Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 85 - 92, 15.12.2018



  • Abd El-Mohsen, A.A. and G.O. Mahmoud. 2013. Modeling the Influence of Nıtrogen Rate and Plant Density on Seed Yield, Yield Components and Seed Quality of Safflower. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 3(2): 336-360.
  • Akınerdem, F. and O. Ozturk. 2008. Safflower and biodiesel quality in Turkey. Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November 2008, Wagga Wagga Australia.
  • Ali Zadeh, K.N., R. Naseri, A. Mirzaei and A. Soleymanifard. 2012. Effects of planting pattern on yield, its components, oil contain and some important agronomic traits of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in dry land conditions. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences 4 (2):86-91.
  • Anonymous, 1998. Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Eighth Edition, Washington D.C. 326p.
  • Albayrak, S., M. Turk and O. Yuksel. 2011. Effect o Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Hungarian of vetch Yield and Quality. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(1): 54-58.
  • American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS). 1993. Official methods and recommended practices. The American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS), Champaign, IL.
  • Amoghein, R.S., A. Tobeh and S.J. Somarin. 2012a. Study on the effect of different plant density on some morphological traits and yield of safflower under irrigated and rain-fed planting conditions. International Journal Agronomy and Plant Production 3(8): 284-290.
  • Amoghein, R.S., A. Tobeh and S.J. Somarin. 2012b. Effect of plant density on phenology and oil yield of safflower herb under irrigated and rainfed planting systems. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 6(12): 2493-2503.
  • Bergman J.W. and R.F. Charles. 2008. Evaluation of safflower and other oil seed crops grown in the United States northern plains region for biofuels/biobased products. Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November 2008, Wagga Wagga, Australia,
  • Beyyavas V., H. Haliloglu, O. Copur and A. Yilmaz. 2011. Determination of seed yield and yield components of some safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars, lines and populations under the semi-arid conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology 10:527-534
  • Bradley, V.L. and R.C. Johnson. 2001. Managing the U.S. safflower collection. In: Bergman, J.W., Mundel, H.H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Safflower Conference, Williston, North Dakota, Sidney, Montana, USA, July 23–27, pp.143–147.
  • Caliskan, M.E., A. Mert, M. Mert and N. Isler. 1998. Evaluation of Some Safflower Cultivars for MorphoAgronomic Characters Under Hatay Ecological Conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 3 (2): 51-54.
  • Dajue, L. and H.H. Mundel. 1996. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. 7. Institude of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben/International Plant Genetic Resource Institute, Rome, Italy, pp:83.
  • Elfadl, E., C. Reinbrecht, C. Frick and W. Claupein. 2009. Optimization of nitrogen rate and seed density for safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) production under low-input farming conditions in temperate climate. Field Crops Research. 114: 2-13.
  • Emami, T., R. Naseri, H. Falahi and E. Kazemi. 2011. Response of Yield, Yield Components and Oil Content of safflower (cv. Sina) to Planting Date and Plant Spacing on Row in rainfed Conditions of Western Iran, American-Eurasian Journal Agriculture and Environmental Science. 10(6): 947-953.
  • Emongor, V.E., O. Oagile and B. Kedikanetswe. 2013. Effects of plant population on growth, development and oil yield of safflower. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B. 3:321-333.
  • Emongor, V.E., O. Oagile and B. Kedikanetswe. 2015. Effects of plant population and season on growth and development of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) as an ornamental plant. Acta Horticulturae. 1077: 35-45.
  • Esendal E. 1986. The effect of phosphorus, nitrogen and rowspacing on the yield and some plant characters of the Safflower. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter. 2:96-98.
  • FAO, 2016. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations-FAOSTAT. Available at: FAO/UNESCO, 1974. Soil map of the world, Scale: 1: 5000.000, Volume 1 legend, World Soil Resources Report 59, Rome.
  • Gonzalez, J.L., A.A. Schneiter, N.R. Riveland and B.L. Johnson. 1994. Response of hybrid and open-pollinated safflower to plant population. Agronomy Journal. 86: 1070-1073.
  • Hamza, M. 2015. Influence of different plant densities on crop yield of six safflower genotypes under Egyptian newly reclaimed soils conditions. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. 8(2): 168-173.
