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Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 31 - 51, 30.12.2022


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, gastronomi ve modern mutfak anlayışında önemli bir mihenk taşı olan “Yeni Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine)” akımının, ünlü Fransız Sosyolog “Gabriel
Tarde”nin sosyal taklit teorisi ve iletişim perspektifinden incelenmesidir. Literatür taraması aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilen çalışmada çeşitli analizler yapılmıştır. Öncelikle “Yeni
mutfak” devriminin ortaya çıkış süreci, Gabriel Tarde’nin günümüzde hala geçerliliğini
koruyan “Sosyal taklit teorisi” bağlamında analiz edilmiştir. Tarde’nin perspektifinden,
“Yeni mutfak” akımını destekleyen şeflerin gelenek taklitçiliğinden inovatif yaklaşıma
doğru geçiş aşamaları da irdelenmiştir. “Yeni Mutfak” akımının doğuşunda eski gelenekleri taklit eden ve mutfak devrimine (Tarde’nin deyimiyle “buluş”) yol açan idealist
şeflerin ne denli önemli rol oynadıkları da saptanmıştır. “Yenilikçi şeflerin” toplumda
tutunma süreçleri, Tarde’nin çeşitli yaklaşımları ışığında açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bunun yanında, Gabriel Tarde’nin görüşlerinin güncelliğini hala koruduğu ve sosyal bilimler
alanında araştırma yapacak çoğu bilim insanı için önemli referans kaynağı oluşturacağı
değerlendirilmektedir. Son olarak, Yeni mutfak akımının geleneksel medyaya yansıması
ve çeşitli ülkeler üzerinde yarattığı etki irdelenen konular arasındadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Gabriel Tarde, Sosyal Taklit Teorisi, Yeni Mutfak, Gastro


