Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 145 - 154, 15.12.2019


The study was aimed to evaluate the adaptability and stability of the soybean genotypes based on the seed yield
and the other observed characteristics in the sites cultivated second crop soybean of Turkey which have
Mediterranean climate conditions using the GGE biplot analysis method. The experiments were performed
under irrigated conditions in 2014, 2015 and 2016 in four different locations (Adana, Antalya, Izmir and
Sanliurfa) of Turkey. Fourteen soybean genotypes consisting of 10 advanced soybean lines and four standard
varieties were analyzed by a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. The combined analysis of
variance revealed significant (P<0.01) effects for all sources of variation (environment, genotype, and G×E
interaction) for the seed yield and yield components. Genotype and environment accounted for about 2.59%
and 51.04% of the total variation for seed yield, respectively, while the GE interaction explained 20.84% of the
total variation. According to the GGE principle, five mega-environments were formed in the present study.
Results of the research revealed that genotypes G8 (KANA), G9 (KASM 02), G11 (ARISOY), G3 (BATEM
306), G1 (BATEM 207) and G12 (ATAEM 7) were found as stable. According to GGE Biplot analysis for all
traits and genotypes, G4 (BATEM 317) had the largest values for plant height, first pod height, days to 50%
flowering, days to maturity and seed yield.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



This research was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, project number 113O082). The authors thank TUBITAK for their financial support