  • Jajarmi, V., M. Azizi, A. Shadlu and A.H. Omidi. 2008. The effect of density, variety and planting date on yield and yield components of safflower. Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November 2008, Wagga Wagga
  • Jajarmi, V., R. Abazarian and K. Khosroyar. 2014. The Effect of Density, Variety, and Planting Date on Yield and Yield Components of Safflower. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life sciences. 4(2): 628-632.
  • Kaffka, S.R and T.E. Kearney. 1998. Safflower Production in California. Univeristy of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication no. 21565. Oakland, California.
  • Kasperbauer, M.J. 1987. Far-red light reflection from green leaves and effects of hotochrome-mediated assimilated partitioning under field conditions. Plant Physiology. 85:350-354.
  • Knowles, P.F. 1989. Safflower. In: Robbelen, G., Downey, R.K., Ashri, A. (Eds.), Oil Crops of the World, their Breeding and Utilization. McGraw Hill, Inc., New York. pp.363–374.
  • Koutroubas, S.D., D.K. Papakosta and A. Doitsinis. 2009. Phenotypic variation in physiological determinants of yield in spring sown safflower under Mediterranean conditions. Field Crops Research. 112: 199-204.
  • Kose, A. and O. Bilir. 2017. The Influence of Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Yield and Yield Components of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institude. 26(1): 45-52.
  • Moatshe, O.G., V.E. Emongor, T.V. Balole and S.O. Tshwenyane. 2016. Yield and yield components of safflower as influenced by genotype and plant density grown in the semi-arid conditions of Botswana. Scientific Journal of Crop Science. 5(9): 125-136.
  • Mohammadi, M. and R. Karimizadeh. 2013. Response of safflower to row spacing and intra-row plant distance in semi-warm dryland condition. Agriculture & Forestry. 59:147-155.
  • Mohamadzadeh M., S. Siadat, M.S. Norof, and R. Naseri. 2011. The Effects of planting date and row spacing on yield, yield components and associated traits in winters safflower under rain fed conditions. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. 10(2): 200-206.
  • Mundel, H.H., R.J. Morrison, T. Entz, R.E. Blackshaw, B.T. Roth, F. Kiehn and A. Vandenberg. 1994. Row spacing and seeding rates to optimize safflower yield on the Canadian prairies. Canadian Journal Plant Science. 74, 319–321.
  • Naghavi, M.Z. 2012. Effects of planting population on yield and yield components of safflower in different weed competition treatments. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 10(1): 481-483.
  • Nimbkar, N. 2002. Safflower rediscovered. Times AgricultureJournal. 2: 32–36.
  • Oad, F.C., M.A. Samo, S.M. Oayyum and N.L. Oad. 2002. Inter and Intra Row Spacing Effect on the grown, Seed Yield and Oil Content of safflower Carthamus tinctorius L. Asian Journal of plant Science. 1(1): 18-19.
  • Omidi A.H., H. Khazaei and S. Hongbo. 2009. Variation for some important agronomic traits in 100 spring safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotypes. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. 5: 791-795.
  • Omidi, A.H., H. Khazei, P. Monneveux and F. Stoddard. 2012. Effect Of Cultıvar And Water Regıme On Yıeld And Yıeld Components In Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17(1): 10-15.
  • Rahamatalla, A.B., E.E. Babiker, A.G. Krishna and A.H. El Tinay. 2001. Changes in Fatty Acids Composition During Seed Growth and physicochemical characteristics of oil extracted from four safflower cultivars. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 56: 385-395.
  • SAS Institute Inc. 1996. SAS/STAT Software: Chances and enhancements through release 6.11. SAS Inst. Inc., Carry, NC, USA.
  • Sharif Moghaddasi, M. and A.H. Omidi. 2016. Determination of optimum row-spacing and plant density in Goldasht safflower variety. Scientific Papers, Series A. Agronomy. 8:301-306.
  • Sing, V and N. Nimbkar. 2007. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement, Chapter 6, Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) (Ed:R.J. Singh), CRS Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Ralton Londan New York, p:167-194.
  • Sujatha M. 2008. Biotechnological interventions for genetic improvement of Safflower, Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November 2008, Wagga Wagga, Australia, http://www.australianoil
  • Uke, P.C., S.C. Vilhekar and E.R. Vaidya. 2017. Effect of plant population on yield and yield components of safflower cultivars in rainfed condition of Vidarbha region. Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement. 8(1):66-69.
