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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1, 48 - 55, 12.03.2024


Introduction: Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers among female genital system cancers. It is known that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccines show high efficacy in reducing the burden of HPV-related diseases and preventing precancerous lesions progressing to cancer. HPV vaccination percentage are quite low, especially among university students at high risk for HPV infection. In this study, it was aimed to determine the knowledge levels of the students of the Vocational School of Health Services about HPV infection and vaccination and to evaluate their health beliefs on the subject.
Material and Methods: The universe of the descriptive study consisted of female students attending Başkent University Vocational School of Health Services in the 2022-2023 academic year. An online questionnaire was applied to the participants of the research. In the research; information form, the HPV Knowledge score, the Health Belief Model Scale for HPV and its Vaccination were used. IBM SPSS 25.0 program was used in the analysis of the data.
Results: 546 of 628 female students participated in the study (86.9%). The mean HPV knowledge scores of the students were 2.73±2.46. There was a significant difference between HPV information scores according to paternal and maternal education status (p=0,002; p=0,047). Cronbach alpha values of the Health Belief Model Scale for HPV Infection and Vaccination were found to be between 0.77-0.84. Among the sub-dimensions of the scale, the perceived severity score is the highest and the perceived barrier score is the lowest. The percentage of those who know that HPV vaccine is protective for cervical cancer was determined as 31.5%. The percentage of those who have received the HPV vaccine is 2.9%. Lack of knowledge about the vaccine ranks first among the reasons for not vaccinating with 60.8%. The percentage of those who want to be vaccinated if recommended by a physician is 49.8%.
Conclusion: It has been observed that the students of Vocational School of Health Services do not have sufficient knowledge about HPV and its vaccine. Necessary adjustments should be made in the curriculum, comprehensive training should be provided on HPV infection and vaccine, and awareness of the subject should be increased in students. It is thought that the involvement of health institutions providing preventive health services in awareness programs will increase the percentage of vaccination. The awareness that cervical cancer is a preventable disease with HPV vaccine should be brought to the society.


