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Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 251 - 255, 25.05.2021


Akut şiddetli respiratuar sendrom koronavirüs-2 (SARS-CoV-2) kaynaklı koronavirüs hastalığı 2019 (COVID-19), özellikle akciğerleri tutarak ciddi ve ölümcül sonuçlara neden olabilmektedir. Hastalığın çocuklarda erişkinlere göre daha hafif seyirli olduğu bildirilmiştir, ancak erişkinlerde olduğu gibi çocuklarda da kronik hastalıklar ciddi COVID-19 hastalığı için risk oluşturabilmektedir. Özellikle kronik akciğer hastalıkları risk faktörü olarak kabul edilirken, çocukluk çağında astımın COVID-19 için risk oluşturup oluşturmadığına dair net bir veri henüz yoktur. Bunun yanında, pandemi dönemindeki çevresel, toplumsal ve sağlık sistemindeki değişikliklerin pediyatrik astım hastalarının takibine ve hastalık kontrolüne olumlu ve olumsuz etkileri gözlenmektedir. Bu yazıda, astımlı çocuklarda COVID-19’un etkilerinin belirlenmesi ve bu süreçte pediyatrik astımın yönetimi için literatür gözden geçirilmiştir.


  • WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard. Erişim tarihi: 06 Ocak 2021. Available from:
  • Dong Y, Mo X, Hu Y, Qi X, Jiang F, Jiang Z, et al. Epidemiology of COVID-19 Among Children in China. Pediatrics 2020;145(6):e20200702.
  • Ludvigsson JF. Systematic review of COVID-19 in children shows milder cases and a better prognosis than adults. Acta Paediatr 2020;109(6):1088-1095.
  • Götzinger F, Santiago-García B, Noguera-Julián A, Lanaspa M, Lancella L, Calò Carducci FI, et al. COVID-19 in children and adolescents in Europe: a multinational, multicentre cohort study. Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2020;4(9):653-661.
  • CDC COVID-19 Response Team. Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Children - United States, February 12-April 2, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69(14):422-426.
  • Duan YN, Zhu YQ, Tang LL, Qin J. CT features of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) in children. Eur Radiol 2020;30(8):4427-4433.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Sayfası. Erişim Tarihi: 27 Aralık 2020. Available from:
  • Carlotti APCP, de Carvalho WB, Johnston C, Gilio AE, de Sousa Marques HH, Ferranti JF, et al. Update on the diagnosis and management of COVID-19 in pediatric patients. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2020;75:e2353.
  • Uysal Soyer Ö. Childhood Asthma and Covid 19. Asthma Allergy Immunol 2020;18:11-14.
  • Brough HA, Kalayci O, Sediva A, Untersmayr E, Munblit D, Rodriguez Del Rio P, et al. Managing childhood allergies and immunodeficiencies during respiratory virus epidemics - The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic: A statement from the EAACI-section on pediatrics. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2020;31(5):442-448.
  • Asher I, Pearce N. Global burden of asthma among children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2014;18(11):1269-1278.
  • Leeb RT, Price S, Sliwa S, Kimball A, Szucs L, Caruso E, et al. COVID-19 Trends Among School-Aged Children - United States, March 1-September 19, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69(39):1410-1415.
  • Yılmaz K, Gozupirinççioğlu A, Aktar F, Akın A, Karabel M, Yolbas I, et al. Evaluation of the novel coronavirus disease in Turkish children: Preliminary outcomes. Pediatr Pulmonol 2020;55(12):3587-3594.
  • Cura Yayla BC, Özsürekçi Y, Aykaç K, Derin Oygar P, Laçinel Gürlevik S, İlbay S, et al. Characteristics and Management of Children with COVID-19 in Turkey. Balkan Med J 2020;37(6):341-347.
  • Jin M, Chen C, Huang J, Zhang F, Dong T, Zhang M, et al. Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with asthma in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. J Asthma 2020;1-9. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Nov 30].
  • Chhiba KD, Patel GB, Vu THT, Chen MM, Guo A, Kudlaty E, et al. Prevalence and characterization of asthma in hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients with COVID-19. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2020;146(2):307-314.e4.
  • Papadopoulos NG, Custovic A, Deschildre A, Mathioudakis AG, Phipatanakul W, Wong G, et al. Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Asthma: Practice Adjustments and Disease Burden. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(8):2592-2599.e3.
  • Kenyon CC, Hill DA, Henrickson SE, Bryant-Stephens TC, Zorc JJ. Initial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric asthma emergency department utilization. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(8):2774-2776.e1.
  • Taquechel K, Diwadkar AR, Sayed S, Dudley JW, Grundmeier RW, Kenyon CC, et al. Pediatric Asthma Health Care Utilization, Viral Testing, and Air Pollution Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(10):3378-3387.e11.
  • Oreskovic NM, Kinane TB, Aryee E, Kuhlthau KA, Perrin JM. The Unexpected Risks of COVID-19 on Asthma Control in Children. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(8):2489-2491.
  • Abrams EM, McGill G, Bhopal SS, Sinha I, Fernandes RM. COVID-19, asthma, and return to school. Lancet Respir Med 2020;8(9):847-849.
  • China Association for Promotion of Health Science and Technology Child Allergy Professional Committee. Expert recommendations on the management of childhood bronchial asthma during the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. J Thorac Dis 2020;12(8):4391-4397.
  • Bousquet J, Jutel M, Akdis CA, Klimek L, Pfaar O, Nadeau KC, et al. ARIA-EAACI statement on asthma and COVID-19 (June 2, 2020). Allergy 2020;10.1111/all.14471. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 26].
  • Shaker MS, Oppenheimer J, Grayson M, Stukus D, Hartog N, Hsieh EWY, et al. COVID-19: Pandemic Contingency Planning for the Allergy and Immunology Clinic. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(5):1477-1488.e5.
Year 2021, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 251 - 255, 25.05.2021



  • WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard. Erişim tarihi: 06 Ocak 2021. Available from:
  • Dong Y, Mo X, Hu Y, Qi X, Jiang F, Jiang Z, et al. Epidemiology of COVID-19 Among Children in China. Pediatrics 2020;145(6):e20200702.
  • Ludvigsson JF. Systematic review of COVID-19 in children shows milder cases and a better prognosis than adults. Acta Paediatr 2020;109(6):1088-1095.
  • Götzinger F, Santiago-García B, Noguera-Julián A, Lanaspa M, Lancella L, Calò Carducci FI, et al. COVID-19 in children and adolescents in Europe: a multinational, multicentre cohort study. Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2020;4(9):653-661.
  • CDC COVID-19 Response Team. Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Children - United States, February 12-April 2, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69(14):422-426.
  • Duan YN, Zhu YQ, Tang LL, Qin J. CT features of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) in children. Eur Radiol 2020;30(8):4427-4433.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Sayfası. Erişim Tarihi: 27 Aralık 2020. Available from:
  • Carlotti APCP, de Carvalho WB, Johnston C, Gilio AE, de Sousa Marques HH, Ferranti JF, et al. Update on the diagnosis and management of COVID-19 in pediatric patients. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2020;75:e2353.
  • Uysal Soyer Ö. Childhood Asthma and Covid 19. Asthma Allergy Immunol 2020;18:11-14.
  • Brough HA, Kalayci O, Sediva A, Untersmayr E, Munblit D, Rodriguez Del Rio P, et al. Managing childhood allergies and immunodeficiencies during respiratory virus epidemics - The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic: A statement from the EAACI-section on pediatrics. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2020;31(5):442-448.
  • Asher I, Pearce N. Global burden of asthma among children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2014;18(11):1269-1278.
  • Leeb RT, Price S, Sliwa S, Kimball A, Szucs L, Caruso E, et al. COVID-19 Trends Among School-Aged Children - United States, March 1-September 19, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69(39):1410-1415.
  • Yılmaz K, Gozupirinççioğlu A, Aktar F, Akın A, Karabel M, Yolbas I, et al. Evaluation of the novel coronavirus disease in Turkish children: Preliminary outcomes. Pediatr Pulmonol 2020;55(12):3587-3594.
  • Cura Yayla BC, Özsürekçi Y, Aykaç K, Derin Oygar P, Laçinel Gürlevik S, İlbay S, et al. Characteristics and Management of Children with COVID-19 in Turkey. Balkan Med J 2020;37(6):341-347.
  • Jin M, Chen C, Huang J, Zhang F, Dong T, Zhang M, et al. Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with asthma in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. J Asthma 2020;1-9. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Nov 30].
  • Chhiba KD, Patel GB, Vu THT, Chen MM, Guo A, Kudlaty E, et al. Prevalence and characterization of asthma in hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients with COVID-19. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2020;146(2):307-314.e4.
  • Papadopoulos NG, Custovic A, Deschildre A, Mathioudakis AG, Phipatanakul W, Wong G, et al. Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Asthma: Practice Adjustments and Disease Burden. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(8):2592-2599.e3.
  • Kenyon CC, Hill DA, Henrickson SE, Bryant-Stephens TC, Zorc JJ. Initial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric asthma emergency department utilization. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(8):2774-2776.e1.
  • Taquechel K, Diwadkar AR, Sayed S, Dudley JW, Grundmeier RW, Kenyon CC, et al. Pediatric Asthma Health Care Utilization, Viral Testing, and Air Pollution Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(10):3378-3387.e11.
  • Oreskovic NM, Kinane TB, Aryee E, Kuhlthau KA, Perrin JM. The Unexpected Risks of COVID-19 on Asthma Control in Children. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(8):2489-2491.
  • Abrams EM, McGill G, Bhopal SS, Sinha I, Fernandes RM. COVID-19, asthma, and return to school. Lancet Respir Med 2020;8(9):847-849.
  • China Association for Promotion of Health Science and Technology Child Allergy Professional Committee. Expert recommendations on the management of childhood bronchial asthma during the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. J Thorac Dis 2020;12(8):4391-4397.
  • Bousquet J, Jutel M, Akdis CA, Klimek L, Pfaar O, Nadeau KC, et al. ARIA-EAACI statement on asthma and COVID-19 (June 2, 2020). Allergy 2020;10.1111/all.14471. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 26].
  • Shaker MS, Oppenheimer J, Grayson M, Stukus D, Hartog N, Hsieh EWY, et al. COVID-19: Pandemic Contingency Planning for the Allergy and Immunology Clinic. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2020;8(5):1477-1488.e5.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects ​Internal Diseases
Journal Section REVIEW