  • Akcura, M., K. Akan and O. Hocaoglu. 2017. Biplot analysis of leaf rust resistance in pure lines selected from Eastern Anatolian bread wheat landraces of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2): 227-234.
  • Amira, J.O., D.K. Ojo, O.J. Ariyo, O.A. Oduwaye, and M.A. Ayo-Vaughan. 2013. Relative discriminating powers of GGE and AMMI models in the selection of tropical soybean genotypes. African Crop Science Journal 21(1): 67-73.
  • Bakal, H., L. Gulluoglu, B. Onat, and H. Arioglu. 2017. The effect of the growing season on some agronomic and quality characteristics of soybean varieties in the Mediterranean region in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2): 187- 196.
  • Bhartiya, A., J.P. Aditya, P. Singh, J.P. Purwar and A. Aga. 2017. AMMI and GGE biplot analysis of multi-environment yield trial of soybean in North Western Himalayan state Uttarakhand of India. Legume Research 40(2): 306-312.
  • Bowman, J.C. 1972. Genotype by environmental interactions. Ann Genet Anim. 4(1): 117-123.
  • Caliskan, S., M. Arslan, I. Uremis and M.E. Caliskan. 2007. The effects of row spacing on yield and yield components of full season and double cropped soybean. Turk J Agric and For. 31: 147-154.
  • Cavalcanti, A.K., O.T. Hamawaki, R.L. Hamawaki, L.B. Sousa, A.P. Nogueira and C.D.L. Hamawaki. 2014. Phenotypic adaptability and stability in soybean genotypes in Porto Alegre do Norte. State of Mato Grosso Bioscie J. 30: 942- 949.
  • Cheelo, P., D. Lungu and M. Mwala. 2017. GGE biplot analysis for identification of ideal soybean [Glycine max L. Merrill] test and production locations in Zambia. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 15(3): 1-15.
  • Delacy, I.H., K.E. Basford, M. Cooper and J.K. Bull. 1996. Analysis of Multienvironment Trials- an Historical Perspective. Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement. Eds.
  • M. Cooper and G. L. Hammer. CAB International. Edugbo, R.E., G.E. Nwofia and L.S. Fayeun. 2015. An assessment of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) grain yield in different environments using AMMI and GGE biplot models in humidorest fringes of southeast Nigeria. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 48(3-4): 82-90.
  • Farshadfar, E., R. Mohammadi, M. Aghaee and Z. Vaisi. 2012. GGE biplot analysis of genotype × environment interaction in wheat-barley disomic addition lines. Aust J Crop Sci. 6(6): 1074-1079.
  • Gurmu, F., H. Mohammed and G. Alemaw. 2009. Genotype and environment interaction and stability of soybean for grain yield and nutritional quality. African Crop Science Journal 17: 87-99.
  • Haldane, J.B.S. 1946.The interaction of nature and nurture. Ann Eugene (3): 197-205.
  • Hu, M. and P. Wiatrak. 2012. Effect of planting date on soybean growth yield and grain quality: review. Agronomy Journal 104(3): 785-790.
  • Ilker, E., M. Kocaturk, A. Kadiroglu, A. Yildirim, G. Ozturk, H. Yildiz and I. Koken. 2018a. Adaptation abilities and quality parameters of selected soybean lines under double cropping in the Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 23(1): 49-55.
  • Ilker, E., M. Kocaturk, A. Kadiroglu, M. Altinbas, A. Yildirim, G. Ozturk and H. Yildiz. 2018b. Stability analyses for double cropping in soybean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill]. Turk J Field Crops 23(2): 80-84.
  • Jha, S.K., N.K. Singh, R.A. Kumar, P.K. Agrawal, J.C. Bhatt, S.K. Guleria, A.A. Lone, R.S. Sudan, K.P. Singh and V. Mahajan. 2013. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis for grain yield of short duration maize hybrids in North-Western Himalayas. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 73: 29-35.
  • Karasu, A., M. Oz, A.T. Goksoy and Z.M. Turan. 2009. Genotype by environment interactions, stability, and heritability of seed yield and certain agronomical traits in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (4): 580-590.
  • Kaya, Y., M. Akcura and S. Taner. 2006. GGE biplot analysis of multi-environment yield trials in bread wheat. Turk J Agric For. 30: 325-337.
  • Kumar, A., S. Kumar, C. Kapoor, R. Bhagawati, A. Pandey and A. Pattanayak. 2014. GGE biplot analysis of genotype × environment interaction in soybean grown in NEH regions of India. Environment and Ecology 32 (3A): 1047—1050.
  • Pelúzio, J.M., R.R. Fidelis, P. Giongo and J.C. Silva. 2008. Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de cultivares de soja em quatro épocas de semeadura no sul do Estado do Tocantins. Revista Ceres 55: 34-40.
  • Ramos, Jr E.U., R.L. Brogin, V.P.C. Godinho, F.J.E. Botelho, F.D. Tardin and P.E. Teodoro. 2017. Identification of soybean genotypes with high stability for the Brazilian macro-region 402 via biplot analysis. Genetics and Molecular Research 16(3): 1-10.
  • Santi, A.L., T.J.C. Amado, M.R. Cherubin, T.N. Martin, J.L. Pires, LPD Flora and C.J. Basso. 2012. Principal component analysis of soil chemical and physicalattributes limiting grain yield. Pesq Agropec Brasil 47: 1346-1357.
  • Silva, W.C.J. and J.B. Duarte. 2006. Métodos estatísticos para estudo de adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica em soja. Pesqui Agropecu Bras. 41: 23-30.
  • Silveira, D.A., L.F. Pricinotto, M. Nardino, C.A. Bahry, C.E.C. Prete and L. Cruz. 2016. Determination of the adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars in different locations and at different sowing times in Paraná state using the AMMI and Eberhart and Russel methods. Semina: Ciências Agrárias Londrina 37(6): 3973-3982.
  • Sousa, L.B., O.T. Hamawaki, A.P.O. Nogueira, R.O. Batista, V.M. Oliveira and R.L. Hamawaki. 2015. Evaluation of soybean lines and environmental stratification using the AMMI, GGE biplot, and factor analysis methods. Genetics and Molecular Research 14 (4): 12660-12674.
  • Yan, W., L.A. Hunt, Q.L. Sheng and Z. Szlavnics. 2000. Cultivar evaluation and mega-environment investigation based on the GGE Biplot. Crop Sci. 40: 597-605.
  • Yan, W. 2001. GGE biplot: a Windows application for graphical analysis of multi-environment trial data and other types of two-way data. Agron J. 93: 1111-1118.
  • Yan, W. and L.A. Hunt. 2001. Interpretation of genotype x environment interaction for winter wheat yield in Ontario. Crop Science 41: 19-25.
  • Yan, W. 2002. Singular-value partitioning in biplot analysis of multienvironment trial data. Agronomy Journal 94(5): 990– 996.
  • Yan, W. and I. Rajcan 2002. Biplot analysis of test sites and trait relations of soybean in Ontario. Crop Science 42: 11-20.
  • Yan, W. and N.A. Tinker. 2006. Biplot analysis of multienvironment trial data; principles and application. Can J Plant Sci. 3: 623–645
  • Yan, W. and J. Frégeau-Reid. 2018. Genotype by yield x trait (GYT) Biplot: a novel approach for genotype selection based on multiple traits. Scientific Reports 8: 1-10.
  • Yang, R., J. Crossa, P.L. Cornelius and J. Burgueno. 2009. Biplot analysis of GEI effect. Crop Science 49: 1564-1576.
  • Zhang, M., M.S. Kang, P.F. Reese Jr and H.L. Bhardwaj. 2006. Soybean cultivar evaluation via GGE biplot analysis. Journal of New Seeds 7 (4): 37-50.
Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 145 - 154, 15.12.2019


