Research Article
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Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 496 - 514, 30.12.2024


Early childhood special education is a scientific field that is gaining worldwide attention. This study uses bibliometric and social network analysis methods to analyze early childhood special education research published in international journals. Therefore, the articles in the WoS database were accessed. WoS is a database of the most prestigious journals indexed SSCI, SCI-Expanded, AHCI, and ESCI. A total of 2051 articles meeting the determined criteria were included in the research. We used the VoSviewer software to perform the analyses and then interpreted the results. According to the research findings, the number of works published in the related field has increased significantly. The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders has emerged as the most prolific publisher of articles on this topic. The United States stands out as the most productive country. Dawson, G. is the most effective and cited author. The most frequently used word in the studies examined was autism. It appears that political developments in the field of early childhood special education may contribute to this increase. In addition, the analysis revealed that a certain number of leading countries and researchers have made significant contributions to the field. İnfluential journals in the field of early childhood special education studies, it is noted, focus on special education.


  • Aboelela, S. W., Larson, E., Bakken, S., Carrasquillo, O., Formicola, A., Glied, S. A., ... & Gebbie, K. M. (2007). Defining interdisciplinary research: Conclusions from a critical review of the literature. Health services research, 42(1p1), 329-346.
  • Allison, P., & Stewart, J. (1974). Productivity differences among scientists: Evidence for accumulative advantage. American Sociological Review, 39(4), 596-606.
  • Andrés, A. (2009). Measuring academic research: How to undertake a bibliometric study. Elsevier.
  • Banerjee, R., Movahedazarhouligh, S., Millen, K., & Luckner, J. L. (2018). Building evidence in early childhood special education: A systematic review of replication intervention studies. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 37(4), 246-256.
  • Bonuck, K. A., Hyden, C., Ury, G., Barnett, J., Ashkinaze, H., & Briggs, R. D. (2011). Screening for sleep problems in early intervention and early childhood special education: A systematic review of screening and assessment instruments. Infants & Young Children, 24(4), 295-308.
  • Bowe, F. G. (2007). Early childhood special education: Birth to eight (4th ed.). Thomson Delmar Learning.
  • Bricker, D., Xie, H., & Bohjanen, S. (2018). A history of EI/ECSE in the United States: A personal perspective. Journal of Early Intervention, 40(2), 121-137.
  • Bruder, M. B. (2016). Personnel development practices in early childhood intervention. In B. Reichow, B. A. Boyd, E. E. Barton, & S. L. Odom (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood special education (pp. 289-333). Springer International Publishing.
  • Callon, M., Courtial, J. P., Turner, W. A., & Bauin, S. (1983). From translations to problematic networks: An introduction to co-word analysis. Social Science Information, 22(2), 191-235.
  • Cretu, D. M., & Morandau, F. (2020). Initial teacher education for inclusive education: A bibliometric analysis of educational research. Sustainability, 12(12), 4923.
  • Dunlap, L. L. (2005). An introduction to early childhood special education: Birth to age five. Pearson Education.
  • Dunst, C. J., & Espe-Sherwindt, M. (2016). Family-centered practices in early childhood intervention. In B. Reichow, B. A. Boyd, E. E. Barton, & S. L. Odom (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood special education (pp. 37-56). Springer International Publishing.
  • Grosseck, G., Țîru, L. G., & Bran, R. A. (2019). Education for sustainable development: Evolution and perspectives: A bibliometric review of research, 1992–2018. Sustainability, 11(21), 6136.
  • Guralnick, M. J. (2005). The developmental systems approach to early intervention. Brookes Publishing.
  • Gül-Olcay, S., & Diken, İ. H. (2009). A review of master and doctoral dissertations in the field of early childhood special education in Turkey. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 1(1), 46-78.
  • Hallinger, P. (2020). Science mapping the knowledge base on educational leadership and management from the emerging regions of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1965– 2018. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(2), 209-230.
  • Hallinger, P., & Kovačević, J. (2019). A bibliometric review of research on educational administration: Science mapping the literature, 1960 to 2018. Review of Educational Research, 89(3), 335-369.
  • Hernández-Torrano, D. (2020). Mapping global research on child well-being in school contexts: A bibliometric and network analysis (1978–2018). Child Indicators Research, 13(3), 863-884.
  • Katz, J. S., & Martin, B. R. (1997). What is research collaboration? Research Policy, 26(1), 1-18.
  • Kilduff, M. & Tsai, W. (2008). Social networks and organizations. Sage.
  • Kim, K. W. (2006). Measuring international research collaboration of peripheral countries: Taking the context into consideration. Scientometrics, 66(2), 231–240.
  • Koegel, L. K., Koegel, R. L., Ashbaugh, K., & Bradshaw, J. (2014). The importance of early identification and intervention for children with or at risk for autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of Speech-language Pathology, 16(1), 50-56.
