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Attitude Towards Sexuality During Pregnancy, Sexual Satisfaction and Sexual Quality of Life of Pregnant Women

Yıl 2024, , 243 - 252, 09.12.2024


Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of attitudes towards sexuality during pregnancy and satisfaction with sexual life on sexual quality of life.
Method: The sample of this descriptive study consisted of 489 pregnant women. Data collection tools included a “personal information form”, “the Attitude Scale toward Sexuality during Pregnancy (AStSdP)”, “the Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire-Female (SQLQ-F)”, and “the Visual Analog Scale (VAS)”.
Results: Participants’ mean score was 122.96±20.12 on the “AStSdP”, 69.77±17.02 on the SQLQ-F, and 5.78±2.48 on the VAS sexual satisfaction. The attitude of 72.8% of the participants toward sexuality during pregnancy was positive. A weak, significant positive, and correlation was found between “AStSdP”, “Anxiety”, and “Beliefs and Values” scores and SQLQ-F and VAS sexual satisfaction scores (p<0.001). It was observed that marital duration, number of pregnancies, number of living children, experience of miscarriage, continuing sexual activity during pregnancy, VAS sexual satisfaction score, Beliefs and Values, and Approval were significant predictors of pregnant women's sexual quality of life scores (p<0.05).
Conclusions: The findings of this study demonstrated a positive correlation between attitudes towards sexuality during pregnancy and the enhancement of sexual life quality and sexual satisfaction. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses and other healthcare professionals assess pregnant women's attitudes towards sexuality during the antenatal period and implement interventions to cultivate positive attitudes, ultimately aiming to improve the quality of sexual life and sexual satisfaction.


