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İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 29 - 35, 22.12.2016


İklim değişikliğinin süt sığırcılığı üzerinde, sıcaklık stresi, süt üretiminin ve kalitesinin düşmesi, büyüme ve doğurganlığın azalması, hastalıkların yaygınlaşması, yem bitkileri ve suyun bulunabilirliğinin azalması gibi olumsuz etkileri bulunmaktadır. Bu etkiler, global olarak insan beslenmesinde hayvansal proteinin sağlanıp/sağlanamayacağı ve ekonomik refah kaybının ne olacağına dair tartışmaları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu kapsamda, çalışmanın üç önemli amacı bulunmaktadır; ilki, iklim değişikliğinin süt miktarına etkisi nedeniyle gıda güvencesi açısından olası etkilerinin tartışılması, ikincisi ise süt sığırcılığında işletme ve makro düzeyde ortaya çıkan ve çıkabilecek ekonomik refah kayıplarının belirlenmesidir. Son olarak da alınması gereken tedbirlerin neler olduğunun ortaya konmasıdır. Çalışma kapsamında, konuyla ilgili makro ve mikro düzeydeki araştırma sonuçları incelenmiştir. Kısıtlı sayıdaki literatür ve ülke sonuçları, iklim değişikliğinin süt sığırcılığı üzerindeki etkilerinin bölgeler arası farklılıklar olmakla birlikte üretim miktarına olumsuz etkisinin olacağı ve ekonomik kayıplar yaşanacağı yönündedir. Bu kapsamda, iklim değişikliğine uyumlu yerel ve sürdürülebilir gıda sistemleri üzerine ulusal ve uluslararası politikaların oluşturulması ve uygulanması son derece önem taşımaktadır. 


  • Ahammad, H. 2010. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: Insights from ABARE research, OECD-INEA-FAO Workshop on Agriculture and Adaptation to Climate Change, 23-25 June 2010, Rome. [Erişim: 22 Mayıs 2016]
  • Assan, N. 2014. Possible impact and adaptation to climate change in livestock production in Southern Africa, IOSR J Environ Sci Toxicol Food Technol,8(2):104-112.
  • Babinszky, L., Halas, V., Verstegen, M. W. 2011. Impacts of climate change on animal production and quality of animal food products. Climate change socioeconomic effects. Rijeka: InTech, 165-190.
  • Bajagai, Y. S. 2011. Global climate change and its impacts on dairy cattle, Nepalese Veterinary Journal, 30:2-16.
  • Bauman Y., Salathé, Jr E.P., Mauger, G. S., Nennich, T. D. 2012. Impacts of Climate Change on Milk Production in the United States, uploads/2012/07/Milk_Draft_20120717.pdf [Erişim: 10 Nisan 2016]
  • Beede, D. K., Collier, R. J. 1986. Potential nutritional strategies for intensively managed cattle during thermal stress, Journal of Animal Science, 62(2):543-554.
  • Bernabucci, U., Lacetera, N., Baumgard, L. H., Rhoads, R. P., Ronchi, B., Nardone, A. 2010. Metabolic and hormonal acclimation to heat stress in domesticated ruminants, Animal, 4(7): 1167-1183.
  • Bertocchi, L., Vitali, A., Lacetera, N., Nardone, A., Varisco, G., Bernabucci, U. 2014. Seasonal variations in the composition of Holstein cow's milk and temperature–humidity index relationship, Animal, 8(4):667-674.
  • Bett, B. and Grace, D. 2014. Climate change impacts on animal health and vector borne diseases, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Climate Change Technical Officers' Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, 1 April 2014.
  • Calil, J., Silvester, A., Stelzl, K., Wissel-Tyson, C., Frew, J. 2012. The effect of climate change on the production costs of the dairy industry in the United States. Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, U.S.A, p.68.
  • Clark, A. J., Nottage, R. A. C., Wilcocks, L., Lee, J. M., Burke, C., Kalaugher, E., et al. 2012. Impacts of Climate Change on Landbased Sectors and Adaptation Options. Technical Report to the Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Adaptation Technical Working Group, Ministry for Primary Industries, p.408.
