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Enüreziste Yönetim

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 48 - 58, 30.09.2024


Enürezis, genellikle ebeveynler tarafından önemsenmeyen ancak tedavi edilmediği takdirde uzun vadede çocuk ve ailesi için sosyal, duygusal, psikolojik riskler oluşturan yaygın bir çocukluk çağı hastalığıdır. Günümüzde hala bu hastalığın yönetilmesi ile ilgili birçok yanlış anlamalar mevcuttur. PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus veri tabanlarından ilgili anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda erişilen makalelerin derlendiği bu çalışmanın amacı enürezisin etiyolojisi, prevelansı, tanı ve tedavisi hakkında bilgi vermek, aile-çocuk üzerine etkisini incelemek, hastalığın yönetimi ve hemşirelik bakımı ile ilgili kapsamlı bir genel bakış sağlamaktır. Her yaş grubunda görülebilen enürezisin genel prevalansı %2,3 ile %25 arasında değişmekle beraber yapılan çalışmalarda enürezisli çocukların yaşam kalitesinde, benlik saygısında düşüşler olduğu; sosyal yaşamlarının kısıtlandığı ve ruh sağlığı sorunlarının diğer çocuklara oranla 2-6 kat daha sık görüldüğü bildirilmektedir. Ayrıca ebeveynlerde ciddi strese sebep olduğu, genellikle endişeli ve kızgın hissettikleri, çocuklarını suçlayabildikleri, cezalandırabildikleri ve dolayısıyla çocuklarda ruhsal travmalara sebep oldukları vurgulanmıştır. Ayrıca yapılan diğer çalışmalar, hemşireler ve diğer sağlık personelleri ile birlik içerisinde uygulanacak başarılı tedavi yöntemlerinin bu olumsuzlukları giderilebileceğini göstermektedir. Özellikle okul çağı çocuğu olan ailelerin hemşireler ve diğer sağlık personelleri aracılığıyla bilgi eksiklikleri giderilmeli ve farkındalıkları artırılmalı, onlara enürezisin tedavi edilebilir olduğu ve bu durumun çocuğun özsaygısını zedeleyebileceği anlatılmalıdır.


