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Analysis of CEDAW Committee General Recommendations No. 19 and 35 on Gender-Based Violence Against Women in The Context of Intersectionality Approach

Yıl 2021, , 1739 - 1771, 15.09.2021


The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination and to achieve gen-der equality so that women can enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms. Violence against women is gender-based violence with links to multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. Women experience discrimination based on their gender and that is related to other identities and experiences. Thus, it is necessary to analyse other intersecting factors and identities of gender inequality and discrimination, which is one of the main causes of violence against women. In 2017, the CEDAW Committee updated its General Recommendation No. 19 (GR No. 19) and published its General Recommendation No. 35 (GR No. 35) titled “gender-based violence against women”. The article discusses that the CEDAW Committee General Recommendation No. 35 covers more detail and inclusive of intersecting all forms of discrimination within the context of the intersectionality approach


  • ACAR, Feride, ALTINOK, Gülbanu and GÖZDAŞOGLU, Elif, Report Analysing Intersectionality in Gender Equality Policies in Turkey and in the EU, QUING Project, Vienna: Institute for Human Rights, 2008.
  • Amnesty International, ‘Women in the Front of Line: Human Rights Violations against Women’ 1991.
  • BANTEKAS, Ilias and OETTE, Lutz. International Human Rights Law and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2013) s.452–484.
  • BOND, Johanna E. “International Intersectionality: A Theoretical and Pragmatic Exploration of Women’s International Human Rights Violations” 52 Emory L.J. 71, 2003.
  • BYRNES, Andrew, “Article 1”, in Marsha A. Freeman, Christine Chinkin, and Beate Rudolf (eds.), The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • BYRNES, Andrew and BATH, Eleanor. “Violence against Women, the Obligation of Due Diligence, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women—Recent Developments”, Human Rights Law Review, Volume 8, Issue 3, s. 517–533, 2008.
  • CAMPHELL, Meghan, “CEDAW and Women’s Intersecting Identities: A Pioneering Approach to Intersectional Discrimination”, Oxford University Working Paper, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2016.
  • CEDAW Ek Protokolü, Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (adopted 6 October 1999), GA Res. 54/4, UN GAOR, 54th Session, Agenda Item 109, UN doc. A/RES/54/4, 2131 UNTS.
  • CHARLESWORTH, Hilary and CHINKIN, Christine. The Boundaries of International Law: A Feminist Analysis, Manchester University Press, 2000.
  • CHINKIN, Christina, “CEDAW General Recommendation 35 on Violence against Women is a significant step-forward” LSE Blog <> Erişim Tarihi: 27 Aralık 2020.
  • CHINKIN, Christina and YOSHIDA, Keina “40 Years of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women” Center for Women, Peace and Security, 2020.
  • CONAGHAN, Joanne, “Intersectionality and the Feminist Project in Law”, in GRABHAM, Emily et al. (eds.), Intersectionality and Beyond: Law, Power and the Politics of Location, 2009.
  • CRENSHAW, Kimberle. “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics”, U. Chi. Legal F., 1989.
  • CRENSHAW, Kimberle. “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics and Violence against Women of Color”, 43(6) Stanford Law Review, 1997.
  • DAVIS, Kathy. “Intersectionality as Buzzword: A Sociology of Science Perspective on What Makes a Feminist Theory Successful”, 9(1) Feminist Theory, 2008.
  • EDWARDS, Alice. Violence against women under international human rights law. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • ERTÜRK, Yakın, “Towards a Post-Patriarchal Gender Order: Confronting the Universality and the Particularity of Violence against Women”, 46(4) Sociologisk forskning, 2009.
  • EVATT, Elizabeth ‘Eliminating Discrimination against Women: The Impact of the UN Convention’ (1991) 18 Melb. UL Rev. 435.
  • FREDMAN, Sandra, Discrimination Law, Second Edition, Claredon, 2011.
  • GÜNEŞ, Ayşe. International Human Rights Law and Crimes Against Women in Turkey: Legislation on So-Called Honour Killings. Routledge, 2020.
  • International League for Human Rights, “Human Rights Abuses against Women: A Worldwide Survey. A Compilation of Experts from the US Department’s 1990 Country Reports on Human Rights Reports”1990.
  • Kadına Karşı Her Türlü Ayrımcılığın Ortadan Kaldırılması Sözleşmesi (CEDAW) (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, opened for signature 1 March 1980), 1249 UNTS 13 (yürürlüğe girme tarihi: 3 Eylül 1981).
  • MCCALL, Leslie. “The Complexity of Intersectionality”, 30(3), Signs 1771, 2005.
