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An Electoral System Which Rewards the Winner Once Again: The Majority Prize System

Yıl 2021, , 1773 - 1811, 15.09.2021


Political parties are in continual pursuit of updating the election procedures with a view to keeping functional or effective the politics of their country. Sometimes the underlying reason behind such updates might be the concern of not losing the power. On the other hand, these updates can occasionally stem from a necessity and become imperative. Frequently experienced political instabilities and dead-locks can lead to a reform in electoral systems which is injustice in representation.
One of the electoral systems which make concessions to justice in representation for the sake of stability in government is the majority bonus system. This electoral system can be defined, as most concisely as possible, as the system in which a party rewarded with the highest number of votes from the electorate is rewarded once more with prize seats by the electoral system. This study has tried to facilitate better recognition of this electoral system through examining its practical outcomes in the light of the analyses conducted based on the data obtained from the countries where this electoral system is in effect.


  • AA, "Hollanda'da 200 gündür hükümet kurulamadı",, 17/03/2021.
  • AGNEW, John “Remaking Italy? Place Configurations and Italian Elec-toral Politics under the Second Republic”, Modern Italy, C: 12, S: 1, 2007.
  • BALDINI, Gianfranco, “The Different Trajectories of Italian Electoral Reforms”, West European Politics, C: 34, S: 3, 2011.
  • RASGON, Adam, Israel Has Its 4th National Election in 2 Years. Here’s Why,, 17/03/2021.
  • BEDOCK, Camille, SAUGER, Nicolas, Electoral Systems with Majority Bonus as Unconventional Mixed Systems, Representation, 2014, C: 50, S: 1, s. 99-112
  • BEDOCK, Camille, SAUGER, Nicolas, Electoral Systems with Majority Bonus as Mixed Systems Congrès AFSP, 2013.
  • Carr, Adam, Greek Republic,, 20.01.2021.
  • CARR, Adam, Most Serene Republic of San Marino, 2021,, 10.03.2021.
  • CHIARAMONTE Alessandro, D'ALIMONTE, Roberto, The New Italian Electoral System and its Effects on Strategic Coordination and Dispro-portionality, Italian Political Science, C: 13, S: 1, 2018.
  • CHIARAMONTE, Alessandro, The Unfinished Story of the Electoral Reforms in Italy: The Difficult Attempt to Build a Majoritarian-Style of Government, 2014,, 11.03.2021.
  • COURTE CONSTITUZIONALE, 2014,, 21.02.2021.
  • D’ALIMONTE, Roberto, The New Italian Electoral System: Majority-Assuring But Minority-Friendly, Contemporary Italian Politics, C:7, S: 3, s. 286-292.
  • DIAN, Schefold, Constitutional Reform and Constitutional Unity, The Italian Law Journal, Special Issue, 2017.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 07/06/1953 Area Italia, 2021,, 19.01.2021.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 09/04/2006 Area Italia (escl. Valle d'Aosta),, 23.02.2021.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 13/04/2008 Area Italia (escl. Valle d'Aosta), 2021,, 20.02.2021
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 18/04/1948 Area Italia, (çevrimiçi) Erişim Tarihi 11.02.2021.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 24/02/2013 Area Italia,, 12.01.2021.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 24/02/2013 Area Italia, 2021,, 18.01.2021.
  • Disposizioni in Materia di Elezione Della Camera Dei Deputati, Legeg 6 Maggio 2015. EKATHIMERINI, Parliament Votes to Change Election Law, 2020,, 09.03.2021.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR DEMOCRACY THROUGH LAW (VE-NICE COMMISSION), Report on Electoral Law and Electoral Administ-ration in Europe, 2020.
  • FUSARO, Carlo, “Party System Developments and Electoral Legislation in Italy (1948-2009)”, Bulletin of Italian Politics, C. 1, S: 1, 2009.
  • GALLAGHER, Michael, 2017, “Election Indices Dataset”,, 10/03/2021.
  • GOLDONI, Marco, Italian Constitutional Referendum: Voting for Struc-tural Reform or Constitutional Transformation?, Verfassungsblogon Matters Constitutional,, 02.02.2021.
  • HATZIS, Aristides N., “A Political History of Modern Greece, 1821-2018” Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, C: 39, S: 8, 2019.
  • HELLENIC PARLIAMENT, Election Results, 2021,, 15.01.2021.
  • HORCASITAS, Juan Molinar, WELDON, Jeffrey A., Reforming Electora l Systems in Mexico, Ed. SHUGART, Matthew Soberg, WATTENBERG, Martin P., Mixed-Member Electoral Systems The Best of Both Worlds?, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • KOKI, Constandina, LEONARDOS, Stefanos, Coalitions & Voting Power in the Greek Parliament of 2012: A Case-Study, Homo Oeconomicus, C: 19, 2018.
