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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 79 - 99, 11.10.2018


yönetim yazınında, örgüt yapısı ile stratejiler arasında olumlu etkileşimin ve
uyumun varlığının işletme performansına ve hedeflerinin gerçekleşmesine olumlu
katkı sağlayacağı fikri tartışıla gelmiştir. Çalışmamızda yerli ve yabancı
literatür taraması ile strateji-yapı uyumu konusundaki tartışmalar
derlenmiştir. Özellikle 1980’li yıllardan sonra stratejik yönetiminin bağımsız bir
alan olarak gelişme gösterdiği ve ülkemizde de yabancı literatüre paralel
olarak yapılan çalışmalarda artış sağlandığı tespit edilmiştir. Yerel ve
yabancı literatürdeki, işletme yapısı ve stratejileri arasında çok sıkı bir
bağımlılık ve etkileşim bulunduğunu ortaya koyan çalışmaların bir araya
getirilerek toplu halde sunulması ve mevcut çalışmalardan seçici alıntılar
yapılarak mevcut tartışmaların ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Literatürde
strateji-yapı uyumu ve etkileşimi konularında şimdiye kadar yapılan
araştırmalar ve araştırmacılar kavramsal çerçevede ortaya konulmuştur. Literatür
taraması sonucunda stratejinin yapı üzerindeki etkisinin daha baskın olduğu
yönündeki görüşlerin daha yaygın olduğu görülmüştür. Özellikle son yıllarda,
strateji ve yapı üzerinde karşılıklı bir etkileşim olduğu görüşünün daha
ağırlık kazandığı ve yapılan araştırmalarda artış olduğu tespit edilmiştir.  


  • AKTAŞ, M. (2012). İşletme Stratejisi ve Performans Yönetimi İlişkisi: Strateji-Yapı Perspektifi. İş, Güç Endüstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, 14(1): 91-102.
  • ALEKSIC, A. ve JELAVİC, S.R. (2017). Testing For Strategy-Structure Fit And Its Importance For Performance, Management, 22: 85-102.
  • AMBURGEY, T.L. ve DACIN, T. (1994). As The Left Foot Follows The Right The Dynamics Of Strategic And Structural Change. Academy of Management Journal, 37(6): 1427–1452.
  • BARCA, M. ve HIZIROĞLU, M. (2009). 2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye’de Stratejik Yönetim Alanının Entellektüel Yapısı. Eşkişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Nisan, 4(1): 113-148.
  • BARUTÇUGİL, İ. (2013). Stratejik Yönetim. 1. b., Kariyer Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • BOZKURT, Ö.Ç., KALKAN, A. ve ARMAN, M. (2014). The Relationship Between Structural Characteristics of Organization and Followed Business Strategy: An Application in Denizli. 10th International Strategic Management Conference, 150: 222–229.
  • BURTON, R.M. ve OBEL, B. (2004). Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design: The Dynamics of Fit. 3. Ed., New York: Springer Science HBusiness Media.
  • CORTES, E.C., ORTEGA, E.M.P., AZORIN, J.F.M. (2012). Characteristics of Organizational Structure Relating to Hybrid Competitive Strategy: Implications For Performance. Journal of Business Research, 65: 993–1002.
  • ÇETİN, Ç.K. ve ÇAYLAN, D.Ö. (2015). Stratejik Yönetim Yazınının Entelektüel Yapısında Değişim. Atatürk Üniv. İİBF Dergisi, 29(1): 10-120.
  • DAFT, R.L. (2015), Örgüt. 10.b., Çeviri Editörü: Ömür N. Timurcanday Özmen, Nobel Akademi Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • DALYAN, F. (2002). Stratejik yönetim alanında yapılmış lisansüstü çalışmalarla ilgili bir durum saptaması. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 3: 57-77.
  • DAVIS, M.S. (1982). Transforming Organizations: The Key to Strategy Is Context. Organizational Dynamics, Winter: 64–80.
