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Adölesan Babalık

Yıl 2022, , 154 - 160, 29.04.2022


Adölesan ebeveynlik; anne, baba, çocuk, aile ve toplum için geniş kapsamlı sonuçları olan ve çoğunlukla olumsuz problemlere rağmen günümüzde sıkça karşılaşılan bir durumdur. Son yıllarda adölesan gebelik hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmekte olan birçok ülkede önemli bir sağlık sorunu ve sosyal kaygıdan ziyade endişe kaynağı haline gelmiştir. Literatürde ergen babalığın öncülleri ırk, bireysel ve ailesel etkiler olarak bildirilmiştir. Adölesanın hem kendisinin hem de çocuklarının sosyal gelişimlerini ve sağlıklarını genellikle olumsuz etkileyebilen bir durumdur. Kanıt temelli çalışmalarda adölesan babanın okulu erken bırakma, eğitimsel ve mesleki engeller, düşük sosyoekonomik düzey, depresyon, kimlik çatışması gibi durumları yaşayabileceği, çocuklarının ise büyüme ve gelişmesinin olumsuz etkilenebileceği açıkça ifade edilmiştir. Son yıllarda adölesan gebelik ve annelik üzerine yapılan çalışmaların sayısının giderek artmasına rağmen adölesan babaların sorumlulukları, baba ve çocuk üzerine etkilerini değerlendiren makaleler oldukça sınırlıdır. Bu derlemede adölesan babalık kavramına, öncüllerine, adölesan babalığın adölesanın hem kendisi ve hem de çocuğu üzerine etkilerine dikkat çekmek amaçlanmıştır.


  • Menekşe D. Adölesan Sağlığının İzlenmesinde Aile ve Okulun Rolü. In: Çınar N, Cabar HD, editors. Adölesan Sağlığını Koruma ve Geliştirme. İstanbul: Akademisyen Kitapevi; 2021. p. 69-85.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). Erişim Tarihi: 27.10.2021, Erişim Adresi:
  • TNSA. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırmaları (TNSA) 2018 Erişim Tarihi: 27.10.2021, Erişim Adresi:
  • Amoo EO, Igbinoba A, Imhonopi D, Banjo OO, Ajaero CK, Akinyemi JO, et al. Trends, Determinants and Health Risks of Adolescent Fatherhood in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ethiop J Health Sci. 2018;28(4):433-42.
  • Martinez G, Danielsa K, Chandra A. Fertility of Men and Women Aged 15–44 Years in the United States: National Survey of Family Growth, 2006–2010. Natl Health Stat Report. 2012;51:1-28.
  • Çınar N, Alvur TM, Menekşe D, Güler DS. Adolesan Annelerin İlk Emzirme Deneyimleri: Nitel Bir Çalışma. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi. 2019;6(2).
  • Jeong J. Determinants and Consequences of Adolescent Fatherhood: A Longitudinal Study in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021;68:906-13.
  • Mercan Z, Tezel Şahin F. Babalık Rolü ve Farklı Kültürlerde Babalık Rolü Algısı. Uluslararası Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2017;2(2):1-10.
  • Lee Y, Fagan J, Chen W-Y. Do Late Adolescent Fathers Have More Depressive Symptom Than Older Fathers? J Youth Adolesc. 2012;41:1366-81.
  • Bamishigbin ONJ, Dunkel Schetter C, Stanton AL. The antecedents and consequences of adolescent fatherhood: A systematicreview. Social Science & Medicine. 2019;232:106-19.
  • Mniszak C, O'Brien HL, Greyson D, Chabot C, Shoveller J. “Nothing's available”: Young fathers’ experiences with unmet information needs and barriers to resolving them. Information Processing and Management. 2020;57:1-14.
