Research Article
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Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 563 - 580, 30.12.2024


The aim of this study was to examine the disaster preparedness perceptions and opinions of Secondary School Students who experienced the most recent major earthquake in Elazığ and Kahramanmaraş in Türkiye. The study population consisted of Secondary School Students in Elazığ and Kahramanmaraş during the 2022-2023 academic year. The sample included 548 participants in the quantitative part selected through non-probabilistic convenient sampling and 40 participants in the qualitative part selected using a criterion sampling method. In this study, a convergent parallel design, a mixed research method, was employed. The "Disaster Preparedness Scale" was used to collect quantitative data. The reliability of the scale was assessed using the Cronbach’s Alpha, which was found to be .82. Qualitative data were collected through a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers. The results indicated that the disaster preparedness perceptions of the participants were at a moderate level. There was no significant difference in the disaster preparedness perceptions among participants based on gender, while significant differences were identified based on city (in favor of students in Elazığ), grade, maternal education level, and paternal education level. Qualitative findings suggested that participants perceived the misinformation in the media after disasters as a significant problem. They also mentioned preparing disaster kits as a precaution after disasters, receiving fire and earthquake-related training at their schools, but feeling that these trainings did not contribute significantly to their preparedness. Participants emphasized the need for disaster awareness education and call for realistic and effective training exercises.


  • Adanalı, R., Yiyin, F. T., & Özenel, N. (2022). Disaster awareness of middle school students. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education (IGGE), 47, 56-81.
  • Alkalash, S. H., Alhashmi Alamer, E. H., Allihyani, A. M., Alhazmi, A. S., Alharthi, R. M., & Bugis, A. M. (2023). Knowledge of and attitude toward disaster preparedness among secondary school students in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Cureus, 15(1), 1-13.
  • Başıbüyük, A., & Pala, S. (2023). Investigation of life science, social studies, and geography curriculum attainments in terms of disaster education. Erzincan University Journal of Education Faculty, 25(2), 184-197.
  • Benzer, S., & Arpalık, A. (2021). Knowledge levels of secondary school students living in different earthquake zones about earthquakes. Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JACR), 5(2), 107-119.
  • Buran, A. (2021). Nitel araştırma veri toplama. (Ed. Seggie, F. N., Bayyurt, Y). Nitel araştırma yöntem, teknik, analiz ve yaklaşımları [Qualitative research methods, techniques, analysis and approaches]. Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Erkan Akgün, Ö., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2008). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods]. Pegem Akademi.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2015). Sosyal Bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı [Handbook of data analysis for social sciences] (21st Ed). Pegem Akademi.
  • Chong-de, L., Chun, W. X., Yu-di, Z., Zang Wei, Z., Xiao, Z., & Yan, D. (2013). Investigation on mental health state of primary and secondary school students after 30 months of Wenchuan earthquake. Psychological Development and Education, 29(6), 631-640. Retrieved from
  • Connolly. E. M. (2012). Aligning institutions of higher education emergency preparedness plans with the national response framework. Journal of Emergency Management, 10(4), 241-251.
  • Creswell, J. M., & Plano Clark V. L. (2015). Karma yöntem araştırmaları tasarımı ve yürütülmesi [Design and conduct of mixed methods research] (2nd Ed.) (Y. Dede ve S. B. Demir, Çev. Ed.). Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Cvetković, V. M., Dragičević, S., Petrović, M., Mijalković, S., Jakovljević, V., & Gačić, J. (2015). Knowledge and perception of secondary school students in Belgrade about earthquakes as natural disasters. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(4), 1553- 1561. Retieved from
  • Dereli Toprak D., & Açıkalın Savaşçı, F. (2018). Middle school students’ conceptual understanding of earthquakes. SHS Web of Conferences, 48, 1-8.
  • Dökmeci, A. H., & Merinç, F. (2018). Namık Kemal Ünı̇versı̇tesı̇ öğrencı̇lerı̇nin temel afet farkındalığının değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of basic disaster awareness of Namık Kemal University students]. Afet ve Risk Dergisi, 1(2), 106-113. Retrieved from
  • Fathoni, M. (2018). Disaster risk reduction in schools: The relationship of knowledge and attitudes towards preparedness from elementary school students in school-based disaster preparedness in the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 33(6), 581-586.