  • DUMAN, Ş.A., KALEMCİ, A.R. ve ÇAKAR, M. (2005). Türkiye’de Stratejik Yönetim Alanının Kapsamını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1): 57-72.
  • ERYILMAZ, M. (2016). Bir Araştırmacının Naçizane Gözlemleri: İlgili Dergilerin Editör ve Hakemleri Stratejik Yönetim Alanı Yazarlarından Ne Beklerler. Turkish Journal of Management, 1(1): 9-22.
  • GALBRAITH, J.R. (2002). Designing Organizations: An Executive Guide to Strategy. Structure and Process, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
  • GEIGER, S.W., RITCHIE W.J. ve MARLIN, D. (2006). Strategy/Structure Fit and Firm Performance. Organization Development Journal, Summer, 24(2): 10–22.
  • GETZ, G. ve LEE, J. (2011). Why Your Strategy Isn't Working. Business Strategy Series, 12(6): 303-307.
  • GRINYER, P.H., ARDEKANI, N.Y. ve BAZZAZ, S.A. (1980). Strategy, Structure, the Environment, and Financial Performance in 48 United Kingdom Companies. Academy of Management Journal, 23(2): 193-220.
  • GROGAARD, B. (2012). Alignment of Strategy and Structure in International Firms: An Empirical Examination. International Business Review, 21: 397–407.
  • FREDRICKSON, J.W. (1986). The Strategic Decision Process and Organizational Structure. Academy of Management Review, 11(2): 280–297.
  • HALL, D.J. ve SAIAS, M.A. (1980). Strategy Follows Structure. Strategic Management Journal, 1: 149-163.
  • HAMEL, G. ve PRAHALAD, C.K. (1996). Geleceği Kazanmak, 1.b., Çeviren: Zülfü Dicleli, İnkilap Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • HAN, Y. ve LEE, J.J. (2012). Strategic Actions, Structural Choices and Performance İmplications. The Journal of Global Business Management, 1: 148–152.
  • HEDBERG, B. ve JÖNSSON, S. (1977). Strategy formulation as discontinuous process. International Studies of Management & Organization, 7(2): 88-109.
  • HODGE, B. J., ANTHONY, W. P. ve GALES, L. M. (2003). Organization Theory. 8.Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • HODGETTS, R. M. (1997), Yönetim. 5. Baskı, Çevirenler: Canan Çetin ve Esin Can Mutlu, Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • HUNGER, J.D. ve WHEELEN, T.L. (2012). Strategic Management and Business Policy. 13.ed., Bentley University, Pearson.
  • JOHNSON, G., SCHOLES, K. ve WHITTINGTON, R. (2008). Exploring Corporate Strategy. 8.ed., Prentice Hall, London.
  • JUNQUEIRA, E., DUTRA, E.V., FILHO, H.Z. ve GONZAGA, R.P. (2016). The Effect of Strategic Choices and Management Control Systems on Organizational Performance, Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, Scientific Electronic Library Online, 27(72): 334-348.
  • KATES, A. ve GALBRAITH, J.R. (2007). Designing Your Organization. Wiley, Wiley, San Francisco.
  • KIM, C.W. ve MAUBORGNE, R. (2009). How Strategy Shapes Structure, Harvard Business Review, September, 87(9): 72-80.
  • MILES, R.E., SNOW, C.C. ve COLEMAN, H.J. (1978). Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process. Academy of Management Review,July, 3(3): 546–562.
  • MILLER, D. (1986). Configurations of strategy and structure. Strategic Management Journal, 7: 233-249.
  • MILLER, D. (1996). Configurations Revisited. Strategic Management Journal, 17(7): 505–512.
  • MINTZBERG, H. (1981). Organization Design: Fashion or Fit. Harward Business Review, January-February, 103–116.
  • NEIS, D.F., PEREIRA, M.F. ve MACCARI, E.A. (2016). Strategic Planning Process and Organizational Structure: Impacts, Confluence and Similarities. Brazilian Business Review, 14(5): 479–492.
