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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 8 - 16, 31.01.2025



  • Abu-El-Noor, N. (2016). ICU nurses‘perceptions and practice of spiritual care at the endof life: Implications for policy change. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(1), 1–10. https://doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol21No01PPT05
  • Akarslan, M., Karadeniz, F., and Gümüş, F. (2024). The relationship between fear of death and meaning of life in nursing students and nurses caring for terminal patients. International Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 9(1), 37–46.
  • Akgün Kostak, M., Çelikkalp, Ü., and Demir, M. (2010). The opinions of nurses and midwifes about spirituality and spiritual care. Maltepe University Journal of Nursing Science and Art, Symposium Special Issue, 218–225.
  • Burkhart, L,, and Schmidt W. (2012). Measuring effectiveness of a spiritual care pedagogyin nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28(5):315– 21. https://doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.03.003
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2014). Data Analysis Handbook for Social Sciences (20 ed.). Pegem Akademi Publications, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Çelik, A.S., Özdemir, F., Korkmaz, H., and Pasinlioğlu, T. (2014). Determining the perception level of nurses regarding spirituality and spiritual care and the factors that affect their perception level. Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing Journal, 1(3), 1–12.
  • Daştan, N., B., and Buzlu, S., (2010). Effects of spirituality and spiritual care in breast cancer patients. Maltepe University Journal of Nursing Science and Art, 3(1),73– Diego-Cordero, R., López-Gómez, L., Lucchetti, G., and
  • Badanta, B. (2022a). Spiritual care in critically ill patients during COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Outlook, 70(1):64-77. https://doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2021.06.017
  • de Diego-Cordero, R., Ávila-Mantilla, A., Vega-Escaño, J.,et. al. (2022b). The roleof spirituality and religiosity in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrativereview of the scientifc literature. Journal of Religion and Health 61, 2168–2197.
  • Dossey, B.M., and Keegan, L. (2013). Holistic Nursing: A handbook for practice. Jones andBartlett Publishers, London. 117–27.
  • Dündar, M. (2021). The effect of nurses' spirituality levels on the frequency of spiritualtherapeutic care. İnönü University Institute of Health Sciences, Nursing Fundamental Master's Program, Malatya., Turkey.
  • Ercan, F., Körpe, G., and Demir, S. (2018). Spirituality and spiritual care related perceptions of nurses working at the inpatient services of a university hospital. Gazi Medical Journal, 29(1), 17–22.
  • Ergül, Ş., and Temel-Bayik, A. (2007). Validity and reliability of “the spirituality and spiritual care rating scale” Turkish version. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing, 23(1), 75–87.
  • Ergül, Ş., and Bayik, A. (2004). Nursing and spiritual care.Cumhuriye University Journal of the School of Nursing, 8(1), 37-45.
  • Erol, F. (2020). Reflection of spiritual care in nursing process. Journal of InnovativeHealthcare Practices (JOINIHP) 1(1), 30–39.
  • Gijsberts, M.J.H.E., Liefbroer, A.I., Otten, R., and Olsman,E. (2019). Spiritual care inpalliative care: a systematic review of the recent european literature. Medical Sciences, 7, 25; 1–21. http://doi:10.3390/medsci7020025
  • Işik, E., Fadiloğlu, Ç., and Demir, Y. (2009). A Study of the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of death attitude profile-revised (DAP-R) in the Nurse Population. HemşirelikteAraştirma Geliştirme Dergisi, 2: 28–43.
  • Kaya, E. (2018). Ethical sensitivity levels of intensive care nurses towards death impact on attitudes. Ondokuz Mayis University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Master's Thesis, Samsun. Turkey.
  • Khorami Markani, A., Yaghmaei, F., and Khodayari Fard, M. (2018). Relationship betweenoncology nurses’ spiritual wellbeing with their attitudes towards spiritual care providingbased on Neuman system model: evidences from IRAN. Journal of Caring Sciences, 7(2), 113–8. doi:10.15171/jcs.2018.018
  • Kudubeş, A.A., Akil, Z.A., Bektaş, M., and Bektaş, İ. (2021). Nurses’ attitudes towardsdeath and their effects on spirituality and spiritual care. Journal of Religion and Health60, 153–161. 019-00927-2
  • Mamier, I., Taylor, J. E., and Winslow, B. W. (2018). Nurse spiritual care: prevalence and correlates. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 41(4), 1–18. https://doi:10.1177/0193945918776328
  • McSherry, W., Draper, P., and Kendrick, D. (2002). The construct validity of a rating scaledesigned to assess spirituality and spiritual care. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 39(7), 723–34.
  • Momennasab, M., Shadfard, Z., Jaberi, A., et al. (2019). The effect of group reflection onnursing students’ spiritual well-being and attitude toward spiritual care: a randomizedcontrolled trial. Investigacion Educacion Enfermeria, 37(1), e09. https://DOI:10.17533/udea.iee.v37n1e09
  • Polat, H. T., and Özdemir, A. A. (2022). Relationship between compassion and spiritual careamong nurses in Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health 61(3), 1894- 1905. https://doi:10.1007/s10943-021-01287-6
  • Puchalski, C.M., Vitillo, R., Hull, S.K., and Reller, N. (2014). Improving the spiritualdimension of whole person care: reaching national and international consensus.Journal of Palliative Medicine, 17(6), 642–56. https://doi:10.1089/jpm.2014.9427
  • Rego, F., Gonçalves, F., Moutinho, S., et. al. (2020). The influence of spirituality ondecisionmaking in palliative care outpatients: a cross-sectional study. Rego et al. BMCPalliative Care, 19:22.
  • Riahi, S., Goudarzi, F., Hasanvand, S., et al. (2018). Assessing the effect of spiritualintelligence training on spiritual care competency in critical care nurses.Journal of Medicineand Life, 11(4), 346–354.
  • Selvi, Y. (2019). Nurses who care for patients in the terminal stage of attitudes towarddeath, perceptions spiritual support and investigation of the relationship between them. (M. Sc. Thesis). Nevşehir Haci Bektaş Veli University Graduate School of Natural and AppliedSciences. Nevşehir, Turkey.
  • Uslu Şahan, F., and Terzioğlu, F. (2020). Nurses' spiritual care practices and barriers for cancer patients. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 9(4), 340–349.
  • Uzelli Yilmaz, D., Yilmaz, D., Karaman, D., et al. (2019). Perception and related factorsfor nurses in spiritual support. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing, 5(3), 188–193. https://doi:10.5222/jaren.2019.22043
  • Wong, P., Reker, G., and Gesser, G. (1994). Death Attitude Profile–Revised. In DeathAnxiety Handbook, In RA Neimeyer (Ed.) Washington, DC: Taylor andFrancis, 120–144.
  • Yelen Akpinar, Y., and Aşti, N. (2021). Spirituality, spiritualcare and the importance of spiritual care in nursing. YOBU Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 2(3), 127–140. 1078320