  • Uter, J. 2008. Safflower in European floriculture: a review. Proceedings of the 7th International Safflower Conference, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Ulus, N., A. Akin and M.B. Halitligil. 1998. Cultivar, Weed and Row Spacing Effects on Some Agronomic Characters of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Spring Planting. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 22: 533-536.
  • Vaghar, M.S., K. Shamsi, S. Kobraee and R. Behrooz. 2014. The effect of planting row interval and plant density on the phonological traits of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under dry land condition. International Journal Biosciences. 4(12): 202-208.
  • Weiss, E.A. 1971. Castor, Sesame and Safflower. Leonard Hill Books. London. pp. 529-744.
  • Weiss, E.A. 2000. Oilseed Crops. Safflower, Second Edition, Blackwell Publishing Limited, London, UK. Chapter 4:93-129.
  • Yau, S.K. 2009. Seed Rate Effects on Rainfed and Irrigated Safflower Yield in Eastern Mediterranean. The Open Agriculture Journal. 3:32-36.
  • Zarei, G., H. Shamsi and F. Fazeli. 2011. Effect of Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Safflower Cultivars in Spring Planting. World Academy of Science, Engineeringand Technology. Vol: 5 (12): 929-931.


Year 2018, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 85 - 92, 15.12.2018


This study was conducted to determine the effects of inter-row and intra-row spacing on two safflower
cultivars under the Eastern Mediterranean conditions in Hatay, Turkey during 2010-2011 and 2011-2012
growing seasons. The field experiments were laid out in a split split plot design with three replications with two
cultivars (Dincer and Remzibey) as a main plots, four inter-row spacing (15, 30, 45 and 60 cm) as sub-plot and
three intra-row spacing (5, 10 and 15 cm) as sub-subplot. Seed yield and yield-related traits were lower in both
cultivars in 2012 comparing to previous year probably due to lower rainfall. Two years’ data indicated that
cultivars, inter-row and intra-row spacing significantly affected growth, yield and yield components of
safflower. Increasing plants population reduced yield components and yield of individual plants, but increased
yield per unit area. Low plant density resulted in significantly higher branches/plant, heads/plant, seeds/head.
The highest seed yields per hektare were obtained with sowing safflower cultivars at 5 cm intra-row spacing in
45 cm spaced rows in 2011, and in 30 cm spaced rows in 2012. Our results indicated that higher plant density
can be advantageous under yield limiting conditions while sowing winter safflower at 45 x 5 cm inter- and
intra-row spacing can be recommended for regular seasons in Mediterranean-Type Environments. 


  • Abd El-Mohsen, A.A. and G.O. Mahmoud. 2013. Modeling the Influence of Nıtrogen Rate and Plant Density on Seed Yield, Yield Components and Seed Quality of Safflower. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 3(2): 336-360.
  • Akınerdem, F. and O. Ozturk. 2008. Safflower and biodiesel quality in Turkey. Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November 2008, Wagga Wagga Australia.
  • Ali Zadeh, K.N., R. Naseri, A. Mirzaei and A. Soleymanifard. 2012. Effects of planting pattern on yield, its components, oil contain and some important agronomic traits of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in dry land conditions. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences 4 (2):86-91.
  • Anonymous, 1998. Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Eighth Edition, Washington D.C. 326p.
  • Albayrak, S., M. Turk and O. Yuksel. 2011. Effect o Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Hungarian of vetch Yield and Quality. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 16(1): 54-58.
  • American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS). 1993. Official methods and recommended practices. The American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS), Champaign, IL.
  • Amoghein, R.S., A. Tobeh and S.J. Somarin. 2012a. Study on the effect of different plant density on some morphological traits and yield of safflower under irrigated and rain-fed planting conditions. International Journal Agronomy and Plant Production 3(8): 284-290.
  • Amoghein, R.S., A. Tobeh and S.J. Somarin. 2012b. Effect of plant density on phenology and oil yield of safflower herb under irrigated and rainfed planting systems. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 6(12): 2493-2503.