  • MCCUE, Margi, Domestic Violence: A Reference Handbook, Second edition, ABC-CLIO, 2008.
  • MCQUIGG, J. A. “Is it Time for a UN treaty on Violence against Women?,” The International Journal of Human Rights, 22 (3), 305-24, 2018.
  • MCQIGG, J. A. Ronagh, “The CEDAW Committee and Gender-based Violence against Women: General Recommendation No. 35”, International Human Rights Law Review, 6(2), 2017.
  • MERRY, Sally Engle. "Constructing a global law‐violence against women and the human rights system", Law & Social Inquiry, 28.4, 2003.
  • MINOR, Julie A. “An Analysis of Structural Weaknesses in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women”, 24 GA J. Int’l & COMP. L. 137, 1994.
  • NASH, Jennifer, “Re-thinking Intersectionality”,( 89 Feminist Review, 2008.
  • OTTO, Dianne. “Violence against Women—Something Other Than a Violation of Human Rights?”, 1(1) Australian Feminist Law Journal, 1993.
  • PHOENIX, Ann and PATTYNAMA, Pamela, “Intersectionality”, 13(3) European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2006.
  • SMITH, Ben. “Intersectional Discrimination and Substantive Equality: A Comparative and Theoretical Perspective”, 16 The Equal Rights Review, 2016.
  • Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, Its Causes and Consequences, Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural, the Right to Development, Ms. Rashida Manjoo (2 May 2011) UN doc. A/HRC/17/26.
  • The Advocates for Human Rights. UN Conference Documents (15 Haziran 2006) <>Erişim tarihi:12 Ocak 2021.
  • The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Law,(The IStanbul Convention) CETS No. 210, 11 May 2011 (entered into force on 1 August 2014.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), “CEDAW General Recommendation No. 12: Violence against Women” CEDAW/C/GC/12, 1989.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women CEDAW), “CEDAW General Recommendation No. 19: Violence against Women” CEDAW/C/GC/19, 1992.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), ‘General recommendation No. 35 on gender-based violence against women, updating general recommendation No. 19’, CEDAW/C/GC/35, 2017.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), “CEDAW General Recommendation No. 28: The Core Obligations of State Parties under Article 2 of the CEDAW” (2010) CEDAW/C/GC/28.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), “CEDAW General Recommendation No. 27: Older women and protection of their human rights” (2010) CEDAW/C/GC/27.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), “CEDAW General recommendation No. 32 -- fifty-ninth session, 2014 - on the gender-related dimensions of refugee status, asylum, nationality and statelessness of women” (2014) CEDAW/C/GC/32.
  • UN General Assembly, “Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women 1993 (DEVAW)” (20 December 1993) GA Res. A/RES/48/104.
  • UN General Assembly “Beijing+5, Further Actions and Initiatives to Implement the Beijing Declaration and Programme for Action” (2000) UN doc. A/RES/S-23/3.
  • UNHRC, ‘Resolution on the Integration of the Human Rights of Women and the Gender Perspective’ (16 April 2002) UN doc. E/CN.4/2002/L.59.
  • UN Secretary General, ‘1988 Report for the Commission on the Status of Women to Eradicate Violence against Women within the Family and Society’ UN doc. E/CN.6/1988/6 in the 32th Session of the Commission of the Status of Women (CSW), 1989.
  • World Conference on Women, ‘Declaration of Mexico on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace’, Mexico (1975) UN doc. E/CONF.66/34 (2 July 1975).
  • World Conference on Women, ‘Equality, Development and Peace’, Copenhagen (1980) UN doc. A/CONF.94/35 (19 September 1980).
  • World Conference on Human Rights: The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (25 June 1993) A/CONF.157/23, 1993.
  • World Conference on Women, ‘Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action’, UN doc. A/CONF.177/20 (1995) and A/CONF.177/20/Add.1 (1995).
  • World Conference on Women, ‘Report of the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievement of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace’, Nairobi (United Nations Publication, 15–26 July 1985, Sales No. E.85.IV.10), 1985.
  • World Health Organisation (WHO), Report on Global and Regional Estimates of Violence against Women: Prevalence and Health Effects of Intimate Partner Violence and Non-Partner Sexual Violence, 2013.
  • YURDAKAL, Gökçe and KORTEWEG, Anna C. , “Gender Equality and Immigrant Integration: Honor Killing and Forced Marriage Debates in the Netherlands, Germany, and Britain”, 41 Women’s Studies International Forum 204, 2013. YUVAL-DAVIS, Nira, “Intersectionality and Feminist Politics”, 13(3) European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2006, s. 193–209.

Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi

Yıl 2021, , 1739 - 1771, 15.09.2021


Kadına Karşı Her Türlü Ayrımcılığın Ortadan Kaldırılması Sözleşmesi’nin (CEDAW) amacı, kadınların toplumsal yaşamın her alanında insan haklarından ve temel özgürlüklerden yararlanabilmesi için ayrımcılığı ortadan kaldırmak ve eşitliği sağlamaktır. Kadına yönelik şiddet, çoklu ve kesişen ayrımcılık türleriyle bağlantılı toplumsal cinsiyet temelli bir şiddettir. Kadınlar, toplumsal cinsiyetlerine dayalı olarak ayrımcılık yaşamakta ve bu onların diğer kimlikleriyle ve tecrübeleriyle kesişmektedir. Öyle ki, kadına karşı şiddetin temel sebeplerinden biri olan toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin ve ayrımcılığının kesişen faktörlerinin ve kimliklerinin analizi gerekmektedir. 2017 yılında, CEDAW Komitesi, Genel Tavsiye 19 Sayılı Kararı’nı güncelleyerek “kadına yönelik toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı şiddet” başlıklı Genel Tavsiye 35 (GR 35) Sayılı Kararı’nı yayınlamıştır. Bu makalede, CEDAW Komitesinin Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı, kesişimsellik yaklaşımı bağlamında kadına yönelik kesişen ayrımcılık türlerinin daha ayrıntılı ve kapsayıcı olarak ele alınması analiz edilecektir.