  • OKUMUŞ, F. (2003). A Framework to İmplement Strategies in Organizations. Management Decision, 41(9): 871-882.
  • OKUMUŞ, F., KOYUNCU, M. ve GÜNLÜ, E. (2014). İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim. 2.b., Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • OLSON, E.M., SLATER, S.F. ve HULT, G.T.M. (2005). The Performance Implications of Fit Among Business Strategy,Marketing Organization Structure and Strategic Behavior. Journal of Marketing, July, 69: 49-65.
  • ORTEGA, E.M.P., AZORIN, J.F.M. ve CORTE´S, E.C. (2010). Competitive Strategy, Structure and Firm Performance. Management Decision, 48(8): 1282–1303.
  • PARTHASARTHY, R. ve SETHI, S.P. (1992). The Impact Of Flexible Automation On Business Strategy And Organizational Structure, Academy oí Management Review, 17(1): 86-111.
  • PAYNE G.T. (2001). Strategy And Structure Configurations: An Examination Of Fit And Performance, Business Administration, Texas Tech University, Doctor of Philosophy, August.
  • PEARCE, J. A. ve ROBINSON, R. B. (2015), Stratejik Yönetim. 12. Ed., Çev. Mehmet Barca, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Nobel Yayın, Ankara.
  • PORTER, M. (2013). HBR’S 10 MUST READS, On Strategy. Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2011, Strateji, Optimist Yayın No: 341, Çev. Melis İnan, İstanbul.
  • POWELL, T.C. (1992). Organizational Alignment as Competitive Advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 13: 119–134.
  • RADOMSKA, J. (2014). Model of Successful Strategy Execution: Revising The Concept. Problems of Management in The 21. Century, 9(3): 213–222.
  • RAJARATNAM, D. ve CHONKO, L.B. (1995). The Effect Of Business Strategy Type On Marketing Organization Design, Product-Market Growth Strategy, Relative Marketing Effort, And Organization Performance. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Summer, 3(3): 60–75.
  • SAKLI, A.R. (2012). Stratejik Kurumsal Yönetişim, 1. b., Nobel Kitap, Ankara.
  • SARGUT, S. A. ve ÖZEN, Ş. (2010). Örgüt Kuramları. 2. Baskı, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • SCHENDEL, D.E. ve HOFER, C.W. (1979). Strategic management: A New View of Business Policy and Planning, Little, Brown and Company, Boston.
  • SHICHUN, X., CAVUSGİL, S.T. ve WHITE, J.C. (2006). The Impact of Strategic Fit Among Strategy, Structure, and Processes on Multinational Corporation Performance: A Multimethod Assessment. Joumal of International Marketing, American Marketing Association, 14(2): 1–31.
  • SÖZEN, C. H. ve BASIM, N. H. (2012). Örgüt Kuramları. 2. Baskı, Beta, İstanbul.
  • TEARE, R.E., COSTA, J. ve ECCLES, G. (1998). Relating Strategy, Structure and Performance. Journal of Workplace Learning, 10(2): 58–75.
  • THOMPSON, A.A. ve STRICKLAND, A.J. (1984). Strategic Management: Concept and Cases, Business Publications.
  • THOMPSON, A.A. ve STRICKLAND, A.J. (1993). Strategic Management Concepts&Cases. 7. b., Irvin, Alabama Univ. New York.
  • TOSI, H. L. (2009). Theories Of Organization, Sage Publications, California.
  • WASSERMAN, N. (2008). Revisiting the Strategy, Structure, and Performance Paradigm: The Case of Venture Capital. Organization Science, March-April, 19(2): 241-259.
  • WOLF, J. ve EGELHOFF, W.G. (2001). Strategy and Structure: Extending The Theory And Integrating The Research On National And İnternational Firms. Schmalenbach Business Review, April, 53: 117-139.