  • Faupel, C. E., & Styles, S. P. (1993). Disaster education, household preparedness, and stress responses following Hurricane Hugo. Environment and Behavior, 25(2), 228-249.
  • García, T. C., Díaz, C. V., & Martínez, J. A. C. (2016). Emotional disorders in children victims of natural disasters. Revista de Enfermería, 39(6), 18-29. Retrieved from
  • Gay, L. R, Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. (2012). Educational research: Competencies for analysis and applications (11th Ed.). Pearson Education.
  • İnal, E., Kaya, E., & Altıntaş, K. H. (2018). Evaluating the formal education in terms of sufficiency of disaster education in Turkey. Atatürk Üniversity Journal of Kazım Karabekir Education Faculty, 37, 114-127. Retrieved from
  • Karakuş, U., & Önger, S. (2017). 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin doğal afet ve afet eğitimi kavramını anlama düzeyleri [8th grade students' understanding of the concept of natural disaster and disaster education]. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(6), 482-491.
  • Karatay, Z., & Emini, F. T. (2022). Public policy analysis: Primary education policies. Management and Political Sciences Review, 4(2), 108-128.
  • Karthikeyan, K., & Rajendran, K. (2020). Teaching Students to Identify Safe and Hazardous Spaces during Earthquakes. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 11(1), 33-44.
  • Kaya, E., & Özcebe, H. (2013). Effects of disaster on child's health. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 12(4), 455-464.
  • Kırıkkaya Buluş, E., Oğuz Ünver, A., & Çakın, O. (2011). Teachers views on the topic of disaster education at the field on elementary science and technology curriculum. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 5(1), 24-42. Retrieved from
  • Kızıltepe, Z. (2021). İçerik analizi, Nitel araştırma [Content analysis, Qualitative research] (3th Ed.), (pp. 260-270), Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Koçyiğit, A. (2023). Combating disinformation and crisis communication in social media in emergency situations: An analysis on the Kahramanmaraş earthquake. Kastamonu Journal of Communication Research, 10, 68-86.
  • Kolukırık, S., Arslan, D. A., & Gökalp Yılmaz, G. (2022). Visualization and Social Effects of Forest ires: Media Representations of 2021 Great Antalya-Manavgat Fires. Journal of Disaster and Risk, 5(2), 560-580. Y2
  • Mills, G. E., & Gay, L. R. (2016). Educational research: competencies for analysis and applications (11th Ed.). Pearson Education.
  • Mishra, S., & Suar, D. (2012). Effects of anxiety, disaster education, and resources on disaster preparedness behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(5), 1069-1087. c
  • Musacchio, G., Falsaperla, S., Bernhardsdóttır, A., Ferreıra, M., Sousa, M., Carvalho, A., & Zonno, G. (2016). Education: Can a bottom-upstrategy help for earthquake disaster prevention? Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 14, 2069-2086.
  • Özelmacı, Ş. (2016). Examining the perceptions of secondary school students regarding disaster and disaster preparations (Thesis Number: 450145) [Master Thesis, Gazi University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Özkorkmaz, H., Türk, M. M., Taşyürek, K., Taşyürek, M., Baran, S., & Güler, T. (2023). Examining 7th grade students' awareness about earthquakes. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 10(96), 1346-1362.
  • Piyadeoğlu-Kaya O. (2019). The effect of disaster awareness education given to secondary school students on their knowledge levels: Gümüşhane example (Thesis Number: 548728) [Master Thesis, Gümüşhane University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Sağlam Şener, T., & Arlıoğlu, H. (2022). The effects of migration as a social disaster on child health. Journal of Pre-Hospital, 7(1), 95-107.
  • Severin, P. N., & Jacobson, P. A. (2020). Types of Disasters. In: Goodhue, C., Blake, N. (eds). Nursing management of pediatric disaster. Springer, Cham.
  • Shiwaku, K., Shaw, R., Chandra Kandel, R., Narayan Shrestha, S., & Mani Dixit, A. (2007). Future perspective of school disaster education in Nepal. Disaster Prevention and Management, 16(4), 576-587.
