The vegetation history of Lake Gâvur and surrounding areas during the last 4400 years (Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye)
Yıl 2023,
Sayı: 84, 97 - 103, 31.12.2023
Muhammet Topuz
Nurgül Karlıoğlu Kılıç
Rüya Yılmaz Dağdeviren
Murat Karabulut
This study discusses the paleovegetation records of shallow core sediments of Lake Gâvur (Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye), which was dried in the 1970s. A 5 m-long sediment core was obtained with an Eijkelkamp sediment sampler and palynological samples were taken at 10 cm intervals. The sediments were dated by AMS radiocarbon dating of bulk at two levels. Among arboreal pollen (AP) from approximately 4400 cal yr BC, the dominant tree taxa were Pinus, Cedrus, Quercus, and Fraxinus. Initially, AP dominated NAP (non-arboreal pollen) along with the pollen diagram, and AP gradually decreased up to the present. The evaluation of the fossil pollen percentage indicates that in that period arboreal taxa were more widely distributed around the lake than they are in the present. Inferred major causes for the increase of pollen percentage of Poaceae and Asteraceae in the LG-3 (upper) zone of the pollen diagram are anthropogenic impacts.
Destekleyen Kurum
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Scientific Research Projects Unit
Proje Numarası
(Project No: 2017 / 2-46 D).
- Akkermans, P.M.M.G. & Glenn, M.S. (2003). The archaeology of Syria: from complex hunter-gatherers to early urban societies (c.16,000-300 BC). Cambridge University Press.
- Alaura, S. (2016). Significance of the Gâvur Lake elephant for the history of Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia. Origini: Preistoria E Protostoria Delle Civilta Antiche, 39, 264-273.
- Atakuman, C. (2004). Ritualisation of settlement: conditioning factors of spatial congruity and temporal continuity during the late neolithic of southeastern Anatolia [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of California.
- Atalay, İ. (2014). Türkiye'nin ekolojik bölgeleri (Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı). Meta Basım ve Matbaacılık Hizmetleri.
- Aytuğ, B, Aykut, S, Merev, N. & Edis, G. (1971). İstanbul çevresi bitkilerinin polen atlası. I.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayınları No:174. Kutulmuş¸ Matbaası.
- Aytuğ, B. & Görecelioğlu, E. (1993). Anadolu bitki örtüsünün geç kuaterner'deki gelişimi. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 43(3-4),27-46.
- Aytuğ, B. (1967). Polen morfolojisi ve Türkiye’nin önemli gymnospermleri üzerinde palinolojik araştırmalar.
Kutulmuş Matbaası. Barka, A.A. & Kadinsky-Cade, K. (1988). Strike-slip fault geometry in Turkey and its influence on on earthquake activity. Tectonics, 7(3), 663-684.
- Becks, R. (2013). Prehistoric island and lake-shore settlements in the lake district of southwest Anatolia. Adalya, (16), 15-30.
- Ceylan, E. (2016). Gâvur Gölü’nde (Kahramanmaraş) meydana gelen zamansal değişimlerin uzaktan algılama yöntemleri ile incelenmesi [Unpublished master’s dissertation]. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University.
- Chorowicz, J., Luxey, P., Lyberis, N., Carvalho, J., Parrot, J.F., Yürür, T. & Gündoğdu, N. (1994). The Maraş triple junction (southern Turkey) based on digital elevation model and satellite imagery interpretation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 99(B10), 20225-20242. Davies, S.J.,
- Lamb, H.F. & Roberts, S.J. (2015). Micro-XRF core scanning in paleolimnology: recent developments. In Croudace, I.W. & Rothwell, R.G. (Eds.), Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores (pp. 189–226), Springer.
- Davis, P.H. (1965-1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. University Press. Duman, T.Y. & Emre, O. (2013). The East Anatolian Fault: geometry, segmentation and jog characteristics. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 372(1), 495-529.
- Duru, G. (2011). Göller bölgesi neolitik yerleşmeleri üzerine bir deneme. İçinde Şahin, H., Konyar, E. & Ergin, G. (Eds.), Özsait Armağanı Kitabı (ss.157-577), Suna – İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma Enstitüsü.
