Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 9 - 19, 30.06.2020



  • Aarts, L., Van Der Hee, R., Dekker, I., De Jong, J., Langemeijer, H., Bast, A., 1995. The widely used anesthetic agent propofol can replace α‐tocopherol as an antioxidant, FEBS Letters, 357, 83-85.
  • Aksoy, M., Küfrevioglu, Ö.İ., 2017. Inhibition of human erythrocyte glutathione Stransferase by some flavonoid derivatives, Toxin Reviews, 37(3) 251–257.
  • Alici, H.A., Ekinci, D., Beydemir, Ş., 2008. Intravenous anesthetics inhibit human paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity in vitro and in vivo, Clinical Biochemistry. 41(16-17), 1384-1390.
  • Ansley, D.M., Lee, J., Godin, D.V., Garnett, M.E., Qayumi, A.K., 1998. Propofol enhances red cell antioxidant capacity in swine and humans, Canadian journal of anaesthesia.45, 233-239.
  • Aviram, M., Rosenblat, M., 2004. Paraoxonases 1, 2, and 3, oxidative stress, and macrophage foam cell formation during atherosclerosis development, Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 37(9), 1304-1316.
  • Cruz, F.F., Rocco, P.R., Pelosi, P., 2017. Anti-inflammatory properties of anesthetic agents, Critical Care. 21, 67.
  • De La Cruz, J.P., Zanca, A., Carmona, J.A., De La Cuesta, F.S., 1999. The effect of propofol on oxidative stress in platelets from surgical patients, Anesthesia and analgesia. 89(4), 1050-1055.
  • Demir, Y., Köksal, Z., 2019. The inhibition effects of some sulfonamides on human serum paraoxonase-1 (hPON1), Pharmacological Reports. 71(3), 545–549.
  • Dikmen, B., Ünal, Y., Pampal, H.K., Nurlu, N., Kurtipek, O., Canbolat, O., 2007. Effects of repeated desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia on enzymatic free radical scavanger system, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 294 (1-2), 31-36.
  • Ekinci, D., Beydemir, Ş. 2009. Evaluation of the impacts of antibiotic drugs on PON 1; a major bioscavenger against cardiovascular diseases, European Journal of Pharmacology. 617(1-3), 84-89.
  • Esen, R., Aslan, M., Küçükoğlu, M.E., Çıkman, A., Yakan, U., Sünnetçioğlu, M., 2015. Serum paraoxonase activity, total thiols levels, and oxidative status in patients with acute brucellosis, Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. 127(11-12), 427-433.
  • Godin, G.D. Garnett, M.E., 1994. Effects of various anesthetic regimens on tissue antioxidant enzyme activities. Research communications in chemical pathology and pharmacology. 83(1), 93-101.
  • Gülçin, İ., 2012. Antioxidant activity of food constituents: an overview, Archives of Toxicology. 86(3), 345-91.
  • Hans, P., Deby-Dupont, G., Deby, C., Pieron, F., Verbesselt, R. Franssen, C., 1997. Increase in antioxidant capacity of plasma during propofol anesthesia, Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 9(3), 234-236.
  • Hayes, J.D., Flanagan, J.U., Jowsey, I.R., 2005. Glutathione transferases, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 45, 51-88.
  • Hussain, S.P., Hofseth, L.J., Harris, C.C., 2003. Radical causes of cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer. 3(4), 276-285.
  • Işık, M. Demir, Y., Kırıcı, M., Demir, R., Şimşek, F., Beydemir, Ş., 2015. Changes in the anti-oxidant system in adult epilepsy patients receiving anti-epileptic drugs. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 121(3), 97-102.
  • Işık, M., Beydemir, Ş., Yılmaz, A., Naldan, M.E., Aslan, H.E., Gülçin, İ., 2017. Oxidative stress and mRNA expression of acetylcholinesterase in the leukocytes of ischemic patients, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 87, 561-567.
  • James, L.R., 2000. Simvastatin increases plasma levels of the anti-oxidant enzyme paraoxonase by PON1 gene activation, Atherosclerosis. 151(1), 41-41.
  • Jentzsch, A.M., Bachmann, H., Furst, P., Biesalski, H.K., 1996. Improved analysis of malondialdehyde in human body fluids, Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 20(2), 251-256.
  • Kumar, A., 2010. Effect of simvastatin on paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and oxidative stress, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 3, 310-314.
  • Kvolik, S., Glavas-Obrovac, L., Bares, V., Karner, I., 2005. Effects of inhalation anesthetics halothane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane on human cell lines, Life Sciences. 77(19), 2369-2383.
  • La Du, B.N., Aviram, M., Billecke, S., Navab. M., Primo-Parmo, S., Sorenson, R.C., Standiford, T.J., 1999. On the physiological role(s) of the paraoxonases, Chemico-Biological Interactions. 119-120, 379-388.