  • Alliez, E. (1999) “Tarde et le probleme de la constitution”, in G. Tarde (1999a), 9: 32.
  • Arenos, P. (2011). La cocina de los valientes. Barcelona: Ediciones B, Grupo Zeta.
  • Barr, A. and Levy, P. (1984). The Official Foodie Handbook. London: Ebury Press.
  • Barry, A., & Thrift, N. (2007). Gabriel Tarde: imitation, invention and economy. Economy and society, 36(4): 509-525.
  • Barthes, R. (1973). Mythologies. London: Paladin.
  • Beauge, Benedict. 1999. Aventures de la cuisine franc¸aise, cinquante ans d’histoire du gout. Paris: Nil Editions
  • Borch, C. (2005). “Urban Imitations: Tarde’s Sociology Revisited”, Theory, Culture & Society, 22 (3): 81-100.
  • Dahl, D. (2013). Social influence and consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2), 3-5
  • Davis, M. M. Jr. (1906). Gabriel Tarde: An Essay in Sociological Theory, Dissertation, New York: Columbia University.,
  • Del Moral, R. G. (2020). Gastronomic paradigms in contemporary Western cuisine: from French haute cuisine to mass media gastronomy. Frontiers in nutrition, 6, 192.
  • Ewoldsen, D. R. (2017). Normal science and paradigm shift. The international encyclopedia of communication research methods, 1-17.
  • Fischler, C. (1993). A nutritional cacophony or the crisis of food selection in affluent societies. For a better nutrition in the 21st century., 57-65.
  • Fusté Forné, F. (2017). Food Journalism: Building the discourse on the popularization of gastronomy in the twenty-first century (Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Ramon Llull).
  • Gillespie, C. H. (1994). Gastrosophy and nouvelle cuisine: entrepreneurial fashion and fiction. British Food Journal.
  • Hidalgo-Mari, T., Segarra-Saavedra, J. (2014). Televisión y gastronomía. Análisis histórico de la programación televisiva desde una perspectiva publicitaria. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 7 (2): 317-341.
  • Hwang, H., & Powell, W. W. (2005). Institutions and entrepreneurship. In Handbook of entrepreneurship research (pp. 195-232). Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Kinnunen, J. (1996). Gabriel Tarde as a founding father of innovation diffusion research. Acta sociologica, 39(4): 431-442.
  • Latour, B., Lépinay, V. A. (2008). L’economie, science des intérêts passionnés. G. Tarde, Psychologie Économique, 2-10.
  • Le Play, F. (2005/2006) “Anthologie et correspondance” (ed. S. Baciocchi et J. David), LesE´tudes Sociales 142-144: 5.
  • Levy, P. (1986). Out to Lunch. London: Chatto and Windus.
  • Lujan, N. (1988). Historia de la gastronomía. Esplugues de Llobregat: Plaza y Janés Editores.
  • Marsden, P. 2000. Forefathers of Memetics : Gabriel Tarde and the Laws of Imitation, Journal of Mimetics- Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission, 4(1), http://jomemit.cfpm.org/2000/vol14/marsden
  • McAdam, Doug. 1995. “‘Initiator” and “Spin-off” Movements: Diffusion Processes in Protest Cycles.”. 217–39 in Repertoires and Cycles of Collective Action, edited by Mark Traugott. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
  • Mcgee, H. (2004). On food and cooking the science and the lore of the kitchen. New York: Scribner.
  • Mennell, S. (1985). All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Mennell, S. (1993). All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in England and France From the Middle Ages to the Present. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press.
  • Murcott, A. (1982). On the social significance of the ‘cooked dinner’ in South Wales. Social Science Information 21, 677–696.
  • Novero, C. (2004). Nouvelle cuisine meets the German cinema: Bella Martha’s recipe for contemporary film. Food & Foodways, 12(1): 27-52.
  • Opazo, Pilar,M.(2012).Appetite for innovation: the organization of creativity at “el Bulli”. Doctoral Dissertation, Columbia University.
  • Poulain, J. P. (1997). Mutations et modes alimentaires. Le mangeur et.
  • Rao, H., Monin, P., & Durand, R. (2003). Institutional change in Toque Ville: Nouvelle cuisine as an identity movement in French gastronomy. American journal of sociology, 108(4), 795-843.
  • Riley, M. (1984). Hotels and group identity. Tourism Manage ment 5 (2), 102–109.
  • Rogers, E.M. 1995. Diffusion of innovation, 4th edition, New York : The Free Press.
  • Simonton DK. 2010. Creative thought as blind-variation and selective-retention: combinatorial models of exceptional creativity. Phys. Life Rev. 7:156–79.
  • Svejenova, S., Mazza, C., & Planellas, M. (2007). Cooking up change in haute cuisine: Ferran Adrià as an institutional entrepreneur. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 28(5), 539-561.
  • Tarde, G. (1902a) Psychologie E´conomique (two vols), Paris: F. Alcan.
  • Tarde, G. (1999b) Les Lois Sociales, Paris: Les Empeˆcheurs de Penser en Rond.
  • Tarde, G. (1883) “L’arche´ologie et la statistique’’, Revue philosophique XVI: 363 84.
  • Tarde, G. (1898a) “Les deux e´le´ments de la sociologie”, Annales de l’Institut internation51 al de sociologie, VIII, in E´tudes de Psychologie Sociale, Paris: V. Giard & E. Briere.
  • Tarde, G. (1903). The Laws of Imitations, (Translated Elsie Clews Parsons), New York: Henry Holt and Company.
  • Tarde, G. (1999a) Monadologie et Sociologie, Paris: Les Empecheurs de Penser en Rond.
  • Tarde, G. (2001a) Les Lois de L’Imitation, Paris: Les Empecheurs de Penser en Rond.
  • Tarde, G. 1890. Les lois de l’imitation (Paris: Félix Alcan; Paris: Editions Kimé, Paris, 1993).
  • Taymans, A. (1950) ‘Tarde and Schumpeter: a similar vision’, Quarterly Journal of Economics 64: 611-22 This, H. (2006). Food for tomorrow. EMBO reports, 7: 1062-1066.
  • Thomassen, B. (2012). Émile Durkheim between Gabriel Tarde and Arnold van Gennep: founding moments of sociology and anthropology. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale, 20(3): 231-249.
  • Tonkonoff, S. (2013). A new social physic: The sociology of Gabriel Tarde and its legacy. Current Sociology, 61(3): 267-282.
  • Topçuoğlu, H. (1961). “XIX. Yüzyıl Sosyologlarında Hukuk Anlayışı”, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 151, Ankara.
  • Trubek, Amy B. Haute Cuisine: How the French Invented the Culinary Profession. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000.
  • Wärneryd, K. E. (2008). The psychological underpinnings of economics: Economic psychology according to
  • Gabriel Tarde. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(5): 1685-1702.
  • Wilson, M. S. (1954). Pioneers in Criminology I--Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904). J. Crim. L. Criminology & Police Sci., 45, 3.
  • Wood, R. C. (2012). The shock of the new: a sociology of nouvelle cuisine. In Culinary taste (92-107). Routledge.

