Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 166 - 177, 15.12.2017



  • Abouziena, H.F., M.S.A. Abd El Wahed, M.A.T. Eldabaa and E.R. El-Desoki. 2013. Effect of Ssowing date and reduced herbicides rate with additives an peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) productivity and associated weeds. Journal of Applied Science research. 9(3):2176-2187
  • Anonymous, 2014a. FAO Production Year Book (
  • Anonymous, 2014b. Turkish Production Year Book.
  • Anonymous, 2015. The meteorological data for Adana. The Turkish State Meteorological Service Adana Regional Directorship, 2013, 2014 and long term.
  • AOAC. 2010. Official methods of analysis of the association of analytical chemists. 18th edition, Washington, D.C. USA
  • Arioglu, H.H. 2014. The oil seed crops growing and breeding. The publication of University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture, No:A-70, 204 p. Adana-Turkey
  • Bala, H.B.M., V.B. Ogunlela, N.C. Kuchinda and B. Tanimu. 2011. Response of two groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties to sowing date and NPK fertilizer rate in a semi-arid environment: Yield and yield attributes. Asian Journal of Crop Science, 3(3):130-140
  • Brown, D.F., M.C. Carl, F.M. Karl and G.D. James. 1975. Effect of variety, growing location and their interaction on the fatty acid composition of peanut. J. Food Sci.40:1055-1060
  • Caliskan, S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008. Effects of sowing date and growth duration on growth and yield of groundnut in a Mediterranean-type environment in Turkey. Field Crops Res., 105:131-140
  • Canavar, Ö. and M.A. Kaynak. 2008. Effect of different planting dates on yield and yield components of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32:521-528
  • Canavar, Ö. and M.A. Kaynak 2010. Growing degree day and sunshine radiation effects on peanut pod yield and growth. African J. of Biotech, 9(15):293-301
  • Canvin, D.T. 1965. The effect of temperature on the oil content and fatty acid composition of the oils from several oilseed crops. Canadian J. of Botany, 43:63-69
  • Chowdhury, F.N., D. Hossain, M. Hosen and S. Rahman. 2015. Comperative study on chemical composition of five varieties of groundnut (Arachis hypogeal L.). World j. of Agricultural Science, 11(5)247-254
  • Cox, F.R. 1979. Effects of temperature on peanut vegetative and fruit growth. Peanut Science, 6:14-17
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt, and H. Arioglu. 2016a. The effect of harvesting dates on yield and some agronomic and quality characteristics of peanut grown in Mediterranean region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 21(2): 224-232
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, A. El Sabagh, and H. Arioglu. 2016b. Characterization of peanut (Arachis hypogeal L.) seed oil and fatty acids composition under different growing season under Mediterranean environment. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 4(5S):564-571, DOI:
  • Holaday, C.E. and J.L. Pearson. 1974. Effects of genotype and production area on the fatty acid composition, total oil and protein in peanuts. J. Food Sci,. 39:1206-1209
  • Isleib, T.G., B.L. Tilman, H.E. Patte, T.H. Sanders, K.W. Hendrix and L.O. Dean. 2008. Genotype-by-environment interaction for seed composition traits of breeding lines in the uniform peanut performance test. Peanut Science, 35:130-138
  • Ketring, D.L.1984. Temperature effects on vegetative and reproductive development of peanut. Crop Sci., 24:877-881
  • Knauft, A., A.J. Norden and D.W. Gorbet. 1986. The effect of three digging dates on oil quality, yield, and grade of five peanut genotypes grown without leaf spot control. Peanut Science, 13: 86-89
  • Kvien, C.S. and C.L. Bergmark.1987. Growth and development of the florunner peanut cultivars as influenced by population, planting date and water availability. Peanut science, 14:11-16
  • Laurence, R.C.N. 1983. Effects of sowing date, spatial arrangement and population on yield and kernel weight of irrigated Virginia bunch peanuts. Austr. J. of Experimental Agric. and Animal husbandry, 23 (121):178-180
  • Naab, B.J., F.K. Tsigbey, P.V.V. Parasad, J.K. Boote, E.J. Bailey and L.R. Brandenburg. 2004. Effects of sowing date and fungicide application on yield of early and late maturing peanut cultivars grown under rainfed conditions in Ghana. Crop Prot., 24:325-332
  • Prasad, P.V., P.Q. Craufurd and R.J. Summerfield. 2000. Effect of high air and soil temperature on dry matter production, pod yield and yield component of peanut. Plant and Soil, 222:231-239
  • Raheja, R.K., S.K. Battai, K.L. Ahuja, K.S. Labana and M. Singh. 1987.Comparision of oil content and fatty acid composition of peanut genotypes differing in growth habit. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 37:103-108
  • Rasekh, H., J. Asghari, M.N. Safarzadeh Wishkai, S.L. Massoumi and R. Zakerinejad. 2010. Effect of planting pattern and plant density on physiological characteristics and yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Iran. Research J. of Biological Sciences, 5(8):542-547.
  • Sarkees, N.A. 2015. Effect of sowing dates on development, seed yield and quality of some peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes. Jordan J. of Agricultural Sciences, 11(2):367-380
  • Savage, G.P. and J.I. Keenan. 1994. The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernel. In Smart, J. (ed) The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Chapman and Hall, London, pp 173-213
  • Woodroof, J.G. 1983. Peanuts: Production, processing, products. Third edition, Avi Publishing Company, Inc. Westport, Connecticut (USA), 414p.