  • Sriyasak A, Almqvist A-L, Sridawruang C, Neamsakul W, Häggström-Nordin E. Struggling with motherhood and coping with fatherhood – A grounded theory study among Thai teenagers. Midwifery. 2016;42:1-9.
  • Biello KB, Sipsma HL, Kershaw T. Effect of Teenage Parenthood on Mental Health Trajectories: Does Sex Matter? Am J Epidemiol. 2010;172:279–87.
  • Sipsma H, Biello KB, Cole-Lewis H, Trace Kershaw P. Like Father, Like Son: The Intergenerational Cycle of Adolescent Fatherhood. Am J Public Health. 2010;100(3):517-24.
  • Mollborn S, Lovegrove PJ. How Teenage Fathers Matter for Children: Evidence From the ECLS-B. Journal of Family Issues. 2011;32(1):3-30.
  • Kessler RC, Berglund PA, Foster CL, Saunders WB, Stang PE, Walters EE. Social consequences of psychiatric disorders, II: Teenage parenthood. Am J Psychiatry. 1997;154:1405-11.
  • Stouthamer-Loeber M, Wei EH. The precursors of young fatherhood and its effect on delinquency of teenage males. J Adolesc Health. 1998 Jan;22(1):56-65.
  • Pamela Recto, Lesser J. Adolescent Fathers' Perceptions and Experiences of Fatherhood: A Qualitative Exploration with Hispanic Adolescent Fathers. J Pediatr Nurs. 2021;58:83-7.
  • Fletcher JM, Wolfe BL. The Effects of Teenage Fatherhood on Young Adult Outcomes. Econ Inq. 2011;50(1):182–201.
  • Assini-Meytin LC, Green KM. Long-term consequences of adolescent parenthood among African American urban youth: A propensity matching approach. J Adolesc Health. 2015;56(5):529–35.
  • Enderstein AM, Boonzaier F. Narratives of young South African fathers: redefining masculinity through fatherhood. Journal of Gender Studies. 2015;24(5):512–27.
  • Daugherty J. How Young Men at High Risk of Fathering an Unintended Birth Talk About Their Procreative Identities. Journal of Family Issues. 2014;37(13):1817–42.
  • Sriyasak A, Almqvist A-L, Sridawruang C, Häggström-Nordin E. Father role: A comparison between teenage and adultfirst-time fathers in Thailand. Nurs Health Sci. 2015;17(377–386).
  • The Urban Child Institute. How Adolescent Parenting Affects Children, Families, and Communities 2014. Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2021, Erişim Adresi:
  • Alio AP, Salihu HM, McIntosh C, August EM, Weldeselasse H, Sanchez E, et al. The Effect of Paternal Age on Fetal Birth Outcomes. Am J Mens Health. 2012;6(5).
  • Chen X-K, Wen SW, Krewski D, Fleming N, Yang Q, Walker MC. Paternal age and adverse birth outcomes: teenager or 40+, who is at risk? Hum Reprod. 2008;23(6):1290–6.
  • Torres de Lacerda AC, Lucena de Vasconcelos MG, Nascimento de Alencar E, Osório MM, Pontes CM. Adolescent fathers: knowledge of and involvement in the breast feeding process in Brazil. Midwifery. 2014;30:338-44.
  • McGrath JJ, Petersen L, Agerbo E, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB. A Comprehensive Assessment of Parental Age and Psychiatric Disorders. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014;71(3).
  • Krıshnaswamy S, Subramanıam K, Indran H, Ramachandran P, Indran T, Indran R, et al. Paternal age and common mental disorders. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2009;10(4).
  • Chudal R, Joelsson P, Gyllenberg D, Lehti V, Leivonen S, Hinkka-Yli-Salomäki S, et al. Parental age and the risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a nationwide, population-based cohort study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;54(6):487-94.