The Effect of Nurses’ Spirituality and Spiritual Care Status upon Death Perceptions

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 8 - 16, 31.01.2025


Purpose:This study was done to investigate how nurses’ spirituality and spiritual care status affected death perceptions.
Material and Methods:The population of this descriptive study was consisted of nurses who worked at palliative care clinic and intensive care unit of a city hospital located in a city. No sampling was made in the study and the study was completed with 91 nurses who volunteered to join the study. To collect study data; Information Request Form used to collect characteristics of nurses’ socio-demographic characteristics and spiritual care and death concept- and Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale and Death Attitude Profile Scale were used. To analyze the data; percentages, means, Kruskall Wallis, Mann Whitney-U, and correlation analysis were used.
Results: It was identified that nurses’ average age was 31.87±7.0, 67% of them were female, 63.7% of them had undergraduate degree, 37.4% of them had a working period of 6-10 years and 81.3% of them were employed at intensive care units. Among the participant nurses, 64.8% did not receive on-the-job training on spiritual care, whereas 53.8% of them did not receive on-the-job training on the concept of death. Nurses’ average total score of Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale was 42.93±6.08 and average total score of Death Attitude Profile Scale was 108.67±18.08. It was understood that there was a positive and weak correlation between nurses’ spirituality, spiritual care status and their attitudes towards death.
Conclusion:According to the study result; it was found that status of nurses’ perceiving spirituality and spiritual care concepts and their attitudes towards death were at moderate level. As the level in which nurses perceived spirituality and spiritual care concepts increased, so did their level of positive attitudes towards death. It may be recommended that nurses who are employed at critical units such as palliative care clinics and intensive care units should be given trainings about spirituality, spiritual care and death.