Year 2017, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 166 - 177, 15.12.2017


This study was conducted at the University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture in 2013 and 2014 as a main and double crop growing season. The objective of this study was to compare of agronomic and quality characteristics of some peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties grown as a main and double crop. The experimental design was a Randomized Complete Block (RCBD) with three replications. The Halisbey, Sultan, Osmaniye-2005, Arioglu-2003, Batem-5025, NC-7, Flower-22, Flower-32, Flower-36, Brantley, Wilson (Virginia market type), Florispan (Spanish market type), Georgia Green (Runner market type) and Spantex (Valencia market type) varieties were used as a plant material in this research. Pod number and pod weight per plant, 100 seed weight, shelling percentage, oil and protein content, pod and kernel yield per hectare values of varieties were compared. The average pod number, pod weight per plant, fancy pod percentage, protein and oil percentage, pod and kernel yield values of peanut varieties were higher in main crop than in double crop, whereas 100 seed weight and shelling percentage were higher in double crop than in main crop growing season. According to a two-year average, the pod yield per hectare of peanut varieties varied between 3366-8796 kg ha-1 and 3621-7094 kg ha-1 main and double crop growing season, respectively. The average pod yield of peanut varieties were 6177 kg ha-1 in main cropped, it was decreased to 5456 kg ha-1 in double crop growing season. The highest pod yield was obtained from Sultan and Osmaniye-2005 varieties in both growing seasons.