Analysis of Modern Cuisine (Nouvelle Cuisine) in the Context of Gabriel Tarde’s Social Imitation Theory and Communication

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 31 - 51, 30.12.2022


The main purpose of this study is to analyze the “New Cuisine” (Nouvelle Cuisine) movement, which is an important milestone in the understanding of gastronomy and modern cuisine, from the perspective of the famous French Sociologist “Gabriel Tarde”s social imitation theory and communication sciences. In this study, which was conducted
through a literature review, various analyses were made. First of all, the process of
the emergence of the “New Cuisine” revolution was analyzed in the context of Gabriel
Tarde’s “Social imitation theory”, which is still valid today. The transition stages of the
chefs who support the “New cuisine” movement from imitator to innovator approach
were also examined from Tarde’s point of view. It was also determined that the idealist
chefs, who imitated the old traditions and led to the culinary revolution (“invention” in
Tarde’s words), played an important role in the birth of the “New Cuisine” movement. In
addition, it is considered that Gabriel Tarde’s views are still up to date and will constitute
an important reference source for most scientists who will conduct research in the field
of social sciences. Finally, the reflection of the New Cuisine movement on traditional
media and its impact on various countries are among the topics discussed.


  • Alliez, E. (1999) “Tarde et le probleme de la constitution”, in G. Tarde (1999a), 9: 32.
  • Arenos, P. (2011). La cocina de los valientes. Barcelona: Ediciones B, Grupo Zeta.
  • Barr, A. and Levy, P. (1984). The Official Foodie Handbook. London: Ebury Press.
  • Barry, A., & Thrift, N. (2007). Gabriel Tarde: imitation, invention and economy. Economy and society, 36(4): 509-525.
  • Barthes, R. (1973). Mythologies. London: Paladin.
  • Beauge, Benedict. 1999. Aventures de la cuisine franc¸aise, cinquante ans d’histoire du gout. Paris: Nil Editions
  • Borch, C. (2005). “Urban Imitations: Tarde’s Sociology Revisited”, Theory, Culture & Society, 22 (3): 81-100.
  • Dahl, D. (2013). Social influence and consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2), 3-5
  • Davis, M. M. Jr. (1906). Gabriel Tarde: An Essay in Sociological Theory, Dissertation, New York: Columbia University.,
  • Del Moral, R. G. (2020). Gastronomic paradigms in contemporary Western cuisine: from French haute cuisine to mass media gastronomy. Frontiers in nutrition, 6, 192.
  • Ewoldsen, D. R. (2017). Normal science and paradigm shift. The international encyclopedia of communication research methods, 1-17.
  • Fischler, C. (1993). A nutritional cacophony or the crisis of food selection in affluent societies. For a better nutrition in the 21st century., 57-65.
  • Fusté Forné, F. (2017). Food Journalism: Building the discourse on the popularization of gastronomy in the twenty-first century (Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Ramon Llull).
  • Gillespie, C. H. (1994). Gastrosophy and nouvelle cuisine: entrepreneurial fashion and fiction. British Food Journal.
  • Hidalgo-Mari, T., Segarra-Saavedra, J. (2014). Televisión y gastronomía. Análisis histórico de la programación televisiva desde una perspectiva publicitaria. Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias, 7 (2): 317-341.
  • Hwang, H., & Powell, W. W. (2005). Institutions and entrepreneurship. In Handbook of entrepreneurship research (pp. 195-232). Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Kinnunen, J. (1996). Gabriel Tarde as a founding father of innovation diffusion research. Acta sociologica, 39(4): 431-442.
  • Latour, B., Lépinay, V. A. (2008). L’economie, science des intérêts passionnés. G. Tarde, Psychologie Économique, 2-10.
  • Le Play, F. (2005/2006) “Anthologie et correspondance” (ed. S. Baciocchi et J. David), LesE´tudes Sociales 142-144: 5.
  • Levy, P. (1986). Out to Lunch. London: Chatto and Windus.
  • Lujan, N. (1988). Historia de la gastronomía. Esplugues de Llobregat: Plaza y Janés Editores.
  • Marsden, P. 2000. Forefathers of Memetics : Gabriel Tarde and the Laws of Imitation, Journal of Mimetics- Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission, 4(1), http://jomemit.cfpm.org/2000/vol14/marsden
  • McAdam, Doug. 1995. “‘Initiator” and “Spin-off” Movements: Diffusion Processes in Protest Cycles.”. 217–39 in Repertoires and Cycles of Collective Action, edited by Mark Traugott. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
  • Mcgee, H. (2004). On food and cooking the science and the lore of the kitchen. New York: Scribner.
  • Mennell, S. (1985). All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Mennell, S. (1993). All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in England and France From the Middle Ages to the Present. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press.