- Eastwood, W.J., Roberts, N., Lamb, H.F. & Tibby, J.C. (1999). Holocene environmental change in southwest Turkey: a palaeoecological record of the lake and catchment-related changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 18, 671-695.
- Erdem, D. (2013). Social context of small find distribution at Domuztepe; ritual display and society [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Middle East Technical University.
- Erdtman, G. (1952). Pollen morphology and Plant taxonomy-angiosperms. The Chronica Botanica Company, Waltham, Mass.
- Erdtman, G. (1954). An introduction to pollen analysis. Chronica Botanica Company.
- Erdtman, G. (1957). Pollen and spore morphology/plant taxonomy-gymnospermae, Pteridopyhta, Bryophyta. Erginal, A.E., Yakupoğlu, N., Çakır, C., Akbaş, A. & Kükrer, S. (2022). Termination of little ice Age in northeastern Anatolia: A multi-proxy paleolimnology study of Lake Aygır sediments, (Kars, NE Anatolia). Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 65 (2) , 149-158.
- Eriş, K.K., Ön, S.A., Çağatay, M.N., Ülgen, U.B., Ön, Z.B., Gürocak, Z., Arslan, T.N., Akkoca, D.B., Damcı, E., İnceöz, M. & Okan, Ö.Ö. (2018). Late Pleistocene to Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution of Lake Hazar, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Quat. Int., 486, 4–16.
- Erlat, E. (2014). Dünya iklimleri. Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları. Faegri, K. & Iversen, J. (1964). Textbook of pollen analysis (2nd ed.). Munksgaard.
- Gearey, B. R., Fletcher, A., Fletcher, W. G., Campbell, S., Boomer, I., Keen, D., Reed, J. & Tetlow, E. (2011). From site to landscape: Assessing the value of geoarchaeological data in understanding the archaeological record of Domuztepe, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. American Journal of Archaeology, 115(3), 465-482.
- General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (2002). 1/500.000 scale digital geology map Hatay sheet, Giorgi, F. & Lionello, P. (2008). Climate change projections for the Mediterranean region. Global Planet Change, 63, 90-104.
- Grimm, E. (2015). Tilia software. Illinois State Museum. Gürbüz, M., Korkmaz, H., Gündoğan, R. & Dığrak, M. (2003). Gâvur Gölü bataklığı coğrafi özellikleri ve rehabilitasyon planı, TC Kahramanmaraş Valiliği Çevre Müdürlüğü Yayınları. Harmankaya, S., Tanındı, O. & Özbaşaran, M. (1997). Türkiye arkeolojik yerleşmeleri-2: Neolitik, Ege Yayınları.
- Herece, E. (2008). Atlas of East Anatolian fault. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration. Special Publication Series-13, 359, 13 appendices as separate maps.
- Hesse, M., Zetter, R., Halbritter, H., Weber, M., Buchner, R., Frosch-Radivo, A. & Ulrich, S. (2009). Pollen terminology an iIllustrated handbook. Springer.
- Iwanami, Y.,Sasakuma, T. & Yamada, Y. (1988). Pollen: illustrations and scanning electronmicrographs. Kodonsha.
- Karabulut, M. & Cosun, F. (2009). Kahramanmaraş ilinde yağışların trend analizi. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi 7(1), 65-83.
- Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Caner, H., Erginal, A.E., Ersin, S., Selim, H.H. & Kaya, H. (2018). Environmental changes based on multi-proxy analysis of core sediments in Lake Aktaş, Turkey:
- Preliminary results, Quaternary International, 486, 89-97.
- Kashima, K. (2011). Climatic changes and their influences for the archaeological events during the Holocene in central Turkey and northern Syria, transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 32(2), 108-114.
- Korkmaz, H. (2001). Kahramanmaraş Havzası’nın Jeomorfolojisi, TC Kahramanmaraş Valiliği il kültür müdürlüğü yayınları.
- Korkmaz, H. (2008). Antakya-Kahramanmaraş graben alanında kurutulan sulak alanların (Amik Gölü, Emen Gölü ve Gâvur Gölü bataklığı) modellerinin oluşturulması. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler
Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5, 19–37.