  • Lee, Y.M., Song, B.C., Yeum, K.J., 2015. Impact of Volatile Anesthetics on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation, BioMed Research International. 242709.
  • Lejus, C., Fautrel, A., Malledant, Y., Guillouzo, A., 2002. Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2E1 by propofol in human and porcine liver microsomes, Biochemical Pharmacology., 64(7), 1151-1156.
  • Mackness, B., Durrington, P.N., Mackness, M.I., 1998. Human serum paraoxonase, General Pharmacology: The Vascular System. 31(3), 329-336.
  • Malin, R., Laaksonen, R., Knuuti, J., Janatuinen, T., Vesalainen, R., Nuutila, P., 2001. Paraoxonase genotype modifies the effect of pravastatin on high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, Pharmacogenetics. 11(7), 625-633.
  • Mammoto, T., Mukai, M., Mammoto, A., Yamanaka, Y. Hayashi, Y. Mashimo, T., 2002. Intravenous anesthetic, propofol inhibits invasion of cancer cells, Cancer Letters. 184(2), 165-170.
  • Manataki, A.D., Tselepis, A.D., Glantzounis, G.K., Arnaoutoglou, H.M., Tsimoyiannis, E.C., Stavropoulos, N.E., 2001. Lipid peroxidation and the use of emulsified propofol in laparoscopic surgery, Surgical Endoscopy. 15(9), 950-953.
  • Mantle, D., Eddeb, F., Areni, K., Snowden, C., Mendelow, A.D., 2000. Comparative antioxidant potential of anaesthetics and perioperative drugs in vitro, Clinica Chimica Acta. 301, 41-53.,
  • Mathy-Hartert, M., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Kohnen, S., Deby-Dupont, G., Lamy, M., Hans, P., 2000. Effects of propofol on endothelial cells subjected to a peroxynitrite donor (SIN-1), Anaesthesia. 55(11), 1066-1071.
  • McDougall, S.J., Bailey, T.W., Mendelowitz, D., Andresen, M. C., 2008. Propofol enhances both tonic and phasic inhibitory currents in second-order neurons of the solitary tract nucleus (NTS), Neuropharmacology, 54(3), 552-563.
  • Nagila, A., Permpongpaiboon, T., Tantrarongroj, S., Porapakkham, P., Chinwattana, K., Deakin, S., 2009. Effect of atorvastatin on paraoxonase1 (PON1) and oxidative status, Pharmacological Reports. 61(5),892-898.
  • Naldan, M.E., Taghizadehghalehjoughi, A., 2019. Should we use remifentanil in every dose and every case?. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine. 10, 21-25.
  • Reddy, P.V., Murthy, Ch.R. Reddanna, P., 2004a. Fulminant hepatic failure induced oxidative stress in nonsynaptic mitochondria of cerebral cortex in rats, Neuroscience Letters. 368(1), 15-20.
  • Reddy, Y.N., Murthy, S.V., Krishna, D.R., Prabhakar, M.C., 2004b. Role of free radicals and antioxidants in tuberculosis patients, Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. 51(4), 213-218 . Santamaria, L.B., Schifilliti, D., Torre, D. La, Fodale, V. 2010. Drugs of anesthesia and cancer, Journal of Surgical Oncology. 19, 63-81.
  • Sinan, S., Koçkar, F., Gencer, N., Yıldırım, H., Arslan, O., 2006. Effects of some antibiotics on paraoxonase from human serum in vitro and from mouse serum and liver in vivo, Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin.29(8), 1559-1563.
  • Sohail, M., Kaul, A., Raziuddin, M., Adak, T., 2007. Decreased glutathione-Stransferase activity: diagnostic and protective role in vivax malaria, Clinical Biochemistry. 40(5-6), 377-382.
  • Stratford, N., Murphy, P., 1998. Antioxidant activity of propofol in blood from anaesthetized patients, European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 15(2), 158-160.
  • Tomas, M., Senti, M., Garcia-Faria, F., Vila, J., Torrents, A., Covas, M., 2000. Effect of simvastatin therapy on paraoxonase activity and related lipoproteins in familial hypercholesterolemic patients, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 20(9), 2113-2119.
  • Vasileiou, I., Xanthos, T., Koudouna, E., Perrea, D., Klonaris, C., Katsargyris, A., Papadimitriou, L., 2009. Propofol: a review of its non-anaesthetic effects. European Journal of Pharmacology. 605, 1-8.
  • Veskoukis, A.S., Nikolaidis, M.G. Kyparos, A., Kokkinos, D., Nepka, C., Barbanis, S. Kouretas, D., 2008. Effects of xanthine oxidase inhibition on oxidative stress and swimming performance in rats, Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 33(6), 1140-1154.
  • Yagmurdur, H., Cakan, T., Bayrak, A., Arslan, M., Baltaci, B., Inan, N., Kilinc, K., 2004 The effects of etomidate, thiopental, and propofol in induction on hypoperfusion-reperfusion phenomenon during laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 48(6), 772-777.
  • Young, Y., Menon, D.K., Tisavipat, N., Matta, B.F., Jones, J.G., 1997. Propofol neuroprotection in a rat model of ischaemia reperfusion injury. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 14(3), 320-326.