Gülşah Şen 0000-0002-2819-122X

Emine Dibek Mısırlıoğlu 0000-0002-3241-2005

Publication Date May 25, 2021
Submission Date January 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 15 Issue: 3


APA Şen, G., & Dibek Mısırlıoğlu, E. (2021). Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 15(3), 251-255.
AMA Şen G, Dibek Mısırlıoğlu E. Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. May 2021;15(3):251-255. doi:10.12956/tchd.856766
Chicago Şen, Gülşah, and Emine Dibek Mısırlıoğlu. “Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 15, no. 3 (May 2021): 251-55.
EndNote Şen G, Dibek Mısırlıoğlu E (May 1, 2021) Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 15 3 251–255.
IEEE G. Şen and E. Dibek Mısırlıoğlu, “Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 251–255, 2021, doi: 10.12956/tchd.856766.
ISNAD Şen, Gülşah - Dibek Mısırlıoğlu, Emine. “Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 15/3 (May 2021), 251-255.
JAMA Şen G, Dibek Mısırlıoğlu E. Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2021;15:251–255.
MLA Şen, Gülşah and Emine Dibek Mısırlıoğlu. “Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 3, 2021, pp. 251-5, doi:10.12956/tchd.856766.
Vancouver Şen G, Dibek Mısırlıoğlu E. Astımlı Çocuklarda COVID-19 Etkisi. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2021;15(3):251-5.

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