- Kükrer, S., Çakır, C., Kaya, H. & Erginal, A.E. (2019). Historical record of metals in Lake Küçükçekmece and Lake Terkos (Istanbul, Turkey) based on anthropogenic impacts and ecological risk assessment, Environmental Forensics, 20, 385-401.
- Massa, M. & Palmisano, A. (2018). Change and continuity in the long-distance exchange networks between western/central Anatolia, northern Levant and northern Mesopotamia, c. 3200–1600 BCE. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 49, 65-87.
- Miller, R. (1986). Elephants, ivory, and charcoal: an ecological perspective, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 264, 29-43.
- Moore, P., Webb, JA. & Collinson, ME. (1991). Pollen analysis. (2nd ed).
- Blackwell. Niknami, K.A., Amirkhiz, A.C. & Jalali, F. (2009). Spatial pattern of archaeological site distributions on the eastern shores of Lake Urmia, northwestern Iran. Archeologia e Calcolatori, 261-276.
- Pekcan, N. (1997). Kahramanmaraş-Türkoğlu arasındaki tipik bir akarsu kapması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü Dergisi, (5), 45-54.
- Ramsey, C.B. & Lee, S. (2013). Recent and planned developments of the program OxCal. Radiocarbon, 55, 720–730.
- Şaroğlu, F., Emre, O. & Kuşçu, I. (1992). The East Anatolian fault zone of Turkey. Ann. Tectonicae, VI, 99–125.
- Şekeryapan, C., Streurman, H.J., van der Plicht, J., Woldring, H., van der Veen, Y. & Boomer, I. (2020). Late Glacial to mid Holocene lacustrine ostracods from southern Anatolia, Turkey: A palaeoenvironmental study with pollen and stable isotopes. Catena, 188, 104437.
- Şenkul, C. & Doğan, U. (2013). Vegetation and climate of Anatolia and adjacent regions during the Last Glacial period.
Quaternary international, 302, 110-122.
- Tadmor, H. & Yamada, S. (2011). The royal inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser III (744-727 BC), and Shalmaneser V (726-722 BC), Kings of Assyria, RINAP 1, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake.
- Tekin, H. (2017). The state of Domuztepe late neolithic pottery in the Turkish eastern mediterranean, Orgini, XXXVIII, 29-38.
- Türkeş, M. (1996). Spatial and temporal analysis of annual rainfall variations in Turkey. Int. J. Climatol, 16, 1057–1076.;2-D
- Van Zeist, W. & Bottema, S. (1977). Palynological investigation in western Iran. Palaeohistoria, 19, 19-85.
- Van Zeist, W., Timmers, R.W. & Bottema, S. (1970). Studies of modern and holocene pollen precipitation in southeastern Turkey, Palaeohistoria, 14, 19-39.
- Woodbridge, J., Roberts, N., Palmisano, A., Bevan, A., Shennan, S., Fyfe, R., Eastwood, W.J., Izdebski, A., Cakirlar, C., Woldring, H., Broothaers, N., Kaniewski, D., Finne, M. & Labuhn, I. (2019). Pollen-inferred regional vegetation patterns and demographic change in Southern Anatolia through the Holocene, The Holocene, 29(5):728-741.
- Xie, Y., Bie, Q. & He, C., (2017). Human settlement and changes in the distribution of river systems in the Minqin Basin over the past 2000 years in Northwest China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 3(11), 1401011.
- Xoplaki, E., Luterbacher, J., Burkard, R., Patrikas, I. & Maheras, P. (2000). Connection between the large scale 500 hPa geopotential height fields and precipitation over Greece during wintertime. Climate Research, 14, 129–126.
- Yalçın, U. (2015). Anadolu madencilik tarihine toplu bir bakış. Yer Altı Kaynakları Dergisi, (9), 3-13.
- Yılmaz, H., Över, S. & Özden, S., (2006). Kinematics of the East Anatolian fault zone between Turkoğlu (Kahramanmaraş) and Çelikhan (Adıyaman), eastern Turkey. Earth, planets and space, 58(11), 1463-1473.