  • Şahan, C., & Dinç, A. (2021). Afet eğitim merkezlerinde yapılan afet eğitimlerinin ortaokul öğrencileri üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi [Examining the effects of disaster training given in disaster training centers on secondary school students.]. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (58), 478-500. Retrieved from
  • Şekerci, Y. G., Ayvazoğlu, G., & Çekiç, M. (2023). Üniversite öğrencilerinin temel afet bilinci ve farkındalık düzeylerinin saptanması [Determining the basic disaster consciousness and awareness levels of university students]. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(1), 74-81.
  • Şentuna, B., & Çakı, F. (2020). A scale development study in Balıkesir sampling: Disaster preparedness scale. İDEALKENT, 11(31), 1959-1983.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.). Pearson.
  • Tanhan, F., & Mukba, G. (2015). Investigation of the perception about earthquake based on elementary school students’ opinions. Journal of Human Science, 12(2), 1581-1601. Retrieved from
  • Taşkın, H. (2022). The information level and awareness about disasters of 7th grade students in the secondary school: Sapanca case (Thesis Number: 639984) [Master Thesis, Bezmialem Vakıf University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Teyfur, M. (2021). School security problem in high schools and a model proposal (Izmir province example). International Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal, 7(52), 3067- 3076.
  • Türnüklü, A. (2000). A qualitative research technique that can be used effectively in educational science research: Interview. Educational Management in Theory and Practice, 24 (24), 543- 559. Retrieved from
  • Ventura, G. L., & Madrigal, D. V. (2020). Awareness and practices on disaster preparedness of students of a public high school in Antique. Philippine Social Science Journal, 3(2), 45-46. Retrieved from
  • Widdyusuf, L., Muktiarni, M., & Mupita, J. (2022). Earthquake disaster preparedness for students of junior high school. ASEAN Journalof Science and Engineering Education, 2(2), 129-136. Retrieved from
  • Yıldız, A., Teeuw, R., Dickinson, J., & Roberts J. (2020). Children's earthquake preparedness and risk perception: A comparative study of two cities in Turkey, using a modified PRISM approach. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 49(2), 1-39.
Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 563 - 580, 30.12.2024



  • Adanalı, R., Yiyin, F. T., & Özenel, N. (2022). Disaster awareness of middle school students. International Journal of Geography and Geography Education (IGGE), 47, 56-81.
  • Alkalash, S. H., Alhashmi Alamer, E. H., Allihyani, A. M., Alhazmi, A. S., Alharthi, R. M., & Bugis, A. M. (2023). Knowledge of and attitude toward disaster preparedness among secondary school students in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Cureus, 15(1), 1-13.
  • Başıbüyük, A., & Pala, S. (2023). Investigation of life science, social studies, and geography curriculum attainments in terms of disaster education. Erzincan University Journal of Education Faculty, 25(2), 184-197.
  • Benzer, S., & Arpalık, A. (2021). Knowledge levels of secondary school students living in different earthquake zones about earthquakes. Journal of Anatolian Cultural Research (JACR), 5(2), 107-119.
  • Buran, A. (2021). Nitel araştırma veri toplama. (Ed. Seggie, F. N., Bayyurt, Y). Nitel araştırma yöntem, teknik, analiz ve yaklaşımları [Qualitative research methods, techniques, analysis and approaches]. Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Erkan Akgün, Ö., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2008). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods]. Pegem Akademi.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2015). Sosyal Bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı [Handbook of data analysis for social sciences] (21st Ed). Pegem Akademi.
  • Chong-de, L., Chun, W. X., Yu-di, Z., Zang Wei, Z., Xiao, Z., & Yan, D. (2013). Investigation on mental health state of primary and secondary school students after 30 months of Wenchuan earthquake. Psychological Development and Education, 29(6), 631-640. Retrieved from
  • Connolly. E. M. (2012). Aligning institutions of higher education emergency preparedness plans with the national response framework. Journal of Emergency Management, 10(4), 241-251.
  • Creswell, J. M., & Plano Clark V. L. (2015). Karma yöntem araştırmaları tasarımı ve yürütülmesi [Design and conduct of mixed methods research] (2nd Ed.) (Y. Dede ve S. B. Demir, Çev. Ed.). Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Cvetković, V. M., Dragičević, S., Petrović, M., Mijalković, S., Jakovljević, V., & Gačić, J. (2015). Knowledge and perception of secondary school students in Belgrade about earthquakes as natural disasters. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(4), 1553- 1561. Retieved from
  • Dereli Toprak D., & Açıkalın Savaşçı, F. (2018). Middle school students’ conceptual understanding of earthquakes. SHS Web of Conferences, 48, 1-8.