  • 1. Ayhan A, Gultekin M, Dursun P, editors. Textbook of gynaecological oncology. Güneş Yayınevi; 2009.p.195-201
  • 2. Zhang S, Xu H, Zhang L, Qiao Y. Cervical cancer: Epidemiology, risk factors and screening. Chinese J Cancer Res. 2020;32(6):720–728.
  • 3. Tota JE, Bentley J, Blake J, Coutlée F, Duggan MA, Ferenczy A, et al. Introduction of molecular HPV testing as the primary technology in cervical cancer screening: Acting on evidence to change the current paradigm. Prev Med. 2017;98:5–14.
  • 4. Ronco G, Giorgi Rossi P. Role of HPV DNA testing in modern gynaecological practice. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2018;47:107–118.
  • 5. Yuan Y, Cai X, Shen F, Ma F. HPV post-infection microenvironment and cervical cancer. Cancer Lett. 2021;497:243–254.
  • 6. WHO. Cervical Cancer [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2023 May 11]. Available from:
  • 7. Wang R, Pan W, Jin L, Huang W, Li Y, Wu D, et al. Human papillomavirus vaccine against cervical cancer: Opportunity and challenge. Cancer Lett. 2020;471:88–102.
  • 8. Cheng L, Wang Y, Du J. Human Papillomavirus Vaccines: An Updated Review. Vaccines. 2020; 8(3)-391
  • 9. Guvenc G, Seven M, Akyuz A. Health Belief Model Scale for Human Papilloma Virus and its Vaccination: Adaptation and Psychometric Testing. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2016;29(3):252–258.
  • 10. Kim HW. Knowledge about human papillomavirus (HPV), and health beliefs and intention to recommend HPV vaccination for girls and boys among Korean health teachers. Vaccine. 2012;30(36):5327–5334.
  • 11. Borlu A, Gunay O, Balci E, Sagiroglu M. Knowledge and attitudes of medical and non-medical Turkish university students about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev. 2016;17(1):299–303.
  • 12. Kunt İşgüder Ç. Sağlık Yüksek Okulu Öğrencilerinin HPV Aşısı Bilgi Düzeyinin Değerlendirilmesi. J Contemp Med. 2017;7(1):1–7.
  • 13. Güneysu Tunaman S, Eryılmaz N, Kösretaş B. the Knowledge Levels and Health Beliefs of Vocational School of Health Services Students About Human Papilloma Virus (Hpv) and Vaccine. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Mesl Yüksek Okulu Derg. 2022;10(1):180–198.
  • 14. Oz M, Cetinkaya N, Apaydin A, Korkmaz E, Bas S, Ozgu E, et al. Awareness and Knowledge Levels of Turkish College Students about Human Papilloma Virus Infection and Vaccine Acceptance. J Cancer Educ. 2018;33(2):260–268.
  • 15. Özdemir S, Akkaya R, Karaşahin KE. Analysis of community-based studies related with knowledge, awareness, attitude, and behaviors towards hpv and hpv vaccine published in turkey: A systematic review. J Turkish Ger Gynecol Assoc. 2020;21(2):111–123.
  • 16. Yemenoğlu -Recep H, Erdoğan T, Diş Ü, Fakültesi H, Dalı PA, Rize T, et al. Diş Hekimliğ i Ö ğ rencilerinin Human Papilloma Virus Hakkındaki Bilği Du zeyinin Değ erlendirilmesi Evaluation of Knowledğe Level About Human Papilloma Virus Amonğ Dental Students. Eylül. 2020;96–102.
  • 17. Yağız R, Kilci Ş, Ertem G. Öğrencilerin Serviks Kanseri ile Human Papilloma Virüs Enfeksiyonu Aşılamasına İlişkin Sağlik İnanç Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektron Derg. 2022;15(1):40–49.
  • 18. Lee E-J, Park J-S. Knowledge about Cervical Cancer, Health Beliefs and Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Rate in Female University Students. J Korean Oncol Nurs. 2011;11(1):65-73.
  • 19. Donadiki EM, Jiménez-García R, Hernández-Barrera V, Sourtzi P, Carrasco-Garrido P, López de Andrés A, et al. Health Belief Model applied to non-compliance with HPV vaccine among female university students. Public Health. 2014;128(3):268–273.
  • 20. Oh, Kyeung Mi, et al. "Knowledge, beliefs, and practice regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among American college students: Application of the health belief model." Journal of American College Health. 2023; 71(8): 2329-2338.
  • 21. Fallucca A, Immordino P, Riggio L, Casuccio A, Vitale F, Restivo V. Acceptability of HPV Vaccination in Young Students by Exploring Health Belief Model and Health Literacy. Vaccines. 2022;10(7): 998
  • 22. Poelman MR, Brand HS, Forouzanfar T, Daley EM, Jager DHJ. Prevention of HPV-Related Oral Cancer by Dentists: Assessing the Opinion of Dutch Dental Students. J Cancer Educ. 2018;33(6):1347–1354.
  • 23. Lorenzo-Pouso AI, Gándara-Vila P, Banga C, Gallas M, Pérez-Sayáns M, García A, et al. Human Papillomavirus-Related Oral Cancer: Knowledge and Awareness Among Spanish Dental Students. J Cancer Educ. 2019;34(4):782–788.
  • 24. Sundstrom B, Carr LA, DeMaria AL, Korte JE, Modesitt SC, Pierce JY. Protecting the Next Generation: Elaborating the Health Belief Model to Increase HPV Vaccination Among College-Age Women. Soc Mar Q. 2015;21(3):173–188.
  • 25. Juntasopeepun P, Suwan N, Phianmongkhol Y, Srisomboon J. Factors influencing acceptance of human papillomavirus vaccine among young female college students in Thailand. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2012;118(3):247–250.
  • 26. Denny-Smith T, Bairan A, Page MC. A survey of female nursing students’ knowledge, health beliefs, perceptions of risk, and risk behaviors regarding human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2006; 18(2):62–69.
  • 27. Shahsavari S, Alavi A, Razmjoue P, Mohseni S, Ranae V, Hosseini Z, et al. A predictive model of genital warts preventive behaviors among women in the south of Iran: application of health belief model. BMC Womens Health. 2022;22(1):63.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1, 48 - 55, 12.03.2024