  • Cline, W. R. 2007. Global Warming and Agriculture: Impact Estimates by Country. Peterson Institute, p.250.
  • Conrad, J. H. 1985. Feeding of farm animals in hot and cold environments. in Stress Physiology in Livestock. Vol. 1. M. K. Yousef, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton. p.205–226.
  • Cortignani R., Dell'Unto, D., Acutis, M., Lacetera, N., Pasqui, M., Roggero, P.P., Dono, G. 2015. The economic impact of changes in climate variability on milk production in the area of Grana Padano, FACCE MACSUR Reports, 5:5-18.
  • Da Silva, R. G. 2006. Weather and climate and animal production. Update of the guide to agricultural meteorological practices, p.563-567.
  • Dellal, I., McCarl, B. A., Butt, T. 2011. The economic assessment of climate change on Turkish agriculture, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 12(1):376-385.
  • FAO. 2003. Trade Reforms and Food Security. p.296. Rome docrep/005/y4671e/y4671e00.htm, [Erişim: 30 Temmuz 2015]
  • FAO. 2008. Food Consumption Nutrients Spreadsheet - 2008. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. R e t r i e v e d F e b r u a r y 1 8 , 2 0 0 9
  • [Erişim: 30 Mayıs 2015]
  • FAO. 2011. Mapping Supply and Demand for Animal-Source Foods to 2030, by T.P. Robinson F. Pozzi. Animal Production and Health Working Paper. No. 2. Rome.
  • FAO. 2013. Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition. Rome, p.376.
  • Gaughan, J. B and Cawsell-Smith, A. J. 2015. Impact of climate change on livestock production and reproduction. In: Climate change Impact on livestock: adaptation and mitigation. Sejian, V., Gaughan, J., Baumgard, L., Prasad, C.S (Eds), Springer- Verlag GMbH Publisher, New Delhi, India, p.51-60.
  • Hanslow, K., Gunasekera, D., Cullen, B., Newth, D. 2014. Economic impacts of climate change on the Australian dairy sector, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 58(1):60-77.
  • Henry, B., Eckard, R., Gaughan, J. B., Hegarty, R. 2012. Livestock production in a changing climate: adaptation and mitigation research in Australia, Crop and Pasture Science, 63(3):191-202.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2007. Climate change: synthesis report. contribution of working groups I, II and III to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC [Core Writing Team, Pachauri, R.K and Reisinger, A. (eds.)], Geneva, Switzerland, p.104.
  • International Dairy Federation (IDF). 2014. The World Dairy Situation, Bulletin of International Dairy Federation, 470/2013, 233p.
  • International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2010. Food security, farming, and climate change to 2050: Scenarios, results, policy options (vol. 172). Nelson, G. C., Rosegrant, M. W., Palazzo, A., Gray, I., Ingersoll, C., Robertson, R., Msangi, S., Washington, D.C., U.S.A. p.131.
  • Kadzere, C. T., Murphy, M. R., Silanikove, N., Maltz, E. 2002. Heat stress in lactating dairy cows: a review, Livestock Production Science, 77(1):59-91.
  • Kalaugher, E., Bornman, J. F., Clark, A., Beukes, P. 2013. An integrated biophysical and socio-economic framework for analysis of climate change adaptation strategies: the case of a New Zealand dairy farming system, Environmental Modelling & Software, 39:176-187.
  • Keller, C., Carroll, R. 2014. The Udder Vulnerability of Conventional Dairy Farming to Climate Change. [Erişim: 10 Nisan 2016]
  • Klinedinst, P.L., D.A. Wilhite, G.L. Hahn, K.G. Hubbard. 1993. The potential effects of climate change on summer season dairy cattle milk production and reproduction, Climatic Change, 23(1):21-36.