Project Number



  • Akcura, M., K. Akan and O. Hocaoglu. 2017. Biplot analysis of leaf rust resistance in pure lines selected from Eastern Anatolian bread wheat landraces of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2): 227-234.
  • Amira, J.O., D.K. Ojo, O.J. Ariyo, O.A. Oduwaye, and M.A. Ayo-Vaughan. 2013. Relative discriminating powers of GGE and AMMI models in the selection of tropical soybean genotypes. African Crop Science Journal 21(1): 67-73.
  • Bakal, H., L. Gulluoglu, B. Onat, and H. Arioglu. 2017. The effect of the growing season on some agronomic and quality characteristics of soybean varieties in the Mediterranean region in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 22(2): 187- 196.
  • Bhartiya, A., J.P. Aditya, P. Singh, J.P. Purwar and A. Aga. 2017. AMMI and GGE biplot analysis of multi-environment yield trial of soybean in North Western Himalayan state Uttarakhand of India. Legume Research 40(2): 306-312.
  • Bowman, J.C. 1972. Genotype by environmental interactions. Ann Genet Anim. 4(1): 117-123.
  • Caliskan, S., M. Arslan, I. Uremis and M.E. Caliskan. 2007. The effects of row spacing on yield and yield components of full season and double cropped soybean. Turk J Agric and For. 31: 147-154.
  • Cavalcanti, A.K., O.T. Hamawaki, R.L. Hamawaki, L.B. Sousa, A.P. Nogueira and C.D.L. Hamawaki. 2014. Phenotypic adaptability and stability in soybean genotypes in Porto Alegre do Norte. State of Mato Grosso Bioscie J. 30: 942- 949.
  • Cheelo, P., D. Lungu and M. Mwala. 2017. GGE biplot analysis for identification of ideal soybean [Glycine max L. Merrill] test and production locations in Zambia. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 15(3): 1-15.
  • Delacy, I.H., K.E. Basford, M. Cooper and J.K. Bull. 1996. Analysis of Multienvironment Trials- an Historical Perspective. Plant Adaptation and Crop Improvement. Eds.
  • M. Cooper and G. L. Hammer. CAB International. Edugbo, R.E., G.E. Nwofia and L.S. Fayeun. 2015. An assessment of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) grain yield in different environments using AMMI and GGE biplot models in humidorest fringes of southeast Nigeria. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 48(3-4): 82-90.
  • Farshadfar, E., R. Mohammadi, M. Aghaee and Z. Vaisi. 2012. GGE biplot analysis of genotype × environment interaction in wheat-barley disomic addition lines. Aust J Crop Sci. 6(6): 1074-1079.
  • Gurmu, F., H. Mohammed and G. Alemaw. 2009. Genotype and environment interaction and stability of soybean for grain yield and nutritional quality. African Crop Science Journal 17: 87-99.
  • Haldane, J.B.S. 1946.The interaction of nature and nurture. Ann Eugene (3): 197-205.
  • Hu, M. and P. Wiatrak. 2012. Effect of planting date on soybean growth yield and grain quality: review. Agronomy Journal 104(3): 785-790.
  • Ilker, E., M. Kocaturk, A. Kadiroglu, A. Yildirim, G. Ozturk, H. Yildiz and I. Koken. 2018a. Adaptation abilities and quality parameters of selected soybean lines under double cropping in the Mediterranean Region. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 23(1): 49-55.
  • Ilker, E., M. Kocaturk, A. Kadiroglu, M. Altinbas, A. Yildirim, G. Ozturk and H. Yildiz. 2018b. Stability analyses for double cropping in soybean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill]. Turk J Field Crops 23(2): 80-84.
  • Jha, S.K., N.K. Singh, R.A. Kumar, P.K. Agrawal, J.C. Bhatt, S.K. Guleria, A.A. Lone, R.S. Sudan, K.P. Singh and V. Mahajan. 2013. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis for grain yield of short duration maize hybrids in North-Western Himalayas. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 73: 29-35.
  • Karasu, A., M. Oz, A.T. Goksoy and Z.M. Turan. 2009. Genotype by environment interactions, stability, and heritability of seed yield and certain agronomical traits in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. African Journal of Biotechnology 8 (4): 580-590.
