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Anneler Bebekleri İçin Niçin Yürüteç Kullanıyorlar veya Kullanmıyorlar?

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 201 - 206, 29.05.2023


Amaç: Yürüteçler pek çok ebeveyn tarafından çeşitli nedenlerle yürüme öncesi dönemde kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, annelerin yürüteç hakkındaki düşüncelerini ve kullanım pratiklerini öğrenmek, yürüteç kaynaklı kazaları, emekleme ve bağımsız yürümede yürüteçlerin rolünü belirlemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Araştırma Şubat-Nisan 2022 tarihleri arasında 6-24 aylık bebeği olan ve katılmayı kabul eden 354 anne ile yapılmıştır. Annelerle görüşmeler yapılmış ve bu şekilde elde edilen veriler önceden tasarlanmış olan bir anket formuna kaydedilmiştir. Bebek yürüteci kullananlardan toplanan veriler, kullanmayanların verileriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Veriler, yüz yüze görüşme yöntemiyle yarı yapılandırılmış bir anket kullanılarak toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Annelerin %58.1’i çocukları için yürüteç kullandığını belirtmiştir. Yürüteç kullanımının ilk olarak 7.3±0.98 aylıkken başladığı tespit edilmiştir. Yürüteç kullanan ve kullanmayan gruplar arasında emekleme ve bağımsız yürüme yaşları açısından anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır (p>0.050). Yürüteç kullanan annelerin %47.5’i “ev işi yapmalarına olanak verdiğini”; kullanmayanların %34.4’ü “bebeklerinin cinsel organlarına zarar verebileceğini” belirtmiştir. Çalışan anneler ev hanımı annelere göre daha fazla yürüteç kullanmıştır (p<0.006). Bebeklerin %9.2’si yürüteçlerle ilişkili yaralanmalara maruz kalmıştır.
Sonuç: Yürüteçlerin yürüme bozukluklarına ve yürüteçle ilgili kazalara neden olabileceği endişeleri olmasına rağmen; annelerin farklı gerekçelerle yürüteç kullandığı görülmüştür. Rutin çocuk sağlığı izlemlerinde sağlık profesyonellerinin yürüteç hakkında farkındalık sağlamaları önemlidir.

Destekleyen Kurum



  • Shiva F, Ghotbi F, Yavari S. The use of baby walkers in Iranian infants. Singapore Med J 2010;51:645-9.
  • Dogan DG, Bilici M, Yilmaz AE, Catal F, Keles N. Baby walkers: a perspective from Turkey. Acta paediatr 2009;98:1656-60.
  • Thein M, Lee J, Tay V, Ling S. Infant walker use, injuries, and motor development. Inj Prev1997;3:63-6.
  • Alessa M, Humoud M, Al Qabandi W. Parental attitudes toward the use of baby walkers. Int J Health Sci 2015;3:109-13.
  • Garrett M, McElroy A, Staines A. Locomotor milestones and babywalkers: cross sectional study. BMJ 2002;324:1494.
  • Siegel AC, Burton RV. Effects of baby walkers on motor and mental development in human infants. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1999;20:355-61.
  • Herzog JI, Schmahl C. Adverse childhood experiences and the consequences on neurobiological, psychosocial, and somatic conditions across the lifespan. Front Psychiatry 2018;9:420.
  • Talebian A, Honarpishe A, Taghavi A, Fakharian E, Parsa M, Mousavi GA. Do infants using baby walkers suffer developmental delays in acquisition of motor skills? Iran J Child Neurology 2008;2;15-8.
  • Melike M, Devecioğlu E, Boran P, Yetim A, Pazar A, Gökçay G. Baby Walker Use and Its Consequences in a Group of Turkish Children. J Child 2017; 17:158-62.
  • Chagas PS, Mancini MC, Tirado MG, Megale L, Sampaio RF. Beliefs about the use of baby walkers. Rev Bras Fisioter 2011;15:303-9.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Injuries associated with infant walkers. Pediatrics 2001;108:790-2.
  • Sims A, Chounthirath T, Yang J, Hodges NL, Smith GA. Infant Walker–Related Injuries in the United States. Pediatrics 2018;142: e20174332.
  • Barss P, Grivna M, Al-Hanaee A, Al-Dhahab A, Al-Kaabi F, Al-Muhairi S. Baby walker injury, disability, and death in a high-income middle eastern country, as reported by siblings. Inj Epidemiol 2016;3:17.
  • Özdemir AA, Kurt FY, Köse S, Oğul T. Annelerin çocuklarında yürüteç kullanma durumları ve yürütece bağlı kazaların incelenmesi: Doğu ve batı örneği. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2018;21:189-95.
  • Al-Nouri L, Al-Isami Sa. Baby walker injuries. Ann Trop paediatr 2006;26:67-71.
  • Kendrick D, Marsh P. Babywalkers: prevalence of use and relationship with other safety practices. Inj Prev 1998;4:295-8.
  • Bar-on ME, Boyle RM, Endriss EK. Parental decisions to use infant walkers. Inj Prev 1998;4:299-300.
  • Mete M, Keskindemirci G, Gokçay G. Baby walker use and child development. Int J Pediatr Res 2019;5:051.
  • Yaghini O, Goodarzi M, Khoei S, Shirani M. Effect of Baby Walker Use on Developmental Status based on Ages and Stages Questionnaire Score (ASQ). Iran J Child Neurol 2020;14:105-11.
  • Shahsavari H, Zare Z, Parsa-Yekta Z, Griffiths P, Vaismoradi M. Learning situations in nursing education: A concept analysis. Res a Theory Nurs Pract 2018;32:23-45.
  • Abeykoon A. Sex preference in south Asia: Sri Lanka an outlier. Asia Pac Popul J 1995;10:5-16.
  • Martín-Casas P, Ballestero-Pérez R, Meneses-Monroy A, Beneit-Montesinos J, Atín-Arratibel M, Portellano-Pérez J. Neurodevelopment in preschool idiopathic toe-walkers. Neurología 2017;32:446-54.
  • Ruzbarsky JJ, Scher D, Dodwell E. Toe walking: causes, epidemiology, assessment, and treatment. Curr Opin Pediatr 2016;28:40-6.
  • Rhodes K, Kendrick D, Collier J. Baby walkers: paediatricians’ knowledge, attitudes, and health promotion. Arch Dis Child 2003;88:1084-5.

Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 201 - 206, 29.05.2023


Objective: Baby Walkers (BWs) are used by many parents in the pre-walking period for various reasons. The aim of this study is to investigate the thoughts and usage practices of mothers about the baby walkers, walker-induced accidents and to determine the role of walkers in crawling and independent walking.
Material and Methods: The research was conducted between February and April 2022 with 354 mothers who had infants aged 6-24 months-old and also agreed to participate. The mothers have been interviewed and so-obtained data documented on a pre-designed questionnaire. The data gathered from the baby walker users was compared with that of non-users. Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire by face-to-face interview method.
Results: 58.1% of all mothers were using baby walkers for their children. Baby Walker usage was first started at 7.3±0.98 months of age. There was no significant difference between baby walkers user and non-user groups in terms of crawling and independent walking ages (p>0.050). Among the baby walker user group, 47.5% stated that “it allowed them to do housework;” while 34.4% of the non-users stated that “it could harm their babies’ genitals”. Working mothers used baby walkers more than housewife mothers (p<0.006). 9.2% of infants have been exposed to baby walkers associated injuries.
Conclusion: Although there are concerns that walkers may cause gait disturbances and walker-related accidents; it was observed that mothers used walkers for different reasons. It is important that health professionals raise awareness about the walkers in routine child health follow-ups.