  • ACAR, Feride, ALTINOK, Gülbanu and GÖZDAŞOGLU, Elif, Report Analysing Intersectionality in Gender Equality Policies in Turkey and in the EU, QUING Project, Vienna: Institute for Human Rights, 2008.
  • Amnesty International, ‘Women in the Front of Line: Human Rights Violations against Women’ 1991.
  • BANTEKAS, Ilias and OETTE, Lutz. International Human Rights Law and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2013) s.452–484.
  • BOND, Johanna E. “International Intersectionality: A Theoretical and Pragmatic Exploration of Women’s International Human Rights Violations” 52 Emory L.J. 71, 2003.
  • BYRNES, Andrew, “Article 1”, in Marsha A. Freeman, Christine Chinkin, and Beate Rudolf (eds.), The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • BYRNES, Andrew and BATH, Eleanor. “Violence against Women, the Obligation of Due Diligence, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women—Recent Developments”, Human Rights Law Review, Volume 8, Issue 3, s. 517–533, 2008.
  • CAMPHELL, Meghan, “CEDAW and Women’s Intersecting Identities: A Pioneering Approach to Intersectional Discrimination”, Oxford University Working Paper, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2016.
  • CEDAW Ek Protokolü, Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (adopted 6 October 1999), GA Res. 54/4, UN GAOR, 54th Session, Agenda Item 109, UN doc. A/RES/54/4, 2131 UNTS.
  • CHARLESWORTH, Hilary and CHINKIN, Christine. The Boundaries of International Law: A Feminist Analysis, Manchester University Press, 2000.
  • CHINKIN, Christina, “CEDAW General Recommendation 35 on Violence against Women is a significant step-forward” LSE Blog <> Erişim Tarihi: 27 Aralık 2020.
  • CHINKIN, Christina and YOSHIDA, Keina “40 Years of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women” Center for Women, Peace and Security, 2020.
  • CONAGHAN, Joanne, “Intersectionality and the Feminist Project in Law”, in GRABHAM, Emily et al. (eds.), Intersectionality and Beyond: Law, Power and the Politics of Location, 2009.
  • CRENSHAW, Kimberle. “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics”, U. Chi. Legal F., 1989.
  • CRENSHAW, Kimberle. “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics and Violence against Women of Color”, 43(6) Stanford Law Review, 1997.
  • DAVIS, Kathy. “Intersectionality as Buzzword: A Sociology of Science Perspective on What Makes a Feminist Theory Successful”, 9(1) Feminist Theory, 2008.
  • EDWARDS, Alice. Violence against women under international human rights law. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • ERTÜRK, Yakın, “Towards a Post-Patriarchal Gender Order: Confronting the Universality and the Particularity of Violence against Women”, 46(4) Sociologisk forskning, 2009.
  • EVATT, Elizabeth ‘Eliminating Discrimination against Women: The Impact of the UN Convention’ (1991) 18 Melb. UL Rev. 435.
  • FREDMAN, Sandra, Discrimination Law, Second Edition, Claredon, 2011.
  • GÜNEŞ, Ayşe. International Human Rights Law and Crimes Against Women in Turkey: Legislation on So-Called Honour Killings. Routledge, 2020.
  • International League for Human Rights, “Human Rights Abuses against Women: A Worldwide Survey. A Compilation of Experts from the US Department’s 1990 Country Reports on Human Rights Reports”1990.
  • Kadına Karşı Her Türlü Ayrımcılığın Ortadan Kaldırılması Sözleşmesi (CEDAW) (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, opened for signature 1 March 1980), 1249 UNTS 13 (yürürlüğe girme tarihi: 3 Eylül 1981).
  • MCCALL, Leslie. “The Complexity of Intersectionality”, 30(3), Signs 1771, 2005.
  • MCCUE, Margi, Domestic Violence: A Reference Handbook, Second edition, ABC-CLIO, 2008.
  • MCQUIGG, J. A. “Is it Time for a UN treaty on Violence against Women?,” The International Journal of Human Rights, 22 (3), 305-24, 2018.
  • MCQIGG, J. A. Ronagh, “The CEDAW Committee and Gender-based Violence against Women: General Recommendation No. 35”, International Human Rights Law Review, 6(2), 2017.
  • MERRY, Sally Engle. "Constructing a global law‐violence against women and the human rights system", Law & Social Inquiry, 28.4, 2003.
  • MINOR, Julie A. “An Analysis of Structural Weaknesses in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women”, 24 GA J. Int’l & COMP. L. 137, 1994.
  • NASH, Jennifer, “Re-thinking Intersectionality”,( 89 Feminist Review, 2008.
  • OTTO, Dianne. “Violence against Women—Something Other Than a Violation of Human Rights?”, 1(1) Australian Feminist Law Journal, 1993.
  • PHOENIX, Ann and PATTYNAMA, Pamela, “Intersectionality”, 13(3) European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2006.
  • SMITH, Ben. “Intersectional Discrimination and Substantive Equality: A Comparative and Theoretical Perspective”, 16 The Equal Rights Review, 2016.
  • Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, Its Causes and Consequences, Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights, Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural, the Right to Development, Ms. Rashida Manjoo (2 May 2011) UN doc. A/HRC/17/26.
