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Web of Science veri tabanında Triyaj ile ilgili yayınların analizi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 122 - 131, 18.03.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı son yıllarda artan triaj ile ilgili yapılan yayınların bibliometrik analizini yapmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya dahil edilecek makalelerin incelenmesi, Web of Science Core Collection veritabanı kullanılarak 8 Haziran 2021 tarihinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Basic search alanından Topic bölümün “triage” terimi yazılarak; “Web Of Science Categories: (All); Document Types: (All); Languages: (English); Timespan: (All); Indexes: (All)” şeklinde arama yapılmıştır. Arama sonuçlarından elde edilen data VOS viewer yazılımına aktarılmış ve sistematik olarak analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular: 1980-2021 yılları arasında toplam 22653 yayın tanımlanmıştır. Yayınların en çok Acil tıp alanında yapıldığı (n=3798; 16,76%); çoğunluğunun 2020 yılına ait olduğu (n=2880; 12,71%); En çok Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinden (USA) yayın yapıldığı görülmüştür (n=10049; 44,36%). Türkiye’nin tüm alanlar ve acil tıp alanındaki yeri incelendiğinde; genel toplamda 26. sırada (n=225; 0,99%) acil tıp alanında ise 18. sırada (n=50; 1,32%) olduğu görülmüştür.
Sonuç: Triaj ile ilgili çalışma/yayınlar en çok acil tıp alanında yapılmıştır. Ancak Türkiye’nin mevcut literatürdeki yeri barındırdığı risklere nazaran oldukça geridedir. Ülkemizde bu alan yönelik çalışmaların arttırılması önerilir.

Destekleyen Kurum



  • 1. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Prehospital trauma care. In: Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient. American College of Surgeons, California, 2006:8-116.
  • 2. Demirel ME, Ali İH, Boğan M. Emergency service experience following the terrorist attack in Mogadishu, 14 October 2017, a scene of lay rescuer triage. Am J Emerg Med. 2021;40:6-10.
  • 3. Saser MS. Guidelines for Field Triage of Injured Patients: Recommendations of the National Expert Panel on Field. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009:12-34.
  • 4. Nordberg M, Castrén M, Lindström V. Primary trauma triage performed by bystanders: An observation study. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2016;31(4):353-57.
  • 5. Van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computerprogram for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics. 2010;84:523–38.
  • 6. Boffard KD. Manual of Definiteve Surgical Trauma Care 3E. Toylar & Francis, 2011:176-235.
  • 7. Adaş, G, Turgut, N, Akçakaya A. Büyük Afetlerde Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Planlanması Organizasyonu ve Triaj. Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi. 2012;28(2):124-34.
  • 8. Salvi F, Morichi V, Vita D, Fallani M, Fulgheri P. Older adults use the emergency department appropriately. Intern Emerg Med. 2009;4:93–94.
  • 9. Petrini, C. Triage in public health emergencies: ethical issues. Intern Emerg Med. 2010;5(2): 137-144.
  • 10. Gostin LO. Public health and civil liberties in conflict. In: Gostin LO (ed) Public Health law. Power, duty, restraint. University of California Press, 2008:287–488.
  • 11. Demir MC, Ilhan B. Performance of the Pandemic Medical Early Warning Score (PMEWS), Simple Triage Scoring System (STSS) and Confusion, Uremia, Respiratory rate, Blood pressure and age≥ 65 (CURB-65) score among patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in an emergency department triage setting: a retrospective study. Sao Paulo Med J. 2021;139: 170-77.
  • 12. Albrecht C, Neuhold S, Hülsmann M, Strunk G, Ehmsen U, Scholten C, et al. NT-proBNP as a means of triage for the risk of hospitalisation in primary care. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2012;19(1):55–61.
  • 13. Subbe, CP, Kellett J, Whitaker CJ, Jishi F, White A, Price, S, et. al. A pragmatic triage system to reduce length of stay in medical emergency admission: feasibility study and health economic analysis. Eur J Intern Med. 2014;25(9):815-20.
  • 14. [homepage on the internet]. Disaster [cited 16 May 2021]. Available from:
  • 15. [homepage on the internet]. İntihar saldırıları [cited 05 July 2021].
  • 16. Raiter Y, Farfel A, Lehavi O, Goren OB, Shamiss A, Priel Z, et al. Mass casualty incident management, triage, injury distribution of casualties and rate of arrival of casualties at the hospitals: lessons from a suicide bomber attack in downtown Tel Aviv. Emerg Med. 2008;25(4): 225-29.
  • 17. [homepage on the internet]. Sel felaketi [cited 21 Apr 2021].

