Purpose: In this research, it is aimed to investigate the socio-economic characteristics of the wholesaler operating in the Wholesaler State in Uşak province, their opinions about the Law of the Law (Law No. 5957), the problems experienced and suggestions
Design/Methodology/Approach: In study, interviews were made with 29 brokers operating in the Wholesale Market of Usak province. When evaluating the obtained data, simple averages, percentage calculations, etc. statistical techniques were used.
Findings: In this study, face-to-face interviews were conducted with all 29 current brokers currently operating in the Wholesale Zone of Uşak province. As a result, the socio- demographic characteristics, physical structures of the shops and the knowledge of the wholesalers about the Law of State were examined. It has been determined that the wholesalers operating in the Wholesale Market are generally in the middle age group, the majority are high school graduates and do not receive any training in marketing, and their professional experience generally varies between 16-30 years. It is determined that the majority of the brokers are the second generation engaged in this business, some of them are in different professions and they are brokerage in order to provide additional income. It has been determined that all the shops where the brokers operate are of the same size and their various technical materials are insufficient, there are no cold stores, and most of them have product losses and problems with the municipal administration. On the other hand, it was observed that Uşak Wholesaler Marketplace wholesalers generally supplied all the products they marketed from outside the province, they sold a large part of these products to local markets, and they stated that illegal sales other than wholesalers were generally caused by uncontrolled sales.
Originality/Value: This research is the first study on wholesalers and Market Law in Uşak. In this context, the problems of the wholesaler related to the scope of the (new) Market Law and their contribution to it have been examined deeply.