Giriş: Kadın genital sistem kanserleri arasında serviks kanseri en sık görülen kanserlerden biridir. Human Papilloma Virüs (HPV) aşılarının, HPV ile ilişkili hastalıkların yükünü azaltmada ve kansere ilerleyen prekanseröz lezyonları önlemede yüksek etkinlik gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Özellikle HPV enfeksiyonu için yüksek risk altındaki üniversite öğrencileri arasında HPV aşılama oranları oldukça düşüktür. Bu çalışmada Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin, HPV enfeksiyonu ve aşılaması hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve konuya ilişkin sağlık inançlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: Araştırma tanımlayıcı tiptedir. Evrenini 2022-2023 öğretim yılında Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu’na devam eden kız öğrenciler oluşturmuştur. Araştırmaya katılanlara online anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada; soru formu, HPV Bilgi Skalası-Kısa Form, HPV Enfeksiyonu ve Aşılamasına ilişkin Sağlık İnanç Modeli Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde IBM SPSS 25.0 programı kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Araştırmaya 628 kız öğrencinin 546’sı (%86,9) katılmıştır. Öğrencilerin HPV bilgi puanlarının ortalaması 2,73±2,46'dır. Baba ve anne eğitim durumuna göre HPV bilgi puanları arasında anlamlı fark saptanmıştır (p=0,002; p=0,047). HPV Enfeksiyonu ve Aşılamasına ilişkin Sağlık İnanç Modeli Ölçeği alt boyutlarının Cronbach alpha değerleri 0,77-0,84 arasında bulunmuştur. Ölçek alt boyutları arasında algılanan ciddiyet puanı en yüksek olup algılanan engel puanı en düşüktür. HPV aşısının serviks kanseri için koruyucu olduğunu bilenlerin oranı %31,5 olarak saptanmıştır. HPV aşısını yaptıranların oranı %2,9‘dur. Aşı hakkında bilgi sahibi olmama, aşı yaptırmama nedenleri arasında %60,8 ile ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Bir hekimin önermesi durumunda aşı yaptırmak isteyenlerin oranı %49,8’dur.
Sonuç: Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin, HPV ve aşısı hakkında yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadığı görülmüştür. Müfredatta gerekli düzenlemeler yapılarak, HPV enfeksiyonu ve aşısıyla ilgili kapsamlı bir eğitim verilmelidir ve öğrencilerde konuyla ilgili farkındalık artırılmalıdır. Koruyucu sağlık hizmeti veren sağlık kuruluşlarının farkındalık programlarında görev almalarının aşılanma oranını artıracağı düşünülmektedir. HPV aşısı ile serviks kanserinin önlenebilir bir hastalık olduğu bilinci topluma kazandırılmalıdır.