  • Bergman J.W. and R.F. Charles. 2008. Evaluation of safflower and other oil seed crops grown in the United States northern plains region for biofuels/biobased products. Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November 2008, Wagga Wagga, Australia,
  • Beyyavas V., H. Haliloglu, O. Copur and A. Yilmaz. 2011. Determination of seed yield and yield components of some safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars, lines and populations under the semi-arid conditions. African Journal of Biotechnology 10:527-534
  • Bradley, V.L. and R.C. Johnson. 2001. Managing the U.S. safflower collection. In: Bergman, J.W., Mundel, H.H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Safflower Conference, Williston, North Dakota, Sidney, Montana, USA, July 23–27, pp.143–147.
  • Caliskan, M.E., A. Mert, M. Mert and N. Isler. 1998. Evaluation of Some Safflower Cultivars for MorphoAgronomic Characters Under Hatay Ecological Conditions. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 3 (2): 51-54.
  • Dajue, L. and H.H. Mundel. 1996. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. 7. Institude of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben/International Plant Genetic Resource Institute, Rome, Italy, pp:83.
  • Elfadl, E., C. Reinbrecht, C. Frick and W. Claupein. 2009. Optimization of nitrogen rate and seed density for safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) production under low-input farming conditions in temperate climate. Field Crops Research. 114: 2-13.
  • Emami, T., R. Naseri, H. Falahi and E. Kazemi. 2011. Response of Yield, Yield Components and Oil Content of safflower (cv. Sina) to Planting Date and Plant Spacing on Row in rainfed Conditions of Western Iran, American-Eurasian Journal Agriculture and Environmental Science. 10(6): 947-953.
  • Emongor, V.E., O. Oagile and B. Kedikanetswe. 2013. Effects of plant population on growth, development and oil yield of safflower. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B. 3:321-333.
  • Emongor, V.E., O. Oagile and B. Kedikanetswe. 2015. Effects of plant population and season on growth and development of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) as an ornamental plant. Acta Horticulturae. 1077: 35-45.
  • Esendal E. 1986. The effect of phosphorus, nitrogen and rowspacing on the yield and some plant characters of the Safflower. Sesame and Safflower Newsletter. 2:96-98.
  • FAO, 2016. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations-FAOSTAT. Available at: FAO/UNESCO, 1974. Soil map of the world, Scale: 1: 5000.000, Volume 1 legend, World Soil Resources Report 59, Rome.
  • Gonzalez, J.L., A.A. Schneiter, N.R. Riveland and B.L. Johnson. 1994. Response of hybrid and open-pollinated safflower to plant population. Agronomy Journal. 86: 1070-1073.
  • Hamza, M. 2015. Influence of different plant densities on crop yield of six safflower genotypes under Egyptian newly reclaimed soils conditions. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences. 8(2): 168-173.
  • Jajarmi, V., M. Azizi, A. Shadlu and A.H. Omidi. 2008. The effect of density, variety and planting date on yield and yield components of safflower. Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November 2008, Wagga Wagga
  • Jajarmi, V., R. Abazarian and K. Khosroyar. 2014. The Effect of Density, Variety, and Planting Date on Yield and Yield Components of Safflower. Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life sciences. 4(2): 628-632.
  • Kaffka, S.R and T.E. Kearney. 1998. Safflower Production in California. Univeristy of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication no. 21565. Oakland, California.
  • Kasperbauer, M.J. 1987. Far-red light reflection from green leaves and effects of hotochrome-mediated assimilated partitioning under field conditions. Plant Physiology. 85:350-354.
  • Knowles, P.F. 1989. Safflower. In: Robbelen, G., Downey, R.K., Ashri, A. (Eds.), Oil Crops of the World, their Breeding and Utilization. McGraw Hill, Inc., New York. pp.363–374.
  • Koutroubas, S.D., D.K. Papakosta and A. Doitsinis. 2009. Phenotypic variation in physiological determinants of yield in spring sown safflower under Mediterranean conditions. Field Crops Research. 112: 199-204.
  • Kose, A. and O. Bilir. 2017. The Influence of Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Yield and Yield Components of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institude. 26(1): 45-52.
  • Moatshe, O.G., V.E. Emongor, T.V. Balole and S.O. Tshwenyane. 2016. Yield and yield components of safflower as influenced by genotype and plant density grown in the semi-arid conditions of Botswana. Scientific Journal of Crop Science. 5(9): 125-136.
  • Mohammadi, M. and R. Karimizadeh. 2013. Response of safflower to row spacing and intra-row plant distance in semi-warm dryland condition. Agriculture & Forestry. 59:147-155.