  • Koç, G., Uzmay, A., Çukur, F. 2016. İklim değişikliği ve hayvancılık sektörü ilişkisinin Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de tarım ekonomisi açısından değerlendirilmesi. XII. Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, 25-57 Mayıs 2016, Isparta, s.203-212.
  • Koç G., ve Uzmay, A. 2015. Gıda güvencesi ve gıda güvenliği: kavramsal çerçeve, gelişmeler ve Türkiye, Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 19(1):39-48.
  • Lee, J.M., Clark, A.J., Roche, J.R. 2013, Climate-change effects and adaptation options for temperate pasture-based dairy farming systems: a review, Grass and Forage Science, 68(4):485-503.
  • Lobell, D. B., Schlenker, W., Costa-Roberts, J. 2011. Climate trends and global crop production since 1980, Science, 333(6042):616-620.
  • Lotze-Campen, H., Schellnhuber, H. J. 2009. Climate impacts and adaptation options in agriculture: what we know and what we don't know. Journal für verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, 4(2):145-150.
  • Mader, T. L., Frank, K. L., Harrington Jr, J. A., Hahn, G. L., Nienaber, J. A. 2009. Potential climate change effects on warm season livestock production in the Great Plains, Climatic Change, 97(3-4):529-541.
  • Malik, P. K., Bhatta, R., Takahashi, J., Kohn, R., Prasad, C. S. (Eds.). 2015. Livestock Production and Climate Change, Climate Change Series:6, p.395.
  • Mauger, G., Bauman, Y., Nennich, T., Salathé, E. 2015. Impacts of climate change on milk production in the United States. The Professional Geographer, 67(1):121-131.
  • Met Office. 2016. Food insecurity and climate change, [Erişim: 22 Mayıs 2015]
  • M e t e o r o l o j i G e n e l M ü d ü r l ü ğ ü ( M G M ) . 2 0 1 6 . S ı c a k l ı k N e m İ n d e k s i H e s a p l a m a P r o g r a m ı , [Erişim: 02 Haziran 2016]
  • Müller, C., Bondeau, A., Popp, A., Waha, K., Fader, M., 2009. Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Yields: Background Note to the World Development Report 2010, Development and Climate Change: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). p.11.
  • Nabenishi, H., Ohta, H., Nishimoto, T., Morita, T., Ashizawa, K., Tsuzuki, Y. 2011. Effect of the temperature-humidity index on body temperature and conception rate of lactating dairy cows in southwestern Japan, Journal of Reproduction and Development, 57(4):450-456.
  • Nardone, A., Ronchi, B., Lacetera, N., Ranieri, M. S., Bernabucci, U. 2010. Effects of climate changes on animal production and sustainability of livestock systems, Livestock Science, 130(1):57-69.
  • National Animal Disease Information Service (NADIS). 2016. Managing Heat Stress in Dairy Cows, [Erişim: 01 Haziran 2016]
  • Nelson, G. C., Rosegrant, M. W., Koo, J., Robertson, R., Sulser, T., Zhu, T., Magalhaes, M. 2009. Climate change: Impact on agriculture and costs of adaptation (vol. 21). IFPRI, Washington, D.C. U.S.A. p.19.
  • Oyhantçabal, W., Vitale, E., Lagarmilla, P. 2010. Climate Change and Links to Animal Diseases And Animal Production. Compendium of technical items presented to the OIE World Assembly of Delegates and to OIE Regional Commissions, p.169-186.
  • Pankaj, P. K., Ramana, D. B. V., Pourouchottamane, R., Naskar, S. 2013. Livestock management under changing climate scenario in India. World Journal of Veterinary Science, 1(1):25-32.
  • Parry, M., Rosenzweig, C., Livermore, M. 2005. Climate change, global food supply and risk of hunger. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 360(1463): 2125-2138.
  • Ravagnolo, O., Misztal, I., Hoogenboom, G. 2000. Genetic component of heat stress in dairy cattle, development of heat index function, Journal of Dairy Science, 83(9):2120-2125.
