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Hemofili Hastası Çocuk ve Gençlerde Ağız Sağlığının Yaşam Kalitesine Etkisi

Yıl 2022, , 40 - 45, 27.04.2022


Amaç: Kanama problemlerinin tedavisinde ağız ve çevre dokularda meydana gelen sorunların giderilmesi önemli bir rol oynar. Bu çalışmanın amacı hemofili hastası çocuk ve ergenlerde ağız sağlığı ile ilgili yaşam kalitesinin değerlendirilmesidir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: POQL (pediatric oral health related quality of life-pediatrik ağız sağlığında yaşam kalitesi) ölçeği bu kesitsel çalışmada ağız sağlığında yaşam kalitesini ölçmek için kullanılmıştır. Ölçek sağlıklı 196 çocuk ve ergene uygulanmıştır; diğer taraftan hemofili hastası 64 çocuk ve gence uygulanmıştır. Veri toplama bölümleri demografik bilgilerden, POQL ölçeğinden ve ağız taramalarından meydana gelmiştir. SPSS 23.0 programı verilerin istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmesinde kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: DMFT ve çürük (Decay=D) skorları hemofili grubunda kontrol grubundan daha yüksek değerlere sahipti; sırasıyla DMFT ve D ortalamaları hemofili grubunda 7 ve 4,1 iken kontrol grubunda 4,7 ve 2,3 idi (p=0,0001 ve p=0,011). 8-14 yaş grubunda ve genç-ergen yaş grubunda ağız sağlığında yaşam kalitesi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde hemofili grubunda daha yüksekti, ortalama skorlar 8-14 yaş grubu için 34,0 (hemofili) ve 17,4 (kontrol) olarak hesaplanırken (p=0,0001), genç-ergen grubu için 37,1(hemofili) ve 26.0 (kontrol) olarak bulunmuştur (p=0,043).
Sonuç: DMFT skorları ve POQL skorları göstermiştir hemofili hastası olan çocukların hem ağız sağlıkları hem de ağız sağlığı ile ilişkili yaşam kalitelerinin iyileştirilmeye ihtiyacı vardır.