  • Mohamadzadeh M., S. Siadat, M.S. Norof, and R. Naseri. 2011. The Effects of planting date and row spacing on yield, yield components and associated traits in winters safflower under rain fed conditions. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. 10(2): 200-206.
  • Mundel, H.H., R.J. Morrison, T. Entz, R.E. Blackshaw, B.T. Roth, F. Kiehn and A. Vandenberg. 1994. Row spacing and seeding rates to optimize safflower yield on the Canadian prairies. Canadian Journal Plant Science. 74, 319–321.
  • Naghavi, M.Z. 2012. Effects of planting population on yield and yield components of safflower in different weed competition treatments. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 10(1): 481-483.
  • Nimbkar, N. 2002. Safflower rediscovered. Times AgricultureJournal. 2: 32–36.
  • Oad, F.C., M.A. Samo, S.M. Oayyum and N.L. Oad. 2002. Inter and Intra Row Spacing Effect on the grown, Seed Yield and Oil Content of safflower Carthamus tinctorius L. Asian Journal of plant Science. 1(1): 18-19.
  • Omidi A.H., H. Khazaei and S. Hongbo. 2009. Variation for some important agronomic traits in 100 spring safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotypes. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. 5: 791-795.
  • Omidi, A.H., H. Khazei, P. Monneveux and F. Stoddard. 2012. Effect Of Cultıvar And Water Regıme On Yıeld And Yıeld Components In Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Turkish Journal of Field Crops 17(1): 10-15.
  • Rahamatalla, A.B., E.E. Babiker, A.G. Krishna and A.H. El Tinay. 2001. Changes in Fatty Acids Composition During Seed Growth and physicochemical characteristics of oil extracted from four safflower cultivars. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 56: 385-395.
  • SAS Institute Inc. 1996. SAS/STAT Software: Chances and enhancements through release 6.11. SAS Inst. Inc., Carry, NC, USA.
  • Sharif Moghaddasi, M. and A.H. Omidi. 2016. Determination of optimum row-spacing and plant density in Goldasht safflower variety. Scientific Papers, Series A. Agronomy. 8:301-306.
  • Sing, V and N. Nimbkar. 2007. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement, Chapter 6, Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) (Ed:R.J. Singh), CRS Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Ralton Londan New York, p:167-194.
  • Sujatha M. 2008. Biotechnological interventions for genetic improvement of Safflower, Proceedings of VIIth International Safflower Conference, 3-6 November 2008, Wagga Wagga, Australia, http://www.australianoil
  • Uke, P.C., S.C. Vilhekar and E.R. Vaidya. 2017. Effect of plant population on yield and yield components of safflower cultivars in rainfed condition of Vidarbha region. Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement. 8(1):66-69.
  • Uter, J. 2008. Safflower in European floriculture: a review. Proceedings of the 7th International Safflower Conference, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia.
  • Ulus, N., A. Akin and M.B. Halitligil. 1998. Cultivar, Weed and Row Spacing Effects on Some Agronomic Characters of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Spring Planting. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 22: 533-536.
  • Vaghar, M.S., K. Shamsi, S. Kobraee and R. Behrooz. 2014. The effect of planting row interval and plant density on the phonological traits of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) under dry land condition. International Journal Biosciences. 4(12): 202-208.
  • Weiss, E.A. 1971. Castor, Sesame and Safflower. Leonard Hill Books. London. pp. 529-744.
  • Weiss, E.A. 2000. Oilseed Crops. Safflower, Second Edition, Blackwell Publishing Limited, London, UK. Chapter 4:93-129.
  • Yau, S.K. 2009. Seed Rate Effects on Rainfed and Irrigated Safflower Yield in Eastern Mediterranean. The Open Agriculture Journal. 3:32-36.
  • Zarei, G., H. Shamsi and F. Fazeli. 2011. Effect of Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Safflower Cultivars in Spring Planting. World Academy of Science, Engineeringand Technology. Vol: 5 (12): 929-931.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Sevgi Calıskan

Mehmet Emin Calıskan

Publication Date December 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 23 Issue: 2



Cited By

Turkish Journal of Field Crops is published by the Society of Field Crops Science and issued twice a year.
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Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Field Crops
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