  • Law 3231/2004 sayılı Kanun Law 3636/2008 ile değiştirilmiştir. (Law for the election of MPs), published on the Official Journal of the Govern-ment, ΦΕΚ 45/Α/11.2.2004, art. 2, 3, 99 (3), 20.03.2021.
  • Law 3636/2008 (Law for the election of MPs), published on the Official Journal of the Government, ΦΕΚ 45/Α/11.2.2004,, 20.03.2021.
  • LISI, Marco, TSATSANIS, Emmanouil, Southern Europe and the euro-zone crisis: political representation, party system characteristics and the impact of austerity, Ed. FREIRE, André, BARRAGAN, Mélany, COL-LER, Xavier, LISI, Marco, RIVAS, Cristina, TSATSANIS, Emmanouil, Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Crisis or Continuing Transformation?, New York, Routledge, 2020.
  • MARTA, Regalia, “Electoral Reform as an Engine of Party System Chan-ge”, South European Society and Politics, C: 23, S: 1, 2018.
  • MAURICE, Duverger, Political Parties: Their Organization and Activity in the Modern State, Methuen, Wiley, 1954.
  • MINISTERE DE L'INTERIEUR, Résultats des élections législatives 2017,, 15.01.2021.
  • MITCHELL, Paul, The United Kingdom: Plurality Rule Under Siege, The Politics of Electoral Systems, Ed. by. GALLAGHER, Michael, MITC-HELL, Paul, New York, Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • MORGAN, Philip, Italian Facism 1915-1945, 2. bs., New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
  • ORTONA, Guido, OTTONE, Stefania, PONZANO, Ferruccio, “A Simula-tive Assessment of The Italian Electoral System”, Department of Public Policy and Public Choice – POLIS, 2005.
  • OSCE, Greece Early Parliamentary Elections 6 May 2012, 2012,, 10.02.2021.
  • OSCE, Republic of San Marino Early Parliamentary Elections, 2016,, 25.02.2021.
  • PASSARELLI, Gianluca, Electoral Systems in Context: Italy, Ed. HER-RON, Erik S. PEKKANEN, Robert J., SHUGART, Matthew S., The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems, New York, Oxford University Press, 2018.
  • PATRIKIOS, Stratos, KARYOTIS, Georgios, “The Greek Parliamentary Election of 2007”, Electoral Studies, V. 27/2, 2008, s. 356–359.
  • PIATTONI, Simona, GIGLIOLI, Matteo Fabio Nels, Does Changing Elec-toral Systems Affect (Corrupt) Particularistic Exchanges? Evidence from the Italian Case, Politics and Governance, C: 7, S: 2, 2020.
  • POLITCAL DATABASE OF AMERICAS, United Mexican States Election Results, https:/Politi/, 20.02.2021.
  • RENWICK Alan, The Politics of Electoral Reform: Changing the Rules of Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • REYNOLDS, Andrew, REILLY, Ben, The International IDEA Handbook of Electoral System Design, SRM Production Services, Malaysia, 2002.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, BALLOTTAGGIO - 4 Dic. 2016 - Risultato Generale,, 21.02.2021.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, Ri-sultati Generale 2019,, 21.02.2021.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, Ri-sultato generale elezioni del 11/11/2012,, 21.02.2021.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, Ri-sultato generale elezioni 9/11/2008,, 21.02.2021.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, Sis-tema Elettorale Vigente Nella Repubblica di San Marino,, 20.02.2021.
  • SOLAK, Mehmet, “İstikrarsız Hükümetler ve Sürekli Reform Arayışı: İtalya’da Parlamenter Sistem”, Ed. YAPICI KAYA, Havvana, TBMM Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları Karşılaştırmalı Hükümet Sistemleri: Parla-menter Sistem (Almanya, Güney Afrika, Hindistan, İngiltere, İtalya ve Japonya Örnekleri), TBMM Basımevi, Ankara, 2015.
  • STRATFOR, How Electoral Reform Effect Italian Politics, 6 May 2015,, 15.03.2021.
  • TBMM, Hükümetler Listesi, 2021,, 10.01.2021.
  • TEKİN, Abdurrahman, Yunanistan, Ed. TEKİN, Abdurrahman, TEMEL, Ömer, CENGİZ, İlyas Fırat, Osmanlı Ardıl Devletlerinin Siyasal Sistemleri, 2. Bs., Ankara, Adalet, 2020.
  • TRIDIMAS, George, "Political Economy Perspectives of the Fall of the Greek Monarchy", Democracy and an Open-Economy World Order, Ed. BITROS, George C., KYRIAZIS Nicholas C., Cham, Springer, 2017.
  • TSATSANIS, Emmanouil, TEPEROGLOU, Eftichia, Greece’s coalition governments: Power sharing in a majoritarian democracy, Ed. EVANS, Matt, Coalition Government as a Reflection of a Nation’s Politics and Society, New York, Routledge, 2019.
  • UK PARLIAMENT, General Election 2019: Full Results and Analysis,, 15.01.2021.
  • WILLS, Mark, Et Tu, Brute? Is the Italian Referendum the Second Act of the European Union’s Tragedy?, 2016, s. 2,, 11.03.2021.

Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi

Yıl 2021, , 1773 - 1811, 15.09.2021


Siyasi partiler, seçimler aracılığıyla iktidara sahip/ortak olarak veya en azın-dan mecliste temsil edilerek seçmenlere vermiş oldukları sözleri yerine getir-me gayre-ti içerisinde olan yapılardır. Siyasi yarış içerisinde olan bu yapılar, ülke siyaseti-nin işler hale getirilmesi veya etkinleştirilmesi için sürekli seçim usullerini güncelleme arzusu içerisinde olurlar. Bu güncellemelerin arkasında kimi zaman iktidarı kaybetmeme düşüncesi yatmaktadır. Ancak kimi zaman-larda bu güncelleme ihtiyacı bir zorunluluk haline gelmektedir. Siyasi istikrar-sızlıkların ve tıkanıklıkların sıklıkla görülmesi, seçim sistemlerinde temsilde adalet aleyhine olacak şekilde bir reforma gidilmesine yol açmaktadır.
Yönetimde istikrar için temsilde adaletten taviz veren seçim sistemlerinden birisi de çoğunluk ödüllü seçim sistemidir. Bu seçim sistemini en öz şekilde, seçmen-den en yüksek oyu alarak ödüllendirilen bir partinin, bir de seçim sis-temi tarafından ödüllendirilerek ilave milletvekili aldığı sistem şeklinde ta-nımlamak mümkündür. Bu çalışmada, bu seçim sisteminin uygulandığı ülke-lerdeki verilerden hareketle yapılan analizler ile seçim sisteminin ne gibi so-nuçlar doğurduğu irdelenerek sistemin daha yakından tanınmasına çalışılmış-tır.