  • XU, S., ÇAVUŞGİL, S.T. ve WHITE, J.C. (2006). The Impact of Strategic Fit Among Strategy, Structure and Processes on Multinational Corporation Performance: A Multimethod


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 79 - 99, 11.10.2018


In the literature of strategic management,
it has been argued that the positive interaction between the organizational
structure and the strategies and the existence of harmony will positively
contribute to the performance of the company and its realization. In our study,
the discussions about the strategy-structure alignment with domestic and foreign
literature search were compiled. Especially after the 1980s it has been found
that the strategic management has developed as an independent field and the
increase in the studies carried out in parallel with the foreign literature in
our country has been found. It is aimed to bring together the studies that show
that there is a very strong dependency and interaction between the business
structure and the strategies in the local and foreign literature and to present
the present discussions by making selective citations from the existing
studies. In the literature, the researches and researchers carried out up to
now on the topic of strategy-structure adaptation and interaction are put
forward in the conceptual framework. As a result of the literature review, it
was seen that the opinions about the effect of the strategy on the structure
were more prevalent. Especially in recent years, it has been determined that
there is a mutual interaction on strategy and structure, and it is found that
the researches that are made more weighted and increase in the research done.


  • AKTAŞ, M. (2012). İşletme Stratejisi ve Performans Yönetimi İlişkisi: Strateji-Yapı Perspektifi. İş, Güç Endüstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, 14(1): 91-102.
  • ALEKSIC, A. ve JELAVİC, S.R. (2017). Testing For Strategy-Structure Fit And Its Importance For Performance, Management, 22: 85-102.
  • AMBURGEY, T.L. ve DACIN, T. (1994). As The Left Foot Follows The Right The Dynamics Of Strategic And Structural Change. Academy of Management Journal, 37(6): 1427–1452.
  • BARCA, M. ve HIZIROĞLU, M. (2009). 2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye’de Stratejik Yönetim Alanının Entellektüel Yapısı. Eşkişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Nisan, 4(1): 113-148.
  • BARUTÇUGİL, İ. (2013). Stratejik Yönetim. 1. b., Kariyer Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • BOZKURT, Ö.Ç., KALKAN, A. ve ARMAN, M. (2014). The Relationship Between Structural Characteristics of Organization and Followed Business Strategy: An Application in Denizli. 10th International Strategic Management Conference, 150: 222–229.
  • BURTON, R.M. ve OBEL, B. (2004). Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design: The Dynamics of Fit. 3. Ed., New York: Springer Science HBusiness Media.
  • CORTES, E.C., ORTEGA, E.M.P., AZORIN, J.F.M. (2012). Characteristics of Organizational Structure Relating to Hybrid Competitive Strategy: Implications For Performance. Journal of Business Research, 65: 993–1002.
  • ÇETİN, Ç.K. ve ÇAYLAN, D.Ö. (2015). Stratejik Yönetim Yazınının Entelektüel Yapısında Değişim. Atatürk Üniv. İİBF Dergisi, 29(1): 10-120.
  • DAFT, R.L. (2015), Örgüt. 10.b., Çeviri Editörü: Ömür N. Timurcanday Özmen, Nobel Akademi Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • DALYAN, F. (2002). Stratejik yönetim alanında yapılmış lisansüstü çalışmalarla ilgili bir durum saptaması. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 3: 57-77.
  • DAVIS, M.S. (1982). Transforming Organizations: The Key to Strategy Is Context. Organizational Dynamics, Winter: 64–80.
  • DUMAN, Ş.A., KALEMCİ, A.R. ve ÇAKAR, M. (2005). Türkiye’de Stratejik Yönetim Alanının Kapsamını Belirlemeye Yönelik Bir Araştırma, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1): 57-72.
  • ERYILMAZ, M. (2016). Bir Araştırmacının Naçizane Gözlemleri: İlgili Dergilerin Editör ve Hakemleri Stratejik Yönetim Alanı Yazarlarından Ne Beklerler. Turkish Journal of Management, 1(1): 9-22.