  • Kaya, Y., M. Akcura and S. Taner. 2006. GGE biplot analysis of multi-environment yield trials in bread wheat. Turk J Agric For. 30: 325-337.
  • Kumar, A., S. Kumar, C. Kapoor, R. Bhagawati, A. Pandey and A. Pattanayak. 2014. GGE biplot analysis of genotype × environment interaction in soybean grown in NEH regions of India. Environment and Ecology 32 (3A): 1047—1050.
  • Pelúzio, J.M., R.R. Fidelis, P. Giongo and J.C. Silva. 2008. Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de cultivares de soja em quatro épocas de semeadura no sul do Estado do Tocantins. Revista Ceres 55: 34-40.
  • Ramos, Jr E.U., R.L. Brogin, V.P.C. Godinho, F.J.E. Botelho, F.D. Tardin and P.E. Teodoro. 2017. Identification of soybean genotypes with high stability for the Brazilian macro-region 402 via biplot analysis. Genetics and Molecular Research 16(3): 1-10.
  • Santi, A.L., T.J.C. Amado, M.R. Cherubin, T.N. Martin, J.L. Pires, LPD Flora and C.J. Basso. 2012. Principal component analysis of soil chemical and physicalattributes limiting grain yield. Pesq Agropec Brasil 47: 1346-1357.
  • Silva, W.C.J. and J.B. Duarte. 2006. Métodos estatísticos para estudo de adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica em soja. Pesqui Agropecu Bras. 41: 23-30.
  • Silveira, D.A., L.F. Pricinotto, M. Nardino, C.A. Bahry, C.E.C. Prete and L. Cruz. 2016. Determination of the adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars in different locations and at different sowing times in Paraná state using the AMMI and Eberhart and Russel methods. Semina: Ciências Agrárias Londrina 37(6): 3973-3982.
  • Sousa, L.B., O.T. Hamawaki, A.P.O. Nogueira, R.O. Batista, V.M. Oliveira and R.L. Hamawaki. 2015. Evaluation of soybean lines and environmental stratification using the AMMI, GGE biplot, and factor analysis methods. Genetics and Molecular Research 14 (4): 12660-12674.
  • Yan, W., L.A. Hunt, Q.L. Sheng and Z. Szlavnics. 2000. Cultivar evaluation and mega-environment investigation based on the GGE Biplot. Crop Sci. 40: 597-605.
  • Yan, W. 2001. GGE biplot: a Windows application for graphical analysis of multi-environment trial data and other types of two-way data. Agron J. 93: 1111-1118.
  • Yan, W. and L.A. Hunt. 2001. Interpretation of genotype x environment interaction for winter wheat yield in Ontario. Crop Science 41: 19-25.
  • Yan, W. 2002. Singular-value partitioning in biplot analysis of multienvironment trial data. Agronomy Journal 94(5): 990– 996.
  • Yan, W. and I. Rajcan 2002. Biplot analysis of test sites and trait relations of soybean in Ontario. Crop Science 42: 11-20.
  • Yan, W. and N.A. Tinker. 2006. Biplot analysis of multienvironment trial data; principles and application. Can J Plant Sci. 3: 623–645
  • Yan, W. and J. Frégeau-Reid. 2018. Genotype by yield x trait (GYT) Biplot: a novel approach for genotype selection based on multiple traits. Scientific Reports 8: 1-10.
  • Yang, R., J. Crossa, P.L. Cornelius and J. Burgueno. 2009. Biplot analysis of GEI effect. Crop Science 49: 1564-1576.
  • Zhang, M., M.S. Kang, P.F. Reese Jr and H.L. Bhardwaj. 2006. Soybean cultivar evaluation via GGE biplot analysis. Journal of New Seeds 7 (4): 37-50.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Kocaturk This is me

Pınar Cubukcu This is me

Abdurrahim Tanju Goksoy

Mehmet Sıncık This is me

Emre Ilker

Abdullah Kadıroglu This is me

Yasemin Vurarak This is me

Yesim Sahın This is me

Mehmet Karakus This is me

Umran Akgun Yıldırım This is me

Project Number 113O082
Publication Date December 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 24 Issue: 2


APA Kocaturk, M., Cubukcu, P., Goksoy, A. T., Sıncık, M., et al. (2019). GGE BIPLOT ANALYSIS OF GENOTYPE × ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION IN SOYBEAN GROWN AS A SECOND CROP. Turkish Journal Of Field Crops, 24(2), 145-154.

Cited By

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