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Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 233 - 242, 29.05.2023


Objective: We aimed to investigate language development, emotional and behavioral problems, parental attitudes,
parental stress levels, and related factors in preschool period between children who were born preterm and term.
Material and Methods: We included 176 children, of whom 90 were born preterm and 86 term, and their mothers.
Mothers filled out the sociodemographic data form, Child Adjustment and Parent Efficacy Scale (CAPES-TR), Parenting
Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF), and Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire – Short Version (PSDQ) scales.
Denver II Developmental Screening Test (DDST) and Test of Early Language Development - Third Edition (TELD-3) were
applied to children.
Results: The mean age was 37.97±3.62 months for the preterm children, and 38.77±3.28 months for the term
children. The scores of preterm children were lower in the TELD-3 subtests. The rates of children with abnormal
development regarding personal social development and language development were significantly higher in preterm
children (p=0.007 for personal social development and <0.001 for language development, respectively). CAPES-TR
emotional and behavioral problems scores were higher in preterm children. CAPES-TR Parental Self-Efficacy Subscale
was lower in preterm children (p<0.001). PSI-SF total score and PSDQ permissive parenting subscale score were higher
in mothers of preterm children (p=0.005 and p<0.001, respectively).The preterm-born children were more commonly
diagnosed with language disorder and global developmental delay (p=0.006 and p=0.019, respectively). A positive
correlation was found between the week of birth, maternal education level and monthly income level and TELD-3
scores, DENVER personal social and language development level (p<0.050).
Conclusion: Our study revealed closer follow-up is important for preterm children to plan special education support when
it is necessary.


