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Diagnostic Value of Serum Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances Levels in Pediatric Acute Appendicitis

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 28 - 33, 31.03.2024


Purpose: This study aims to show the diagnostic value of Serum Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances in pediatric appendicitis.
Method: Eighty-five pediatric patients hospitalized in the pediatric surgery ward with acute appendicitis and a control group of 50 pediatric patients with unspecific abdominal pain were included in this prospective case-control study. Forty-five patients whose pathology specimens confirmed acute appendicitis made up the final appendicitis group.
Results: Patients with appendicitis had higher Serum Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (p<0.001) levels than the control group. In receiver operating characteristic analysis, areas under the curve were 0.654 for Serum Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances.
Conclusion: Serum Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances test of patients with appendicitis provides limited accuracy in the diagnosis of appendicitis.

Proje Numarası



  • 1. Staab S, Black T, Leonard J, et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Suspected Appendicitis. Pediatr Emerg Care 38:e690–6 (2022). doi:10.1097/PEC.0000000000002323
  • 2. Galai T, Beloosesky O, Scolnik D, et al. Misdiagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children Attending the Emergency Department: The Experience of a Large, Tertiary Care Pediatric Hospital. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 27:138–41(2016). doi:10.1055/s-0035-1570757
  • 3. Jukić M, Nizeteo P, Matas J, et al. Trends and Predictors of Pediatric Negative Appendectomy Rates: A Single- Centre Retrospective Study. Children 10:887 (2023). doi:10.3390/children10050887
  • 4. Soltani S, Kesheh MM, Siri G, et al. The role of viruses in human acute appendicitis: A systematic literature review. Int J Colorectal Dis 38:102 (2023). doi:10.1007/ s00384-023-04391-z
  • 5. Kabir SA, Kabir SI, Sun R, et al. How to diagnose an acute ly inflamed appendix; a systematic review of the latest evidence. International Journal of Surgery 40:155–62 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.ijsu.2017.03.013
  • 6. Acharya A, Markar SR, Ni M, et al. Biomarkers of acute appendicitis: Systematic review and cost–benefit trade-off analysis. Surg Endosc 31:1022–31(2017). doi:10.1007/ s00464-016-5109-1
  • 7. Altuntaş M, Altuntaş G, Calapoğlu AS, et al. The clinical value of IMA and SCUBE1 in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children. J Clin Investig Surg 7:1–7 (2022). doi:10.25083/2559-5555
  • 8. Hakkoymaz H, Nazik S, Seyithanoğlu M, et al. The value of ischemia-modified albumin and oxidative stress markers in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in adults. Am J Emerg Med 37:2097–101(2019). doi:10.1016/j. ajem.2019.03.005
  • 9. Koksal H, Kurban S, Dogru O. Total oxidant status, total antioxidant status, and paraoxonase activity in acute appendicitis. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 21:139-142 (2015). doi:10.5505/ tjtes.2015.03285
  • 10. Margaritelis N V., Veskoukis AS, Paschalis V, et al. Blood reflects tissue oxidative stress: a systematic review. Biomarkers 20:97–108 (2015). doi:10.3109/135475 0X.2014.1002807
  • 11. De Oliveira Machado SL, Bagatini MD, da Costa P, et al. Evaluation of mediators of oxidative stress and inflammation in patients with acute appendicitis. Biomarkers 21:530–7 (2016). doi:10.3109/135475 0X.2016.1160426
  • 12. Çelik A, Altuntaş M. The Predictive Value of Ultrasound, Alvarado Score, and C-Reactive Protein in Pediatric Appendectomy Outcomes. Anatolian Journal of Emergency Medicine 5:109–15 (2022). doi:10.54996/anatolianjem. 1058404
  • 13. Hodge SV, Mickiewicz B, Lau M, et al. Novel molecular biomarkers and diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children. Biomark Med 15:1055–65 (2021). doi:10.2217/ bmm-2021-0108
  • 14. He K, Rangel SJ. Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Appendicitis in Children. Adv Surg 55:9–33 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.yasu.2021.05.002
  • 15. Liu Q, Xu K. Evaluation of some cellular biomarker proteins, oxidative stress and clinical indices as results of laparoscopic appendectomy for perforated appendicitis in children. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 66:197–203 (2020). doi:10.14715/cmb/2020.66.3.32
  • 16. Dumlu EG, Tokaç M, Bozkurt B, et al.) Correlation between the serum and tissue levels of oxidative stress markers and the extent of inflammation in acute appendicitis. Clinics 69:677–82 (2014. doi:10.6061/clinics/ 2014(10)05
  • 17. Elmas B, Yildiz T, Yazar H, et al. New Oxidative Stress Markers Useful in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children. Pediatr Emerg Care 36:362–7 (2020). doi:10.1097/PEC.0000000000001339
  • 18. Koltuksuz U, Uz E, Özen S, et al. Plasma superoxide dismutase activity and malondialdehyde level correlate with the extent of acute appendicitis. Pediatr Surg Int 16:559–61(2000). doi:10.1007/s003830000424

Pediatrik Akut Apandisitte Serum Tiyobarbitürik Asit Reaktif Madde Düzeylerinin Tanısal Değeri

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 28 - 33, 31.03.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, pediatrik apandisitte Serum Tiyobarbitürik Asit Reaktif Maddelerinin tanısal değerini göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Yöntem ve Gereçler: Bu prospektif vaka-kontrol çalışmasına, çocuk cerrahisi servisine akut apandisit nedeniyle yatırılan 85 pediatrik hasta ve spesifik olmayan karın ağrısı olan 50 pediatrik hastadan oluşan kontrol grubu dahil edildi. Patoloji örnekleri akut apandisiti doğrulayan 45 hasta son apandisit grubunu oluşturdu.
Bulgular: Apandisitli hastaların Serum Tiyobarbitürik Asit Reaktif Madde düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre daha yüksekti (p<0,001). Alıcı çalışma karakteristiği analizinde, Serum Tiyobarbitürik Asit Reaktif Maddeleri için eğri altındaki alan 0,654 idi.
Sonuç: Apandisitli hastalarda serum Tiyobarbitürik Asit Reaktif Maddeler testi apandisit tanısında sınırlı doğruluk sağlamaktadır.