  • Liu, W. (2019). The data source of this study is Web of Science Core Collection? Not enough. Scientometrics, 121(3), 1815-1824.
  • McCormick, K. M., & Brennan, S. (2001). Mentoring the new professional in interdisciplinary early childhood education: The Kentucky Teacher Internship Program. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 21(3), 131-149.
  • McLean, M., Sandall, S.R., & Smith, B.J. (2016). A history of early childhood special education. In B. Reichow et al. (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood special education. (pp. 3–19). Springer International Publishing.
  • McWilliam R. (2016). Birth to three early intervention. In Reichow B., Boyd B., Barton E., Odom S. (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood special education (pp. 75-88), Springer.
  • Meho, L. I., & Yang, K. (2007). Impact of data sources on citation counts and rankings of LIS faculty: Web of Science versus Scopus and Google Scholar. Journal of the American society for information science and technology, 58(13), 2105-2125.
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G., & Prisma Group. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. PLoS Medicine, 6(7), e1000097.
  • Mongeon, P., & Paul-Hus, A. (2016). The journal coverage of Web of Science and Scopus: A comparative analysis. Scientometrics, 106(1), 213-228.
  • Mosbah-Natanson, S., & Gingras, Y. (2014). The globalization of social sciences? Evidence from a quantitative analysis of 30 years of production, collaboration, and citations in the social sciences (1980–2009). Current sociology, 62(5), 626-646.
  • Oser, C., & Cohen, J. (2003). Improving Part C Early Intervention: Using what we know about infants and toddlers with disabilities to reauthorize Part C of IDEA. Retrieved from
  • Otte, E. & Rousseau, R. (2002). Social network analysis: A powerful strategy, also for the information sciences. Journal of Information Science, 28(6), 441-453.
  • Öncül, N. (2015). Review of the Articles Related with Early Childhood Special Education in Turkey. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 6(2), 247-284.
  • Safford, P., Sargent, M., & Cook, C. (1994). Instructional models in early childhood special education: Origins, issues, and trends. In P. Safford (Ed.), Early childhood special education: Yearbook in early childhood education (Vol. 5, pp. 96—117). New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Small, H. (1973). Co‐citation in the scientific literature: A new measure of the relationship between two documents. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 24(4), 265-269.
  • Smith, B. J. (2000). The federal role in early childhood special education policy in the next century: The responsibility of the individual. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 20(1), 7-13.
  • Snyder, S., & Sheehan, R. (1983). Integrating research in early childhood special education: The use of meta-analysis. Diagnostique, 9(1), 12-25.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2014). Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Y. Ding, R. Rousseau, & D. Wolfram (Eds.), Measuring Scholarly Impact: Methods and Practice (pp. 285–320). Springer.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2017). Citation-based clustering of publications using CitNetExplorer and VOSviewer. Scientometrics, 111(2), 1053-1070.
  • Virués-Ortega, J. (2010). Applied behavior analytic intervention for autism in early childhood: Meta-analysis, meta-regression and dose–response meta-analysis of multiple outcomes. Clinical Psychology Review, 30(4), 387-399.
  • Wang, J., Peters, H. P., & Guan, J. (2006). Factors influencing knowledge productivity in German research groups: Lessons for developing countries. Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(4), 113-126.
  • Webb, S. J., & Jones, E. J. (2009). Early identification of autism: Early characteristics, onset of symptoms, and diagnostic stability. Infants and Young Children, 22(2), 100.
  • White, H. D., & McCain, K. W. (1998). Visualizing a discipline: An author co‐citation analysis of information science, 1972–1995. Journal of the American society for information science, 49(4), 327-355.;2-4
  • Wolery, M. (2003). A unified theory of practice in early intervention/early childhood special education: Evidence-based practices. The Journal of Special Education, 37(3), 164-173.
  • Yildirim, E. S., & Akçamete, G. (2014). Determination of Difficulties Encountered by Mothers Having Children with Multiple Disabilities During Early Childhood Special Education Services Process. Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi, 3(1), 74-89.
  • Zitt, M., Bassecoulard, E., & Okubo, Y. (2000). Shadows of the past in international cooperation: Collaboration profiles of the top five producers of science. Scientometrics, 47(3), 627-657.
  • Zupic, I., & Čater, T. (2015). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), 429-472.
  • Zwaigenbaum, L., Bryson, S., & Garon, N. (2013). Early identification of autism spectrum disorders. Behavioural Brain Research, 251, 133-146.
Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 496 - 514, 30.12.2024



  • Aboelela, S. W., Larson, E., Bakken, S., Carrasquillo, O., Formicola, A., Glied, S. A., ... & Gebbie, K. M. (2007). Defining interdisciplinary research: Conclusions from a critical review of the literature. Health services research, 42(1p1), 329-346.