Gâvur Gölü ve çevresinin son 4400 yıllık bitki örtüsü geçmişi (Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye)
Yıl 2023,
Sayı: 84, 97 - 103, 31.12.2023
Muhammet Topuz
Nurgül Karlıoğlu Kılıç
Rüya Yılmaz Dağdeviren
Murat Karabulut
Bu çalışma, 1970'lerde kurutulmuş olan Gâvur Gölü'nden (Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye) alınan karotta sığ çökellerin paleovejetasyon kayıtlarını tartışmaktadır. Eijkelkamp sediman örnekleyici ile 5 m uzunluğunda karot alınmış ve 10 cm aralıklarla palinolojik analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Alınan karotun iki seviyesinde AMS radyokarbon tarihlemesi yapılmıştır. Yaklaşık olarak MÖ 4400 cal yıllarına ait arboreal polenler (AP) arasında baskın ağaç taksonları Pinus, Cedrus, Quercus ve Fraxinus'tur. Başlangıçta AP, polen diyagramı boyunca NAP'tan (arboreal olmayan polen) yüksekti ve AP, NAP’a oranla günümüze kadar kademeli olarak azaldı. Fosil polen yüzdesinin değerlendirilmesi, o dönemde arboreal taksonların göl çevresinde günümüzden daha yaygın bir biçimde dağılış paternine sahip oluğunu göstermektedir.
Proje Numarası
(Project No: 2017 / 2-46 D).
- Akkermans, P.M.M.G. & Glenn, M.S. (2003). The archaeology of Syria: from complex hunter-gatherers to early urban societies (c.16,000-300 BC). Cambridge University Press.
- Alaura, S. (2016). Significance of the Gâvur Lake elephant for the history of Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia. Origini: Preistoria E Protostoria Delle Civilta Antiche, 39, 264-273.
- Atakuman, C. (2004). Ritualisation of settlement: conditioning factors of spatial congruity and temporal continuity during the late neolithic of southeastern Anatolia [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of California.
- Atalay, İ. (2014). Türkiye'nin ekolojik bölgeleri (Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı). Meta Basım ve Matbaacılık Hizmetleri.
- Aytuğ, B, Aykut, S, Merev, N. & Edis, G. (1971). İstanbul çevresi bitkilerinin polen atlası. I.Ü. Orman Fakültesi Yayınları No:174. Kutulmuş¸ Matbaası.
- Aytuğ, B. & Görecelioğlu, E. (1993). Anadolu bitki örtüsünün geç kuaterner'deki gelişimi. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 43(3-4),27-46.
- Aytuğ, B. (1967). Polen morfolojisi ve Türkiye’nin önemli gymnospermleri üzerinde palinolojik araştırmalar.
Kutulmuş Matbaası. Barka, A.A. & Kadinsky-Cade, K. (1988). Strike-slip fault geometry in Turkey and its influence on on earthquake activity. Tectonics, 7(3), 663-684.
- Becks, R. (2013). Prehistoric island and lake-shore settlements in the lake district of southwest Anatolia. Adalya, (16), 15-30.
- Ceylan, E. (2016). Gâvur Gölü’nde (Kahramanmaraş) meydana gelen zamansal değişimlerin uzaktan algılama yöntemleri ile incelenmesi [Unpublished master’s dissertation]. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University.
- Chorowicz, J., Luxey, P., Lyberis, N., Carvalho, J., Parrot, J.F., Yürür, T. & Gündoğdu, N. (1994). The Maraş triple junction (southern Turkey) based on digital elevation model and satellite imagery interpretation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 99(B10), 20225-20242. Davies, S.J.,
- Lamb, H.F. & Roberts, S.J. (2015). Micro-XRF core scanning in paleolimnology: recent developments. In Croudace, I.W. & Rothwell, R.G. (Eds.), Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores (pp. 189–226), Springer.
- Davis, P.H. (1965-1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. University Press. Duman, T.Y. & Emre, O. (2013). The East Anatolian Fault: geometry, segmentation and jog characteristics. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 372(1), 495-529.
- Duru, G. (2011). Göller bölgesi neolitik yerleşmeleri üzerine bir deneme. İçinde Şahin, H., Konyar, E. & Ergin, G. (Eds.), Özsait Armağanı Kitabı (ss.157-577), Suna – İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma Enstitüsü.