  • 1. Ayhan A, Gultekin M, Dursun P, editors. Textbook of gynaecological oncology. Güneş Yayınevi; 2009.p.195-201
  • 2. Zhang S, Xu H, Zhang L, Qiao Y. Cervical cancer: Epidemiology, risk factors and screening. Chinese J Cancer Res. 2020;32(6):720–728.
  • 3. Tota JE, Bentley J, Blake J, Coutlée F, Duggan MA, Ferenczy A, et al. Introduction of molecular HPV testing as the primary technology in cervical cancer screening: Acting on evidence to change the current paradigm. Prev Med. 2017;98:5–14.
  • 4. Ronco G, Giorgi Rossi P. Role of HPV DNA testing in modern gynaecological practice. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2018;47:107–118.
  • 5. Yuan Y, Cai X, Shen F, Ma F. HPV post-infection microenvironment and cervical cancer. Cancer Lett. 2021;497:243–254.
  • 6. WHO. Cervical Cancer [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2023 May 11]. Available from:
  • 7. Wang R, Pan W, Jin L, Huang W, Li Y, Wu D, et al. Human papillomavirus vaccine against cervical cancer: Opportunity and challenge. Cancer Lett. 2020;471:88–102.
  • 8. Cheng L, Wang Y, Du J. Human Papillomavirus Vaccines: An Updated Review. Vaccines. 2020; 8(3)-391
  • 9. Guvenc G, Seven M, Akyuz A. Health Belief Model Scale for Human Papilloma Virus and its Vaccination: Adaptation and Psychometric Testing. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2016;29(3):252–258.
  • 10. Kim HW. Knowledge about human papillomavirus (HPV), and health beliefs and intention to recommend HPV vaccination for girls and boys among Korean health teachers. Vaccine. 2012;30(36):5327–5334.
  • 11. Borlu A, Gunay O, Balci E, Sagiroglu M. Knowledge and attitudes of medical and non-medical Turkish university students about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev. 2016;17(1):299–303.
  • 12. Kunt İşgüder Ç. Sağlık Yüksek Okulu Öğrencilerinin HPV Aşısı Bilgi Düzeyinin Değerlendirilmesi. J Contemp Med. 2017;7(1):1–7.
  • 13. Güneysu Tunaman S, Eryılmaz N, Kösretaş B. the Knowledge Levels and Health Beliefs of Vocational School of Health Services Students About Human Papilloma Virus (Hpv) and Vaccine. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Mesl Yüksek Okulu Derg. 2022;10(1):180–198.
  • 14. Oz M, Cetinkaya N, Apaydin A, Korkmaz E, Bas S, Ozgu E, et al. Awareness and Knowledge Levels of Turkish College Students about Human Papilloma Virus Infection and Vaccine Acceptance. J Cancer Educ. 2018;33(2):260–268.
  • 15. Özdemir S, Akkaya R, Karaşahin KE. Analysis of community-based studies related with knowledge, awareness, attitude, and behaviors towards hpv and hpv vaccine published in turkey: A systematic review. J Turkish Ger Gynecol Assoc. 2020;21(2):111–123.
  • 16. Yemenoğlu -Recep H, Erdoğan T, Diş Ü, Fakültesi H, Dalı PA, Rize T, et al. Diş Hekimliğ i Ö ğ rencilerinin Human Papilloma Virus Hakkındaki Bilği Du zeyinin Değ erlendirilmesi Evaluation of Knowledğe Level About Human Papilloma Virus Amonğ Dental Students. Eylül. 2020;96–102.
  • 17. Yağız R, Kilci Ş, Ertem G. Öğrencilerin Serviks Kanseri ile Human Papilloma Virüs Enfeksiyonu Aşılamasına İlişkin Sağlik İnanç Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektron Derg. 2022;15(1):40–49.
  • 18. Lee E-J, Park J-S. Knowledge about Cervical Cancer, Health Beliefs and Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Rate in Female University Students. J Korean Oncol Nurs. 2011;11(1):65-73.
  • 19. Donadiki EM, Jiménez-García R, Hernández-Barrera V, Sourtzi P, Carrasco-Garrido P, López de Andrés A, et al. Health Belief Model applied to non-compliance with HPV vaccine among female university students. Public Health. 2014;128(3):268–273.
  • 20. Oh, Kyeung Mi, et al. "Knowledge, beliefs, and practice regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among American college students: Application of the health belief model." Journal of American College Health. 2023; 71(8): 2329-2338.
  • 21. Fallucca A, Immordino P, Riggio L, Casuccio A, Vitale F, Restivo V. Acceptability of HPV Vaccination in Young Students by Exploring Health Belief Model and Health Literacy. Vaccines. 2022;10(7): 998
  • 22. Poelman MR, Brand HS, Forouzanfar T, Daley EM, Jager DHJ. Prevention of HPV-Related Oral Cancer by Dentists: Assessing the Opinion of Dutch Dental Students. J Cancer Educ. 2018;33(6):1347–1354.
  • 23. Lorenzo-Pouso AI, Gándara-Vila P, Banga C, Gallas M, Pérez-Sayáns M, García A, et al. Human Papillomavirus-Related Oral Cancer: Knowledge and Awareness Among Spanish Dental Students. J Cancer Educ. 2019;34(4):782–788.
  • 24. Sundstrom B, Carr LA, DeMaria AL, Korte JE, Modesitt SC, Pierce JY. Protecting the Next Generation: Elaborating the Health Belief Model to Increase HPV Vaccination Among College-Age Women. Soc Mar Q. 2015;21(3):173–188.
  • 25. Juntasopeepun P, Suwan N, Phianmongkhol Y, Srisomboon J. Factors influencing acceptance of human papillomavirus vaccine among young female college students in Thailand. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2012;118(3):247–250.
  • 26. Denny-Smith T, Bairan A, Page MC. A survey of female nursing students’ knowledge, health beliefs, perceptions of risk, and risk behaviors regarding human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2006; 18(2):62–69.
  • 27. Shahsavari S, Alavi A, Razmjoue P, Mohseni S, Ranae V, Hosseini Z, et al. A predictive model of genital warts preventive behaviors among women in the south of Iran: application of health belief model. BMC Womens Health. 2022;22(1):63.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Koruyucu Sağlık Hizmetleri, Aile Hekimliği
Bölüm Orijinal Makaleler

Yasemin Sezgin 0000-0003-3059-5941

Serap Salimoğlu 0000-0003-0589-1538

Esin Başaran 0000-0002-6193-3395

Recep Akdur 0000-0002-9766-1117

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 5 Mart 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1

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