  • Dökmeci, A. H., & Merinç, F. (2018). Namık Kemal Ünı̇versı̇tesı̇ öğrencı̇lerı̇nin temel afet farkındalığının değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of basic disaster awareness of Namık Kemal University students]. Afet ve Risk Dergisi, 1(2), 106-113. Retrieved from
  • Fathoni, M. (2018). Disaster risk reduction in schools: The relationship of knowledge and attitudes towards preparedness from elementary school students in school-based disaster preparedness in the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 33(6), 581-586.
  • Faupel, C. E., & Styles, S. P. (1993). Disaster education, household preparedness, and stress responses following Hurricane Hugo. Environment and Behavior, 25(2), 228-249.
  • García, T. C., Díaz, C. V., & Martínez, J. A. C. (2016). Emotional disorders in children victims of natural disasters. Revista de Enfermería, 39(6), 18-29. Retrieved from
  • Gay, L. R, Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. (2012). Educational research: Competencies for analysis and applications (11th Ed.). Pearson Education.
  • İnal, E., Kaya, E., & Altıntaş, K. H. (2018). Evaluating the formal education in terms of sufficiency of disaster education in Turkey. Atatürk Üniversity Journal of Kazım Karabekir Education Faculty, 37, 114-127. Retrieved from
  • Karakuş, U., & Önger, S. (2017). 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin doğal afet ve afet eğitimi kavramını anlama düzeyleri [8th grade students' understanding of the concept of natural disaster and disaster education]. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(6), 482-491.
  • Karatay, Z., & Emini, F. T. (2022). Public policy analysis: Primary education policies. Management and Political Sciences Review, 4(2), 108-128.
  • Karthikeyan, K., & Rajendran, K. (2020). Teaching Students to Identify Safe and Hazardous Spaces during Earthquakes. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 11(1), 33-44.
  • Kaya, E., & Özcebe, H. (2013). Effects of disaster on child's health. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 12(4), 455-464.
  • Kırıkkaya Buluş, E., Oğuz Ünver, A., & Çakın, O. (2011). Teachers views on the topic of disaster education at the field on elementary science and technology curriculum. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 5(1), 24-42. Retrieved from
  • Kızıltepe, Z. (2021). İçerik analizi, Nitel araştırma [Content analysis, Qualitative research] (3th Ed.), (pp. 260-270), Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Koçyiğit, A. (2023). Combating disinformation and crisis communication in social media in emergency situations: An analysis on the Kahramanmaraş earthquake. Kastamonu Journal of Communication Research, 10, 68-86.
  • Kolukırık, S., Arslan, D. A., & Gökalp Yılmaz, G. (2022). Visualization and Social Effects of Forest ires: Media Representations of 2021 Great Antalya-Manavgat Fires. Journal of Disaster and Risk, 5(2), 560-580. Y2
  • Mills, G. E., & Gay, L. R. (2016). Educational research: competencies for analysis and applications (11th Ed.). Pearson Education.
  • Mishra, S., & Suar, D. (2012). Effects of anxiety, disaster education, and resources on disaster preparedness behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(5), 1069-1087. c
  • Musacchio, G., Falsaperla, S., Bernhardsdóttır, A., Ferreıra, M., Sousa, M., Carvalho, A., & Zonno, G. (2016). Education: Can a bottom-upstrategy help for earthquake disaster prevention? Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 14, 2069-2086.
  • Özelmacı, Ş. (2016). Examining the perceptions of secondary school students regarding disaster and disaster preparations (Thesis Number: 450145) [Master Thesis, Gazi University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Özkorkmaz, H., Türk, M. M., Taşyürek, K., Taşyürek, M., Baran, S., & Güler, T. (2023). Examining 7th grade students' awareness about earthquakes. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 10(96), 1346-1362.
  • Piyadeoğlu-Kaya O. (2019). The effect of disaster awareness education given to secondary school students on their knowledge levels: Gümüşhane example (Thesis Number: 548728) [Master Thesis, Gümüşhane University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Sağlam Şener, T., & Arlıoğlu, H. (2022). The effects of migration as a social disaster on child health. Journal of Pre-Hospital, 7(1), 95-107.