The In vivo Effect of Anesthetic Drugs on Some Enzyme Activity and Biological Parametres

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 9 - 19, 30.06.2020


Some studies have shown that anesthetic drugs cause various changes in the antioxidant system. The aim of our study has investigated the effects of propofol, thiopental, propofol+midazolam, and thiopental+midazolam anesthesia on oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activity in serum of surgical patients anesthetized with anesthetic drugs. Patients were divided into four equal groups with a computer-assisted randomization list. The first group for induction was propofol 2 mg kg-1, the second group 4 mg kg-1 thiopental sodium, the third group 1 mg kg-1 propofol and 0.1 mg kg-1 midazolam, the fourth group 2 mg kg-1 thiopental and 0.1 mg kg-1 midazolam in combination. There are 60 patients (20-40 years old, male) in total, 15 in each group. In this study, combined anesthetic drugs (thiopental-midazolam and propofol-midazolam) cause an increase in TSH and GSH levels. Propofol, thiopental, propofol-midazolam, and thiopental-midazolam inhibit PON1 and GST activity. The results show different effects on oxidative stress and antioxidant system according to the use of propofol, thiopental, propofol-midazolam, and thiopental-midazolam drugs in groups. These results suggest that this study provides information about the change of antioxidant systems with the use of this anesthetic drugs. Therefore, these drugs should be used with caution in order to reduce the side effects that may occur in patients.


