Year 2019,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 91 - 99, 27.09.2019
Bahar Demirel
Salih Yazıcıoğlu
Rukiye Tuğla
Serhat Ay
- [1] Luccioni, B. M., Figueroa, M. I., Danesi, R. F., Thermo-mechanic model for concrete exposed to elevated temperatures, Engineering Structure, 2003; 25:729–42. [2] Sanad, A. M., Lamont, S., Usmani, A. S., Rotter, J. M., Structural behaviourin fire compartment under different heating regimes—Part 1 (slab thermal gradients), Fire Safety Journal , 2000; 35:99–116.[3] Hertz, K. D., Concrete strength for fire safety design, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2005; 57(8):445–53.[4] Kalifa, P ., Menneteau, D. F., Quenard, D., Cement Concrete Research, 30:1915–27, 2000.[5] Ichikawa, Y., England, G. L., Prediction of moisture migration and pore pressure build-up in concrete at high temperatures, Nuclear Engineering Desing, 2004; 228:245–59.[6] Akman, M. S., Yapı Hasarları ve Onarım İlkeleri, İstanbul: TMMOB İnsaat Mühendisleri Odası, 2000.[7] Shoaib, M. M., Ahmed, S. A., and Balaha, M. M., Effect of Fire and Cooling Mode on the Properties of Slag Mortars, Cement and Concrete Research, 2001; 31:1533-1538.[8] Perkins, P. H., Repair, Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures, Elseveir Applied Science, 1986; England.[9] Riley, M. A., Possible New Method for the Assessment of Fire Damaged Concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research, 1991; 43:(155), 87-92.[10] Hammer, T. A., , Compressive Strength and E Modulus of Elevated Temperatures, Report 6.1, High Strength Phase 3.SINTEF-repport nr STF70 A 95023, 1995; Trondheim, 16.[11] Aydın, S., Baradan, B., Yüksek Sıcaklıga Dayanıklı Gelistirilmesi, TMMOB Insaat Mühendisleri Odası 5. Ulusal Beton Kongresi, 2003; 451-460.[12] Baradan, B., Yazıcı, H., and Ün, H., Betonarme Yapılarda Kalıcılık (Durabilite), İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No 298, 2002.[13] Khoury, G. A., Fire & Assessment, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Course on Effect of Heat on Concrete, 2003; Udine/Italy.[14] Scherefler, B. A., Brunello, P., Gawin, D., Majorana, C. E. and F. Pesavento, Concrete at High Temperature with Application to Tunnel Fire, Computational Mechanics, 2002; 29: 223-234. [15] Kristensen, L., and Hansen, T. C., Cracks in concrete core due to fire on thermal heating shock, ACI Materials Journal, 1994; 91 (5):453-459.[16] Phan, L. T., and Carino, N. J., Review of Mechanical Properties of HSC at Elevated Temperatures, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 1998; 10:58- 64.[17] Chan, Y. N., Peng, G. F., and Anson, M., Residual strength and pore structure of high-strength concrete and normal strength concrete after exposure to high temperatures, Cement and Conrete Composites, 1999; 21:23-27.[18] Luo, X., Chan, S. Y. N., and Sun, W., Effect of high temperature and cooling regimes on the compressive strength and pore properties of high performance concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2000;14: 261-¬266.[19] Poon, C. S., Azhar, S., Anson, M., and Wong, Y. L., Comparison of the strength and durability performance of normal and high sterngth pozzolanic concretes at eleveted temperatures, Cement and Concrete Research, 2001; 31: 1291-1300.[20] Jonatka, I., and Bagel, L., Pore structures permabilities and compressive strengths of concrete at temperatures up to 800 0C, ACI Materials Journal, 2002; 99 (2):196-200.[21] Demirel, B., and Gönen, T., Yüksek sıcaklığın karbon lif takviyeli hafif betonda basınç dayanımı ve poroziteye etkisi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2008; 14(2):223-228.[22] TS EN 1008, Mixing water for concrete – Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete, Turkish Standard, Nisan, 2003.[23] TS EN 12350-5, Testing frehs concrete- Part 5: Flow table test, Turkish Standard, Nisan, 2001.[24] Baradan, B., Yazıcı, H., and Ün, H., Betonarme Yapılarda Kalıcılık (Durabilite), İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, 298, 2002.[25] TS EN 12390-3, Testing hardened concrete - Part 3: Compressive strength of test specimens, Nisan, 2003.[26] ASTM C597 – 09, Standard Test Method for Pulse Velocity Through Concrete, American Standard.