  • Severin, P. N., & Jacobson, P. A. (2020). Types of Disasters. In: Goodhue, C., Blake, N. (eds). Nursing management of pediatric disaster. Springer, Cham.
  • Shiwaku, K., Shaw, R., Chandra Kandel, R., Narayan Shrestha, S., & Mani Dixit, A. (2007). Future perspective of school disaster education in Nepal. Disaster Prevention and Management, 16(4), 576-587.
  • Şahan, C., & Dinç, A. (2021). Afet eğitim merkezlerinde yapılan afet eğitimlerinin ortaokul öğrencileri üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi [Examining the effects of disaster training given in disaster training centers on secondary school students.]. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (58), 478-500. Retrieved from
  • Şekerci, Y. G., Ayvazoğlu, G., & Çekiç, M. (2023). Üniversite öğrencilerinin temel afet bilinci ve farkındalık düzeylerinin saptanması [Determining the basic disaster consciousness and awareness levels of university students]. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(1), 74-81.
  • Şentuna, B., & Çakı, F. (2020). A scale development study in Balıkesir sampling: Disaster preparedness scale. İDEALKENT, 11(31), 1959-1983.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.). Pearson.
  • Tanhan, F., & Mukba, G. (2015). Investigation of the perception about earthquake based on elementary school students’ opinions. Journal of Human Science, 12(2), 1581-1601. Retrieved from
  • Taşkın, H. (2022). The information level and awareness about disasters of 7th grade students in the secondary school: Sapanca case (Thesis Number: 639984) [Master Thesis, Bezmialem Vakıf University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Teyfur, M. (2021). School security problem in high schools and a model proposal (Izmir province example). International Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal, 7(52), 3067- 3076.
  • Türnüklü, A. (2000). A qualitative research technique that can be used effectively in educational science research: Interview. Educational Management in Theory and Practice, 24 (24), 543- 559. Retrieved from
  • Ventura, G. L., & Madrigal, D. V. (2020). Awareness and practices on disaster preparedness of students of a public high school in Antique. Philippine Social Science Journal, 3(2), 45-46. Retrieved from
  • Widdyusuf, L., Muktiarni, M., & Mupita, J. (2022). Earthquake disaster preparedness for students of junior high school. ASEAN Journalof Science and Engineering Education, 2(2), 129-136. Retrieved from
  • Yıldız, A., Teeuw, R., Dickinson, J., & Roberts J. (2020). Children's earthquake preparedness and risk perception: A comparative study of two cities in Turkey, using a modified PRISM approach. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 49(2), 1-39.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Curriculum and Instration (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Ayşenur Kuloğlu 0000-0003-0217-8497

Fatma Tutuş 0000-0002-4813-3561

Merve Özer 0000-0003-0082-9188

Early Pub Date November 27, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date October 28, 2023
Acceptance Date November 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA Kuloğlu, A., Tutuş, F., & Özer, M. (2024). Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 14(3), 563-580.
AMA Kuloğlu A, Tutuş F, Özer M. Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach. SUJE. December 2024;14(3):563-580. doi:10.19126/suje.1382630
Chicago Kuloğlu, Ayşenur, Fatma Tutuş, and Merve Özer. “Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach”. Sakarya University Journal of Education 14, no. 3 (December 2024): 563-80.
EndNote Kuloğlu A, Tutuş F, Özer M (December 1, 2024) Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach. Sakarya University Journal of Education 14 3 563–580.
IEEE A. Kuloğlu, F. Tutuş, and M. Özer, “Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach”, SUJE, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 563–580, 2024, doi: 10.19126/suje.1382630.
ISNAD Kuloğlu, Ayşenur et al. “Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach”. Sakarya University Journal of Education 14/3 (December 2024), 563-580.
JAMA Kuloğlu A, Tutuş F, Özer M. Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach. SUJE. 2024;14:563–580.
MLA Kuloğlu, Ayşenur et al. “Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach”. Sakarya University Journal of Education, vol. 14, no. 3, 2024, pp. 563-80, doi:10.19126/suje.1382630.
Vancouver Kuloğlu A, Tutuş F, Özer M. Secondary School Students’ Disaster Preparedness Perception: A Mixed Method Approach. SUJE. 2024;14(3):563-80.