  • Abouziena, H.F., M.S.A. Abd El Wahed, M.A.T. Eldabaa and E.R. El-Desoki. 2013. Effect of Ssowing date and reduced herbicides rate with additives an peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) productivity and associated weeds. Journal of Applied Science research. 9(3):2176-2187
  • Anonymous, 2014a. FAO Production Year Book (
  • Anonymous, 2014b. Turkish Production Year Book.
  • Anonymous, 2015. The meteorological data for Adana. The Turkish State Meteorological Service Adana Regional Directorship, 2013, 2014 and long term.
  • AOAC. 2010. Official methods of analysis of the association of analytical chemists. 18th edition, Washington, D.C. USA
  • Arioglu, H.H. 2014. The oil seed crops growing and breeding. The publication of University of Cukurova, Faculty of Agriculture, No:A-70, 204 p. Adana-Turkey
  • Bala, H.B.M., V.B. Ogunlela, N.C. Kuchinda and B. Tanimu. 2011. Response of two groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties to sowing date and NPK fertilizer rate in a semi-arid environment: Yield and yield attributes. Asian Journal of Crop Science, 3(3):130-140
  • Brown, D.F., M.C. Carl, F.M. Karl and G.D. James. 1975. Effect of variety, growing location and their interaction on the fatty acid composition of peanut. J. Food Sci.40:1055-1060
  • Caliskan, S., M.E. Caliskan, M. Arslan and H. Arioglu. 2008. Effects of sowing date and growth duration on growth and yield of groundnut in a Mediterranean-type environment in Turkey. Field Crops Res., 105:131-140
  • Canavar, Ö. and M.A. Kaynak. 2008. Effect of different planting dates on yield and yield components of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 32:521-528
  • Canavar, Ö. and M.A. Kaynak 2010. Growing degree day and sunshine radiation effects on peanut pod yield and growth. African J. of Biotech, 9(15):293-301
  • Canvin, D.T. 1965. The effect of temperature on the oil content and fatty acid composition of the oils from several oilseed crops. Canadian J. of Botany, 43:63-69
  • Chowdhury, F.N., D. Hossain, M. Hosen and S. Rahman. 2015. Comperative study on chemical composition of five varieties of groundnut (Arachis hypogeal L.). World j. of Agricultural Science, 11(5)247-254
  • Cox, F.R. 1979. Effects of temperature on peanut vegetative and fruit growth. Peanut Science, 6:14-17
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, C. Kurt, and H. Arioglu. 2016a. The effect of harvesting dates on yield and some agronomic and quality characteristics of peanut grown in Mediterranean region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 21(2): 224-232
  • Gulluoglu, L., H. Bakal, B. Onat, A. El Sabagh, and H. Arioglu. 2016b. Characterization of peanut (Arachis hypogeal L.) seed oil and fatty acids composition under different growing season under Mediterranean environment. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 4(5S):564-571, DOI:
  • Holaday, C.E. and J.L. Pearson. 1974. Effects of genotype and production area on the fatty acid composition, total oil and protein in peanuts. J. Food Sci,. 39:1206-1209
  • Isleib, T.G., B.L. Tilman, H.E. Patte, T.H. Sanders, K.W. Hendrix and L.O. Dean. 2008. Genotype-by-environment interaction for seed composition traits of breeding lines in the uniform peanut performance test. Peanut Science, 35:130-138
  • Ketring, D.L.1984. Temperature effects on vegetative and reproductive development of peanut. Crop Sci., 24:877-881
  • Knauft, A., A.J. Norden and D.W. Gorbet. 1986. The effect of three digging dates on oil quality, yield, and grade of five peanut genotypes grown without leaf spot control. Peanut Science, 13: 86-89
  • Kvien, C.S. and C.L. Bergmark.1987. Growth and development of the florunner peanut cultivars as influenced by population, planting date and water availability. Peanut science, 14:11-16
  • Laurence, R.C.N. 1983. Effects of sowing date, spatial arrangement and population on yield and kernel weight of irrigated Virginia bunch peanuts. Austr. J. of Experimental Agric. and Animal husbandry, 23 (121):178-180
  • Naab, B.J., F.K. Tsigbey, P.V.V. Parasad, J.K. Boote, E.J. Bailey and L.R. Brandenburg. 2004. Effects of sowing date and fungicide application on yield of early and late maturing peanut cultivars grown under rainfed conditions in Ghana. Crop Prot., 24:325-332
  • Prasad, P.V., P.Q. Craufurd and R.J. Summerfield. 2000. Effect of high air and soil temperature on dry matter production, pod yield and yield component of peanut. Plant and Soil, 222:231-239
  • Raheja, R.K., S.K. Battai, K.L. Ahuja, K.S. Labana and M. Singh. 1987.Comparision of oil content and fatty acid composition of peanut genotypes differing in growth habit. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 37:103-108
  • Rasekh, H., J. Asghari, M.N. Safarzadeh Wishkai, S.L. Massoumi and R. Zakerinejad. 2010. Effect of planting pattern and plant density on physiological characteristics and yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Iran. Research J. of Biological Sciences, 5(8):542-547.
  • Sarkees, N.A. 2015. Effect of sowing dates on development, seed yield and quality of some peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes. Jordan J. of Agricultural Sciences, 11(2):367-380
  • Savage, G.P. and J.I. Keenan. 1994. The composition and nutritive value of groundnut kernel. In Smart, J. (ed) The Groundnut Crop: A scientific basis for improvement. Chapman and Hall, London, pp 173-213
  • Woodroof, J.G. 1983. Peanuts: Production, processing, products. Third edition, Avi Publishing Company, Inc. Westport, Connecticut (USA), 414p.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Leyla Gulluoglu This is me

Halil Bakal This is me

Bihter Onat This is me

Cemal Kurt This is me

Halis Arıoglu

Publication Date December 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Gulluoglu, L., Bakal, H., Onat, B., Kurt, C., et al. (2017). COMPARISON OF AGRONOMIC AND QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME PEANUT (Arachis hypogaea L.) VARIETIES GROWN AS MAIN AND DOUBLE CROP IN MEDITERRANEAN REGION. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 22(2), 166-177.

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Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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