  • Referans1. Aledort L, Bullinger M, VON Mackensen S, Wasserman J, Young NL, Globe D. Why should we care about quality of life in persons with hemophilia? Hemophilia. 2012 Feb 22 [cited 2012 Mar 25];154–7.
  • Referans2. Evatt BL. Demographics of hemophilia in developing countries. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2005 Nov;31(5):489–94.
  • Referans3. Zaliuniene R, Aleksejuniene J, Peciuliene V, Brukiene V. Dental health and disease in patients with hemophilia - a case-control study. Hemophilia. 2014;20(3):194–8.
  • Referans4. Salem K, Eshghi P. Dental health and oral health-related quality of life in children with congenital bleeding disorders. Hemophilia. 2013 Jan [cited 2013 May 30];19(1):65–70.
  • Referans5. Zaliuniene R, Aleksejuniene J, Brukiene V, Peiuliene V. Do hemophiliacs have a higher risk for dental caries than the general population? Medicina (Kaunas). 2015;51(1):46–56.
  • Referans6. Othman NAA, Sockalingam SNMP, Mahyuddin A. Oral health status in children and adolescents with hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2015;21(5):605–11.
  • Referans7. Huntington NL, Spetter D, Jones J a., Rich SE, Garcia RI, Spiro III A. Development and validation of a measure of pediatric oral health-related quality of life: the POQL. J Public Health Dent. 2011 Jun 11; 71(3)
  • Referans8. Yazıcıoğlu İ, Jones J, Doğan C, Rich S, Garcia RI. Validity And Reliability Of A Turkish Pediatric Oral Health-Related Quality Of Life (Poql) Measure. J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent. 2017 Sep 20 [cited 2018 Feb 22];0(0).
  • Referans9. von Mackensen S, Bullinger M. Development and testing of an instrument to assess the Quality of Life of Children with Hemophilia in Europe (Haemo-QoL). Hemophilia. 2004 Mar;10 Suppl 1:17–25.
  • Referans10. Özdamar K. Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi 1. Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi; 2011. 605 p.
  • Referans11. Yazicioglu I, Deveci C, Çiftçi V, Antmen B, Dogan MC. Parent's resport on oral health-related quality of life of children with hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2019;25:229-235.
  • Referans12. ASTDD. Basic Screening Survey An Approach To Monitoring Comminity Oral Health Prechool and School Children.2008
  • Referans13. VON Mackensen S. Quality of life and sports activities in patients with hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2007 Sep;13 Suppl 2:38–43.
  • Referans14. Bullinger M, Von Mackensen S. Quality of life in children and families with bleeding disorders. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2003 Dec;25 Suppl 1(December):S64-7.
  • Referans15. Boyd D, Kinirons M. Dental caries experience of children with hemophilia in Northern Ireland. Int J Paediatr Dent. 1997 Oct;7(3):149–53.
  • Referans16. Mielnik-Błaszczak M. Evaluation of dentition status and oral hygiene in Polish children and adolescents with congenital haemorrhagic diatheses. Int J Paediatr Dent. 1999 Jun;9(2):99–103.
  • Referans17. Alpkiliç Baskirt E, Ak G, Zulfikar B. Oral and general health-related quality of life among young patients with hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2009 Jan [cited 2012 Jan 23];15(1):193–8.
  • Referans18. Alpkılıç Baskirt E, Albayrak H, Ak G, Pınar Erdem A, Sepet E, Zulfikar B. Dental and Periodontal Health in Children with Hemophilia. J Coagul Disord. 2009;15: 193–9.
  • Referans19. Atchison KA, Gift HC. Perceived oral health in a diverse sample. Adv Dent Res. 1997 May; 11(2):272–80.
  • Referans20. Kabil NS, El Alfy M, Metwalli N. Evaluation of the oral health situation of a group of Egyptian haemophilic children and their re-evaluation following an oral hygiene and diet education programme. Hemophilia. 2007;13(3):287–92.
  • Referans21. Sonbol H, Pelargidou M, Lucas VS, Gelbier MJ, Mason C, Roberts GJ. Dental health indices and caries-related microflora in children with severe hemophilia. Health Care (Don Mills). 2001;468–74.
  • Referans22. Coppola A, Cerbone AM, Mancuso G, Mansueto MF, Mazzini C, Zanon E. Confronting the psychological burden of hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2011;17(1):21–7.
  • 23. Hartl HK, Reitter S, Eidher U, Ramschak H, Ay C, Pabinger I. The impact of severe hemophilia on the social status and quality of life among Austrian hemophiliacs. Hemophilia. 2008 Jul [cited 2012 Mar 19];14(4):703–8.

Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Children and Adolescents with Hemophilia

Yıl 2022, , 40 - 45, 27.04.2022


Background: The problems arising from the teeth and the surrounding tissues in patients with hemophilia have an important role in the treatment planning of bleeding disorder. The aim of this study is to evaluate the oral health related quality of life of children and adolescents with hemophilia.
Methods: POQL (pediatric oral health related quality of life) Instrument was used in this cross sectional study for quality of life measurement. The instrument was applied to children and adolescents with (n=64) or without (n=196) hemophilia. The data collected were consist of demographic data, POQL and screening part. SPSS 23.0 was used to analyze the data.
Results: DMFT and decay (D) scores of patients with hemophilia were higher than the control group: mean values of hemophilia group are 7 and 4.1 vs. control group 4.7 and 2.3 are respectively (p=0.0001 and p=0.011). Among 8-14 age group and teen age group oral health related quality of life scores were significantly higher among hemophilia group, scores were 34.0 and 17.4 in 8-14 group (p=0.0001) and 37.1 and 26.0 in teen group (p=0.043), respectively.
Conclusions: DMFT scores and POQL scores have shown that oral health related quality of life of children with hemophilia is worse than healthy controls.


