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Ağaçtan İlham Alan Fraktal Dallanan Dendriform Yapıların Antik Dönemden L-Sistem Tabanlı Çağdaş Tasarımlara Kadar Karşılaştırılması

Year 2025, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 193 - 207


Doğa, Fraktal Geometri ortaya çıkana kadar geleneksel yöntemlerle açıklanamayan kendine özgü karmaşık bir geometriye sahiptir. Günümüzde, hemen hemen her geometriyi niceliksel araçlar kullanarak gözlemleyebilir ve temsil edebiliriz. Bu çalışmada, karmaşık parametrik tasarımların mimari ürünlerindeki el çizimi ortamlarından dijital çizim ve hesaplamalı Bilgisayar destekli tasarım (CAD) araçlarına kadar Öklid geometrisini referans alan geometrik kompozisyonların uyumluluğu gözlemlenmiştir. Maison Carrée, Fogong Tapınağı Sakyamuni Pagodası, Saint Chapelle, Gloucester Katedrali, King’s College Şapeli, La Sagrada Familia ve Stuttgart Havaalanı Terminali gibi tarihi yapıların yanı sıra Parametrik Tasarım Araçları ile üretilen çağdaş yapılar incelendi. Hem geçmiş hem de güncel parametrik tasarım örnekleri kıyaslanmıştır. Yapıların planları ve kolon başı görünümleri, ImageJ içinde bir eklenti olarak işlev gören FracLac yazılımı ile Fraktal Analiz Yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edildi. Sofistike kolon geometrisi, L-Sistem kuralları ve iterasyon ilkeleri kullanılarak dinamik bir geometri olarak oluşturuldu ve ardından Autodesk Revit’te bir arayüz komutu olarak işlev gören bir Dynamo-PythonScript düğümü kullanılarak katı bir madde oluşturuldu. Sonuç olarak, sanılanın aksine, dendriform yapı geometrisi beklenmedik şekilde davrandı ve modern zamanlardan daha karmaşık değildi.


  • Mandelbrot BB. The fractal geometry of nature. Vol. 1. New York: WH Freeman; 1982. Accessed: Apr. 04, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Rian IM, Sassone M, Asayama S. From fractal geometry to architecture: designing a grid-shell-like structure using the Takagi–Landsberg surface. Comput Aided Des. 2018 May;98:40–53.
  • Yazyeva SB, Mayatskaya IA, Kashina IV, Nesterova AN. The manifestation of fractality in the architecture of buildings and structures. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng. 2019 Dec;698(3):033046.
  • Moltedo L, Mortelliti G, Salvetti O, Vitulano D. Computer aided analysis of the buildings. J Cult Herit. 2000 Jan;1(1):59–67.
  • Aslan N, Saltan M, Demir B. A different construction of the classical fractals via the escape time algorithm. J Abstr Comput Math. 2018;3(4):1–15.
  • Nouri L, Azari KT, Alaghmandan M. Development of algorithmic applications in architecture: a review and analysis of L-systems. Bagh-e Nazar. 2023 Feb;19(116):5–24.
  • Md Rian I, Sassone M. Tree-inspired dendriforms and fractal-like branching structures in architecture: a brief historical overview. Front Archit Res. 2014 Sep;3(3):298–323.
  • Prusinkiewicz P. Applications of L-systems to computer imagery. In: Ehrig H, Nagl M, Rozenberg G, Rosenfeld A, editors. Graph-grammars and their application to computer science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 291. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 1987. p. 534–48.
  • Toussi H-E. The application of evolutionary, generative, and hybrid approaches in architecture design optimization. 2020;2(2).
  • Roudavski S. Parametric skinning of complex-graphs: an airborne textile structure test-case. 2018.
  • Lorenz WE. Fractal geometry of architecture. In: Gruber P, Bruckner D, Hellmich C, Schmiedmayer H-B, Stachelberger H, Gebeshuber IC, editors. Biomimetics—materials, structures and processes. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2011. p. 179–200.
  • Zhou T, Li H, Li X, Lange CF, Ma Y. Feature-based modeling for variable fractal geometry design integrated into CAD system. Adv Eng Inform. 2023 Aug;57:102006.
  • Schlaich J. The Mercedes-Benz Museum. Accessed: Apr. 04, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Hu T, Xie Q, Yuan Q, Lv J, Xiong Q. Design of ethnic patterns based on shape grammar and artificial neural network. Alex Eng J. 2021 Feb;60(1):1601–25.
  • Kellert S, Calabrese E. The practice of biophilic design. 2015.
  • Mayatskaya I, Yazyeva S, Gatiev M, Kuznetsov V, Klyuev S, Sabitov L. Application of fractal methods in the design of modern structures. In: Klyuev SV, Vatin NI, Sabitov LS, editors. Industrial and civil construction 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Vol. 436. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2024. p. 414–22
  • Degirmenci FB. Fractal geometry and architecture. 2009.
  • Turan S. Visual analysis of complexity in architecture: fractal analysis. Konya Technical University; 2022.
  • Fichier:MK54063 Maison Carrée (Nîmes).jpg — Wikipédia. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • denfr. Plafond chapelle haute. 2015. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Lacework... intricacies of Gloucester Cathedral cloisters, England. r/architecture. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • King’s College Chapel, Cambridge | Historic Cambridge Guide. Britain Express. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Sagrada Familia Interiors | Understanding Gaudi’s Architecture. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Stuttgart Airport Structural Case Study. RikySongSu. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Jiang B, Yin J. Ht-Index for quantifying the fractal or scaling structure of geographic features. Ann Assoc Am Geogr. 2014 May;104(3):530–40.
  • Abdelsalam M. Fractal-based patterns in the Islamic Architecture: Using the fractal dimension of Mameluke Madrasa as an analysis approach and a design generator. 2020.
  • Kitchley J. Fractals in architecture. Archit Des. 2003 Jan;20:42–8.
  • Ostwald MJ, Vaughan J, Chalup S. A computational analysis of fractal dimensions in the architecture of Eileen Gray. ACADIA 2008: Silicon + Skin, Minneapolis (Minnesota), USA, 2008. pp. 256–63.
  • The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants. Wikipedia. Apr. 10, 2021. Accessed: Apr. 15, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Mi X, Meng X, Yang Q, Li T, Wang J. Analysis of the residual deformation of Yingxian Wood Pagoda. Adv Civ Eng. 2020 Mar;2020:1–12.
  • Spiers RP. Plan of the Maison Carrée at Nîmes. 1911. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • File:Plan.sainte.chapelle.Vincenne.png - Wikipedia. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Medieval Gloucester Cathedral - Plans and Drawings. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Plan de la Maison-Carrée à Nîmes. La Maison Carrée. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • File:Chapiteau.arcature.Sainte.Chapelle.Paris.png - Wikimedia Commons. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Medieval Cambridge- King’s College Chapel - Plans. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Galeria de Clássicos da Arquitetura: La Sagrada Familia / Antoni Gaudi - 38. ArchDaily Brasil. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • plan/detail.jpg (1105×794). Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Double twist columns. Blog Sagrada Família. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Freedom of expression | Mech, Steel structures. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:

Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures

Year 2025, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 193 - 207


Nature has its own complex geometry, which couldn’t be explained using traditional methods until the advent of Fractal Geometry. Nowadays, we can observe and represent almost every geometry using quantitative tools. In this study, the compatibility of geometric compositions, referencing Euclidean geometry from hand-drawing environments to digital drawing and computational Computer-aided design (CAD) tools in the architectural products of complex parametric designs, was observed. Historical structures such as Maison Carrée, The Sakyamuni Pagoda of Fogong Temple, Saint Chapelle, Gloucester Cathedral, King’s College Chapel, La Sagrada Familia, and the Stuttgart Airport Terminal, as well as contemporary structures generated by Parametric Design Tools, were examined. Both past and current parametric design examples were benchmarked. The plans and column head views of buildings were analyzed using the Fractal Analysis Method with the FracLac software, which functions as a plug-in within ImageJ. The sophisticated column geometry was created as a dynamic geometry utilizing L-System rules and iteration principles, and then a solid substance was built using a Dynamo-PythonScript node, which acts as an interface command in Autodesk Revit. As a result, contrary to popular belief, dendriform structure geometry behaved unexpectedly and was not complicated than modern times.


  • Mandelbrot BB. The fractal geometry of nature. Vol. 1. New York: WH Freeman; 1982. Accessed: Apr. 04, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Rian IM, Sassone M, Asayama S. From fractal geometry to architecture: designing a grid-shell-like structure using the Takagi–Landsberg surface. Comput Aided Des. 2018 May;98:40–53.
  • Yazyeva SB, Mayatskaya IA, Kashina IV, Nesterova AN. The manifestation of fractality in the architecture of buildings and structures. IOP Conf Ser Mater Sci Eng. 2019 Dec;698(3):033046.
  • Moltedo L, Mortelliti G, Salvetti O, Vitulano D. Computer aided analysis of the buildings. J Cult Herit. 2000 Jan;1(1):59–67.
  • Aslan N, Saltan M, Demir B. A different construction of the classical fractals via the escape time algorithm. J Abstr Comput Math. 2018;3(4):1–15.
  • Nouri L, Azari KT, Alaghmandan M. Development of algorithmic applications in architecture: a review and analysis of L-systems. Bagh-e Nazar. 2023 Feb;19(116):5–24.
  • Md Rian I, Sassone M. Tree-inspired dendriforms and fractal-like branching structures in architecture: a brief historical overview. Front Archit Res. 2014 Sep;3(3):298–323.
  • Prusinkiewicz P. Applications of L-systems to computer imagery. In: Ehrig H, Nagl M, Rozenberg G, Rosenfeld A, editors. Graph-grammars and their application to computer science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 291. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 1987. p. 534–48.
  • Toussi H-E. The application of evolutionary, generative, and hybrid approaches in architecture design optimization. 2020;2(2).
  • Roudavski S. Parametric skinning of complex-graphs: an airborne textile structure test-case. 2018.
  • Lorenz WE. Fractal geometry of architecture. In: Gruber P, Bruckner D, Hellmich C, Schmiedmayer H-B, Stachelberger H, Gebeshuber IC, editors. Biomimetics—materials, structures and processes. Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; 2011. p. 179–200.
  • Zhou T, Li H, Li X, Lange CF, Ma Y. Feature-based modeling for variable fractal geometry design integrated into CAD system. Adv Eng Inform. 2023 Aug;57:102006.
  • Schlaich J. The Mercedes-Benz Museum. Accessed: Apr. 04, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Hu T, Xie Q, Yuan Q, Lv J, Xiong Q. Design of ethnic patterns based on shape grammar and artificial neural network. Alex Eng J. 2021 Feb;60(1):1601–25.
  • Kellert S, Calabrese E. The practice of biophilic design. 2015.
  • Mayatskaya I, Yazyeva S, Gatiev M, Kuznetsov V, Klyuev S, Sabitov L. Application of fractal methods in the design of modern structures. In: Klyuev SV, Vatin NI, Sabitov LS, editors. Industrial and civil construction 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Vol. 436. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2024. p. 414–22
  • Degirmenci FB. Fractal geometry and architecture. 2009.
  • Turan S. Visual analysis of complexity in architecture: fractal analysis. Konya Technical University; 2022.