  • Reilly, J. 1996. Agriculture in a changing climate: impacts and adaptation. In: Watson, R.T; Zinyowera, M.C; Moss, R.H. (Eds.) Climate change 1995: Impacts, adaptations and mitigation of climate change: Scientific-technical analyses. Cambridge University Press, USA,p.427-467.
  • Rhoads, M. L., Rhoads, R. P., VanBaale, M. J., Collier, R. J., Sanders, S. R., Weber, W. J., Baumgard, L. H. 2009. Effects of heat stress and plane of nutrition on lactating Holstein cows: I. Production, metabolism, and aspects of circulating somatotropin, Journal of Dairy Science, 92(5):1986-1997.
  • Saner, G., Engindeniz, S. 2005. Türkiye'de organik hayvansal ürünlerin üretim ve pazar olanakları üzerine bir değerlendirme, Dünya-Gıda Dergisi, 8(2005):78-84.
  • Senthil Kumar, P. 2012. Impact Of Climate Change And Adaptation Measures in Dairy Sector of Sikkim. In Arrawatia,M.L., Tambe,S. (Eds), Climate Change in Sikkim Patterns, Impacts and Initiatives. Information and Public Relations Department, Gangtok. p.219-232.
  • Thornton, P. K., Boone, R. B., Ramirez-Villegas, J. 2015. Climate change impacts on livestock. CCAFS Working Paper No. 120. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), p.19.
  • Thornton, P. K., Gerber, P. 2010. Climate change and the growth of the livestock sector in developing countries, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 15:169-184.
  • Türkeş, M. 2014. İklim değişikliğinin tarımsal gıda güvenliğine etkileri, Türk Tarım – Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2(2):71- 85.
  • Valtorta, S. E., 2002. Animal production in a changing climate: impacts and mitigation. A Santa Fe National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, National Institute of Agricultural Technology, Rafaela Experimental Station, p.1-12.
  • Veerasamy, S., Gaughan, J. B., Raghavendra, B., Naqvi, S. M. K. 2016. Impact of climate change on livestock productivity, Feedipedia, 24:1-4.
  • Wheelock, J. B.; Rhoads, R. P.; VanBaale, M. J.; Sanders, S. R.; Baumgard, L.H. 2010. Effects of heat stress on energetic metabolism in lactating Holstein cow, Journal of Dairy Science, 93:644–655.
  • World Bank (WB). 2010. World development report 2010: Overview - changing the climate for development, Washington, DC. p.417.
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Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Dairy Farming in terms of Food Security and Economy

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 29 - 35, 22.12.2016


Climate change has negative effects on dairy farming such as heat stress, production and quality loss on milk yield, the decrease in growth and fertility, the proliferation of diseases. These effects are bringing up arguments like whether providing animal protein globally for human nutrition is possible or not and what will be the economic losses. In this scope, the study has three main purposes. First, arguing the possible effects of climate change by means of food security as it affects the milk yield. Second; determining the potential and actual economic losses in macro and business levels of dairy farming. And lastly, determining the necessary precautions. In the scope of the study, micro and macro level research results related to this topic are examined. The limited number of litterateur and country results are in the direction of climate change's effect on dairy farming shows the cross-domain diversity and it will have a negative impact on yield and cause economic losses. In this context, setting off and implementing international and national regulations for local and sustainable systems coherent to climate change is substantial. 


  • Ahammad, H. 2010. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: Insights from ABARE research, OECD-INEA-FAO Workshop on Agriculture and Adaptation to Climate Change, 23-25 June 2010, Rome. [Erişim: 22 Mayıs 2016]
  • Assan, N. 2014. Possible impact and adaptation to climate change in livestock production in Southern Africa, IOSR J Environ Sci Toxicol Food Technol,8(2):104-112.
  • Babinszky, L., Halas, V., Verstegen, M. W. 2011. Impacts of climate change on animal production and quality of animal food products. Climate change socioeconomic effects. Rijeka: InTech, 165-190.
  • Bajagai, Y. S. 2011. Global climate change and its impacts on dairy cattle, Nepalese Veterinary Journal, 30:2-16.