  • Allison, P., & Stewart, J. (1974). Productivity differences among scientists: Evidence for accumulative advantage. American Sociological Review, 39(4), 596-606.
  • Andrés, A. (2009). Measuring academic research: How to undertake a bibliometric study. Elsevier.
  • Banerjee, R., Movahedazarhouligh, S., Millen, K., & Luckner, J. L. (2018). Building evidence in early childhood special education: A systematic review of replication intervention studies. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 37(4), 246-256.
  • Bonuck, K. A., Hyden, C., Ury, G., Barnett, J., Ashkinaze, H., & Briggs, R. D. (2011). Screening for sleep problems in early intervention and early childhood special education: A systematic review of screening and assessment instruments. Infants & Young Children, 24(4), 295-308.
  • Bowe, F. G. (2007). Early childhood special education: Birth to eight (4th ed.). Thomson Delmar Learning.
  • Bricker, D., Xie, H., & Bohjanen, S. (2018). A history of EI/ECSE in the United States: A personal perspective. Journal of Early Intervention, 40(2), 121-137.
  • Bruder, M. B. (2016). Personnel development practices in early childhood intervention. In B. Reichow, B. A. Boyd, E. E. Barton, & S. L. Odom (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood special education (pp. 289-333). Springer International Publishing.
  • Callon, M., Courtial, J. P., Turner, W. A., & Bauin, S. (1983). From translations to problematic networks: An introduction to co-word analysis. Social Science Information, 22(2), 191-235.
  • Cretu, D. M., & Morandau, F. (2020). Initial teacher education for inclusive education: A bibliometric analysis of educational research. Sustainability, 12(12), 4923.
  • Dunlap, L. L. (2005). An introduction to early childhood special education: Birth to age five. Pearson Education.
  • Dunst, C. J., & Espe-Sherwindt, M. (2016). Family-centered practices in early childhood intervention. In B. Reichow, B. A. Boyd, E. E. Barton, & S. L. Odom (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood special education (pp. 37-56). Springer International Publishing.
  • Grosseck, G., Țîru, L. G., & Bran, R. A. (2019). Education for sustainable development: Evolution and perspectives: A bibliometric review of research, 1992–2018. Sustainability, 11(21), 6136.
  • Guralnick, M. J. (2005). The developmental systems approach to early intervention. Brookes Publishing.
  • Gül-Olcay, S., & Diken, İ. H. (2009). A review of master and doctoral dissertations in the field of early childhood special education in Turkey. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 1(1), 46-78.
  • Hallinger, P. (2020). Science mapping the knowledge base on educational leadership and management from the emerging regions of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1965– 2018. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(2), 209-230.
  • Hallinger, P., & Kovačević, J. (2019). A bibliometric review of research on educational administration: Science mapping the literature, 1960 to 2018. Review of Educational Research, 89(3), 335-369.
  • Hernández-Torrano, D. (2020). Mapping global research on child well-being in school contexts: A bibliometric and network analysis (1978–2018). Child Indicators Research, 13(3), 863-884.
  • Katz, J. S., & Martin, B. R. (1997). What is research collaboration? Research Policy, 26(1), 1-18.
  • Kilduff, M. & Tsai, W. (2008). Social networks and organizations. Sage.
  • Kim, K. W. (2006). Measuring international research collaboration of peripheral countries: Taking the context into consideration. Scientometrics, 66(2), 231–240.
  • Koegel, L. K., Koegel, R. L., Ashbaugh, K., & Bradshaw, J. (2014). The importance of early identification and intervention for children with or at risk for autism spectrum disorders. International Journal of Speech-language Pathology, 16(1), 50-56.
  • Liu, W. (2019). The data source of this study is Web of Science Core Collection? Not enough. Scientometrics, 121(3), 1815-1824.
  • McCormick, K. M., & Brennan, S. (2001). Mentoring the new professional in interdisciplinary early childhood education: The Kentucky Teacher Internship Program. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 21(3), 131-149.
  • McLean, M., Sandall, S.R., & Smith, B.J. (2016). A history of early childhood special education. In B. Reichow et al. (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood special education. (pp. 3–19). Springer International Publishing.
  • McWilliam R. (2016). Birth to three early intervention. In Reichow B., Boyd B., Barton E., Odom S. (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood special education (pp. 75-88), Springer.
  • Meho, L. I., & Yang, K. (2007). Impact of data sources on citation counts and rankings of LIS faculty: Web of Science versus Scopus and Google Scholar. Journal of the American society for information science and technology, 58(13), 2105-2125.
  • Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D. G., & Prisma Group. (2009). Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. PLoS Medicine, 6(7), e1000097.