- Eastwood, W.J., Roberts, N., Lamb, H.F. & Tibby, J.C. (1999). Holocene environmental change in southwest Turkey: a palaeoecological record of the lake and catchment-related changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 18, 671-695.
- Erdem, D. (2013). Social context of small find distribution at Domuztepe; ritual display and society [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Middle East Technical University.
- Erdtman, G. (1952). Pollen morphology and Plant taxonomy-angiosperms. The Chronica Botanica Company, Waltham, Mass.
- Erdtman, G. (1954). An introduction to pollen analysis. Chronica Botanica Company.
- Erdtman, G. (1957). Pollen and spore morphology/plant taxonomy-gymnospermae, Pteridopyhta, Bryophyta. Erginal, A.E., Yakupoğlu, N., Çakır, C., Akbaş, A. & Kükrer, S. (2022). Termination of little ice Age in northeastern Anatolia: A multi-proxy paleolimnology study of Lake Aygır sediments, (Kars, NE Anatolia). Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 65 (2) , 149-158.
- Eriş, K.K., Ön, S.A., Çağatay, M.N., Ülgen, U.B., Ön, Z.B., Gürocak, Z., Arslan, T.N., Akkoca, D.B., Damcı, E., İnceöz, M. & Okan, Ö.Ö. (2018). Late Pleistocene to Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution of Lake Hazar, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Quat. Int., 486, 4–16.
- Erlat, E. (2014). Dünya iklimleri. Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları. Faegri, K. & Iversen, J. (1964). Textbook of pollen analysis (2nd ed.). Munksgaard.
- Gearey, B. R., Fletcher, A., Fletcher, W. G., Campbell, S., Boomer, I., Keen, D., Reed, J. & Tetlow, E. (2011). From site to landscape: Assessing the value of geoarchaeological data in understanding the archaeological record of Domuztepe, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. American Journal of Archaeology, 115(3), 465-482.
- General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (2002). 1/500.000 scale digital geology map Hatay sheet, Giorgi, F. & Lionello, P. (2008). Climate change projections for the Mediterranean region. Global Planet Change, 63, 90-104.
- Grimm, E. (2015). Tilia software. Illinois State Museum. Gürbüz, M., Korkmaz, H., Gündoğan, R. & Dığrak, M. (2003). Gâvur Gölü bataklığı coğrafi özellikleri ve rehabilitasyon planı, TC Kahramanmaraş Valiliği Çevre Müdürlüğü Yayınları. Harmankaya, S., Tanındı, O. & Özbaşaran, M. (1997). Türkiye arkeolojik yerleşmeleri-2: Neolitik, Ege Yayınları.
- Herece, E. (2008). Atlas of East Anatolian fault. General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration. Special Publication Series-13, 359, 13 appendices as separate maps.
- Hesse, M., Zetter, R., Halbritter, H., Weber, M., Buchner, R., Frosch-Radivo, A. & Ulrich, S. (2009). Pollen terminology an iIllustrated handbook. Springer.
- Iwanami, Y.,Sasakuma, T. & Yamada, Y. (1988). Pollen: illustrations and scanning electronmicrographs. Kodonsha.
- Karabulut, M. & Cosun, F. (2009). Kahramanmaraş ilinde yağışların trend analizi. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi 7(1), 65-83.
- Karlıoğlu Kılıç, N., Caner, H., Erginal, A.E., Ersin, S., Selim, H.H. & Kaya, H. (2018). Environmental changes based on multi-proxy analysis of core sediments in Lake Aktaş, Turkey:
- Preliminary results, Quaternary International, 486, 89-97.
- Kashima, K. (2011). Climatic changes and their influences for the archaeological events during the Holocene in central Turkey and northern Syria, transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 32(2), 108-114.
- Korkmaz, H. (2001). Kahramanmaraş Havzası’nın Jeomorfolojisi, TC Kahramanmaraş Valiliği il kültür müdürlüğü yayınları.
- Korkmaz, H. (2008). Antakya-Kahramanmaraş graben alanında kurutulan sulak alanların (Amik Gölü, Emen Gölü ve Gâvur Gölü bataklığı) modellerinin oluşturulması. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler
Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5, 19–37.