  • GALBRAITH, J.R. (2002). Designing Organizations: An Executive Guide to Strategy. Structure and Process, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
  • GEIGER, S.W., RITCHIE W.J. ve MARLIN, D. (2006). Strategy/Structure Fit and Firm Performance. Organization Development Journal, Summer, 24(2): 10–22.
  • GETZ, G. ve LEE, J. (2011). Why Your Strategy Isn't Working. Business Strategy Series, 12(6): 303-307.
  • GRINYER, P.H., ARDEKANI, N.Y. ve BAZZAZ, S.A. (1980). Strategy, Structure, the Environment, and Financial Performance in 48 United Kingdom Companies. Academy of Management Journal, 23(2): 193-220.
  • GROGAARD, B. (2012). Alignment of Strategy and Structure in International Firms: An Empirical Examination. International Business Review, 21: 397–407.
  • FREDRICKSON, J.W. (1986). The Strategic Decision Process and Organizational Structure. Academy of Management Review, 11(2): 280–297.
  • HALL, D.J. ve SAIAS, M.A. (1980). Strategy Follows Structure. Strategic Management Journal, 1: 149-163.
  • HAMEL, G. ve PRAHALAD, C.K. (1996). Geleceği Kazanmak, 1.b., Çeviren: Zülfü Dicleli, İnkilap Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • HAN, Y. ve LEE, J.J. (2012). Strategic Actions, Structural Choices and Performance İmplications. The Journal of Global Business Management, 1: 148–152.
  • HEDBERG, B. ve JÖNSSON, S. (1977). Strategy formulation as discontinuous process. International Studies of Management & Organization, 7(2): 88-109.
  • HODGE, B. J., ANTHONY, W. P. ve GALES, L. M. (2003). Organization Theory. 8.Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • HODGETTS, R. M. (1997), Yönetim. 5. Baskı, Çevirenler: Canan Çetin ve Esin Can Mutlu, Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • HUNGER, J.D. ve WHEELEN, T.L. (2012). Strategic Management and Business Policy. 13.ed., Bentley University, Pearson.
  • JOHNSON, G., SCHOLES, K. ve WHITTINGTON, R. (2008). Exploring Corporate Strategy. 8.ed., Prentice Hall, London.
  • JUNQUEIRA, E., DUTRA, E.V., FILHO, H.Z. ve GONZAGA, R.P. (2016). The Effect of Strategic Choices and Management Control Systems on Organizational Performance, Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, Scientific Electronic Library Online, 27(72): 334-348.
  • KATES, A. ve GALBRAITH, J.R. (2007). Designing Your Organization. Wiley, Wiley, San Francisco.
  • KIM, C.W. ve MAUBORGNE, R. (2009). How Strategy Shapes Structure, Harvard Business Review, September, 87(9): 72-80.
  • MILES, R.E., SNOW, C.C. ve COLEMAN, H.J. (1978). Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process. Academy of Management Review,July, 3(3): 546–562.
  • MILLER, D. (1986). Configurations of strategy and structure. Strategic Management Journal, 7: 233-249.
  • MILLER, D. (1996). Configurations Revisited. Strategic Management Journal, 17(7): 505–512.
  • MINTZBERG, H. (1981). Organization Design: Fashion or Fit. Harward Business Review, January-February, 103–116.
  • NEIS, D.F., PEREIRA, M.F. ve MACCARI, E.A. (2016). Strategic Planning Process and Organizational Structure: Impacts, Confluence and Similarities. Brazilian Business Review, 14(5): 479–492.
  • OKUMUŞ, F. (2003). A Framework to İmplement Strategies in Organizations. Management Decision, 41(9): 871-882.
  • OKUMUŞ, F., KOYUNCU, M. ve GÜNLÜ, E. (2014). İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim. 2.b., Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • OLSON, E.M., SLATER, S.F. ve HULT, G.T.M. (2005). The Performance Implications of Fit Among Business Strategy,Marketing Organization Structure and Strategic Behavior. Journal of Marketing, July, 69: 49-65.
