Public property assets are public assets which are reserved for the public service and registered to the public legal entity. State assets included public assets and all lands on earth, it is necessary to be passed to next generations by protecting ecologic level for sustainable management. That the management is transparent, accountable, economical and participatory, is possible with making the right decisions at the optimal level. The market values which are the economical equivalents of real properties, should be obtained in the way of accurate and up-to-date according to the facts.
Universities in Presidency of Council of Higher Education are public legal entity. The aim of this study is to be defined juridically place of universities legal entity and class of their real properties and to build valuation infrastructure for sustainable management of them. Real properties universities belong to class of public assets. To be account and extract inventory of these assets, their values need to be calculated objectively. As sampling, real properties of Mersin University (MEU) were taken consideration. Criteria which show features of MEU real properties and affect the value have been determined. It was handled processes on obtaining, editing and standardizing of the criteria data. For used the data in valuation analyses, the way to be followed defined.