  • Murcott, A. (1982). On the social significance of the ‘cooked dinner’ in South Wales. Social Science Information 21, 677–696.
  • Novero, C. (2004). Nouvelle cuisine meets the German cinema: Bella Martha’s recipe for contemporary film. Food & Foodways, 12(1): 27-52.
  • Opazo, Pilar,M.(2012).Appetite for innovation: the organization of creativity at “el Bulli”. Doctoral Dissertation, Columbia University.
  • Poulain, J. P. (1997). Mutations et modes alimentaires. Le mangeur et.
  • Rao, H., Monin, P., & Durand, R. (2003). Institutional change in Toque Ville: Nouvelle cuisine as an identity movement in French gastronomy. American journal of sociology, 108(4), 795-843.
  • Riley, M. (1984). Hotels and group identity. Tourism Manage ment 5 (2), 102–109.
  • Rogers, E.M. 1995. Diffusion of innovation, 4th edition, New York : The Free Press.
  • Simonton DK. 2010. Creative thought as blind-variation and selective-retention: combinatorial models of exceptional creativity. Phys. Life Rev. 7:156–79.
  • Svejenova, S., Mazza, C., & Planellas, M. (2007). Cooking up change in haute cuisine: Ferran Adrià as an institutional entrepreneur. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 28(5), 539-561.
  • Tarde, G. (1902a) Psychologie E´conomique (two vols), Paris: F. Alcan.
  • Tarde, G. (1999b) Les Lois Sociales, Paris: Les Empeˆcheurs de Penser en Rond.
  • Tarde, G. (1883) “L’arche´ologie et la statistique’’, Revue philosophique XVI: 363 84.
  • Tarde, G. (1898a) “Les deux e´le´ments de la sociologie”, Annales de l’Institut internation51 al de sociologie, VIII, in E´tudes de Psychologie Sociale, Paris: V. Giard & E. Briere.
  • Tarde, G. (1903). The Laws of Imitations, (Translated Elsie Clews Parsons), New York: Henry Holt and Company.
  • Tarde, G. (1999a) Monadologie et Sociologie, Paris: Les Empecheurs de Penser en Rond.
  • Tarde, G. (2001a) Les Lois de L’Imitation, Paris: Les Empecheurs de Penser en Rond.
  • Tarde, G. 1890. Les lois de l’imitation (Paris: Félix Alcan; Paris: Editions Kimé, Paris, 1993).
  • Taymans, A. (1950) ‘Tarde and Schumpeter: a similar vision’, Quarterly Journal of Economics 64: 611-22 This, H. (2006). Food for tomorrow. EMBO reports, 7: 1062-1066.
  • Thomassen, B. (2012). Émile Durkheim between Gabriel Tarde and Arnold van Gennep: founding moments of sociology and anthropology. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale, 20(3): 231-249.
  • Tonkonoff, S. (2013). A new social physic: The sociology of Gabriel Tarde and its legacy. Current Sociology, 61(3): 267-282.
  • Topçuoğlu, H. (1961). “XIX. Yüzyıl Sosyologlarında Hukuk Anlayışı”, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 151, Ankara.
  • Trubek, Amy B. Haute Cuisine: How the French Invented the Culinary Profession. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000.
  • Wärneryd, K. E. (2008). The psychological underpinnings of economics: Economic psychology according to
  • Gabriel Tarde. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(5): 1685-1702.
  • Wilson, M. S. (1954). Pioneers in Criminology I--Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904). J. Crim. L. Criminology & Police Sci., 45, 3.
  • Wood, R. C. (2012). The shock of the new: a sociology of nouvelle cuisine. In Culinary taste (92-107). Routledge.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Uğur Kaçan 0000-0002-8532-5618

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaçan, U. (2022). Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi. Sakarya İletişim, 2(2), 31-51.
AMA Kaçan U. Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi. Sakarya İletişim. Aralık 2022;2(2):31-51.
Chicago Kaçan, Uğur. “Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi Ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi”. Sakarya İletişim 2, sy. 2 (Aralık 2022): 31-51.
EndNote Kaçan U (01 Aralık 2022) Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi. Sakarya İletişim 2 2 31–51.
IEEE U. Kaçan, “Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi”, Sakarya İletişim, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 31–51, 2022.
ISNAD Kaçan, Uğur. “Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi Ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi”. Sakarya İletişim 2/2 (Aralık 2022), 31-51.
JAMA Kaçan U. Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi. Sakarya İletişim. 2022;2:31–51.
MLA Kaçan, Uğur. “Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi Ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi”. Sakarya İletişim, c. 2, sy. 2, 2022, ss. 31-51.
Vancouver Kaçan U. Modern Mutfak (Nouvelle Cuisine) Anlayışının Gabriel Tarde’nin Sosyal Taklit Teorisi ve İletişim Bağlamında Analizi. Sakarya İletişim. 2022;2(2):31-5.


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