  • AA, "Hollanda'da 200 gündür hükümet kurulamadı",, 17/03/2021.
  • AGNEW, John “Remaking Italy? Place Configurations and Italian Elec-toral Politics under the Second Republic”, Modern Italy, C: 12, S: 1, 2007.
  • BALDINI, Gianfranco, “The Different Trajectories of Italian Electoral Reforms”, West European Politics, C: 34, S: 3, 2011.
  • RASGON, Adam, Israel Has Its 4th National Election in 2 Years. Here’s Why,, 17/03/2021.
  • BEDOCK, Camille, SAUGER, Nicolas, Electoral Systems with Majority Bonus as Unconventional Mixed Systems, Representation, 2014, C: 50, S: 1, s. 99-112
  • BEDOCK, Camille, SAUGER, Nicolas, Electoral Systems with Majority Bonus as Mixed Systems Congrès AFSP, 2013.
  • Carr, Adam, Greek Republic,, 20.01.2021.
  • CARR, Adam, Most Serene Republic of San Marino, 2021,, 10.03.2021.
  • CHIARAMONTE Alessandro, D'ALIMONTE, Roberto, The New Italian Electoral System and its Effects on Strategic Coordination and Dispro-portionality, Italian Political Science, C: 13, S: 1, 2018.
  • CHIARAMONTE, Alessandro, The Unfinished Story of the Electoral Reforms in Italy: The Difficult Attempt to Build a Majoritarian-Style of Government, 2014,, 11.03.2021.
  • COURTE CONSTITUZIONALE, 2014,, 21.02.2021.
  • D’ALIMONTE, Roberto, The New Italian Electoral System: Majority-Assuring But Minority-Friendly, Contemporary Italian Politics, C:7, S: 3, s. 286-292.
  • DIAN, Schefold, Constitutional Reform and Constitutional Unity, The Italian Law Journal, Special Issue, 2017.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 07/06/1953 Area Italia, 2021,, 19.01.2021.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 09/04/2006 Area Italia (escl. Valle d'Aosta),, 23.02.2021.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 13/04/2008 Area Italia (escl. Valle d'Aosta), 2021,, 20.02.2021
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 18/04/1948 Area Italia, (çevrimiçi) Erişim Tarihi 11.02.2021.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 24/02/2013 Area Italia,, 12.01.2021.
  • DIPARTIMENTO PER GLI AFFARI INTERNI E TERRITORIALI, Camera 24/02/2013 Area Italia, 2021,, 18.01.2021.
  • Disposizioni in Materia di Elezione Della Camera Dei Deputati, Legeg 6 Maggio 2015. EKATHIMERINI, Parliament Votes to Change Election Law, 2020,, 09.03.2021.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR DEMOCRACY THROUGH LAW (VE-NICE COMMISSION), Report on Electoral Law and Electoral Administ-ration in Europe, 2020.
  • FUSARO, Carlo, “Party System Developments and Electoral Legislation in Italy (1948-2009)”, Bulletin of Italian Politics, C. 1, S: 1, 2009.
  • GALLAGHER, Michael, 2017, “Election Indices Dataset”,, 10/03/2021.
  • GOLDONI, Marco, Italian Constitutional Referendum: Voting for Struc-tural Reform or Constitutional Transformation?, Verfassungsblogon Matters Constitutional,, 02.02.2021.
  • HATZIS, Aristides N., “A Political History of Modern Greece, 1821-2018” Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, C: 39, S: 8, 2019.
  • HELLENIC PARLIAMENT, Election Results, 2021,, 15.01.2021.
  • HORCASITAS, Juan Molinar, WELDON, Jeffrey A., Reforming Electora l Systems in Mexico, Ed. SHUGART, Matthew Soberg, WATTENBERG, Martin P., Mixed-Member Electoral Systems The Best of Both Worlds?, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • KOKI, Constandina, LEONARDOS, Stefanos, Coalitions & Voting Power in the Greek Parliament of 2012: A Case-Study, Homo Oeconomicus, C: 19, 2018.
  • Law 3231/2004 sayılı Kanun Law 3636/2008 ile değiştirilmiştir. (Law for the election of MPs), published on the Official Journal of the Govern-ment, ΦΕΚ 45/Α/11.2.2004, art. 2, 3, 99 (3), 20.03.2021.
  • Law 3636/2008 (Law for the election of MPs), published on the Official Journal of the Government, ΦΕΚ 45/Α/11.2.2004,, 20.03.2021.
  • LISI, Marco, TSATSANIS, Emmanouil, Southern Europe and the euro-zone crisis: political representation, party system characteristics and the impact of austerity, Ed. FREIRE, André, BARRAGAN, Mélany, COL-LER, Xavier, LISI, Marco, RIVAS, Cristina, TSATSANIS, Emmanouil, Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Crisis or Continuing Transformation?, New York, Routledge, 2020.
  • MARTA, Regalia, “Electoral Reform as an Engine of Party System Chan-ge”, South European Society and Politics, C: 23, S: 1, 2018.
  • MAURICE, Duverger, Political Parties: Their Organization and Activity in the Modern State, Methuen, Wiley, 1954.
  • MINISTERE DE L'INTERIEUR, Résultats des élections législatives 2017,, 15.01.2021.