  • Fichier:MK54063 Maison Carrée (Nîmes).jpg — Wikipédia. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • denfr. Plafond chapelle haute. 2015. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Lacework... intricacies of Gloucester Cathedral cloisters, England. r/architecture. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • King’s College Chapel, Cambridge | Historic Cambridge Guide. Britain Express. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Sagrada Familia Interiors | Understanding Gaudi’s Architecture. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Stuttgart Airport Structural Case Study. RikySongSu. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Jiang B, Yin J. Ht-Index for quantifying the fractal or scaling structure of geographic features. Ann Assoc Am Geogr. 2014 May;104(3):530–40.
  • Abdelsalam M. Fractal-based patterns in the Islamic Architecture: Using the fractal dimension of Mameluke Madrasa as an analysis approach and a design generator. 2020.
  • Kitchley J. Fractals in architecture. Archit Des. 2003 Jan;20:42–8.
  • Ostwald MJ, Vaughan J, Chalup S. A computational analysis of fractal dimensions in the architecture of Eileen Gray. ACADIA 2008: Silicon + Skin, Minneapolis (Minnesota), USA, 2008. pp. 256–63.
  • The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants. Wikipedia. Apr. 10, 2021. Accessed: Apr. 15, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Mi X, Meng X, Yang Q, Li T, Wang J. Analysis of the residual deformation of Yingxian Wood Pagoda. Adv Civ Eng. 2020 Mar;2020:1–12.
  • Spiers RP. Plan of the Maison Carrée at Nîmes. 1911. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • File:Plan.sainte.chapelle.Vincenne.png - Wikipedia. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Medieval Gloucester Cathedral - Plans and Drawings. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Plan de la Maison-Carrée à Nîmes. La Maison Carrée. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • File:Chapiteau.arcature.Sainte.Chapelle.Paris.png - Wikimedia Commons. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Medieval Cambridge- King’s College Chapel - Plans. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Galeria de Clássicos da Arquitetura: La Sagrada Familia / Antoni Gaudi - 38. ArchDaily Brasil. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • plan/detail.jpg (1105×794). Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Double twist columns. Blog Sagrada Família. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
  • Freedom of expression | Mech, Steel structures. Accessed: May 01, 2024. [Online]. Available:
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architectural Science and Technology, Architectural Design, Design Instruments and Technology
Journal Section TJST

Zeynep Gülcan Kökçam 0009-0005-9427-0996

Murat Şahin 0000-0001-6733-1136

Ayça Gülten 0000-0001-9837-8674

Publication Date
Submission Date September 24, 2024
Acceptance Date December 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 20 Issue: 1


APA Kökçam, Z. G., Şahin, M., & Gülten, A. (n.d.). Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, 20(1), 193-207.
AMA Kökçam ZG, Şahin M, Gülten A. Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures. TJST. 20(1):193-207. doi:10.55525/tjst.1555517
Chicago Kökçam, Zeynep Gülcan, Murat Şahin, and Ayça Gülten. “Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures”. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology 20, no. 1 n.d.: 193-207.
EndNote Kökçam ZG, Şahin M, Gülten A Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology 20 1 193–207.
IEEE Z. G. Kökçam, M. Şahin, and A. Gülten, “Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures”, TJST, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 193–207, doi: 10.55525/tjst.1555517.
ISNAD Kökçam, Zeynep Gülcan et al. “Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures”. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology 20/1 (n.d.), 193-207.
JAMA Kökçam ZG, Şahin M, Gülten A. Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures. TJST.;20:193–207.
MLA Kökçam, Zeynep Gülcan et al. “Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures”. Turkish Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 193-07, doi:10.55525/tjst.1555517.
Vancouver Kökçam ZG, Şahin M, Gülten A. Benchmarking Tree-Inspired-Fractal Branching Dendriform Structures From BC to L-System Based Contemporary Structures. TJST. 20(1):193-207.