  • Bauman Y., Salathé, Jr E.P., Mauger, G. S., Nennich, T. D. 2012. Impacts of Climate Change on Milk Production in the United States, uploads/2012/07/Milk_Draft_20120717.pdf [Erişim: 10 Nisan 2016]
  • Beede, D. K., Collier, R. J. 1986. Potential nutritional strategies for intensively managed cattle during thermal stress, Journal of Animal Science, 62(2):543-554.
  • Bernabucci, U., Lacetera, N., Baumgard, L. H., Rhoads, R. P., Ronchi, B., Nardone, A. 2010. Metabolic and hormonal acclimation to heat stress in domesticated ruminants, Animal, 4(7): 1167-1183.
  • Bertocchi, L., Vitali, A., Lacetera, N., Nardone, A., Varisco, G., Bernabucci, U. 2014. Seasonal variations in the composition of Holstein cow's milk and temperature–humidity index relationship, Animal, 8(4):667-674.
  • Bett, B. and Grace, D. 2014. Climate change impacts on animal health and vector borne diseases, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Climate Change Technical Officers' Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, 1 April 2014.
  • Calil, J., Silvester, A., Stelzl, K., Wissel-Tyson, C., Frew, J. 2012. The effect of climate change on the production costs of the dairy industry in the United States. Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, U.S.A, p.68.
  • Clark, A. J., Nottage, R. A. C., Wilcocks, L., Lee, J. M., Burke, C., Kalaugher, E., et al. 2012. Impacts of Climate Change on Landbased Sectors and Adaptation Options. Technical Report to the Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change Adaptation Technical Working Group, Ministry for Primary Industries, p.408.
  • Cline, W. R. 2007. Global Warming and Agriculture: Impact Estimates by Country. Peterson Institute, p.250.
  • Conrad, J. H. 1985. Feeding of farm animals in hot and cold environments. in Stress Physiology in Livestock. Vol. 1. M. K. Yousef, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton. p.205–226.
  • Cortignani R., Dell'Unto, D., Acutis, M., Lacetera, N., Pasqui, M., Roggero, P.P., Dono, G. 2015. The economic impact of changes in climate variability on milk production in the area of Grana Padano, FACCE MACSUR Reports, 5:5-18.
  • Da Silva, R. G. 2006. Weather and climate and animal production. Update of the guide to agricultural meteorological practices, p.563-567.
  • Dellal, I., McCarl, B. A., Butt, T. 2011. The economic assessment of climate change on Turkish agriculture, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 12(1):376-385.
  • FAO. 2003. Trade Reforms and Food Security. p.296. Rome docrep/005/y4671e/y4671e00.htm, [Erişim: 30 Temmuz 2015]
  • FAO. 2008. Food Consumption Nutrients Spreadsheet - 2008. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. R e t r i e v e d F e b r u a r y 1 8 , 2 0 0 9
  • [Erişim: 30 Mayıs 2015]
  • FAO. 2011. Mapping Supply and Demand for Animal-Source Foods to 2030, by T.P. Robinson F. Pozzi. Animal Production and Health Working Paper. No. 2. Rome.
  • FAO. 2013. Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition. Rome, p.376.
  • Gaughan, J. B and Cawsell-Smith, A. J. 2015. Impact of climate change on livestock production and reproduction. In: Climate change Impact on livestock: adaptation and mitigation. Sejian, V., Gaughan, J., Baumgard, L., Prasad, C.S (Eds), Springer- Verlag GMbH Publisher, New Delhi, India, p.51-60.
  • Hanslow, K., Gunasekera, D., Cullen, B., Newth, D. 2014. Economic impacts of climate change on the Australian dairy sector, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 58(1):60-77.
  • Henry, B., Eckard, R., Gaughan, J. B., Hegarty, R. 2012. Livestock production in a changing climate: adaptation and mitigation research in Australia, Crop and Pasture Science, 63(3):191-202.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2007. Climate change: synthesis report. contribution of working groups I, II and III to the fourth assessment report of the IPCC [Core Writing Team, Pachauri, R.K and Reisinger, A. (eds.)], Geneva, Switzerland, p.104.