Proje Numarası



  • 1. Staab S, Black T, Leonard J, et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Suspected Appendicitis. Pediatr Emerg Care 38:e690–6 (2022). doi:10.1097/PEC.0000000000002323
  • 2. Galai T, Beloosesky O, Scolnik D, et al. Misdiagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children Attending the Emergency Department: The Experience of a Large, Tertiary Care Pediatric Hospital. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 27:138–41(2016). doi:10.1055/s-0035-1570757
  • 3. Jukić M, Nizeteo P, Matas J, et al. Trends and Predictors of Pediatric Negative Appendectomy Rates: A Single- Centre Retrospective Study. Children 10:887 (2023). doi:10.3390/children10050887
  • 4. Soltani S, Kesheh MM, Siri G, et al. The role of viruses in human acute appendicitis: A systematic literature review. Int J Colorectal Dis 38:102 (2023). doi:10.1007/ s00384-023-04391-z
  • 5. Kabir SA, Kabir SI, Sun R, et al. How to diagnose an acute ly inflamed appendix; a systematic review of the latest evidence. International Journal of Surgery 40:155–62 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.ijsu.2017.03.013
  • 6. Acharya A, Markar SR, Ni M, et al. Biomarkers of acute appendicitis: Systematic review and cost–benefit trade-off analysis. Surg Endosc 31:1022–31(2017). doi:10.1007/ s00464-016-5109-1
  • 7. Altuntaş M, Altuntaş G, Calapoğlu AS, et al. The clinical value of IMA and SCUBE1 in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children. J Clin Investig Surg 7:1–7 (2022). doi:10.25083/2559-5555
  • 8. Hakkoymaz H, Nazik S, Seyithanoğlu M, et al. The value of ischemia-modified albumin and oxidative stress markers in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in adults. Am J Emerg Med 37:2097–101(2019). doi:10.1016/j. ajem.2019.03.005
  • 9. Koksal H, Kurban S, Dogru O. Total oxidant status, total antioxidant status, and paraoxonase activity in acute appendicitis. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 21:139-142 (2015). doi:10.5505/ tjtes.2015.03285
  • 10. Margaritelis N V., Veskoukis AS, Paschalis V, et al. Blood reflects tissue oxidative stress: a systematic review. Biomarkers 20:97–108 (2015). doi:10.3109/135475 0X.2014.1002807
  • 11. De Oliveira Machado SL, Bagatini MD, da Costa P, et al. Evaluation of mediators of oxidative stress and inflammation in patients with acute appendicitis. Biomarkers 21:530–7 (2016). doi:10.3109/135475 0X.2016.1160426
  • 12. Çelik A, Altuntaş M. The Predictive Value of Ultrasound, Alvarado Score, and C-Reactive Protein in Pediatric Appendectomy Outcomes. Anatolian Journal of Emergency Medicine 5:109–15 (2022). doi:10.54996/anatolianjem. 1058404
  • 13. Hodge SV, Mickiewicz B, Lau M, et al. Novel molecular biomarkers and diagnosis of acute appendicitis in children. Biomark Med 15:1055–65 (2021). doi:10.2217/ bmm-2021-0108
  • 14. He K, Rangel SJ. Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Appendicitis in Children. Adv Surg 55:9–33 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.yasu.2021.05.002
  • 15. Liu Q, Xu K. Evaluation of some cellular biomarker proteins, oxidative stress and clinical indices as results of laparoscopic appendectomy for perforated appendicitis in children. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 66:197–203 (2020). doi:10.14715/cmb/2020.66.3.32
  • 16. Dumlu EG, Tokaç M, Bozkurt B, et al.) Correlation between the serum and tissue levels of oxidative stress markers and the extent of inflammation in acute appendicitis. Clinics 69:677–82 (2014. doi:10.6061/clinics/ 2014(10)05
  • 17. Elmas B, Yildiz T, Yazar H, et al. New Oxidative Stress Markers Useful in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children. Pediatr Emerg Care 36:362–7 (2020). doi:10.1097/PEC.0000000000001339
  • 18. Koltuksuz U, Uz E, Özen S, et al. Plasma superoxide dismutase activity and malondialdehyde level correlate with the extent of acute appendicitis. Pediatr Surg Int 16:559–61(2000). doi:10.1007/s003830000424
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Sistemleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Gürkan Altuntaş 0000-0001-7390-2513

Mehmet Altuntaş 0000-0001-5624-968X

Mehtap Atak 0000-0002-9451-906X

Proje Numarası RTEU-TSA-2018-927
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Mart 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

AMA Altuntaş G, Altuntaş M, Atak M. Diagnostic Value of Serum Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances Levels in Pediatric Acute Appendicitis. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. Mart 2024;14(1):28-33. doi:10.31832/smj.1351769


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