  • 1. Gomez Rincon M, Leslie SW, Lotfollahzadeh S. StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing; Treasure Island (FL): Dec 3, 2022. Nocturnal Enuresis.
  • 2. Mohammadi M, VaisiRaiegani AA, Jalali R, Ghobadi A, Salari N. The Prevalence of Nocturnal Enuresis among Iranian Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Urol J. 2019; 16:427-432.
  • 3. Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği, Ruhsal Bozuklukların Tanısal ve Sayımsal Elkitabı, Beşinci Baskı (DSM-5), Tanı Ölçütleri Başvuru El Kitabı’ndan, çev. yay. yön. Köroğlu E, Hekimler Yayın Birliği, Ankara, 2014; 479.
  • 4. Austin PF, Bauer SB, Bower W, Chase J, Franco I, Hoebeke P, et al. The standardization of terminology of lower urinary tract function in children and adolescents: update report from the standardization Committee of the International Children's continence society. Neurourol Urodyn. 2016; 35(4):471–481
  • 5. Walker RA. Nocturnal Enuresis. Prim Care. 2019 Jun; 46(2):243-248.
  • 6. Richardson D. Assessment and treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children and young people. Nurs Child Young People 2018; 30:40-47.
  • 7. Chan IH, Wong KK. Common urological problems in children: primary nocturnal enuresis. Hong Kong Med J 2019; 25:305-311.
  • 8. Kuwertz-Bröking E, von Gontard A. Clinical management of nocturnal enuresis. Pediatr Nephrol. 2018; 33:1145-1154.
  • 9. Nevéus T, Fonseca E, Franco I, Kawauchi A, Kovacevic L, Nieuwhof-Leppink A, et al. Management and treatment of nocturnal enuresis-an updated standardization document from the International Children's Continence Society. J Pediatr Urol 2020; 16:10–19.
  • 10. Li X, Wen JG, Shen T, Yang XQ, Peng SX, Wang XZ, et al. Disposable diaper overuse is associated with primary enuresis in children. Sci Rep. 2020; 10:14407.
  • 11. Savaser S, Kizilkaya Beji N, Aslan E, Gozen D. The Prevalence of Diurnal Urinary Incontinence and Enuresis and Quality of Life: Sample of School. Urol J. 2018; 15:173-179.
  • 12. Huang WJ, Liang YY, Yang Q, Ma X. Nocturnal enuresis in children: Parents' perspectives. Nursing open. 2022; 9(5): 2335-2341.
  • 13. Dang J, Tang Z. Pathogenesis and brain functional imaging in nocturnal enuresis: a review. Exp Biol Med. 2021; 246:1483-1490.
  • 14. Hamed A, Yousf F, Hussein MM. Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis and related risk factors in school-age children in Egypt: an epidemiological study. World J Urol. 2017; 35(3):459–65.
  • 15. Sarici H, Telli O, Ozgur BC, Demirbas A, Ozgur S, Karagoz MA. Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis and its influence on quality of life in school-aged children. J Pediatr Urol. 2016; 12(3):159.e1–6.
  • 16. Huang HM, Wei J, Sharma S, Bao Y, Li F, Song JW, Wu HB, Sun HL, Li ZJ, Liu HN, Wu Q, Jiang HL. Prevalence and risk factors of nocturnal enuresis among children ages 5-12 years in Xi'an, China: a cross-sectional study. BMC pediatrics. 2020; 20(1):305.
  • 17. Tokar B, Baskaya M, Celik O, Cemrek F, Acikgoz A. Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Enuresis Prediction in Children. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2021; 31:414-419.
  • 18. American Academy of Pediatrics. How to tell when your child is ready, 2nd edn. In Guide to Toilet Training, Vol. 1(ed. Wolraich, M L.) 19–40. (Bantam Dell, Ebook ISBN 9780425285817, 2016)
  • 19. Dayan J, Creveuil C, Bapt-Cazalets N. Enuresis and encopresis: Association with child abuse and neglect. L'Encephale. 2022; 48 (1): 30-33.
  • 20. Can G, Topbas M, Okten A, Kizil M. Child abuse as a result of enuresis. Pediatrics International. 2004;46(1):64-66.
  • 21. Sapi MC, Vasconcelos JS, Silva FG, Damião R, Silva EA. Assessment of domestic violence against children and adolescents with enuresis. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2009;85(5):433-437.
  • 22. Yilmaz EŞ, Büyük ET. Effect of education given to children with enuresis on quality of life. Journal of pediatric urology. 2021; 17(5):648.e1–648.e7.
  • 23. Ring IJ, Neveus T, Markström A, Amrup K, Bazargani F. Nocturnal enuresis impaired children’s quality of life and friendships. Acta Pediatrica. 2017; 106(5):806-811.
  • 24. Iscan B, Ozkayın N. Evaluation of health-related quality of life and affecting factors in child with enuresis. Journal of pediatric urology. 2021; 16(2):195.e1–195.e7.
  • 25. Wright AJ. Nocturnal enuresis: a comorbid condition. Jornal de pediatria. 2020; 96(3):276-278.
  • 26. Gulisano M, Domini C, Capelli M, Pellico A, Rizzo R. Importance of neuropsychiatric evaluation in children with primary monosymptomatic enuresis. J Pediatr Urol 2017;13:36.e1–6
  • 27. Peck B, Peck B, Harvey J, Green A, Svedas K, Whitaker S, et al. Body worn versus bell-and-pad alarm device for the management of monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis in children a randomized controlled trial. J Wound Ostomy Cont Nurs. 2020; 47:507-12.
  • 28. Sousa e Silvaa GJ, Sammour SNF, Ferraroa AA, Kalika Koch VH. Study of the profile of behavioral problems and quality of life indexes in a pediatric cohort of monosymptomatic enuresis. J. An Pediatr. 2019; 95(2):188-193.
  • 29. Wang TM, Yang SS, Tsai JD, Yu MC, Chiou YH, Chen KL, et al. Management of nocturnal enuresis in Taiwan: Consensus statements of the Taiwan enuresis expert committee. J Formosan Med Assoc. 2019; 118:965-972.
  • 30. Bogaert G, Stein R, Undre S, Nijman R, Quadackers J, 't Hoen L, Kocvara R, Silay S, Tekgul S, Radmayr C, Dogan HS. Practical recommendations of the EAU-ESPU guidelines committee for monosymptomatic enuresis-Bedwetting. Neurourology and urodynamics. 2020; 39(2):489-497.
  • 31. Larsson J, Borgström M, Karanikas B, Nevéus T. Can enuresis alarm therapy be managed by the families without the support of a nurse? A prospective study of a real-world sample. Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992). 2022 Dec.
  • 32. Alqannad EM, Alharbi AS, Almansour RA, Alghamdi MS. Alarm Therapy in the Treatment of Enuresis in Children: Types and Efficacy Review. Cureus. 2021; 13(8):e17358.
  • 33. Dehghanpour A, Seyedhashemi M, Zare Bidaki A, Mousavi Z, Emtiazy M, Shakiba M. Coconut oil rubbing as an easy and safe way to improve symptoms in primary nocturnal enuresis: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled clinical trial. Avicenna journal of phytomedicine. 2022; 12(5), 449-456.
  • 34. Sinha R, Raut S. Management of noctural enuresis – myths and facts. World J Nephrol. 2016; 5:328-338.
  • 35. Haid B, Tekgül S. Primary and Secondary Enuresis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Eur Urol Focus. 2017 Apr;3(2-3):198-206.
  • 36. Saarikoski A, Koppeli R, Salanterä S, et al. Voiding school as a treatment of daytime incontinence or enuresis: Children’s experiences of the intervention. J Pediatr Urol 2018;14:56.e156.e7