  • International Dairy Federation (IDF). 2014. The World Dairy Situation, Bulletin of International Dairy Federation, 470/2013, 233p.
  • International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2010. Food security, farming, and climate change to 2050: Scenarios, results, policy options (vol. 172). Nelson, G. C., Rosegrant, M. W., Palazzo, A., Gray, I., Ingersoll, C., Robertson, R., Msangi, S., Washington, D.C., U.S.A. p.131.
  • Kadzere, C. T., Murphy, M. R., Silanikove, N., Maltz, E. 2002. Heat stress in lactating dairy cows: a review, Livestock Production Science, 77(1):59-91.
  • Kalaugher, E., Bornman, J. F., Clark, A., Beukes, P. 2013. An integrated biophysical and socio-economic framework for analysis of climate change adaptation strategies: the case of a New Zealand dairy farming system, Environmental Modelling & Software, 39:176-187.
  • Keller, C., Carroll, R. 2014. The Udder Vulnerability of Conventional Dairy Farming to Climate Change. [Erişim: 10 Nisan 2016]
  • Klinedinst, P.L., D.A. Wilhite, G.L. Hahn, K.G. Hubbard. 1993. The potential effects of climate change on summer season dairy cattle milk production and reproduction, Climatic Change, 23(1):21-36.
  • Koç, G., Uzmay, A., Çukur, F. 2016. İklim değişikliği ve hayvancılık sektörü ilişkisinin Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de tarım ekonomisi açısından değerlendirilmesi. XII. Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, 25-57 Mayıs 2016, Isparta, s.203-212.
  • Koç G., ve Uzmay, A. 2015. Gıda güvencesi ve gıda güvenliği: kavramsal çerçeve, gelişmeler ve Türkiye, Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 19(1):39-48.
  • Lee, J.M., Clark, A.J., Roche, J.R. 2013, Climate-change effects and adaptation options for temperate pasture-based dairy farming systems: a review, Grass and Forage Science, 68(4):485-503.
  • Lobell, D. B., Schlenker, W., Costa-Roberts, J. 2011. Climate trends and global crop production since 1980, Science, 333(6042):616-620.
  • Lotze-Campen, H., Schellnhuber, H. J. 2009. Climate impacts and adaptation options in agriculture: what we know and what we don't know. Journal für verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, 4(2):145-150.
  • Mader, T. L., Frank, K. L., Harrington Jr, J. A., Hahn, G. L., Nienaber, J. A. 2009. Potential climate change effects on warm season livestock production in the Great Plains, Climatic Change, 97(3-4):529-541.
  • Malik, P. K., Bhatta, R., Takahashi, J., Kohn, R., Prasad, C. S. (Eds.). 2015. Livestock Production and Climate Change, Climate Change Series:6, p.395.
  • Mauger, G., Bauman, Y., Nennich, T., Salathé, E. 2015. Impacts of climate change on milk production in the United States. The Professional Geographer, 67(1):121-131.
  • Met Office. 2016. Food insecurity and climate change, [Erişim: 22 Mayıs 2015]
  • M e t e o r o l o j i G e n e l M ü d ü r l ü ğ ü ( M G M ) . 2 0 1 6 . S ı c a k l ı k N e m İ n d e k s i H e s a p l a m a P r o g r a m ı , [Erişim: 02 Haziran 2016]
  • Müller, C., Bondeau, A., Popp, A., Waha, K., Fader, M., 2009. Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Yields: Background Note to the World Development Report 2010, Development and Climate Change: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). p.11.
  • Nabenishi, H., Ohta, H., Nishimoto, T., Morita, T., Ashizawa, K., Tsuzuki, Y. 2011. Effect of the temperature-humidity index on body temperature and conception rate of lactating dairy cows in southwestern Japan, Journal of Reproduction and Development, 57(4):450-456.