  • Aarts, L., Van Der Hee, R., Dekker, I., De Jong, J., Langemeijer, H., Bast, A., 1995. The widely used anesthetic agent propofol can replace α‐tocopherol as an antioxidant, FEBS Letters, 357, 83-85.
  • Aksoy, M., Küfrevioglu, Ö.İ., 2017. Inhibition of human erythrocyte glutathione Stransferase by some flavonoid derivatives, Toxin Reviews, 37(3) 251–257.
  • Alici, H.A., Ekinci, D., Beydemir, Ş., 2008. Intravenous anesthetics inhibit human paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity in vitro and in vivo, Clinical Biochemistry. 41(16-17), 1384-1390.
  • Ansley, D.M., Lee, J., Godin, D.V., Garnett, M.E., Qayumi, A.K., 1998. Propofol enhances red cell antioxidant capacity in swine and humans, Canadian journal of anaesthesia.45, 233-239.
  • Aviram, M., Rosenblat, M., 2004. Paraoxonases 1, 2, and 3, oxidative stress, and macrophage foam cell formation during atherosclerosis development, Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 37(9), 1304-1316.
  • Cruz, F.F., Rocco, P.R., Pelosi, P., 2017. Anti-inflammatory properties of anesthetic agents, Critical Care. 21, 67.
  • De La Cruz, J.P., Zanca, A., Carmona, J.A., De La Cuesta, F.S., 1999. The effect of propofol on oxidative stress in platelets from surgical patients, Anesthesia and analgesia. 89(4), 1050-1055.
  • Demir, Y., Köksal, Z., 2019. The inhibition effects of some sulfonamides on human serum paraoxonase-1 (hPON1), Pharmacological Reports. 71(3), 545–549.
  • Dikmen, B., Ünal, Y., Pampal, H.K., Nurlu, N., Kurtipek, O., Canbolat, O., 2007. Effects of repeated desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia on enzymatic free radical scavanger system, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 294 (1-2), 31-36.
  • Ekinci, D., Beydemir, Ş. 2009. Evaluation of the impacts of antibiotic drugs on PON 1; a major bioscavenger against cardiovascular diseases, European Journal of Pharmacology. 617(1-3), 84-89.
  • Esen, R., Aslan, M., Küçükoğlu, M.E., Çıkman, A., Yakan, U., Sünnetçioğlu, M., 2015. Serum paraoxonase activity, total thiols levels, and oxidative status in patients with acute brucellosis, Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. 127(11-12), 427-433.
  • Godin, G.D. Garnett, M.E., 1994. Effects of various anesthetic regimens on tissue antioxidant enzyme activities. Research communications in chemical pathology and pharmacology. 83(1), 93-101.
  • Gülçin, İ., 2012. Antioxidant activity of food constituents: an overview, Archives of Toxicology. 86(3), 345-91.
  • Hans, P., Deby-Dupont, G., Deby, C., Pieron, F., Verbesselt, R. Franssen, C., 1997. Increase in antioxidant capacity of plasma during propofol anesthesia, Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. 9(3), 234-236.
  • Hayes, J.D., Flanagan, J.U., Jowsey, I.R., 2005. Glutathione transferases, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 45, 51-88.
  • Hussain, S.P., Hofseth, L.J., Harris, C.C., 2003. Radical causes of cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer. 3(4), 276-285.
  • Işık, M. Demir, Y., Kırıcı, M., Demir, R., Şimşek, F., Beydemir, Ş., 2015. Changes in the anti-oxidant system in adult epilepsy patients receiving anti-epileptic drugs. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 121(3), 97-102.
  • Işık, M., Beydemir, Ş., Yılmaz, A., Naldan, M.E., Aslan, H.E., Gülçin, İ., 2017. Oxidative stress and mRNA expression of acetylcholinesterase in the leukocytes of ischemic patients, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 87, 561-567.
  • James, L.R., 2000. Simvastatin increases plasma levels of the anti-oxidant enzyme paraoxonase by PON1 gene activation, Atherosclerosis. 151(1), 41-41.
  • Jentzsch, A.M., Bachmann, H., Furst, P., Biesalski, H.K., 1996. Improved analysis of malondialdehyde in human body fluids, Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 20(2), 251-256.
  • Kumar, A., 2010. Effect of simvastatin on paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and oxidative stress, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 3, 310-314.
  • Kvolik, S., Glavas-Obrovac, L., Bares, V., Karner, I., 2005. Effects of inhalation anesthetics halothane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane on human cell lines, Life Sciences. 77(19), 2369-2383.
  • La Du, B.N., Aviram, M., Billecke, S., Navab. M., Primo-Parmo, S., Sorenson, R.C., Standiford, T.J., 1999. On the physiological role(s) of the paraoxonases, Chemico-Biological Interactions. 119-120, 379-388.
  • Lee, Y.M., Song, B.C., Yeum, K.J., 2015. Impact of Volatile Anesthetics on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation, BioMed Research International. 242709.
  • Lejus, C., Fautrel, A., Malledant, Y., Guillouzo, A., 2002. Inhibition of cytochrome P450 2E1 by propofol in human and porcine liver microsomes, Biochemical Pharmacology., 64(7), 1151-1156.