  • Referans1. Aledort L, Bullinger M, VON Mackensen S, Wasserman J, Young NL, Globe D. Why should we care about quality of life in persons with hemophilia? Hemophilia. 2012 Feb 22 [cited 2012 Mar 25];154–7.
  • Referans2. Evatt BL. Demographics of hemophilia in developing countries. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2005 Nov;31(5):489–94.
  • Referans3. Zaliuniene R, Aleksejuniene J, Peciuliene V, Brukiene V. Dental health and disease in patients with hemophilia - a case-control study. Hemophilia. 2014;20(3):194–8.
  • Referans4. Salem K, Eshghi P. Dental health and oral health-related quality of life in children with congenital bleeding disorders. Hemophilia. 2013 Jan [cited 2013 May 30];19(1):65–70.
  • Referans5. Zaliuniene R, Aleksejuniene J, Brukiene V, Peiuliene V. Do hemophiliacs have a higher risk for dental caries than the general population? Medicina (Kaunas). 2015;51(1):46–56.
  • Referans6. Othman NAA, Sockalingam SNMP, Mahyuddin A. Oral health status in children and adolescents with hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2015;21(5):605–11.
  • Referans7. Huntington NL, Spetter D, Jones J a., Rich SE, Garcia RI, Spiro III A. Development and validation of a measure of pediatric oral health-related quality of life: the POQL. J Public Health Dent. 2011 Jun 11; 71(3)
  • Referans8. Yazıcıoğlu İ, Jones J, Doğan C, Rich S, Garcia RI. Validity And Reliability Of A Turkish Pediatric Oral Health-Related Quality Of Life (Poql) Measure. J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent. 2017 Sep 20 [cited 2018 Feb 22];0(0).
  • Referans9. von Mackensen S, Bullinger M. Development and testing of an instrument to assess the Quality of Life of Children with Hemophilia in Europe (Haemo-QoL). Hemophilia. 2004 Mar;10 Suppl 1:17–25.
  • Referans10. Özdamar K. Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi 1. Eskişehir: Kaan Kitabevi; 2011. 605 p.
  • Referans11. Yazicioglu I, Deveci C, Çiftçi V, Antmen B, Dogan MC. Parent's resport on oral health-related quality of life of children with hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2019;25:229-235.
  • Referans12. ASTDD. Basic Screening Survey An Approach To Monitoring Comminity Oral Health Prechool and School Children.2008
  • Referans13. VON Mackensen S. Quality of life and sports activities in patients with hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2007 Sep;13 Suppl 2:38–43.
  • Referans14. Bullinger M, Von Mackensen S. Quality of life in children and families with bleeding disorders. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2003 Dec;25 Suppl 1(December):S64-7.
  • Referans15. Boyd D, Kinirons M. Dental caries experience of children with hemophilia in Northern Ireland. Int J Paediatr Dent. 1997 Oct;7(3):149–53.
  • Referans16. Mielnik-Błaszczak M. Evaluation of dentition status and oral hygiene in Polish children and adolescents with congenital haemorrhagic diatheses. Int J Paediatr Dent. 1999 Jun;9(2):99–103.
  • Referans17. Alpkiliç Baskirt E, Ak G, Zulfikar B. Oral and general health-related quality of life among young patients with hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2009 Jan [cited 2012 Jan 23];15(1):193–8.
  • Referans18. Alpkılıç Baskirt E, Albayrak H, Ak G, Pınar Erdem A, Sepet E, Zulfikar B. Dental and Periodontal Health in Children with Hemophilia. J Coagul Disord. 2009;15: 193–9.
  • Referans19. Atchison KA, Gift HC. Perceived oral health in a diverse sample. Adv Dent Res. 1997 May; 11(2):272–80.
  • Referans20. Kabil NS, El Alfy M, Metwalli N. Evaluation of the oral health situation of a group of Egyptian haemophilic children and their re-evaluation following an oral hygiene and diet education programme. Hemophilia. 2007;13(3):287–92.
  • Referans21. Sonbol H, Pelargidou M, Lucas VS, Gelbier MJ, Mason C, Roberts GJ. Dental health indices and caries-related microflora in children with severe hemophilia. Health Care (Don Mills). 2001;468–74.
  • Referans22. Coppola A, Cerbone AM, Mancuso G, Mansueto MF, Mazzini C, Zanon E. Confronting the psychological burden of hemophilia. Hemophilia. 2011;17(1):21–7.
  • 23. Hartl HK, Reitter S, Eidher U, Ramschak H, Ay C, Pabinger I. The impact of severe hemophilia on the social status and quality of life among Austrian hemophiliacs. Hemophilia. 2008 Jul [cited 2012 Mar 19];14(4):703–8.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Araştırma

İffet Yazıcıoğlu 0000-0001-7214-0764

Hatice İlgen Şaşmaz 0000-0001-9361-9838

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Nisan 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Yazıcıoğlu İ, Şaşmaz Hİ. Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Children and Adolescents with Hemophilia. Selcuk Dent J. 2022;9(1):40-5.