  • Shiva F, Ghotbi F, Yavari S. The use of baby walkers in Iranian infants. Singapore Med J 2010;51:645-9.
  • Dogan DG, Bilici M, Yilmaz AE, Catal F, Keles N. Baby walkers: a perspective from Turkey. Acta paediatr 2009;98:1656-60.
  • Thein M, Lee J, Tay V, Ling S. Infant walker use, injuries, and motor development. Inj Prev1997;3:63-6.
  • Alessa M, Humoud M, Al Qabandi W. Parental attitudes toward the use of baby walkers. Int J Health Sci 2015;3:109-13.
  • Garrett M, McElroy A, Staines A. Locomotor milestones and babywalkers: cross sectional study. BMJ 2002;324:1494.
  • Siegel AC, Burton RV. Effects of baby walkers on motor and mental development in human infants. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1999;20:355-61.
  • Herzog JI, Schmahl C. Adverse childhood experiences and the consequences on neurobiological, psychosocial, and somatic conditions across the lifespan. Front Psychiatry 2018;9:420.
  • Talebian A, Honarpishe A, Taghavi A, Fakharian E, Parsa M, Mousavi GA. Do infants using baby walkers suffer developmental delays in acquisition of motor skills? Iran J Child Neurology 2008;2;15-8.
  • Melike M, Devecioğlu E, Boran P, Yetim A, Pazar A, Gökçay G. Baby Walker Use and Its Consequences in a Group of Turkish Children. J Child 2017; 17:158-62.
  • Chagas PS, Mancini MC, Tirado MG, Megale L, Sampaio RF. Beliefs about the use of baby walkers. Rev Bras Fisioter 2011;15:303-9.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Injuries associated with infant walkers. Pediatrics 2001;108:790-2.
  • Sims A, Chounthirath T, Yang J, Hodges NL, Smith GA. Infant Walker–Related Injuries in the United States. Pediatrics 2018;142: e20174332.
  • Barss P, Grivna M, Al-Hanaee A, Al-Dhahab A, Al-Kaabi F, Al-Muhairi S. Baby walker injury, disability, and death in a high-income middle eastern country, as reported by siblings. Inj Epidemiol 2016;3:17.
  • Özdemir AA, Kurt FY, Köse S, Oğul T. Annelerin çocuklarında yürüteç kullanma durumları ve yürütece bağlı kazaların incelenmesi: Doğu ve batı örneği. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2018;21:189-95.
  • Al-Nouri L, Al-Isami Sa. Baby walker injuries. Ann Trop paediatr 2006;26:67-71.
  • Kendrick D, Marsh P. Babywalkers: prevalence of use and relationship with other safety practices. Inj Prev 1998;4:295-8.
  • Bar-on ME, Boyle RM, Endriss EK. Parental decisions to use infant walkers. Inj Prev 1998;4:299-300.
  • Mete M, Keskindemirci G, Gokçay G. Baby walker use and child development. Int J Pediatr Res 2019;5:051.
  • Yaghini O, Goodarzi M, Khoei S, Shirani M. Effect of Baby Walker Use on Developmental Status based on Ages and Stages Questionnaire Score (ASQ). Iran J Child Neurol 2020;14:105-11.
  • Shahsavari H, Zare Z, Parsa-Yekta Z, Griffiths P, Vaismoradi M. Learning situations in nursing education: A concept analysis. Res a Theory Nurs Pract 2018;32:23-45.
  • Abeykoon A. Sex preference in south Asia: Sri Lanka an outlier. Asia Pac Popul J 1995;10:5-16.
  • Martín-Casas P, Ballestero-Pérez R, Meneses-Monroy A, Beneit-Montesinos J, Atín-Arratibel M, Portellano-Pérez J. Neurodevelopment in preschool idiopathic toe-walkers. Neurología 2017;32:446-54.
  • Ruzbarsky JJ, Scher D, Dodwell E. Toe walking: causes, epidemiology, assessment, and treatment. Curr Opin Pediatr 2016;28:40-6.
  • Rhodes K, Kendrick D, Collier J. Baby walkers: paediatricians’ knowledge, attitudes, and health promotion. Arch Dis Child 2003;88:1084-5.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İç Hastalıkları

Tülin Çataklı 0000-0001-6670-1078

Hüsniye Yücel 0000-0002-7477-0302

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 3 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çataklı, T., & Yücel, H. (2023). Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, 17(3), 201-206.
AMA Çataklı T, Yücel H. Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. Mayıs 2023;17(3):201-206. doi:10.12956/tchd.1115588
Chicago Çataklı, Tülin, ve Hüsniye Yücel. “Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 17, sy. 3 (Mayıs 2023): 201-6.
EndNote Çataklı T, Yücel H (01 Mayıs 2023) Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 17 3 201–206.
IEEE T. Çataklı ve H. Yücel, “Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?”, Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg, c. 17, sy. 3, ss. 201–206, 2023, doi: 10.12956/tchd.1115588.
ISNAD Çataklı, Tülin - Yücel, Hüsniye. “Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease 17/3 (Mayıs 2023), 201-206.
JAMA Çataklı T, Yücel H. Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2023;17:201–206.
MLA Çataklı, Tülin ve Hüsniye Yücel. “Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?”. Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease, c. 17, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 201-6, doi:10.12956/tchd.1115588.
Vancouver Çataklı T, Yücel H. Why Do Mothers Use Or Not Use Walkers For Their Babies?. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2023;17(3):201-6.

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