  • MITCHELL, Paul, The United Kingdom: Plurality Rule Under Siege, The Politics of Electoral Systems, Ed. by. GALLAGHER, Michael, MITC-HELL, Paul, New York, Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • MORGAN, Philip, Italian Facism 1915-1945, 2. bs., New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
  • ORTONA, Guido, OTTONE, Stefania, PONZANO, Ferruccio, “A Simula-tive Assessment of The Italian Electoral System”, Department of Public Policy and Public Choice – POLIS, 2005.
  • OSCE, Greece Early Parliamentary Elections 6 May 2012, 2012,, 10.02.2021.
  • OSCE, Republic of San Marino Early Parliamentary Elections, 2016,, 25.02.2021.
  • PASSARELLI, Gianluca, Electoral Systems in Context: Italy, Ed. HER-RON, Erik S. PEKKANEN, Robert J., SHUGART, Matthew S., The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems, New York, Oxford University Press, 2018.
  • PATRIKIOS, Stratos, KARYOTIS, Georgios, “The Greek Parliamentary Election of 2007”, Electoral Studies, V. 27/2, 2008, s. 356–359.
  • PIATTONI, Simona, GIGLIOLI, Matteo Fabio Nels, Does Changing Elec-toral Systems Affect (Corrupt) Particularistic Exchanges? Evidence from the Italian Case, Politics and Governance, C: 7, S: 2, 2020.
  • POLITCAL DATABASE OF AMERICAS, United Mexican States Election Results, https:/Politi/, 20.02.2021.
  • RENWICK Alan, The Politics of Electoral Reform: Changing the Rules of Democracy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • REYNOLDS, Andrew, REILLY, Ben, The International IDEA Handbook of Electoral System Design, SRM Production Services, Malaysia, 2002.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, BALLOTTAGGIO - 4 Dic. 2016 - Risultato Generale,, 21.02.2021.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, Ri-sultati Generale 2019,, 21.02.2021.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, Ri-sultato generale elezioni del 11/11/2012,, 21.02.2021.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, Ri-sultato generale elezioni 9/11/2008,, 21.02.2021.
  • SEGRETERIA DI STATO PER GLI AFFARI ESTERI SAN MARINO, Sis-tema Elettorale Vigente Nella Repubblica di San Marino,, 20.02.2021.
  • SOLAK, Mehmet, “İstikrarsız Hükümetler ve Sürekli Reform Arayışı: İtalya’da Parlamenter Sistem”, Ed. YAPICI KAYA, Havvana, TBMM Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları Karşılaştırmalı Hükümet Sistemleri: Parla-menter Sistem (Almanya, Güney Afrika, Hindistan, İngiltere, İtalya ve Japonya Örnekleri), TBMM Basımevi, Ankara, 2015.
  • STRATFOR, How Electoral Reform Effect Italian Politics, 6 May 2015,, 15.03.2021.
  • TBMM, Hükümetler Listesi, 2021,, 10.01.2021.
  • TEKİN, Abdurrahman, Yunanistan, Ed. TEKİN, Abdurrahman, TEMEL, Ömer, CENGİZ, İlyas Fırat, Osmanlı Ardıl Devletlerinin Siyasal Sistemleri, 2. Bs., Ankara, Adalet, 2020.
  • TRIDIMAS, George, "Political Economy Perspectives of the Fall of the Greek Monarchy", Democracy and an Open-Economy World Order, Ed. BITROS, George C., KYRIAZIS Nicholas C., Cham, Springer, 2017.
  • TSATSANIS, Emmanouil, TEPEROGLOU, Eftichia, Greece’s coalition governments: Power sharing in a majoritarian democracy, Ed. EVANS, Matt, Coalition Government as a Reflection of a Nation’s Politics and Society, New York, Routledge, 2019.
  • UK PARLIAMENT, General Election 2019: Full Results and Analysis,, 15.01.2021.
  • WILLS, Mark, Et Tu, Brute? Is the Italian Referendum the Second Act of the European Union’s Tragedy?, 2016, s. 2,, 11.03.2021.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk

Abdurrahman Tekin 0000-0003-3041-3941

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2021
Kabul Tarihi 20 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Tekin, A. (2021). Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(3), 1773-1811.
AMA Tekin A. Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. Eylül 2021;29(3):1773-1811. doi:10.15337/suhfd.905097
Chicago Tekin, Abdurrahman. “Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 29, sy. 3 (Eylül 2021): 1773-1811.
EndNote Tekin A (01 Eylül 2021) Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 29 3 1773–1811.
IEEE A. Tekin, “Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 29, sy. 3, ss. 1773–1811, 2021, doi: 10.15337/suhfd.905097.
ISNAD Tekin, Abdurrahman. “Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 29/3 (Eylül 2021), 1773-1811.
JAMA Tekin A. Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;29:1773–1811.
MLA Tekin, Abdurrahman. “Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 29, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 1773-11, doi:10.15337/suhfd.905097.
Vancouver Tekin A. Kazananın Bir Kez Daha Ödüllendirildiği Seçim Sistemi: Çoğunluk Ödüllü Seçim Sistemi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi. 2021;29(3):1773-811.

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