- Kükrer, S., Çakır, C., Kaya, H. & Erginal, A.E. (2019). Historical record of metals in Lake Küçükçekmece and Lake Terkos (Istanbul, Turkey) based on anthropogenic impacts and ecological risk assessment, Environmental Forensics, 20, 385-401.
- Massa, M. & Palmisano, A. (2018). Change and continuity in the long-distance exchange networks between western/central Anatolia, northern Levant and northern Mesopotamia, c. 3200–1600 BCE. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 49, 65-87.
- Miller, R. (1986). Elephants, ivory, and charcoal: an ecological perspective, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 264, 29-43.
- Moore, P., Webb, JA. & Collinson, ME. (1991). Pollen analysis. (2nd ed).
- Blackwell. Niknami, K.A., Amirkhiz, A.C. & Jalali, F. (2009). Spatial pattern of archaeological site distributions on the eastern shores of Lake Urmia, northwestern Iran. Archeologia e Calcolatori, 261-276.
- Pekcan, N. (1997). Kahramanmaraş-Türkoğlu arasındaki tipik bir akarsu kapması. İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü Dergisi, (5), 45-54.
- Ramsey, C.B. & Lee, S. (2013). Recent and planned developments of the program OxCal. Radiocarbon, 55, 720–730.
- Şaroğlu, F., Emre, O. & Kuşçu, I. (1992). The East Anatolian fault zone of Turkey. Ann. Tectonicae, VI, 99–125.
- Şekeryapan, C., Streurman, H.J., van der Plicht, J., Woldring, H., van der Veen, Y. & Boomer, I. (2020). Late Glacial to mid Holocene lacustrine ostracods from southern Anatolia, Turkey: A palaeoenvironmental study with pollen and stable isotopes. Catena, 188, 104437.
- Şenkul, C. & Doğan, U. (2013). Vegetation and climate of Anatolia and adjacent regions during the Last Glacial period.
Quaternary international, 302, 110-122.
- Tadmor, H. & Yamada, S. (2011). The royal inscriptions of Tiglath-pileser III (744-727 BC), and Shalmaneser V (726-722 BC), Kings of Assyria, RINAP 1, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake.
- Tekin, H. (2017). The state of Domuztepe late neolithic pottery in the Turkish eastern mediterranean, Orgini, XXXVIII, 29-38.
- Türkeş, M. (1996). Spatial and temporal analysis of annual rainfall variations in Turkey. Int. J. Climatol, 16, 1057–1076.;2-D
- Van Zeist, W. & Bottema, S. (1977). Palynological investigation in western Iran. Palaeohistoria, 19, 19-85.
- Van Zeist, W., Timmers, R.W. & Bottema, S. (1970). Studies of modern and holocene pollen precipitation in southeastern Turkey, Palaeohistoria, 14, 19-39.
- Woodbridge, J., Roberts, N., Palmisano, A., Bevan, A., Shennan, S., Fyfe, R., Eastwood, W.J., Izdebski, A., Cakirlar, C., Woldring, H., Broothaers, N., Kaniewski, D., Finne, M. & Labuhn, I. (2019). Pollen-inferred regional vegetation patterns and demographic change in Southern Anatolia through the Holocene, The Holocene, 29(5):728-741.
- Xie, Y., Bie, Q. & He, C., (2017). Human settlement and changes in the distribution of river systems in the Minqin Basin over the past 2000 years in Northwest China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 3(11), 1401011.
- Xoplaki, E., Luterbacher, J., Burkard, R., Patrikas, I. & Maheras, P. (2000). Connection between the large scale 500 hPa geopotential height fields and precipitation over Greece during wintertime. Climate Research, 14, 129–126.
- Yalçın, U. (2015). Anadolu madencilik tarihine toplu bir bakış. Yer Altı Kaynakları Dergisi, (9), 3-13.
- Yılmaz, H., Över, S. & Özden, S., (2006). Kinematics of the East Anatolian fault zone between Turkoğlu (Kahramanmaraş) and Çelikhan (Adıyaman), eastern Turkey. Earth, planets and space, 58(11), 1463-1473.