  • Mackness, B., Durrington, P.N., Mackness, M.I., 1998. Human serum paraoxonase, General Pharmacology: The Vascular System. 31(3), 329-336.
  • Malin, R., Laaksonen, R., Knuuti, J., Janatuinen, T., Vesalainen, R., Nuutila, P., 2001. Paraoxonase genotype modifies the effect of pravastatin on high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, Pharmacogenetics. 11(7), 625-633.
  • Mammoto, T., Mukai, M., Mammoto, A., Yamanaka, Y. Hayashi, Y. Mashimo, T., 2002. Intravenous anesthetic, propofol inhibits invasion of cancer cells, Cancer Letters. 184(2), 165-170.
  • Manataki, A.D., Tselepis, A.D., Glantzounis, G.K., Arnaoutoglou, H.M., Tsimoyiannis, E.C., Stavropoulos, N.E., 2001. Lipid peroxidation and the use of emulsified propofol in laparoscopic surgery, Surgical Endoscopy. 15(9), 950-953.
  • Mantle, D., Eddeb, F., Areni, K., Snowden, C., Mendelow, A.D., 2000. Comparative antioxidant potential of anaesthetics and perioperative drugs in vitro, Clinica Chimica Acta. 301, 41-53.,
  • Mathy-Hartert, M., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Kohnen, S., Deby-Dupont, G., Lamy, M., Hans, P., 2000. Effects of propofol on endothelial cells subjected to a peroxynitrite donor (SIN-1), Anaesthesia. 55(11), 1066-1071.
  • McDougall, S.J., Bailey, T.W., Mendelowitz, D., Andresen, M. C., 2008. Propofol enhances both tonic and phasic inhibitory currents in second-order neurons of the solitary tract nucleus (NTS), Neuropharmacology, 54(3), 552-563.
  • Nagila, A., Permpongpaiboon, T., Tantrarongroj, S., Porapakkham, P., Chinwattana, K., Deakin, S., 2009. Effect of atorvastatin on paraoxonase1 (PON1) and oxidative status, Pharmacological Reports. 61(5),892-898.
  • Naldan, M.E., Taghizadehghalehjoughi, A., 2019. Should we use remifentanil in every dose and every case?. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine. 10, 21-25.
  • Reddy, P.V., Murthy, Ch.R. Reddanna, P., 2004a. Fulminant hepatic failure induced oxidative stress in nonsynaptic mitochondria of cerebral cortex in rats, Neuroscience Letters. 368(1), 15-20.
  • Reddy, Y.N., Murthy, S.V., Krishna, D.R., Prabhakar, M.C., 2004b. Role of free radicals and antioxidants in tuberculosis patients, Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. 51(4), 213-218 . Santamaria, L.B., Schifilliti, D., Torre, D. La, Fodale, V. 2010. Drugs of anesthesia and cancer, Journal of Surgical Oncology. 19, 63-81.
  • Sinan, S., Koçkar, F., Gencer, N., Yıldırım, H., Arslan, O., 2006. Effects of some antibiotics on paraoxonase from human serum in vitro and from mouse serum and liver in vivo, Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin.29(8), 1559-1563.
  • Sohail, M., Kaul, A., Raziuddin, M., Adak, T., 2007. Decreased glutathione-Stransferase activity: diagnostic and protective role in vivax malaria, Clinical Biochemistry. 40(5-6), 377-382.
  • Stratford, N., Murphy, P., 1998. Antioxidant activity of propofol in blood from anaesthetized patients, European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 15(2), 158-160.
  • Tomas, M., Senti, M., Garcia-Faria, F., Vila, J., Torrents, A., Covas, M., 2000. Effect of simvastatin therapy on paraoxonase activity and related lipoproteins in familial hypercholesterolemic patients, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 20(9), 2113-2119.
  • Vasileiou, I., Xanthos, T., Koudouna, E., Perrea, D., Klonaris, C., Katsargyris, A., Papadimitriou, L., 2009. Propofol: a review of its non-anaesthetic effects. European Journal of Pharmacology. 605, 1-8.
  • Veskoukis, A.S., Nikolaidis, M.G. Kyparos, A., Kokkinos, D., Nepka, C., Barbanis, S. Kouretas, D., 2008. Effects of xanthine oxidase inhibition on oxidative stress and swimming performance in rats, Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 33(6), 1140-1154.
  • Yagmurdur, H., Cakan, T., Bayrak, A., Arslan, M., Baltaci, B., Inan, N., Kilinc, K., 2004 The effects of etomidate, thiopental, and propofol in induction on hypoperfusion-reperfusion phenomenon during laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 48(6), 772-777.
  • Young, Y., Menon, D.K., Tisavipat, N., Matta, B.F., Jones, J.G., 1997. Propofol neuroprotection in a rat model of ischaemia reperfusion injury. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 14(3), 320-326.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eczacılık ve İlaç Bilimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Muhammet Naldan

Mesut Işık Bu kişi benim

Yeliz Demir 0000-0003-3216-1098

Hatice Esra Duran

Şükrü Beydemir

Duygu Kara

Abdullah Tunç 0000-0002-2378-5897

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Nisan 2020
Kabul Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Naldan, M., Işık, M., Demir, Y., Duran, H. E., vd. (2020). The In vivo Effect of Anesthetic Drugs on Some Enzyme Activity and Biological Parametres. Turkish Journal of Science and Health, 1(2), 9-19.

Turkish Journal of Science and Health (TFSD) 


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