Management of Enuresis

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 48 - 58, 30.09.2024


Enuresis is a common childhood disease that is often ignored by parents, but poses social, emotional and psychological risks to the child and family in the long term if left untreated. There are still many misconceptions about the management of this disease today. The aim of this study, in which the articles accessed as a result of the literature review using the relevant keywords from PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases, were compiled, to provide information about the etiology, prevalence, diagnosis and treatment of enuresis, to examine the effect on the family-child, to provide a comprehensive study of the management of the disease and nursing care to provide an overview. Although the general prevalence of enuresis, which can be seen in all age groups, varies between %2.3 and %25, studies have shown that there is a decrease in the quality of life and self-esteem of children with enuresis; It is reported that their social life is restricted and mental health problems are seen 2-6 times more frequently than other children. In addition, it was emphasized that it causes serious stress in parents, they often feel anxious and angry, they can blame and punish their children, and thus cause mental traumas in children. In addition, other studies show that successful treatment methods to be applied in cooperation with nurses and other health personnel can eliminate these negativities. In particular, families with school-age children should be provided with information through nurses and other health personnel, and their awareness should be increased, and they should be told that enuresis is treatable and that this situation can harm the child's self-esteem.


  • 1. Gomez Rincon M, Leslie SW, Lotfollahzadeh S. StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing; Treasure Island (FL): Dec 3, 2022. Nocturnal Enuresis.
  • 2. Mohammadi M, VaisiRaiegani AA, Jalali R, Ghobadi A, Salari N. The Prevalence of Nocturnal Enuresis among Iranian Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Urol J. 2019; 16:427-432.
  • 3. Amerikan Psikiyatri Birliği, Ruhsal Bozuklukların Tanısal ve Sayımsal Elkitabı, Beşinci Baskı (DSM-5), Tanı Ölçütleri Başvuru El Kitabı’ndan, çev. yay. yön. Köroğlu E, Hekimler Yayın Birliği, Ankara, 2014; 479.
  • 4. Austin PF, Bauer SB, Bower W, Chase J, Franco I, Hoebeke P, et al. The standardization of terminology of lower urinary tract function in children and adolescents: update report from the standardization Committee of the International Children's continence society. Neurourol Urodyn. 2016; 35(4):471–481
  • 5. Walker RA. Nocturnal Enuresis. Prim Care. 2019 Jun; 46(2):243-248.
  • 6. Richardson D. Assessment and treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children and young people. Nurs Child Young People 2018; 30:40-47.
  • 7. Chan IH, Wong KK. Common urological problems in children: primary nocturnal enuresis. Hong Kong Med J 2019; 25:305-311.
  • 8. Kuwertz-Bröking E, von Gontard A. Clinical management of nocturnal enuresis. Pediatr Nephrol. 2018; 33:1145-1154.
  • 9. Nevéus T, Fonseca E, Franco I, Kawauchi A, Kovacevic L, Nieuwhof-Leppink A, et al. Management and treatment of nocturnal enuresis-an updated standardization document from the International Children's Continence Society. J Pediatr Urol 2020; 16:10–19.
  • 10. Li X, Wen JG, Shen T, Yang XQ, Peng SX, Wang XZ, et al. Disposable diaper overuse is associated with primary enuresis in children. Sci Rep. 2020; 10:14407.
  • 11. Savaser S, Kizilkaya Beji N, Aslan E, Gozen D. The Prevalence of Diurnal Urinary Incontinence and Enuresis and Quality of Life: Sample of School. Urol J. 2018; 15:173-179.
  • 12. Huang WJ, Liang YY, Yang Q, Ma X. Nocturnal enuresis in children: Parents' perspectives. Nursing open. 2022; 9(5): 2335-2341.
  • 13. Dang J, Tang Z. Pathogenesis and brain functional imaging in nocturnal enuresis: a review. Exp Biol Med. 2021; 246:1483-1490.
  • 14. Hamed A, Yousf F, Hussein MM. Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis and related risk factors in school-age children in Egypt: an epidemiological study. World J Urol. 2017; 35(3):459–65.
  • 15. Sarici H, Telli O, Ozgur BC, Demirbas A, Ozgur S, Karagoz MA. Prevalence of nocturnal enuresis and its influence on quality of life in school-aged children. J Pediatr Urol. 2016; 12(3):159.e1–6.