  • Gałązka I, Drosdzol‐Cop A, Naworska B, Czajkowska M, Skrzypulec‐Plinta V. Changes in the sexual function during pregnancy. The journal of Sexual Medicine. 2015;12(2):445-54.
  • Huras H, Ossowski P, Wójtowicz A, Reroń A, Jach R. The evaluation of pregnancy effect on a woman’s sexual activity. Ginekol Położ. 2013;8:31-43.
  • Yeniel A, Petri E. Pregnancy, childbirth, and sexual function: Perceptions and facts. International Urogynecology Journal. 2014;25(1):5-14.
  • Fok WY, Chan LY-S, Yuen PM. Sexual behavior and activity in Chinese pregnant women. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 2005;84(10):934-8.
  • Gerda T, Josef H, Uwe L, Edgar P. Women’s perception of sexuality during pregnancy and after birth. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2006;46(4):282-7.
  • Yanikkerem E, Goker A, Ustgorul S, Karakus A. Evaluation of sexual functions and marital adjustment of pregnant women in Turkey. International Journal of Impotence Research. 2016;28(5):176-83.
  • Aj N, Samiee RF, Kalhor M, Hasanpour K, Alipour M, Montazeri A. Sexual quality of life in pregnant women: A cross sectional study. Payesh. 2018;17(4):421-9.
  • Çavuş E, Beyazıt F. Evaluation of factors affecting sexual activity and sexuality-related quality of life in different stages of pregnancy. Istanbul Medical Journal. 2019;20(3):234.
  • Kisa S, Zeyneloğlu S, Yilmaz D, Güner T. Quality of sexual life and its effect on marital adjustment of Turkish women in pregnancy. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2014;40(4):309-22.
  • Branecka-Woźniak D, Wójcik A, Błażejewska-Jaśkowiak J, Kurzawa R. Sexual and life satisfaction of pregnant women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17(16):5894.
  • Ilska M, AEF HP-B, Ilski A, Cnota W. Sexual activity and sexual satisfaction of women in low-risk and high-risk pregnancy. Gynecology and Obstetrics Medical Project. 2018;2(48):9-16.
  • Staruch M, Kucharczyk A, Zawadzka K, Wielgos M, Szymusik I. Sexual activity during pregnancy. Neuroendocrinol Lett. 2016;37(1):53-8.
  • Çöllü EF, Öztürk YE. Beliefs-attitudes in organizations: Measuring methods of attitudes and application examples evaluation of these methods Journal of Selçuk University Social Sciences Vocational School. 2006;9(1-2):373-404.
  • Mıdık Ö. Measurement and Assessment of Attitude. In: Balkan A, editor. Measurement and Assessment in Medical Education. Turkey: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2018. p.19-26.
  • Tavares IM, Barros T, Rosen NO, Heiman JR, Nobre PJ. Is expectant couples’ similarity in attitudes to sex during pregnancy linked to their sexual well-being? A dyadic study with response surface analysis. The Journal of Sex Research. 2022;59(2):160-72.
  • Jawed-Wessel S, Herbenick D, Schick V, Fortenberry JD, Cattelona GA, Reece M. Development and validation of the maternal and partner sex during pregnancy scales. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2016;42(8):681-701.
  • Arıca SG, Alkan S, Bali S, Mansuroğlu YE, Özer C. The effect of pregnancy over sexual life. Turkish Family Physician. 2012;2(3):19-24.
  • Jones C, Chan C, Farine D. Sex in pregnancy. Cmaj. 2011;183(7):815-8.
  • Yılmaz Sezer N, Şentürk Erenel A. Development of an Attitude Scale toward Sexuality during Pregnancy. J Sex Marital Ther. 2021;47(5):492-507.
  • Symonds T, Boolell M, Quirk F. Development of a questionnaire on sexual quality of life in women. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2005;31(5):385-97.
  • Tuğut N, Gölbaşı Z. A validity and reliability study of Turkish version of the Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire-Female. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal. 2010;32(2):172-80.
  • George D, Mallery P. SPSS for windows step by step: A simple guide and reference. USA: Allyn & Bacon, Inc.; 2010.
  • Igbana EA, Titiloye MA, Ajuwon AJ. Knowledge of benefits, attitude to, and sexual activities during pregnancy among women in a community in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Biomedical Research. 2021;24(3):355-61.
  • Anzaku A, Okoye F, Bulus A, Edet B. Frequency, perceptions and complications of sexual activity during pregnancy among a group of Nigerian women Artigo em Inglês. 2015;2(6):54-63.
  • Navidian A, Rigi SN, Soltani P. Effects of group sexual counseling on the traditional perceptions and attitudes of Iranian pregnant women. International Journal of Women’s Health. 2016;8:203.
  • Alan Dikmen H, Gönenç İ, Şanlı Y. Effects of progressive muscle relaxation exercises on sexual quality of life in women during pregnancy. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2020;14(3):452-60.
  • Pauleta JR, Pereira NM, Graça LM. Sexuality during pregnancy. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2010;7(1):136-42.
  • Riazi H, Banoo ZS, Moghim BA, Amini L. The effect of sexual health education on sexual function during pregnancy. Payesh. 2013;12(4):367-74.
  • Pakray A, Ahmadi A, Jahani Y, Ghazanfarpour M. Effect of educational counseling on knowledge and attitude of pregnant women towards sex during pregnancy. Disease and Diagnosis. 2020;9(2):52-8.
  • Avcıbay B, Gökyıldız Sürücü Ş. Examining predictive factors of the student midwives’ attitudes and beliefs about sexuality during pregnancy within the framework of sexual counseling ESTUDAM Public Health Journal. 2021;6(2):93-104.
  • Ahmadi Z, Malekzadegan A, Hosseini AF. Sexual satisfaction and its related factors in primigravidas. Iran Journal of Nursing. 2011;24(71):54-62.
  • Tugut N, Golbasi Z, Bulbul T. Quality of sexual life and changes occurring in sexual life of women with high-risk pregnancy. J Sex Marital Ther. 2017;43(2):132-41.
  • Jawed-Wessel S, Santo J, Irwin J. Sexual activity and attitudes as predictors of sexual satisfaction during pregnancy: A multi-level model describing the sexuality of couples in the first 12 weeks. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2019;48(3):843-54.
  • Cybulski M, Cybulski L, Krajewska-Kulak E, Orzechowska M, Cwalina U, Jasinski M. Sexual quality of life, sexual knowledge, and attitudes of older adults on the example of inhabitants over 60s of Bialystok, Poland. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018;9:483.
  • Soltani F, Azizi R, Sourinegad H, Shayan A, Mohammadi Y, Khodakarami B. Sexual knowledge and attitude as predictors of female sexual satisfaction. Biomedical Research and Therapy. 2017;4(12):1874-84.