  • Nardone, A., Ronchi, B., Lacetera, N., Ranieri, M. S., Bernabucci, U. 2010. Effects of climate changes on animal production and sustainability of livestock systems, Livestock Science, 130(1):57-69.
  • National Animal Disease Information Service (NADIS). 2016. Managing Heat Stress in Dairy Cows, [Erişim: 01 Haziran 2016]
  • Nelson, G. C., Rosegrant, M. W., Koo, J., Robertson, R., Sulser, T., Zhu, T., Magalhaes, M. 2009. Climate change: Impact on agriculture and costs of adaptation (vol. 21). IFPRI, Washington, D.C. U.S.A. p.19.
  • Oyhantçabal, W., Vitale, E., Lagarmilla, P. 2010. Climate Change and Links to Animal Diseases And Animal Production. Compendium of technical items presented to the OIE World Assembly of Delegates and to OIE Regional Commissions, p.169-186.
  • Pankaj, P. K., Ramana, D. B. V., Pourouchottamane, R., Naskar, S. 2013. Livestock management under changing climate scenario in India. World Journal of Veterinary Science, 1(1):25-32.
  • Parry, M., Rosenzweig, C., Livermore, M. 2005. Climate change, global food supply and risk of hunger. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 360(1463): 2125-2138.
  • Ravagnolo, O., Misztal, I., Hoogenboom, G. 2000. Genetic component of heat stress in dairy cattle, development of heat index function, Journal of Dairy Science, 83(9):2120-2125.
  • Reilly, J. 1996. Agriculture in a changing climate: impacts and adaptation. In: Watson, R.T; Zinyowera, M.C; Moss, R.H. (Eds.) Climate change 1995: Impacts, adaptations and mitigation of climate change: Scientific-technical analyses. Cambridge University Press, USA,p.427-467.
  • Rhoads, M. L., Rhoads, R. P., VanBaale, M. J., Collier, R. J., Sanders, S. R., Weber, W. J., Baumgard, L. H. 2009. Effects of heat stress and plane of nutrition on lactating Holstein cows: I. Production, metabolism, and aspects of circulating somatotropin, Journal of Dairy Science, 92(5):1986-1997.
  • Saner, G., Engindeniz, S. 2005. Türkiye'de organik hayvansal ürünlerin üretim ve pazar olanakları üzerine bir değerlendirme, Dünya-Gıda Dergisi, 8(2005):78-84.
  • Senthil Kumar, P. 2012. Impact Of Climate Change And Adaptation Measures in Dairy Sector of Sikkim. In Arrawatia,M.L., Tambe,S. (Eds), Climate Change in Sikkim Patterns, Impacts and Initiatives. Information and Public Relations Department, Gangtok. p.219-232.
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Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derleme

Gökçe Koç

Ayşe Uzmay

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Aralık 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Koç, G., & Uzmay, A. (2016). İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 22(2), 29-35.
AMA Koç G, Uzmay A. İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. TED - TJAE. Aralık 2016;22(2):29-35.
Chicago Koç, Gökçe, ve Ayşe Uzmay. “İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi Ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 22, sy. 2 (Aralık 2016): 29-35.
EndNote Koç G, Uzmay A (01 Aralık 2016) İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 22 2 29–35.
IEEE G. Koç ve A. Uzmay, “İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi”, TED - TJAE, c. 22, sy. 2, ss. 29–35, 2016.
ISNAD Koç, Gökçe - Uzmay, Ayşe. “İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi Ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 22/2 (Aralık 2016), 29-35.
JAMA Koç G, Uzmay A. İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. TED - TJAE. 2016;22:29–35.
MLA Koç, Gökçe ve Ayşe Uzmay. “İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi Ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 2, 2016, ss. 29-35.
Vancouver Koç G, Uzmay A. İklim Değişikliğinin Süt Sığırcılığı Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Gıda Güvencesi ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. TED - TJAE. 2016;22(2):29-35.


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