Determination of Mechanical Properties of the Concrete Affected by High Temperature by Destructive and Non-Destructive Test Methods
Year 2019,
Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 91 - 99, 27.09.2019
Bahar Demirel
Salih Yazıcıoğlu
Rukiye Tuğla
Serhat Ay
In this study, the effects of the elevated temperature on concrete
specimens prepared with different aggregate types were investigated. For this
purpose, 4 different series were prepared by using CEM I 42,5 (N) type Portland
Cement and four different types of aggregates (basaltic crushed aggregate,
stream aggregate, limestone and pumice as lightweight aggregate). 100 mm and
150 mm cube concrete samples were prepared for each series. When reached the specified curing age,
prepared each concrete specimen was taken from the curing pool and exposed to
high temperatures of 300 ºC, 600 ºC and 900 ºC respectively. Control specimens of each series were stored
at room temperature. The compressive strengths, ultrasonic pulse velocity and
the adherence strength of the concrete samples exposed to these temperatures
were examined. At the end of this study, the compressive strengths of the
series exposed to high temperature are compared. It is observed that the series
which is produced with basaltic crushed aggregate is least affected and the
series which is produced with lightweight aggregate is the most affected from
the elevated temperature. Pull-out tests were carried out to the all prepared
series and it was found that the adherence strength between the concrete and
the reinforcement decreased as the temperature increased.
- [1] Luccioni, B. M., Figueroa, M. I., Danesi, R. F., Thermo-mechanic model for concrete exposed to elevated temperatures, Engineering Structure, 2003; 25:729–42. [2] Sanad, A. M., Lamont, S., Usmani, A. S., Rotter, J. M., Structural behaviourin fire compartment under different heating regimes—Part 1 (slab thermal gradients), Fire Safety Journal , 2000; 35:99–116.[3] Hertz, K. D., Concrete strength for fire safety design, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2005; 57(8):445–53.[4] Kalifa, P ., Menneteau, D. F., Quenard, D., Cement Concrete Research, 30:1915–27, 2000.[5] Ichikawa, Y., England, G. L., Prediction of moisture migration and pore pressure build-up in concrete at high temperatures, Nuclear Engineering Desing, 2004; 228:245–59.[6] Akman, M. S., Yapı Hasarları ve Onarım İlkeleri, İstanbul: TMMOB İnsaat Mühendisleri Odası, 2000.[7] Shoaib, M. M., Ahmed, S. A., and Balaha, M. M., Effect of Fire and Cooling Mode on the Properties of Slag Mortars, Cement and Concrete Research, 2001; 31:1533-1538.[8] Perkins, P. H., Repair, Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures, Elseveir Applied Science, 1986; England.[9] Riley, M. A., Possible New Method for the Assessment of Fire Damaged Concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research, 1991; 43:(155), 87-92.[10] Hammer, T. A., , Compressive Strength and E Modulus of Elevated Temperatures, Report 6.1, High Strength Phase 3.SINTEF-repport nr STF70 A 95023, 1995; Trondheim, 16.[11] Aydın, S., Baradan, B., Yüksek Sıcaklıga Dayanıklı Gelistirilmesi, TMMOB Insaat Mühendisleri Odası 5. Ulusal Beton Kongresi, 2003; 451-460.[12] Baradan, B., Yazıcı, H., and Ün, H., Betonarme Yapılarda Kalıcılık (Durabilite), İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, Yayın No 298, 2002.[13] Khoury, G. A., Fire & Assessment, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Course on Effect of Heat on Concrete, 2003; Udine/Italy.[14] Scherefler, B. A., Brunello, P., Gawin, D., Majorana, C. E. and F. Pesavento, Concrete at High Temperature with Application to Tunnel Fire, Computational Mechanics, 2002; 29: 223-234. [15] Kristensen, L., and Hansen, T. C., Cracks in concrete core due to fire on thermal heating shock, ACI Materials Journal, 1994; 91 (5):453-459.[16] Phan, L. T., and Carino, N. J., Review of Mechanical Properties of HSC at Elevated Temperatures, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 1998; 10:58- 64.[17] Chan, Y. N., Peng, G. F., and Anson, M., Residual strength and pore structure of high-strength concrete and normal strength concrete after exposure to high temperatures, Cement and Conrete Composites, 1999; 21:23-27.[18] Luo, X., Chan, S. Y. N., and Sun, W., Effect of high temperature and cooling regimes on the compressive strength and pore properties of high performance concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2000;14: 261-¬266.[19] Poon, C. S., Azhar, S., Anson, M., and Wong, Y. L., Comparison of the strength and durability performance of normal and high sterngth pozzolanic concretes at eleveted temperatures, Cement and Concrete Research, 2001; 31: 1291-1300.[20] Jonatka, I., and Bagel, L., Pore structures permabilities and compressive strengths of concrete at temperatures up to 800 0C, ACI Materials Journal, 2002; 99 (2):196-200.[21] Demirel, B., and Gönen, T., Yüksek sıcaklığın karbon lif takviyeli hafif betonda basınç dayanımı ve poroziteye etkisi, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2008; 14(2):223-228.[22] TS EN 1008, Mixing water for concrete – Specification for sampling, testing and assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete, Turkish Standard, Nisan, 2003.[23] TS EN 12350-5, Testing frehs concrete- Part 5: Flow table test, Turkish Standard, Nisan, 2001.[24] Baradan, B., Yazıcı, H., and Ün, H., Betonarme Yapılarda Kalıcılık (Durabilite), İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, 298, 2002.[25] TS EN 12390-3, Testing hardened concrete - Part 3: Compressive strength of test specimens, Nisan, 2003.[26] ASTM C597 – 09, Standard Test Method for Pulse Velocity Through Concrete, American Standard.