Destekleyen Kurum



  • Abu-El-Noor, N. (2016). ICU nurses‘perceptions and practice of spiritual care at the endof life: Implications for policy change. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(1), 1–10. https://doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol21No01PPT05
  • Akarslan, M., Karadeniz, F., and Gümüş, F. (2024). The relationship between fear of death and meaning of life in nursing students and nurses caring for terminal patients. International Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 9(1), 37–46.
  • Akgün Kostak, M., Çelikkalp, Ü., and Demir, M. (2010). The opinions of nurses and midwifes about spirituality and spiritual care. Maltepe University Journal of Nursing Science and Art, Symposium Special Issue, 218–225.
  • Burkhart, L,, and Schmidt W. (2012). Measuring effectiveness of a spiritual care pedagogyin nursing education. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28(5):315– 21. https://doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.03.003
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2014). Data Analysis Handbook for Social Sciences (20 ed.). Pegem Akademi Publications, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Çelik, A.S., Özdemir, F., Korkmaz, H., and Pasinlioğlu, T. (2014). Determining the perception level of nurses regarding spirituality and spiritual care and the factors that affect their perception level. Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing Journal, 1(3), 1–12.
  • Daştan, N., B., and Buzlu, S., (2010). Effects of spirituality and spiritual care in breast cancer patients. Maltepe University Journal of Nursing Science and Art, 3(1),73– Diego-Cordero, R., López-Gómez, L., Lucchetti, G., and
  • Badanta, B. (2022a). Spiritual care in critically ill patients during COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Outlook, 70(1):64-77. https://doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2021.06.017
  • de Diego-Cordero, R., Ávila-Mantilla, A., Vega-Escaño, J.,et. al. (2022b). The roleof spirituality and religiosity in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrativereview of the scientifc literature. Journal of Religion and Health 61, 2168–2197.
  • Dossey, B.M., and Keegan, L. (2013). Holistic Nursing: A handbook for practice. Jones andBartlett Publishers, London. 117–27.
  • Dündar, M. (2021). The effect of nurses' spirituality levels on the frequency of spiritualtherapeutic care. İnönü University Institute of Health Sciences, Nursing Fundamental Master's Program, Malatya., Turkey.
  • Ercan, F., Körpe, G., and Demir, S. (2018). Spirituality and spiritual care related perceptions of nurses working at the inpatient services of a university hospital. Gazi Medical Journal, 29(1), 17–22.
  • Ergül, Ş., and Temel-Bayik, A. (2007). Validity and reliability of “the spirituality and spiritual care rating scale” Turkish version. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing, 23(1), 75–87.
  • Ergül, Ş., and Bayik, A. (2004). Nursing and spiritual care.Cumhuriye University Journal of the School of Nursing, 8(1), 37-45.
  • Erol, F. (2020). Reflection of spiritual care in nursing process. Journal of InnovativeHealthcare Practices (JOINIHP) 1(1), 30–39.
  • Gijsberts, M.J.H.E., Liefbroer, A.I., Otten, R., and Olsman,E. (2019). Spiritual care inpalliative care: a systematic review of the recent european literature. Medical Sciences, 7, 25; 1–21. http://doi:10.3390/medsci7020025
  • Işik, E., Fadiloğlu, Ç., and Demir, Y. (2009). A Study of the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of death attitude profile-revised (DAP-R) in the Nurse Population. HemşirelikteAraştirma Geliştirme Dergisi, 2: 28–43.