Gebe Kadınların Gebelikte Cinselliğe Yönelik Tutumları, Cinsel Yaşamdan Memnuniyetleri ve Cinsel Yaşam Kaliteleri

Yıl 2024, , 243 - 252, 09.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı gebelikte cinselliğe yönelik tutum ve cinsel yaşamdan memnuniyetin cinsel yaşam kalitesi üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmektir.
Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipteki bu araştırma 489 gebe kadın ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın verileri kişisel bilgi formu, Gebelikte Cinselliğe Karşı Tutum Ölçeği (GCKTÖ), Cinsel Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği-Kadın (CYK-K) ve Görsel Analog Ölçeği (VAS) ile toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların ortalama puanı GCKTÖ için 122,96±20,12, CYK-K için 69,77±17,02 ve VAS cinsel memnuniyet için 5,78±2,48 olarak saptandı. Katılımcıların %72,8'inin gebelikte cinselliğe yönelik tutumu olumlu olduğu belirlendi. GCKTÖ, Kaygı, İnanç ve Değerler puanları ile CYK-K ve VAS cinsel memnuniyet puanları arasında zayıf, anlamlı, pozitif ve doğrusal bir korelasyon bulundu (p<,001). Katılımcıların evlilik süresi, gebelik sayısı, yaşayan çocuk sayısı, düşük deneyimi, gebelik döneminde cinsel aktiviteyi sürdürme durumu, VAS cinsel memnuniyet skoru, İnanç ve Değerler, Onaylama faktörlerinin gebelerin cinsel yaşam kalitesi puanları üzerinde anlamlı yordayıcıları olduğu belirlendi (p<0,05).
Sonuç: Bu çalışmanın bulguları, gebelik sırasında cinselliğe yönelik tutumlar ile cinsel yaşam kalitesi ve cinsel yaşamdan memnuniyetin artması arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu nedenle hemşirelerin ve sağlık çalışanlarının doğum öncesi dönemde gebelerin cinselliğe ilişkin tutumlarını değerlendirerek, cinsel yaşam kalitesini ve memnuniyetini artırmaya yönelik olumlu bakış açılarını geliştirecek müdahalelerde bulunmaları önerilmektedir.