Analysis of publications related to Triage in the Web of Science database

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 122 - 131, 18.03.2022


Background: The aim of this study is to make a bibliometric analysis of the publications made about the increasing triage in recent years.
Materials and methods: The review of the articles to be included in this study was conducted on June 8, 2021 using the database of Web of Science Core Collection. Triage was written in the subject section and a search was made in the form. “Web of Science Categories: (All); Document Types: (All); Languages: (English); Timespan: (All); Indexes: (All)”. During the search, no restrictions were entered regarding the dates of the publications. The data were transferred to VOS viewer software and analyzed systematically.
Results: A total of 22653 publications were descripted between 1980 and 2021. It was found that the most publications were made in the field of emergency medicine (EM) (n=3798; 16,76%). It has been observed that the most publications have been made from the United States. (n=10049; 44,36%). When Turkey's place in all fields and EM is examined; it was seen that it was in the 26th rank (n=225; 0,99%) in the all fields, and 18th in the EM field (n=50; 1,32%).
Conclusion: Studies and publications on triage have been conducted most often in the field of emergency medicine. However, Turkey's place in the current literature is far behind compared to the risks it poses. It is recommended to increase the work on this area in our country.


  • 1. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Prehospital trauma care. In: Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient. American College of Surgeons, California, 2006:8-116.
  • 2. Demirel ME, Ali İH, Boğan M. Emergency service experience following the terrorist attack in Mogadishu, 14 October 2017, a scene of lay rescuer triage. Am J Emerg Med. 2021;40:6-10.
  • 3. Saser MS. Guidelines for Field Triage of Injured Patients: Recommendations of the National Expert Panel on Field. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009:12-34.
  • 4. Nordberg M, Castrén M, Lindström V. Primary trauma triage performed by bystanders: An observation study. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2016;31(4):353-57.
  • 5. Van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSviewer, a computerprogram for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics. 2010;84:523–38.
  • 6. Boffard KD. Manual of Definiteve Surgical Trauma Care 3E. Toylar & Francis, 2011:176-235.
  • 7. Adaş, G, Turgut, N, Akçakaya A. Büyük Afetlerde Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Planlanması Organizasyonu ve Triaj. Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi. 2012;28(2):124-34.
  • 8. Salvi F, Morichi V, Vita D, Fallani M, Fulgheri P. Older adults use the emergency department appropriately. Intern Emerg Med. 2009;4:93–94.
  • 9. Petrini, C. Triage in public health emergencies: ethical issues. Intern Emerg Med. 2010;5(2): 137-144.
  • 10. Gostin LO. Public health and civil liberties in conflict. In: Gostin LO (ed) Public Health law. Power, duty, restraint. University of California Press, 2008:287–488.
  • 11. Demir MC, Ilhan B. Performance of the Pandemic Medical Early Warning Score (PMEWS), Simple Triage Scoring System (STSS) and Confusion, Uremia, Respiratory rate, Blood pressure and age≥ 65 (CURB-65) score among patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in an emergency department triage setting: a retrospective study. Sao Paulo Med J. 2021;139: 170-77.
  • 12. Albrecht C, Neuhold S, Hülsmann M, Strunk G, Ehmsen U, Scholten C, et al. NT-proBNP as a means of triage for the risk of hospitalisation in primary care. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2012;19(1):55–61.
  • 13. Subbe, CP, Kellett J, Whitaker CJ, Jishi F, White A, Price, S, et. al. A pragmatic triage system to reduce length of stay in medical emergency admission: feasibility study and health economic analysis. Eur J Intern Med. 2014;25(9):815-20.
  • 14. [homepage on the internet]. Disaster [cited 16 May 2021]. Available from:
  • 15. [homepage on the internet]. İntihar saldırıları [cited 05 July 2021].
  • 16. Raiter Y, Farfel A, Lehavi O, Goren OB, Shamiss A, Priel Z, et al. Mass casualty incident management, triage, injury distribution of casualties and rate of arrival of casualties at the hospitals: lessons from a suicide bomber attack in downtown Tel Aviv. Emerg Med. 2008;25(4): 225-29.
  • 17. [homepage on the internet]. Sel felaketi [cited 21 Apr 2021].
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Karadağ 0000-0001-9539-4193

Mustafa Boğan 0000-0002-3238-1827

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Mart 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Kasım 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

AMA Karadağ M, Boğan M. Analysis of publications related to Triage in the Web of Science database. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. Mart 2022;12(1):122-131. doi:10.31832/smj.1020710


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