  • Kaya, E. (2018). Ethical sensitivity levels of intensive care nurses towards death impact on attitudes. Ondokuz Mayis University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Master's Thesis, Samsun. Turkey.
  • Khorami Markani, A., Yaghmaei, F., and Khodayari Fard, M. (2018). Relationship betweenoncology nurses’ spiritual wellbeing with their attitudes towards spiritual care providingbased on Neuman system model: evidences from IRAN. Journal of Caring Sciences, 7(2), 113–8. doi:10.15171/jcs.2018.018
  • Kudubeş, A.A., Akil, Z.A., Bektaş, M., and Bektaş, İ. (2021). Nurses’ attitudes towardsdeath and their effects on spirituality and spiritual care. Journal of Religion and Health60, 153–161. 019-00927-2
  • Mamier, I., Taylor, J. E., and Winslow, B. W. (2018). Nurse spiritual care: prevalence and correlates. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 41(4), 1–18. https://doi:10.1177/0193945918776328
  • McSherry, W., Draper, P., and Kendrick, D. (2002). The construct validity of a rating scaledesigned to assess spirituality and spiritual care. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 39(7), 723–34.
  • Momennasab, M., Shadfard, Z., Jaberi, A., et al. (2019). The effect of group reflection onnursing students’ spiritual well-being and attitude toward spiritual care: a randomizedcontrolled trial. Investigacion Educacion Enfermeria, 37(1), e09. https://DOI:10.17533/udea.iee.v37n1e09
  • Polat, H. T., and Özdemir, A. A. (2022). Relationship between compassion and spiritual careamong nurses in Turkey. Journal of Religion and Health 61(3), 1894- 1905. https://doi:10.1007/s10943-021-01287-6
  • Puchalski, C.M., Vitillo, R., Hull, S.K., and Reller, N. (2014). Improving the spiritualdimension of whole person care: reaching national and international consensus.Journal of Palliative Medicine, 17(6), 642–56. https://doi:10.1089/jpm.2014.9427
  • Rego, F., Gonçalves, F., Moutinho, S., et. al. (2020). The influence of spirituality ondecisionmaking in palliative care outpatients: a cross-sectional study. Rego et al. BMCPalliative Care, 19:22.
  • Riahi, S., Goudarzi, F., Hasanvand, S., et al. (2018). Assessing the effect of spiritualintelligence training on spiritual care competency in critical care nurses.Journal of Medicineand Life, 11(4), 346–354.
  • Selvi, Y. (2019). Nurses who care for patients in the terminal stage of attitudes towarddeath, perceptions spiritual support and investigation of the relationship between them. (M. Sc. Thesis). Nevşehir Haci Bektaş Veli University Graduate School of Natural and AppliedSciences. Nevşehir, Turkey.
  • Uslu Şahan, F., and Terzioğlu, F. (2020). Nurses' spiritual care practices and barriers for cancer patients. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 9(4), 340–349.
  • Uzelli Yilmaz, D., Yilmaz, D., Karaman, D., et al. (2019). Perception and related factorsfor nurses in spiritual support. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing, 5(3), 188–193. https://doi:10.5222/jaren.2019.22043
  • Wong, P., Reker, G., and Gesser, G. (1994). Death Attitude Profile–Revised. In DeathAnxiety Handbook, In RA Neimeyer (Ed.) Washington, DC: Taylor andFrancis, 120–144.
  • Yelen Akpinar, Y., and Aşti, N. (2021). Spirituality, spiritualcare and the importance of spiritual care in nursing. YOBU Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, 2(3), 127–140. 1078320
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Papatya Karakurt

Serhat Yıldırım 0000-0001-7467-7071

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Karakurt, P., & Yıldırım, S. (2025). The Effect of Nurses’ Spirituality and Spiritual Care Status upon Death Perceptions. Turkish Journal of Science and Health, 6(1), 8-16.

Turkish Journal of Science and Health (TFSD) 


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