  • Gałązka I, Drosdzol‐Cop A, Naworska B, Czajkowska M, Skrzypulec‐Plinta V. Changes in the sexual function during pregnancy. The journal of Sexual Medicine. 2015;12(2):445-54.
  • Huras H, Ossowski P, Wójtowicz A, Reroń A, Jach R. The evaluation of pregnancy effect on a woman’s sexual activity. Ginekol Położ. 2013;8:31-43.
  • Yeniel A, Petri E. Pregnancy, childbirth, and sexual function: Perceptions and facts. International Urogynecology Journal. 2014;25(1):5-14.
  • Fok WY, Chan LY-S, Yuen PM. Sexual behavior and activity in Chinese pregnant women. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 2005;84(10):934-8.
  • Gerda T, Josef H, Uwe L, Edgar P. Women’s perception of sexuality during pregnancy and after birth. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2006;46(4):282-7.
  • Yanikkerem E, Goker A, Ustgorul S, Karakus A. Evaluation of sexual functions and marital adjustment of pregnant women in Turkey. International Journal of Impotence Research. 2016;28(5):176-83.
  • Aj N, Samiee RF, Kalhor M, Hasanpour K, Alipour M, Montazeri A. Sexual quality of life in pregnant women: A cross sectional study. Payesh. 2018;17(4):421-9.
  • Çavuş E, Beyazıt F. Evaluation of factors affecting sexual activity and sexuality-related quality of life in different stages of pregnancy. Istanbul Medical Journal. 2019;20(3):234.
  • Kisa S, Zeyneloğlu S, Yilmaz D, Güner T. Quality of sexual life and its effect on marital adjustment of Turkish women in pregnancy. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2014;40(4):309-22.
  • Branecka-Woźniak D, Wójcik A, Błażejewska-Jaśkowiak J, Kurzawa R. Sexual and life satisfaction of pregnant women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17(16):5894.
  • Ilska M, AEF HP-B, Ilski A, Cnota W. Sexual activity and sexual satisfaction of women in low-risk and high-risk pregnancy. Gynecology and Obstetrics Medical Project. 2018;2(48):9-16.
  • Staruch M, Kucharczyk A, Zawadzka K, Wielgos M, Szymusik I. Sexual activity during pregnancy. Neuroendocrinol Lett. 2016;37(1):53-8.
  • Çöllü EF, Öztürk YE. Beliefs-attitudes in organizations: Measuring methods of attitudes and application examples evaluation of these methods Journal of Selçuk University Social Sciences Vocational School. 2006;9(1-2):373-404.
  • Mıdık Ö. Measurement and Assessment of Attitude. In: Balkan A, editor. Measurement and Assessment in Medical Education. Turkey: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2018. p.19-26.
  • Tavares IM, Barros T, Rosen NO, Heiman JR, Nobre PJ. Is expectant couples’ similarity in attitudes to sex during pregnancy linked to their sexual well-being? A dyadic study with response surface analysis. The Journal of Sex Research. 2022;59(2):160-72.
  • Jawed-Wessel S, Herbenick D, Schick V, Fortenberry JD, Cattelona GA, Reece M. Development and validation of the maternal and partner sex during pregnancy scales. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2016;42(8):681-701.
  • Arıca SG, Alkan S, Bali S, Mansuroğlu YE, Özer C. The effect of pregnancy over sexual life. Turkish Family Physician. 2012;2(3):19-24.
  • Jones C, Chan C, Farine D. Sex in pregnancy. Cmaj. 2011;183(7):815-8.
  • Yılmaz Sezer N, Şentürk Erenel A. Development of an Attitude Scale toward Sexuality during Pregnancy. J Sex Marital Ther. 2021;47(5):492-507.
  • Symonds T, Boolell M, Quirk F. Development of a questionnaire on sexual quality of life in women. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2005;31(5):385-97.
  • Tuğut N, Gölbaşı Z. A validity and reliability study of Turkish version of the Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire-Female. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal. 2010;32(2):172-80.
  • George D, Mallery P. SPSS for windows step by step: A simple guide and reference. USA: Allyn & Bacon, Inc.; 2010.
  • Igbana EA, Titiloye MA, Ajuwon AJ. Knowledge of benefits, attitude to, and sexual activities during pregnancy among women in a community in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Biomedical Research. 2021;24(3):355-61.
  • Anzaku A, Okoye F, Bulus A, Edet B. Frequency, perceptions and complications of sexual activity during pregnancy among a group of Nigerian women Artigo em Inglês. 2015;2(6):54-63.
  • Navidian A, Rigi SN, Soltani P. Effects of group sexual counseling on the traditional perceptions and attitudes of Iranian pregnant women. International Journal of Women’s Health. 2016;8:203.
  • Alan Dikmen H, Gönenç İ, Şanlı Y. Effects of progressive muscle relaxation exercises on sexual quality of life in women during pregnancy. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2020;14(3):452-60.
  • Pauleta JR, Pereira NM, Graça LM. Sexuality during pregnancy. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2010;7(1):136-42.
  • Riazi H, Banoo ZS, Moghim BA, Amini L. The effect of sexual health education on sexual function during pregnancy. Payesh. 2013;12(4):367-74.
  • Pakray A, Ahmadi A, Jahani Y, Ghazanfarpour M. Effect of educational counseling on knowledge and attitude of pregnant women towards sex during pregnancy. Disease and Diagnosis. 2020;9(2):52-8.
  • Avcıbay B, Gökyıldız Sürücü Ş. Examining predictive factors of the student midwives’ attitudes and beliefs about sexuality during pregnancy within the framework of sexual counseling ESTUDAM Public Health Journal. 2021;6(2):93-104.
  • Ahmadi Z, Malekzadegan A, Hosseini AF. Sexual satisfaction and its related factors in primigravidas. Iran Journal of Nursing. 2011;24(71):54-62.
  • Tugut N, Golbasi Z, Bulbul T. Quality of sexual life and changes occurring in sexual life of women with high-risk pregnancy. J Sex Marital Ther. 2017;43(2):132-41.
  • Jawed-Wessel S, Santo J, Irwin J. Sexual activity and attitudes as predictors of sexual satisfaction during pregnancy: A multi-level model describing the sexuality of couples in the first 12 weeks. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2019;48(3):843-54.
  • Cybulski M, Cybulski L, Krajewska-Kulak E, Orzechowska M, Cwalina U, Jasinski M. Sexual quality of life, sexual knowledge, and attitudes of older adults on the example of inhabitants over 60s of Bialystok, Poland. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018;9:483.
  • Soltani F, Azizi R, Sourinegad H, Shayan A, Mohammadi Y, Khodakarami B. Sexual knowledge and attitude as predictors of female sexual satisfaction. Biomedical Research and Therapy. 2017;4(12):1874-84.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Doğum ve Kadın Hastalıkları Hemşireliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Neslihan Yılmaz Sezer 0000-0003-4612-7034

Menekşe Nazlı Aker 0000-0002-7087-9220

İlknur Gönenç 0000-0001-6834-1010

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Yılmaz Sezer N, Aker MN, Gönenç İ. Attitude Towards Sexuality During Pregnancy, Sexual Satisfaction and Sexual Quality of Life of Pregnant Women. STED. 2024;33(4):243-52.