  • The Advocates for Human Rights. UN Conference Documents (15 Haziran 2006) <>Erişim tarihi:12 Ocak 2021.
  • The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Law,(The IStanbul Convention) CETS No. 210, 11 May 2011 (entered into force on 1 August 2014.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), “CEDAW General Recommendation No. 12: Violence against Women” CEDAW/C/GC/12, 1989.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women CEDAW), “CEDAW General Recommendation No. 19: Violence against Women” CEDAW/C/GC/19, 1992.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), ‘General recommendation No. 35 on gender-based violence against women, updating general recommendation No. 19’, CEDAW/C/GC/35, 2017.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), “CEDAW General Recommendation No. 28: The Core Obligations of State Parties under Article 2 of the CEDAW” (2010) CEDAW/C/GC/28.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), “CEDAW General Recommendation No. 27: Older women and protection of their human rights” (2010) CEDAW/C/GC/27.
  • UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), “CEDAW General recommendation No. 32 -- fifty-ninth session, 2014 - on the gender-related dimensions of refugee status, asylum, nationality and statelessness of women” (2014) CEDAW/C/GC/32.
  • UN General Assembly, “Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women 1993 (DEVAW)” (20 December 1993) GA Res. A/RES/48/104.
  • UN General Assembly “Beijing+5, Further Actions and Initiatives to Implement the Beijing Declaration and Programme for Action” (2000) UN doc. A/RES/S-23/3.
  • UNHRC, ‘Resolution on the Integration of the Human Rights of Women and the Gender Perspective’ (16 April 2002) UN doc. E/CN.4/2002/L.59.
  • UN Secretary General, ‘1988 Report for the Commission on the Status of Women to Eradicate Violence against Women within the Family and Society’ UN doc. E/CN.6/1988/6 in the 32th Session of the Commission of the Status of Women (CSW), 1989.
  • World Conference on Women, ‘Declaration of Mexico on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace’, Mexico (1975) UN doc. E/CONF.66/34 (2 July 1975).
  • World Conference on Women, ‘Equality, Development and Peace’, Copenhagen (1980) UN doc. A/CONF.94/35 (19 September 1980).
  • World Conference on Human Rights: The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (25 June 1993) A/CONF.157/23, 1993.
  • World Conference on Women, ‘Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action’, UN doc. A/CONF.177/20 (1995) and A/CONF.177/20/Add.1 (1995).
  • World Conference on Women, ‘Report of the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievement of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace’, Nairobi (United Nations Publication, 15–26 July 1985, Sales No. E.85.IV.10), 1985.
  • World Health Organisation (WHO), Report on Global and Regional Estimates of Violence against Women: Prevalence and Health Effects of Intimate Partner Violence and Non-Partner Sexual Violence, 2013.
  • YURDAKAL, Gökçe and KORTEWEG, Anna C. , “Gender Equality and Immigrant Integration: Honor Killing and Forced Marriage Debates in the Netherlands, Germany, and Britain”, 41 Women’s Studies International Forum 204, 2013. YUVAL-DAVIS, Nira, “Intersectionality and Feminist Politics”, 13(3) European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2006, s. 193–209.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk

Ayşe Güneş 0000-0001-7429-1531

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2021
Kabul Tarihi 7 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Güneş, A. (2021). Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(3), 1739-1771.
AMA Güneş A. Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. Eylül 2021;29(3):1739-1771. doi:10.15337/suhfd.871557
Chicago Güneş, Ayşe. “Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 29, sy. 3 (Eylül 2021): 1739-71.
EndNote Güneş A (01 Eylül 2021) Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 29 3 1739–1771.
IEEE A. Güneş, “Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 29, sy. 3, ss. 1739–1771, 2021, doi: 10.15337/suhfd.871557.
ISNAD Güneş, Ayşe. “Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 29/3 (Eylül 2021), 1739-1771.
JAMA Güneş A. Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;29:1739–1771.
MLA Güneş, Ayşe. “Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 29, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 1739-71, doi:10.15337/suhfd.871557.
Vancouver Güneş A. Kesişimsellik Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Kadına Yönelik Toplumsal Cinsiyete Dayalı Şiddete İlişkin CEDAW Komitesi Genel Tavsiye 35 Sayılı Kararı’nın Analizi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;29(3):1739-71.

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