  • Mongeon, P., & Paul-Hus, A. (2016). The journal coverage of Web of Science and Scopus: A comparative analysis. Scientometrics, 106(1), 213-228.
  • Mosbah-Natanson, S., & Gingras, Y. (2014). The globalization of social sciences? Evidence from a quantitative analysis of 30 years of production, collaboration, and citations in the social sciences (1980–2009). Current sociology, 62(5), 626-646.
  • Oser, C., & Cohen, J. (2003). Improving Part C Early Intervention: Using what we know about infants and toddlers with disabilities to reauthorize Part C of IDEA. Retrieved from
  • Otte, E. & Rousseau, R. (2002). Social network analysis: A powerful strategy, also for the information sciences. Journal of Information Science, 28(6), 441-453.
  • Öncül, N. (2015). Review of the Articles Related with Early Childhood Special Education in Turkey. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 6(2), 247-284.
  • Safford, P., Sargent, M., & Cook, C. (1994). Instructional models in early childhood special education: Origins, issues, and trends. In P. Safford (Ed.), Early childhood special education: Yearbook in early childhood education (Vol. 5, pp. 96—117). New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Small, H. (1973). Co‐citation in the scientific literature: A new measure of the relationship between two documents. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 24(4), 265-269.
  • Smith, B. J. (2000). The federal role in early childhood special education policy in the next century: The responsibility of the individual. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 20(1), 7-13.
  • Snyder, S., & Sheehan, R. (1983). Integrating research in early childhood special education: The use of meta-analysis. Diagnostique, 9(1), 12-25.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2014). Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Y. Ding, R. Rousseau, & D. Wolfram (Eds.), Measuring Scholarly Impact: Methods and Practice (pp. 285–320). Springer.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2017). Citation-based clustering of publications using CitNetExplorer and VOSviewer. Scientometrics, 111(2), 1053-1070.
  • Virués-Ortega, J. (2010). Applied behavior analytic intervention for autism in early childhood: Meta-analysis, meta-regression and dose–response meta-analysis of multiple outcomes. Clinical Psychology Review, 30(4), 387-399.
  • Wang, J., Peters, H. P., & Guan, J. (2006). Factors influencing knowledge productivity in German research groups: Lessons for developing countries. Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(4), 113-126.
  • Webb, S. J., & Jones, E. J. (2009). Early identification of autism: Early characteristics, onset of symptoms, and diagnostic stability. Infants and Young Children, 22(2), 100.
  • White, H. D., & McCain, K. W. (1998). Visualizing a discipline: An author co‐citation analysis of information science, 1972–1995. Journal of the American society for information science, 49(4), 327-355.;2-4
  • Wolery, M. (2003). A unified theory of practice in early intervention/early childhood special education: Evidence-based practices. The Journal of Special Education, 37(3), 164-173.
  • Yildirim, E. S., & Akçamete, G. (2014). Determination of Difficulties Encountered by Mothers Having Children with Multiple Disabilities During Early Childhood Special Education Services Process. Cumhuriyet Uluslararası Eğitim Dergisi, 3(1), 74-89.
  • Zitt, M., Bassecoulard, E., & Okubo, Y. (2000). Shadows of the past in international cooperation: Collaboration profiles of the top five producers of science. Scientometrics, 47(3), 627-657.
  • Zupic, I., & Čater, T. (2015). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), 429-472.
  • Zwaigenbaum, L., Bryson, S., & Garon, N. (2013). Early identification of autism spectrum disorders. Behavioural Brain Research, 251, 133-146.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Special Education and Disability (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Gamze İnci 0000-0001-9647-2536

Early Pub Date November 4, 2024
Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date March 24, 2024
Acceptance Date October 1, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA İnci, G. (2024). Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 14(3), 496-514.
AMA İnci G. Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis. SUJE. December 2024;14(3):496-514. doi:10.19126/suje.1457907
Chicago İnci, Gamze. “Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis”. Sakarya University Journal of Education 14, no. 3 (December 2024): 496-514.
EndNote İnci G (December 1, 2024) Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis. Sakarya University Journal of Education 14 3 496–514.
IEEE G. İnci, “Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis”, SUJE, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 496–514, 2024, doi: 10.19126/suje.1457907.
ISNAD İnci, Gamze. “Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis”. Sakarya University Journal of Education 14/3 (December 2024), 496-514.
JAMA İnci G. Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis. SUJE. 2024;14:496–514.
MLA İnci, Gamze. “Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis”. Sakarya University Journal of Education, vol. 14, no. 3, 2024, pp. 496-14, doi:10.19126/suje.1457907.
Vancouver İnci G. Mapping Global Research on Early Childhood Special Education: A Bibliometric Analysis. SUJE. 2024;14(3):496-514.