taping on quadriceps strength during isokinetic exercise in healthy non athlete women. Isokinetics and Exercise Science 2010; 18: 1–6.
  • Selkowitz DM, Chaney C, Stuckey SJ, Vlad G. The effects of scapular taping on the surface electromyographic signal amplitude of shoulder girdle muscles during upper extremity elevation in individuals with suspected shoulder impingement syndrome. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007; 37 (11): 694-702.
  • Persson UM, Fleming HF,Caulfield B. The effect of a vastus lateralis tape on muscle activity during stair climbing. Manual Therapy 2009; 14: 330-337.
  • Prawit Janwantanakul and Chitanongk Gaogasigam. Vastus lateralis and vastus medialis obliquus muscle activity during the application of inhibition and facilitation taping techniques. Clinical Rehabilitation 2005; 19: 12 -19.
  • Crossley K, Cowan SM, Bennell KL, McConnell J. Patellar taping: is clinical success supported by scientific evidence?. Manual Therapy 2000; 5: 142-150.
  • Callaghan MJ, Selfe J,Pam JB, Oldham JA. The effects of patellar taping on knee joint proprioception. Journal of Athletic Training 2002; 37(1): 19–24.
  • Persson JUM, Hooper ACB, Fleming HE. Repeatability of skin displacement and pressure during ‘‘inhibitory’’ vastus lateralis muscle taping. Manual Therapy 2007; 12: 17–21.
  • Crossley KM, Marıno GP, Macılquham MD, Schache AG, Hınman RS. Can patellar tape reduce the patellar malalignment and pain associated with patellofemoral osteoarthritis?. Arthritis & Rheumatism (Arthritis Care & Research) 2009; 61: 1719–1725.
  • Devı N. A comparative study on the effectiveness of patellar taping with quadriceps exercises against quadriceps exercises alone on pain management in individuals with primary chronic patellofemoral arthritis.Mangalore:Rajıv Gandhı University; 2005.
  • Cushnaghan J, McCarthy C, Dieppe P. Taping the patella medially: a new treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee joint?. BMJ 1994; 308: 753-755.
  • Aminaka N, Phillip A, Gribble A. Systematic review of the effects of therapeutic taping on patellofemoral pain syndrome. Journal of Athletic Training 2005; 40 (4): 341–351.
  • Mason M, Keays SL, Newcombe PA. The effect of taping quadriceps strengthening and stretching prescribed separately or combined on patellofemoral pain. Physiother. Res. Int.2011; 16: 109–119.
  • Hinman RS, Bennell KL, Crossley KM, McConnell J. Immediate effects of adhesive tape on pain and disability in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatology 2003; 42: 865-869.
  • Hinman RS, Crossley KM, McConnell J, Bennell KL. Does the application of tape influence quadriceps sensorimotor function in knee osteoarthritis?. Rheumatology 2004; 43: 331–336.
  • Lins CAA, Neto FL, Amorim ABC, Macedo LB, Brasileiro JS. Kinesio taping does not alter neuromuscular performance of femoral quadriceps or lower limb function in healthy subjects: Randomized, blind, controlled, clinical trial. Manual Therapy 2013; 18: 41-45.
  • Wong OMH, Cheung RTH, Li RCT. Isokinetic knee function in healthy subjects with and without Kinesio taping. Physical Therapy in Sport 2012; 13: 255-258.
  • Fu TC, Wong AMK, Pei YC, Wu KP, Chou SW, Lin YC. Effect of kinesio taping on muscle strength in athletes–A pilot study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2008; 11: 198-201.

Quadriseps kasına yapılan rijit bantlamanın diz ekstansör kas kuvvetine ve sıçramaya etkisi

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 4 - 9, 27.04.2015


Kas iskelet sistemine ait yaralanmaların önlenmesi ve tedavisi ya da performansın geliştirilmesi için elastik ya da rijit bantlamanın etkinliğine dair yeterince bilimsel destek bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı sağlıklı bireylerde rijit bantlamanın diz ekstensör kas kuvveti ve alt ekstremite fonksiyonlarına etkisini göstermektir.

Yirmi sekiz sağlıklı gönüllü (yaş 20.9 ± 1.1 yıl) randomize olarak her biri 14 denekten oluşan 2 gruba ayrıldı: Plasebo ve rijit bantlama grubu (aynı kas grubu üzerine rijit bantlama uygulanmış). Tüm deneklere uygulama öncesi ve sonrasında tek bacak sıçrama mesafesi, çift bacak sıçrama, izometrik ve izokinetik kuvvet ölçümleri yapıldı.

Sağlıklı sedanter erişkinlerde quadriseps kasına yapılan rijit bantlama alt ekstremite fonksiyonlarında, sıçrama mesafesinde ve diz ekstensör kas kuvvetinde önemli bir değişikliğe neden olmamaktadır.