Adolescent Fatherhood

Yıl 2022, , 154 - 160, 29.04.2022


Adolescent parenting is a situation which has a wide range of consequences for mother, father, child, family, and society and is frequently encountered today, although problems arise most of the time. In recent years, adolescent pregnancy has become a significant health problem and a source of anxiety rather than a social concern in both developed and developing countries. In the literature, the causes of adolescent fatherhood have been reported as race, individual, and familial effects. It is a situation that can adversely influence the social development and health of both the adolescent and his children. In evidence-based studies, it has been stated clearly that the adolescent father may leave his education early, face educational and professional obstacles, and suffer from a low socio-economic level, depression, and identity conflict, while the growth and development of his children may be affected adversely. Despite the increasing number of studies on adolescent pregnancy and motherhood in recent years, the number of articles evaluating adolescent fathers' responsibilities and their effects on the father and the child is quite limited. In this review, it was aimed to attract attention to the concept of adolescent fatherhood, its causes, and the effects of adolescent fatherhood on both the adolescent and his child.


  • Menekşe D. Adölesan Sağlığının İzlenmesinde Aile ve Okulun Rolü. In: Çınar N, Cabar HD, editors. Adölesan Sağlığını Koruma ve Geliştirme. İstanbul: Akademisyen Kitapevi; 2021. p. 69-85.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). Erişim Tarihi: 27.10.2021, Erişim Adresi:
  • TNSA. Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırmaları (TNSA) 2018 Erişim Tarihi: 27.10.2021, Erişim Adresi:
  • Amoo EO, Igbinoba A, Imhonopi D, Banjo OO, Ajaero CK, Akinyemi JO, et al. Trends, Determinants and Health Risks of Adolescent Fatherhood in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ethiop J Health Sci. 2018;28(4):433-42.
  • Martinez G, Danielsa K, Chandra A. Fertility of Men and Women Aged 15–44 Years in the United States: National Survey of Family Growth, 2006–2010. Natl Health Stat Report. 2012;51:1-28.
  • Çınar N, Alvur TM, Menekşe D, Güler DS. Adolesan Annelerin İlk Emzirme Deneyimleri: Nitel Bir Çalışma. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi. 2019;6(2).
  • Jeong J. Determinants and Consequences of Adolescent Fatherhood: A Longitudinal Study in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2021;68:906-13.
  • Mercan Z, Tezel Şahin F. Babalık Rolü ve Farklı Kültürlerde Babalık Rolü Algısı. Uluslararası Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2017;2(2):1-10.
  • Lee Y, Fagan J, Chen W-Y. Do Late Adolescent Fathers Have More Depressive Symptom Than Older Fathers? J Youth Adolesc. 2012;41:1366-81.
  • Bamishigbin ONJ, Dunkel Schetter C, Stanton AL. The antecedents and consequences of adolescent fatherhood: A systematicreview. Social Science & Medicine. 2019;232:106-19.
  • Mniszak C, O'Brien HL, Greyson D, Chabot C, Shoveller J. “Nothing's available”: Young fathers’ experiences with unmet information needs and barriers to resolving them. Information Processing and Management. 2020;57:1-14.
  • Sriyasak A, Almqvist A-L, Sridawruang C, Neamsakul W, Häggström-Nordin E. Struggling with motherhood and coping with fatherhood – A grounded theory study among Thai teenagers. Midwifery. 2016;42:1-9.
  • Biello KB, Sipsma HL, Kershaw T. Effect of Teenage Parenthood on Mental Health Trajectories: Does Sex Matter? Am J Epidemiol. 2010;172:279–87.
  • Sipsma H, Biello KB, Cole-Lewis H, Trace Kershaw P. Like Father, Like Son: The Intergenerational Cycle of Adolescent Fatherhood. Am J Public Health. 2010;100(3):517-24.
  • Mollborn S, Lovegrove PJ. How Teenage Fathers Matter for Children: Evidence From the ECLS-B. Journal of Family Issues. 2011;32(1):3-30.
  • Kessler RC, Berglund PA, Foster CL, Saunders WB, Stang PE, Walters EE. Social consequences of psychiatric disorders, II: Teenage parenthood. Am J Psychiatry. 1997;154:1405-11.
  • Stouthamer-Loeber M, Wei EH. The precursors of young fatherhood and its effect on delinquency of teenage males. J Adolesc Health. 1998 Jan;22(1):56-65.
  • Pamela Recto, Lesser J. Adolescent Fathers' Perceptions and Experiences of Fatherhood: A Qualitative Exploration with Hispanic Adolescent Fathers. J Pediatr Nurs. 2021;58:83-7.
  • Fletcher JM, Wolfe BL. The Effects of Teenage Fatherhood on Young Adult Outcomes. Econ Inq. 2011;50(1):182–201.
  • Assini-Meytin LC, Green KM. Long-term consequences of adolescent parenthood among African American urban youth: A propensity matching approach. J Adolesc Health. 2015;56(5):529–35.
  • Enderstein AM, Boonzaier F. Narratives of young South African fathers: redefining masculinity through fatherhood. Journal of Gender Studies. 2015;24(5):512–27.
  • Daugherty J. How Young Men at High Risk of Fathering an Unintended Birth Talk About Their Procreative Identities. Journal of Family Issues. 2014;37(13):1817–42.
  • Sriyasak A, Almqvist A-L, Sridawruang C, Häggström-Nordin E. Father role: A comparison between teenage and adultfirst-time fathers in Thailand. Nurs Health Sci. 2015;17(377–386).
  • The Urban Child Institute. How Adolescent Parenting Affects Children, Families, and Communities 2014. Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2021, Erişim Adresi:
  • Alio AP, Salihu HM, McIntosh C, August EM, Weldeselasse H, Sanchez E, et al. The Effect of Paternal Age on Fetal Birth Outcomes. Am J Mens Health. 2012;6(5).
  • Chen X-K, Wen SW, Krewski D, Fleming N, Yang Q, Walker MC. Paternal age and adverse birth outcomes: teenager or 40+, who is at risk? Hum Reprod. 2008;23(6):1290–6.
  • Torres de Lacerda AC, Lucena de Vasconcelos MG, Nascimento de Alencar E, Osório MM, Pontes CM. Adolescent fathers: knowledge of and involvement in the breast feeding process in Brazil. Midwifery. 2014;30:338-44.
  • McGrath JJ, Petersen L, Agerbo E, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB. A Comprehensive Assessment of Parental Age and Psychiatric Disorders. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014;71(3).
  • Krıshnaswamy S, Subramanıam K, Indran H, Ramachandran P, Indran T, Indran R, et al. Paternal age and common mental disorders. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2009;10(4).
  • Chudal R, Joelsson P, Gyllenberg D, Lehti V, Leivonen S, Hinkka-Yli-Salomäki S, et al. Parental age and the risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a nationwide, population-based cohort study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015;54(6):487-94.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derleme

Seda Tecik 0000-0003-2707-5371

Dilek Menekşe 0000-0003-0176-8778

Nursan Çınar 0000-0003-3151-9975

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Tecik S, Menekşe D, Çınar N. Adölesan Babalık. STED. 2022;31(2):154-60.