  • ORTEGA, E.M.P., AZORIN, J.F.M. ve CORTE´S, E.C. (2010). Competitive Strategy, Structure and Firm Performance. Management Decision, 48(8): 1282–1303.
  • PARTHASARTHY, R. ve SETHI, S.P. (1992). The Impact Of Flexible Automation On Business Strategy And Organizational Structure, Academy oí Management Review, 17(1): 86-111.
  • PAYNE G.T. (2001). Strategy And Structure Configurations: An Examination Of Fit And Performance, Business Administration, Texas Tech University, Doctor of Philosophy, August.
  • PEARCE, J. A. ve ROBINSON, R. B. (2015), Stratejik Yönetim. 12. Ed., Çev. Mehmet Barca, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Nobel Yayın, Ankara.
  • PORTER, M. (2013). HBR’S 10 MUST READS, On Strategy. Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2011, Strateji, Optimist Yayın No: 341, Çev. Melis İnan, İstanbul.
  • POWELL, T.C. (1992). Organizational Alignment as Competitive Advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 13: 119–134.
  • RADOMSKA, J. (2014). Model of Successful Strategy Execution: Revising The Concept. Problems of Management in The 21. Century, 9(3): 213–222.
  • RAJARATNAM, D. ve CHONKO, L.B. (1995). The Effect Of Business Strategy Type On Marketing Organization Design, Product-Market Growth Strategy, Relative Marketing Effort, And Organization Performance. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Summer, 3(3): 60–75.
  • SAKLI, A.R. (2012). Stratejik Kurumsal Yönetişim, 1. b., Nobel Kitap, Ankara.
  • SARGUT, S. A. ve ÖZEN, Ş. (2010). Örgüt Kuramları. 2. Baskı, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • SCHENDEL, D.E. ve HOFER, C.W. (1979). Strategic management: A New View of Business Policy and Planning, Little, Brown and Company, Boston.
  • SHICHUN, X., CAVUSGİL, S.T. ve WHITE, J.C. (2006). The Impact of Strategic Fit Among Strategy, Structure, and Processes on Multinational Corporation Performance: A Multimethod Assessment. Joumal of International Marketing, American Marketing Association, 14(2): 1–31.
  • SÖZEN, C. H. ve BASIM, N. H. (2012). Örgüt Kuramları. 2. Baskı, Beta, İstanbul.
  • TEARE, R.E., COSTA, J. ve ECCLES, G. (1998). Relating Strategy, Structure and Performance. Journal of Workplace Learning, 10(2): 58–75.
  • THOMPSON, A.A. ve STRICKLAND, A.J. (1984). Strategic Management: Concept and Cases, Business Publications.
  • THOMPSON, A.A. ve STRICKLAND, A.J. (1993). Strategic Management Concepts&Cases. 7. b., Irvin, Alabama Univ. New York.
  • TOSI, H. L. (2009). Theories Of Organization, Sage Publications, California.
  • WASSERMAN, N. (2008). Revisiting the Strategy, Structure, and Performance Paradigm: The Case of Venture Capital. Organization Science, March-April, 19(2): 241-259.
  • WOLF, J. ve EGELHOFF, W.G. (2001). Strategy and Structure: Extending The Theory And Integrating The Research On National And İnternational Firms. Schmalenbach Business Review, April, 53: 117-139.
  • XU, S., ÇAVUŞGİL, S.T. ve WHITE, J.C. (2006). The Impact of Strategic Fit Among Strategy, Structure and Processes on Multinational Corporation Performance: A Multimethod
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Murat Çubukcu 0000-0002-2017-8987

Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çubukcu, M. (2018). STRATEJİ VE YAPI UYUMU KONUSUNDA LİTERATÜRDEKİ MEVCUT ÇALIŞMALAR. Sakarya Üniversitesi İktisat Dergisi, 7(3), 79-99.

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