  • Constantinou M, Brown M. Therapeutic taping for muscu- loskeletal conditions, 1 st , Elsevier; 2010
  • Morrissey D. Proprioceptive shoulder taping. Juornal body- work and movement therapies 2000; 4(3): 189-190.
  • Macdonald R. Pocketbook of taping techniques, 1st, Else- vier; 2012.
  • Alexander CM, Stynes S, Thomas A, Lewis J, Harrison PJ. Does tape facilitate or inhibit the lower fibres of trapezius?. Manual Therapy 2003; 8: 37–41.
  • Alexander CM, Harrison PJ. The bilateral reflex control of the trapezius muscle in humans. Experimental Brain Re- search 2002; 142(3): 418–424.
  • Cools AM, Witvrouw EE, Dannieels LA, Cambier DC. Does taping influence EMG muscle activity in the scapular rotators in healty shoulders?. Manual therapy 2002; 7(3): 154- 162.
  • Tobin S, Robinson G. The effect of vastus lateralis inhibi- tion taping technique on vastus lateralis and vastus medialis obliquus activity. Physiotherapy 2000; 86: (4): 173-183.
  • Morin GE, Tiberio D, Austin G. The effect of upper trape- ziustaping on EMG activity in the upper and middle trapezius region. Journal Of Sport Rehabilitation 1997; 6: 309-318.
  • McNair PJ, Heine PJ. Trunk proprioception: enhancement through lumbar bracing. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1999; 80: 96–99.
  • Alexander CM, McMullan M, Harrison PJ. What is the effect of taping along or across a muscle on motoneurone excitability? A study using Triceps Surae. Manual Therapy 2008; 13: 57–62.
  • Mulligan B. Manual Therapy: NAGS, SNAGS, MWMS, etc, 5 th. Plane View Services: New Zealand; 2006.
  • Bicici S, Karatas N, Baltaci G. Effect of athletic taping and kinesiotaping® on measurements of functional perfor- mance in basketball players with chronic inversion ankle sprains. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2012; 7: 154-166.
  • Vithoulkaa I, Benekab A, Mallioub P, Aggelousisb N, Kar- atsolisa K, Diamantopoulos K. The effects of Kinesio-Taping on quadriceps strength during isokinetic exercise in healthy non athlete women. Isokinetics and Exercise Science 2010; 18: 1–6.
  • Selkowitz DM, Chaney C, Stuckey SJ, Vlad G. The effects of scapular taping on the surface electromyographic signal amplitude of shoulder girdle muscles during upper extremity elevation in individuals with suspected shoulder impingement syndrome. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007; 37 (11): 694-702.
  • Persson UM, Fleming HF,Caulfield B. The effect of a vastus lateralis tape on muscle activity during stair climbing. Manual Therapy 2009; 14: 330-337.
  • Prawit Janwantanakul and Chitanongk Gaogasigam. Vastus lateralis and vastus medialis obliquus muscle activity during the application of inhibition and facilitation taping techniques. Clinical Rehabilitation 2005; 19: 12 -19.
  • Crossley K, Cowan SM, Bennell KL, McConnell J. Patellar taping: is clinical success supported by scientific evidence?. Manual Therapy 2000; 5: 142-150.
  • Callaghan MJ, Selfe J,Pam JB, Oldham JA. The effects of patellar taping on knee joint proprioception. Journal of Athletic Training 2002; 37(1): 19–24.
  • Persson JUM, Hooper ACB, Fleming HE. Repeatability of skin displacement and pressure during ‘‘inhibitory’’ vastus lateralis muscle taping. Manual Therapy 2007; 12: 17–21.
  • Crossley KM, Marıno GP, Macılquham MD, Schache AG, Hınman RS. Can patellar tape reduce the patellar malalignment and pain associated with patellofemoral osteoarthritis?. Arthritis & Rheumatism (Arthritis Care & Research) 2009; 61: 1719–1725.
  • Devı N. A comparative study on the effectiveness of patellar taping with quadriceps exercises against quadriceps exercises alone on pain management in individuals with primary chronic patellofemoral arthritis.Mangalore:Rajıv Gandhı University; 2005.
  • Cushnaghan J, McCarthy C, Dieppe P. Taping the patella medially: a new treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee joint?. BMJ 1994; 308: 753-755.
  • Aminaka N, Phillip A, Gribble A. Systematic review of the effects of therapeutic taping on patellofemoral pain syndrome. Journal of Athletic Training 2005; 40 (4): 341–351.
  • Mason M, Keays SL, Newcombe PA. The effect of taping quadriceps strengthening and stretching prescribed separately or combined on patellofemoral pain. Physiother. Res. Int.2011; 16: 109–119.
  • Hinman RS, Bennell KL, Crossley KM, McConnell J. Immediate effects of adhesive tape on pain and disability in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatology 2003; 42: 865-869.
  • Hinman RS, Crossley KM, McConnell J, Bennell KL. Does the application of tape influence quadriceps sensorimotor function in knee osteoarthritis?. Rheumatology 2004; 43: 331–336.
  • Lins CAA, Neto FL, Amorim ABC, Macedo LB, Brasileiro JS. Kinesio taping does not alter neuromuscular performance of femoral quadriceps or lower limb function in healthy subjects: Randomized, blind, controlled, clinical trial. Manual Therapy 2013; 18: 41-45.
  • Wong OMH, Cheung RTH, Li RCT. Isokinetic knee function in healthy subjects with and without Kinesio taping. Physical Therapy in Sport 2012; 13: 255-258.
  • Fu TC, Wong AMK, Pei YC, Wu KP, Chou SW, Lin YC. Effect of kinesio taping on muscle strength in athletes–A pilot study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2008; 11: 198-201.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Nisan 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Yaşar B, Kaplan T, Ercan S, Alp E, Çetin C. The effect of applying rigid taping to quadriceps muscles on knee extension strength and jumping distance. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;6(1):4-9.


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