  • Woythaler MA, McCormick MC and Smith VC. Late preterm infants have worse 24-month neurodevelopmental outcomes than term infants. Pediatrics 2011;127:622-9.
  • Fitzallen GC, Sagar YK, Taylor HG, Bora S. Anxiety and depressive disorders in children born preterm:a meta-analysis. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2021;42:154-62.
  • Eves R, Mendonça M, Baumann N, Ni Y, Darlow BA, Horwood J, et al. Association of very preterm birth or very low birth weight with intelligence in adulthood: an individual participant data meta-analysis. JAMA pediatr 2021;175:e211058-e211058.
  • Vigod SN, Villegas L, Dennis CL, Ross LE. Prevalence and risk factors for postpartum depression among women with preterm and low‐birth‐weight infants: a systematic review. BJOG 2010;117:540-50.
  • Potharst ES, Houtzager BA, van Wassenaer‐Leemhuis AG, Kok JH, Koot HM, Last BF. Maternal and paternal perception of child vulnerability and behaviour problems in very preterm born children. Infant and Child Development 2015;24:489-505.
  • Wightman A, Schluchter M, Drotar D, Laura A, Gerry TH, Nancy K, et al. Parental protection of extremely low birth weight children at age 8 years. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2007;28:317-26.
  • Reijneveld SA, De Kleine MJK, van Baar AL, Kollee LAA, Verhaak CM, Verhulst FC, et al. Behavioural and emotional problems in very preterm and very low birth weight infants at age 5 years. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2006;91:423-28.
  • Essex MJ, Klein MH, Cho E, Kalin NH. Maternal stres beginning in infancy may sensitize children to later stres exposure: effects on cortisol and behavior. Biol Psychiatry 2002;52:776-84.
  • Muller-Nix C, Forcada-Guex M, Pierrehumbert B, Jaunin L, Borghini A, Ansermet F. Prematurity, maternal stress and mother–child interactions. Early Hum Deve 2004;79:145-58.
  • Morawska A, Sanders MR, Haslam D, Filus A, Fletcher R. Child adjustment and parent efficacy scale: Development and initial validation of a parent report measure. Australian Psychologist 2014;49:241-52.
  • Robinson CC, Mandleco B, Olsen SF, HartCHPerlmutter BF, Touliatos J,Holden GW. The parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire (PSDQ). Handbook of family measurement techniques 2001;3:319-21.
  • Abidin R. (Ed.). Parenting tres index: Professional manual (3rd ed.). Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc1995.
  • Frankenburg WK, Dodds J and Archer P, Denver II: screening manual: Denver Developmental Materials, Incorporated 1990.
  • Hresko WP, Reid DK and Hammill DD. Test of Early Language Development (TELD). Third ed. PRO-ED, Austin:Texas 1999.
  • Zerbeto AB, Cortelo FM and C Filho ÉB. Association between gestational age and birth weight on the language development of Brazilian children: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2015;91:326-32.
  • van Baar AL, Vermaas J, Knots E, de Kleine MJK, Soons P. Functioning at school age of moderately preterm children born at 32 to 36 weeks’ gestational age. Pediatr 2009;124:251-7.
  • de Jong M, Verhoeven M and Van Baar AL. School outcome, Cognitive functioning and behavior problems in moderade and late preterm children and adults: A Review. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;17:163-9.
  • Harrison MJ and Magill‐Evans J. Mother and father interactions over the first year with term and preterm infants. Res nurs health 1996;19:451-59.
  • Feeley N, Hayton B, Gold I, Zelkowitz P. A comparative prospective cohort study of women following childbirth: mothers of low birthweight infants at risk for elevated PTSD symptoms. J Psychosom Res 2017;101:24–30.
  • Barkmann C, Helle N andBindt C. Is very low infant birth weight a predictor for a five-year course of depression in parents? A latent growth curve model. J Affect Disord 2018;15:415–20.
  • Singer LT, Fulton S, Kirchner HL, Eisengart S, Lewis B, Short E, et al. Longitudinal predictors of maternal tres and coping after very low-birthweight birth. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2010;164:518–24.
  • Toscano C, Soares I and Mesman J. Controlling Parenting Behaviors in Parents of Children Born Preterm: A Meta-Analysis. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2020;230-41.
  • Bilgin A and Wolke D. Maternal Sensitivity in Parenting Preterm Children: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2015;136:177–93.
  • Qi CH, Van Horn ML, Selig JP, Kaiser AP. Relations between language skills and problem behaviour in preschool children. Early Child Development and Care 2019;1-12.
  • Skibbe LE, Montroy JJ, Bowles RP, Morrison FJ. Self-regulation and the development of literacy and language achievement from preschool through second grade. Early Child Resq 2019;46:240-51.
  • Delaney EM and Kaiser AP. The effects of teaching parents blended communication and behavior support strategies. Behavioral Disorders 2001;26:93-116.
  • Pan BA, Rowe ML, Singer JD, Snow CE. Maternal correlates of growth in toddler vocabulary production in low-income families. Child Dev 2005;76:763-82.
  • Schneider LA, Burns NR, Giles LC, Higgins RD, Nettelbeck TJ, Ridding MC, et al. Cognitive abilities in preterm and term-born adolescents. J Pediatr 2014;165:170-7.
  • Wild KT, Betancourt LM, Brodsky NL, Hurt H. The effect of socioeconomic status on the language outcome of preterm infants at toddler age. Early Hum Dev 2013;89:743-6.
  • Patra K, Greene MM, Patel AL, Meier P. Maternal Education Level Predicts Cognitive, Language, and Motor Outcome in Preterm Infants in the Second Year of Life. Am J Perinatol 2016;33:738-44.
  • Akar S, Kavuncuoğlu S,Aldemir ES, Öztüregen E, Arslan G. Okul öncesi dönemde geç prematürelerin nörogelişimselprognozunun erken prematürelerle karşılaştırılması: Prospektif Kohort Çalışması. İKSSTD 2020;12:159-68.

Preterm ve Term Doğan Çocuklarda Dil Gelişimi, Duygusal ve Davranışsal Sorunlar, Ebeveyn Tutum Özellikleri, Ebeveyn Stres Düzeyi ve Ilişkili Faktörlerin Okul Öncesi Dönemde Karşılaştırılması