  • 16. Huang HM, Wei J, Sharma S, Bao Y, Li F, Song JW, Wu HB, Sun HL, Li ZJ, Liu HN, Wu Q, Jiang HL. Prevalence and risk factors of nocturnal enuresis among children ages 5-12 years in Xi'an, China: a cross-sectional study. BMC pediatrics. 2020; 20(1):305.
  • 17. Tokar B, Baskaya M, Celik O, Cemrek F, Acikgoz A. Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Enuresis Prediction in Children. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2021; 31:414-419.
  • 18. American Academy of Pediatrics. How to tell when your child is ready, 2nd edn. In Guide to Toilet Training, Vol. 1(ed. Wolraich, M L.) 19–40. (Bantam Dell, Ebook ISBN 9780425285817, 2016)
  • 19. Dayan J, Creveuil C, Bapt-Cazalets N. Enuresis and encopresis: Association with child abuse and neglect. L'Encephale. 2022; 48 (1): 30-33.
  • 20. Can G, Topbas M, Okten A, Kizil M. Child abuse as a result of enuresis. Pediatrics International. 2004;46(1):64-66.
  • 21. Sapi MC, Vasconcelos JS, Silva FG, Damião R, Silva EA. Assessment of domestic violence against children and adolescents with enuresis. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2009;85(5):433-437.
  • 22. Yilmaz EŞ, Büyük ET. Effect of education given to children with enuresis on quality of life. Journal of pediatric urology. 2021; 17(5):648.e1–648.e7.
  • 23. Ring IJ, Neveus T, Markström A, Amrup K, Bazargani F. Nocturnal enuresis impaired children’s quality of life and friendships. Acta Pediatrica. 2017; 106(5):806-811.
  • 24. Iscan B, Ozkayın N. Evaluation of health-related quality of life and affecting factors in child with enuresis. Journal of pediatric urology. 2021; 16(2):195.e1–195.e7.
  • 25. Wright AJ. Nocturnal enuresis: a comorbid condition. Jornal de pediatria. 2020; 96(3):276-278.
  • 26. Gulisano M, Domini C, Capelli M, Pellico A, Rizzo R. Importance of neuropsychiatric evaluation in children with primary monosymptomatic enuresis. J Pediatr Urol 2017;13:36.e1–6
  • 27. Peck B, Peck B, Harvey J, Green A, Svedas K, Whitaker S, et al. Body worn versus bell-and-pad alarm device for the management of monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis in children a randomized controlled trial. J Wound Ostomy Cont Nurs. 2020; 47:507-12.
  • 28. Sousa e Silvaa GJ, Sammour SNF, Ferraroa AA, Kalika Koch VH. Study of the profile of behavioral problems and quality of life indexes in a pediatric cohort of monosymptomatic enuresis. J. An Pediatr. 2019; 95(2):188-193.
  • 29. Wang TM, Yang SS, Tsai JD, Yu MC, Chiou YH, Chen KL, et al. Management of nocturnal enuresis in Taiwan: Consensus statements of the Taiwan enuresis expert committee. J Formosan Med Assoc. 2019; 118:965-972.
  • 30. Bogaert G, Stein R, Undre S, Nijman R, Quadackers J, 't Hoen L, Kocvara R, Silay S, Tekgul S, Radmayr C, Dogan HS. Practical recommendations of the EAU-ESPU guidelines committee for monosymptomatic enuresis-Bedwetting. Neurourology and urodynamics. 2020; 39(2):489-497.
  • 31. Larsson J, Borgström M, Karanikas B, Nevéus T. Can enuresis alarm therapy be managed by the families without the support of a nurse? A prospective study of a real-world sample. Acta Paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992). 2022 Dec.
  • 32. Alqannad EM, Alharbi AS, Almansour RA, Alghamdi MS. Alarm Therapy in the Treatment of Enuresis in Children: Types and Efficacy Review. Cureus. 2021; 13(8):e17358.
  • 33. Dehghanpour A, Seyedhashemi M, Zare Bidaki A, Mousavi Z, Emtiazy M, Shakiba M. Coconut oil rubbing as an easy and safe way to improve symptoms in primary nocturnal enuresis: A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled clinical trial. Avicenna journal of phytomedicine. 2022; 12(5), 449-456.
  • 34. Sinha R, Raut S. Management of noctural enuresis – myths and facts. World J Nephrol. 2016; 5:328-338.
  • 35. Haid B, Tekgül S. Primary and Secondary Enuresis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Eur Urol Focus. 2017 Apr;3(2-3):198-206.
  • 36. Saarikoski A, Koppeli R, Salanterä S, et al. Voiding school as a treatment of daytime incontinence or enuresis: Children’s experiences of the intervention. J Pediatr Urol 2018;14:56.e156.e7
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Derlemeler

Mehmet Can Sezişli 0000-0003-2328-5726

Evrim Kızıler 0000-0003-3188-6396

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Sezişli MC, Kızıler E. Enüreziste Yönetim. TSAD. 2024;5(2):48-5.