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3, 233 - 242, 29.05.2023


Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı yeni doğan yoğun bakım ünitesinde yatmış olan preterm ve term doğan çocuklarda okul öncesi dönemde dil
gelişimi, duygusal ve davranışsal sorunlar, ebeveyn tutumları, ebeveyn stres düzeyleri ve ilişkili faktörleri araştırmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamız 90 preterm ve 86 term olmak üzere 176 çocuk ve annesi ile yapıldı. Anneler sosyodemografik veri
formu, Çocuk Uyumu ve Anne baba Yeterlik Ölçeği (CAPES-TR), Anne Baba Stres Ölçeği-Kısa Form (ABSÖ-KF) ve Anne babalık Stilleri
ve Boyutları Ölçeği-Kısa Form ölçeklerini doldurdu. Tüm çocuklara Denver II Gelişimsel Tarama Testi (DGTT) veTürkçe Erken Dil Gelişim
Testi (TEDİL) uygulandı.
Bulgular: Preterm çocukların yaş ortalaması 37.97±3.62 ay, term çocukların 38.77±3.28 aydı. TEDİL alt testlerinde preterm çocukların
skorları daha düşüktü. Erken doğmuş çocuklarda kişisel sosyal gelişim ve dil gelişimi açısından anormal gelişim gösteren çocukların oranı
daha yüksekti (kişisel sosyal gelişim için p=0.007, dil gelişimi için p <0.001). Preterm çocuklarda CAPES-TR duygusal ve davranışsal
sorunlar ölçek puanları daha yüksekti. CAPES-TR Ebeveyn Özyeterliliği puan ortalaması preterm çocuklarda daha düşüktü (p=0.000).
ABSÖ-KF toplam puanı ile ASBÖ-KF izin verici anne babalık alt ölçek puanı preterm çocuk annelerinde daha yüksekti (p =0.005 ve
p<0.001). Dil Bozukluğu ve genel gelişimsel gecikme tanısı konma oranları preterm çocuklarda daha yüksekti (sırasıyla p=0.006 ve
p=0.019). Doğum haftası, anne eğitim düzeyi ve aylık gelir düzeyi ile TEDİL skorları, DENVER kişisel sosyal ve dil gelişim düzeyi arasında
pozitif korelasyon saptandı (p<0.050).
Sonuç: Çalışmamız preterm çocuklarda erken dönemde yakın takip ve gerekli olduğunda özel eğitim desteği planlamasının önemli
olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Woythaler MA, McCormick MC and Smith VC. Late preterm infants have worse 24-month neurodevelopmental outcomes than term infants. Pediatrics 2011;127:622-9.
  • Fitzallen GC, Sagar YK, Taylor HG, Bora S. Anxiety and depressive disorders in children born preterm:a meta-analysis. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2021;42:154-62.
  • Eves R, Mendonça M, Baumann N, Ni Y, Darlow BA, Horwood J, et al. Association of very preterm birth or very low birth weight with intelligence in adulthood: an individual participant data meta-analysis. JAMA pediatr 2021;175:e211058-e211058.
  • Vigod SN, Villegas L, Dennis CL, Ross LE. Prevalence and risk factors for postpartum depression among women with preterm and low‐birth‐weight infants: a systematic review. BJOG 2010;117:540-50.
  • Potharst ES, Houtzager BA, van Wassenaer‐Leemhuis AG, Kok JH, Koot HM, Last BF. Maternal and paternal perception of child vulnerability and behaviour problems in very preterm born children. Infant and Child Development 2015;24:489-505.
  • Wightman A, Schluchter M, Drotar D, Laura A, Gerry TH, Nancy K, et al. Parental protection of extremely low birth weight children at age 8 years. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2007;28:317-26.
  • Reijneveld SA, De Kleine MJK, van Baar AL, Kollee LAA, Verhaak CM, Verhulst FC, et al. Behavioural and emotional problems in very preterm and very low birth weight infants at age 5 years. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2006;91:423-28.
  • Essex MJ, Klein MH, Cho E, Kalin NH. Maternal stres beginning in infancy may sensitize children to later stres exposure: effects on cortisol and behavior. Biol Psychiatry 2002;52:776-84.
  • Muller-Nix C, Forcada-Guex M, Pierrehumbert B, Jaunin L, Borghini A, Ansermet F. Prematurity, maternal stress and mother–child interactions. Early Hum Deve 2004;79:145-58.
  • Morawska A, Sanders MR, Haslam D, Filus A, Fletcher R. Child adjustment and parent efficacy scale: Development and initial validation of a parent report measure. Australian Psychologist 2014;49:241-52.
  • Robinson CC, Mandleco B, Olsen SF, HartCHPerlmutter BF, Touliatos J,Holden GW. The parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire (PSDQ). Handbook of family measurement techniques 2001;3:319-21.
  • Abidin R. (Ed.). Parenting tres index: Professional manual (3rd ed.). Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc1995.
  • Frankenburg WK, Dodds J and Archer P, Denver II: screening manual: Denver Developmental Materials, Incorporated 1990.
  • Hresko WP, Reid DK and Hammill DD. Test of Early Language Development (TELD). Third ed. PRO-ED, Austin:Texas 1999.
  • Zerbeto AB, Cortelo FM and C Filho ÉB. Association between gestational age and birth weight on the language development of Brazilian children: a systematic review. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2015;91:326-32.
  • van Baar AL, Vermaas J, Knots E, de Kleine MJK, Soons P. Functioning at school age of moderately preterm children born at 32 to 36 weeks’ gestational age. Pediatr 2009;124:251-7.
  • de Jong M, Verhoeven M and Van Baar AL. School outcome, Cognitive functioning and behavior problems in moderade and late preterm children and adults: A Review. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med 2012;17:163-9.
  • Harrison MJ and Magill‐Evans J. Mother and father interactions over the first year with term and preterm infants. Res nurs health 1996;19:451-59.
  • Feeley N, Hayton B, Gold I, Zelkowitz P. A comparative prospective cohort study of women following childbirth: mothers of low birthweight infants at risk for elevated PTSD symptoms. J Psychosom Res 2017;101:24–30.
  • Barkmann C, Helle N andBindt C. Is very low infant birth weight a predictor for a five-year course of depression in parents? A latent growth curve model. J Affect Disord 2018;15:415–20.
  • Singer LT, Fulton S, Kirchner HL, Eisengart S, Lewis B, Short E, et al. Longitudinal predictors of maternal tres and coping after very low-birthweight birth. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2010;164:518–24.
  • Toscano C, Soares I and Mesman J. Controlling Parenting Behaviors in Parents of Children Born Preterm: A Meta-Analysis. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2020;230-41.
  • Bilgin A and Wolke D. Maternal Sensitivity in Parenting Preterm Children: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics 2015;136:177–93.
  • Qi CH, Van Horn ML, Selig JP, Kaiser AP. Relations between language skills and problem behaviour in preschool children. Early Child Development and Care 2019;1-12.
  • Skibbe LE, Montroy JJ, Bowles RP, Morrison FJ. Self-regulation and the development of literacy and language achievement from preschool through second grade. Early Child Resq 2019;46:240-51.
  • Delaney EM and Kaiser AP. The effects of teaching parents blended communication and behavior support strategies. Behavioral Disorders 2001;26:93-116.
  • Pan BA, Rowe ML, Singer JD, Snow CE. Maternal correlates of growth in toddler vocabulary production in low-income families. Child Dev 2005;76:763-82.
  • Schneider LA, Burns NR, Giles LC, Higgins RD, Nettelbeck TJ, Ridding MC, et al. Cognitive abilities in preterm and term-born adolescents. J Pediatr 2014;165:170-7.
  • Wild KT, Betancourt LM, Brodsky NL, Hurt H. The effect of socioeconomic status on the language outcome of preterm infants at toddler age. Early Hum Dev 2013;89:743-6.
  • Patra K, Greene MM, Patel AL, Meier P. Maternal Education Level Predicts Cognitive, Language, and Motor Outcome in Preterm Infants in the Second Year of Life. Am J Perinatol 2016;33:738-44.
  • Akar S, Kavuncuoğlu S,Aldemir ES, Öztüregen E, Arslan G. Okul öncesi dönemde geç prematürelerin nörogelişimselprognozunun erken prematürelerle karşılaştırılması: Prospektif Kohort Çalışması. İKSSTD 2020;12:159-68.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri

Barış Güller 0000-0001-7911-4614

Erbu Yarcı 0000-0003-4434-0958

Ferhat Yaylacı 0000-0002-1360-7771

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 3 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Güller, B., Yarcı, E., & Yaylacı, F. (2023). Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 17(3), 233-242.
AMA Güller B, Yarcı E, Yaylacı F. Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. Mayıs 2023;17(3):233-242. doi:10.12956/tchd.1179344
Chicago Güller, Barış, Erbu Yarcı, ve Ferhat Yaylacı. “Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 17, sy. 3 (Mayıs 2023): 233-42.
EndNote Güller B, Yarcı E, Yaylacı F (01 Mayıs 2023) Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 17 3 233–242.
IEEE B. Güller, E. Yarcı, ve F. Yaylacı, “Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children”, Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg, c. 17, sy. 3, ss. 233–242, 2023, doi: 10.12956/tchd.1179344.
ISNAD Güller, Barış vd. “Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 17/3 (Mayıs 2023), 233-242.
JAMA Güller B, Yarcı E, Yaylacı F. Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2023;17:233–242.
MLA Güller, Barış vd. “Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, c. 17, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 233-42, doi:10.12956/tchd.1179344.
Vancouver Güller B, Yarcı E, Yaylacı F. Comparison of Language Development, Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Parental Attitude Characteristics, Parental Stress Level and Related Factors in Preschool Period, Between Preterm and Term-Born Children. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2023;17(3):233-42.

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